Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

It is 100% accurate - and Israel haters are livid, trying to get Hulu to ban the ad.

Arab News wrote, "Pro-Israel video tries to blame Palestinian peoplefor Gaza destruction: expert" and "Critics claimed the ad was propaganda, attempting to unfairly attribute the devastation in Gaza to the Palestinian people."

How can anyone watch that ad and think that is the message? The ad explicitly blames Hamas three times in text, once in audio, and does not blame Palestinians at all for Hamas' crimes. It shows nothing but sympathy for Palestinian people, portraying them as wanting normal lives.

We see this often. Israel is in a war with Hamas, it is targeting Hamas, it says over and over again that the enemy is Hamas and not Gazans. But Israel haters take anti-Hamas statements - even to the ICJ - and claim they refer to all Palestinians.

The only people conflating Palestinians with terrorists are the people who claim to be pro-Palestinian. The only people who make a clear distinction between the two are the Israelis.

Reality is more complex. Most Gazans are indeed unhappy with Hamas, but they hate Israel and Jews even more. They cheer murdering Jews. They are not innocent.

But they are also not the targets, and Israel is a nation that adheres to laws.

The Israel haters, on the other hand, claim that any attacks on Hamas are attacks on Gazans. They do not make any distinction between militant and civilian. They consider Hamas deaths to be just as bad as civilian deaths.

And this conflation between civilians and terrorist isn't all for propaganda purposes. These people are really on Hamas' side. They justify the most heinous terrorist attacks against Jews. They really consider Hamas to be as innocent as Gaza civilians are, and even heroic. They vacillate between denying and celebrating October 7 rapes and murders of women and children - just like Hamas.

They conflate civilians with Hamas because they identify with Hamas themselves.
A Gazan couple found shelter at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, but decided to leave after noticing that the compound hid a Hamas ammunition depot. Upon returning to their home, their building was bombed, and the husband was killed. His widow’s anger at Hamas for plunging Gaza into the war is boundless in a recently recorded interview.

“The Israelis drop these leaflets offering cash rewards to anyone who can provide the whereabouts of [Hamas leader Yahya] Sinwar,” the woman said. “I swear, if I knew where he was, I’d bring them Sinwar’s head for free.”

The testimony is part of “Voices from Gaza,” an ongoing series of short clips — 15 thus far – in which Gazans tell of their excruciating hardships during the ongoing war, started on October 7 by Hamas with its savage onslaught on southern Israel that left 1,200 dead and 253 taken hostage to the Strip.

There is currently no independent Western media able to report from the embattled enclave. Only a handful of Arabic news outlets are now present in the Strip, but their reporters are in the best case unable to provide objective coverage of events — and in the worst case complicit with Hamas.

Testimonies from real-life Gazans are therefore crucially important at this time to get a more complete picture of the reality on the ground. The “Voices from Gaza” project is conducted by the Center for Peace Communications (CPC), a New York-based nonprofit founded by veteran Middle East expert Joseph Braude, in cooperation with The Free Press, a conservative media company launched by former New York Times editor Bari Weiss.

“Voices from Gaza” is the continuation of “Whispered in Gaza,” a series of interviews with Gazans collected by the CPC and published in January 2023 by several international outlets — including The Times of Israel — presenting short animated video clips with poignant firsthand accounts of Gazan residents’ day-to-day life under Hamas tyranny.

In a recent interview in Jerusalem, Braude discussed his sustained efforts after October 7 to bring the voices of ordinary people from war-torn Gaza out into the world.

(full article online )

Inscription on desk of Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol's desk found by IDF in Khan Younis (Photo X screenshot)

IDF Discovers Israeli Prime Minister’s Desk in Gaza​

A desk which apparently belonged to an Israeli prime minister was found in the Gaza Strip recently by a unit of IDF soldiers taking part in Israel’s ongoing counter-terror campaign in the coastal enclave.

A law student and army reservist currently serving in the Gaza Strip, Major (res.) Eitan Melet, discovered the desk in a home in the town of Bani Suheila, just outside of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip.

Melet shared a photograph of the desk on Twitter/X, writing: “During one of my company’s combat operations in the Bani Suheila neighborhood in Khan Yunis, inside a nice, respectable house was sitting an old wooden desk which had a small inscription on it…”

“I wonder how Mr. Levi Eshkol’s desk wound up in Khan Yunis???”

The inscription reads: “The table of the late Levi Eshkol, donated by an employee of Dubek Ltd. 1981.”

Eshkol, Israel’s third premier, served as prime minister from 1963 until his death in February, 1969. He is best known for his leadership of Israel during and immediately preceding the 1967 Six Day War, during which Israel took control over the Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, Judea, Samaria, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights.

Speaking with Arutz Sheva, offered details of his discovery.

“We were in the middle of an attack on an important target that brought us a lot of intelligence and a few houses in front of the target we had to reach, we took another house. I went down with the company, and in the middle of the attack, hellfire in all directions, destruction, grenades, and whatnot, I entered the house and turned the table over, and suddenly I saw the small inscription. Crazy.”

(full article online)


- Resistance: A word used to justify anything and everything as long as the victim is a Jew. Murder. Rape. Kidnapping. Pedophilia. As long as it’s a Jew on the receiving end? All kosher.

- Freedom fighters: A phrase used to describe actual Islamic terrorists.

- Zionist: A word used to spread hatred of Jews.

- From the river to the sea: A phrase calling for the erasure of Israel.

- Intifada: A word calling for the murder of as many Jews as possible.

- Genocide: A word only used to falsely accuse Israel of something it didn’t do, but never used to describe the actions of Hamas despite their public declarations that genocide is their actual goal.

- Ceasefire: A word calling for Israel to cease so that Hamas can fire.

- War crimes: A phrase used to spread anti Israel propaganda while ignoring the fact that every single Palestinian rocket, every single attempted terrorist attack actually constitutes a war crime.

- Massacre: A word used to falsely describe Israel’s precision attacks on Hamas while ignoring the actual massacre that took place on October 7th.

- Occupation: A word used to describe how Israel was attacked multiple times, won every time, and is now being accused of doing what every single country in history has done. It’s also used to justify terror.

- Colonization: A word inaccurately used to defame Israel when in reality, a quick glance in a history book will show that the Muslim world are actual colonizers and the Jews never colonized anything. They just returned to their ancestral homeland.

- Apartheid: A word that used to describe actual discrimination and has now been repurposed to falsely accuse the only Jewish state and the only democratic state in the Middle East of something their enemies are actually guilty of, and proud of it.

- Nakba: A word that symbolizes a fairy tale of Jews massacring Arabs when in reality what happened was that the Arab world attacked Israel and lost.

- UNRWA: Another word for Hamas.

- UN: An organization that lost any signs of morality long ago and now exists exclusively to support antisemitism.

- The Red Cross: An organization that has shown how worthless it is.

- Gaza Health Ministry: A fancy way of saying Hamas.

- Innocent: A word that describes people in Gaza who statistically probably participated in the atrocities of October 7th and who proudly support Hamas but ignores the people killed in Israel despite them actually being innocent.

- Civilians: A word to describe every person in Gaza even if they are actual terrorists and not used to describe mothers, babies, and the elderly in Israel.

- Protestor: A word to describe actual criminals who take to the streets to condone terror and murder of Jews but not used to describe Jews who stand, hug, cry, and sing together to bring their hostages home.

- Pro Palestinian: A phrase to describe people who mostly hate Jews and successfully found a way to disguise that hatred while showing time and time again that they don’t care about the actual Palestinians at all. The vast majority support murder and rape, deeming them actual criminals and terror sympathizers.

- Context: A word used to excuse calls for genocide of Jews.

- Humanitarian crisis: A phrase used to falsely describe the situation in a war zone of the people who started the war and which is often supported by photos and videos created by AI or a Palywood professional.

- Humanitarian aid: A phrase used to describe a legal way to send supplies to Hamas with the full knowledge that it won’t ever see innocent hands and will be used directly to attack Israel. I’m sure there are more terms being abused in this war. I’ll add them as I see them.

Anything you want me to add?

why don't take flight from Gaza to Sharm Al Sheikh ?

Because Hamas has turned Gaza into a terror base and therefore there is no longer an airport there. Since Egyptians have long suffered from Gazans joining up with ISIS Sinai chapter, they have zero trust for Gazans, and that's why they are not currently letting in war refugees.
[ Delusional speech. Murder Jews in pogroms, then feel proud of it thinking how scared Jews must be, then or now. 1700 years of Christian and Islamic delusion about Jews ]


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