Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Egyptians tell Palestinians that staying in Gaza is for their own good. Gazans unavailable for comment.

Earlier this week, Egyptians in Port Said showed how much they support Palestinians - but not too much.

They support them enough to put up a 7 meter flag on the side of a building.

The head of the Port Said Bar Association, Safwat Abdel Hamid, described in stirring terms both how much Egyptians care about Palestinians and how much they do not want a single one to enter their country.

See if you can follow the logic:

We will not forget Palestine, and we will not forget Al-Aqsa. This battle is an eternal battle to establish the State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital. We declare frankly and clearly that we are one people under the umbrella of the Egyptian Armed Forces, which is capable of protecting the borders from all machinations and plots - capable of protecting Sinai, preventing mass displacement meant to eliminate the Palestinian people, or displacing the land of Sinai, and Egypt will remain independent while preserving its rights, as long as the Egyptian army is able to protect the borders, preventing forced displacement to the Sinai Peninsula.

We are able to support the Palestinian cause within its territories until it establishes its state. Palestine is a national cause par excellence that we defend, and we refuse to be a hosting place for anyone.From here, from Egypt, the strong country with the most powerful armed forces, we are able, by God’s command, to support the Palestinian cause within its territories until It establishes its independent state.

This usurping enemy, which claims to be God’s chosen people, is being defeated and suffering losses. They say that Allah's hand is tied. This statement has fallen and will fall forever at the hands of the Egyptian army and the Palestinian resistance. We do not defend Egypt alone, but rather we defend Palestine, our land, which once made it difficult for the Zionist enemy. We are ready for October in all the coming wars. Our land is sacred land, sovereign land, protected by the Egyptian people and army, and we will not allow the Zionist entity to force anyone into Egyptian territory.

The occupying entity state does not want to take Gaza alone, but rather wants to establish its Zionist state from the Nile to the Euphrates. We are alert and interested in this issue, and we will not allow the Zionist entity in any form to force anyone into Egyptian lands.

We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and with the Palestinian resistance with all its factions.

Decades of antisemitic brainwashing has convinced Egyptians that Israel wants to expel all Palestinians from Gaza and take it over, on the way to grabbing all the land of "Greater Israel" from the Nile to the Euphrates.

This has become mainstream Arab thinking. Here's an antisemitic cartoon that illustrates this: the missile/Torah has the words "Displacement Scheme."

And Egypt will resist those plots - by keeping Palestinians in the open-air prison that Egypt established for them in Gaza in the late 1940s, when they forced all Palestinians in Egypt to move to Gaza.

There is some deja vu here. For 75 years, Arabs have been telling Palestinians to stay in miserable conditions - for their own good. They claimed that Palestinians didn't want to become citizens of other Arab countries to keep their own cause alive, yet when loopholes opened in Egyptian and Lebanese laws allowing some to become citizens, they eagerly lined up to become citizens (and then the Egyptians took away that citizenship a few years later.)

Never do any of these Arab "brethren" ask Palestinians what they want. They tell them what they are allowed to want.

But I'm sure the Palestinians stuck in Gaza are very happy about that seven meter flag.

[ Islam, and Christianity, against the Jews, all Jews ]

Hundreds of pro-Palestine rioters attacked a synagogue in the Spanish enclave of Melilla in North Africa while worshippers were inside Wednesday evening, according to Spanish media reports.

The rioters shouted “murderous Israel” in front of the Or Zaruah Synagogue and waved Palestinian flags until police dispersed them, a report in the newspaper El Independente said.

No injuries were reported.

The autonomous Spanish city, which lies on the Mediterranean Coast, is an autonomous zone of Spain in North Africa and borders Morocco.
Juan José Imbroda, Melilla’s governor, called for toleration and respect.
“May this peace that we have achieved through the wisdom of all the people of Melilla continue to prevail,” Imbroda said in a televised address. “May foreign conflicts, no matter how painful they be, not affect this exemplary coexistence that we people of Melilla have.”
The incident comes just hours after a mob of pro-Palestinian Tunisian rioters severely damaged a synagogue in the city of el-Hamma.
Violence against Jews and Jewish places of worship have been reported across the world since the Hamas terrorist group launched a brutal attack against Israel on Oct. 7, killing over 1,400.

Less than two days after Hamas launched its terror war against Israelis committing atrocities and massacre of 1,300 – among them infants, children, teens, women, men, and elderly – PA Chairman Abbas’ Fatah Movement applauded the massacre and promised more terror via its terror wing the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades.

In a video posted by the Brigades, a spokesman, Abu Muhammad, thanks Allah for the massacre and for “humiliating and defeating the Zionists.” and brags that Fatah’s Brigades are “fighting” with the Gazan terror organizations and that they also carried out their own terror attacks “behind enemy lines,” meaning within Israel.

Abu Muhammad delivers his speech with an image in the background showing a masked Fatah terrorist taking an Israeli soldier captive, and masked Fatah terrorists holding machine guns and rocket launchers on top of an Israeli tank with an Israeli military facility in the background:


Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades Spokesman Abu Muhammad: Praise Allah who strengthened and supported, humiliated and defeated, and turned the Zionists into a lesson for those who are watching… We’re fighting with the rest of the resistance factions (i.e., terror groups) in ‘the Al-Aqsa Flood’ battle, by the power of Allah and with His help… It has already become clear that the end of the thieving occupier’s imaginary entity (i.e., Israel) is near…The Al-Aqsa [Martyrs’] Brigades, together with the rest of the Palestinian resistance factions, carried out several operations (i.e., terror attacks) behind enemy lines as part of ‘the Al-Aqsa Flood’ battle, which constituted a crossroads in the history of our struggle with the occupier, and praise Allah, we killed and took captive occupation soldiers (sic. the majority were civilians) …Together with the rest of the Palestinian resistance factions, and as part of the joint operations room, we succeeded in moving from defense to attack. This emphasizes that there are new rules in the struggle, and the cowardly enemy will not be able – despite all the technology it has – to defeat our fighters… This battle is a new defeat for [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu and his trembling armyWe inflicted on them heavy losses and great humiliation that the enemy won’t be able to ignore. We emphasize to all our people that we will continue, together with the rest of the resistance factions, in this battle until the occupation’s aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, our occupied lands, and everywhere in Palestine are stopped. This is a revolution until victory; the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – Palestine.”
[Fatah Movement – Bethlehem Branch, Telegram channel, Oct. 9, 2023]​
Note that the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades Spokesman mentioned 4 times that they are fighting “together with the rest of the resistance factions.” This shows yet again as Palestinian Media Watch has documented that Fatah, PA Chairman Abbas' movement - is keen to establish itself as leading terroragainst Israel to maintain support among the Palestinian public, which even before the current war was leaning towards Hamas. However, with Hamas and Islamic Jihad’s “overwhelming success” slaughtering Israelis, Fatah now must stress that it is at least part of the Palestinian war effort.

The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades also posted this image and text glorifying Hamas’ attack, talking about the “liberation of the Gaza Strip” as a prelude to liberating the rest of “Palestine” through “the gates of Jerusalem”:


Posted text: “First liberation of the Gaza Strip – and tomorrow at the gates of Jerusalem. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades/military publicity”
Text on image: “First liberation of the Gaza Strip – and tomorrow at the gates of Jerusalem
#The_Al-Aqsa_Flood_battle (Hamas' name for its terror war against Israel -Ed.)
Military publicity”
[Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades (Fatah’s military wing),
Telegram channel, Oct. 14, 2023]​

Lots of excuses have been given for the orgy of murder, rape and kidnapping that Hamas waged on Israel on the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah this month. We've read about the usual litany that it was because Gaza was an "open air prison", or the "occupation," or that Israel has been fighting back against terrorists in the West Bank.

Today, Hamas leader abroad Khaled Mashal gave the world a new excuse for Hamas' attack: It was to protect Al Aqsa!

Al Aqsa has been the go-to excuse to stir Arabs up into a frenzy for nearly a hundred years, ever since the infamous Mufti of Jerusalem started the rumor that the Jews planned to destroy the mosque. Countless people have died because of this lie, which continues to this day.

Mashal spoke to Al Arabiya today, saying that the massacre launched by the Al-Qassam Brigades was deliberate and "aimed at protecting Al-Aqsa Mosque." He said,“The Netanyahu government and the extremist settlers set a Talmudic agenda to Judaize Al-Aqsa, and that is why the Al-Qassam Brigades and Hamas were victors for Al-Aqsa.”

Yes, Hamas says that one is allowed to murder babies, rape women and kidnap children - for the sake of Al Aqsa.

That's a hell of a religion they have there.


The desire to purify the world of Jews has been bequeathed by the Nazis to their Islamist descendants.​

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini (left) meets with Adolf Hitler in 1941. Credit: German Federal Archives.

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini (left) meets with Adolf Hitler in 1941. Credit: German Federal Archives.

Since its inception, Hamas has openly and consistently declared its determination to annihilate Israel and murder Jews. Their charter quotes a disputed hadith stating explicitly: “The hour of judgment shall not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, so that the Jews hide behind trees and stones, and each tree and stone will say: ‘O Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’”

Hamas’s ideology echoes classic European antisemitism and Nazi ideology, which incited the genocide of the European Jews. The Hamas terrorists are modern day torchbearers of Nazism.

The common bond of their ideologies is the idea of “purifying” humanity of any Jewish presence. Nazi ideology spoke of “redemptive antisemitism,” a form of antisemitism that promises to “redeem” the world by exterminating the Jews. Hamas, with its “hour of judgment,” embraces exactly the same demented apocalypticism.

The export of redemptive antisemitism from Nazi Germany to parts of the Arab world during and after World War II is not merely a supplementary feature of modern radical Islamism, but its ideological core. All Islamist groups, including Hamas, embrace it, with results that we saw in full on Oct. 7.

The connection between the Palestinians and the Nazi regime is direct. A key player was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin al-Husseini, who personally met with Hitler, as well as representatives of the Nazi SS intelligence arm during the late 1930s. Not coincidentally, he also consulted with Adolf Eichmann, one of the major directors of the Holocaust. The late Yasser Arafat, whose PLO was as dedicated to murdering Jews as Hamas, was Husseini’s nephew.

What starts with the Jews never ends with the Jews. The PLO practically invented airplane hijacking. So, today, at every airport in every country in the world, we now line up for security checks. This is only a small example of the global danger of dismissing the axis of Jew-hatred composed of Hamas, the Iranian regime, Qatar and the P.A, among others.

Jews around the world, make no mistake. What transpired on Oct. 7 is not only a conflict, not only a war, but part of our historical struggle against those who wish to annihilate the Jewish people.

(full article online)

It shouldn't have been hard to figure out the bad guys. Yet, students at elite universities – such as Harvard, Columbia, Georgetown, and Virginia – came out in support of Hamas. Many explicitly blamed Israel for Hamas' terrorism. So did law school students at places such as NYU, Michigan, and Columbia. Sadly, there are too many examples to list them all.

Consider this letter from Harvard students, which more than 30 groups signed initially. Some have withdrawn after public backlash.

"We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence," reads the letter, which came out Oct. 8.

This is morally reprehensible. Even a 5-year-old could tell you who's responsible for these atrocities. Yet many students at one of the country's top universities are blaming the victim. It's not just a matter of moral depravity. As the rest of the letter makes clear, they're applying critical theory and its offshoot, critical race theory, to this situation.

"Today's events did not occur in a vacuum," the groups write, claiming Palestinians in Gaza have been forced to live in an open-air prison.

"The apartheid regime is the only one to blame. Israeli violence has structured every aspect of Palestinian existence for 75 years. From systematized land seizures to routine airstrikes, arbitrary detentions to military checkpoints, and enforced family separations to targeted killings, Palestinians have been forced to live in a state of death, both slow and sudden."

Set aside the many falsehoods here and think about the assumptions underlying their argument.

Two stand out. First, is the source of human evil. The Judeo-Christian tradition places it in each individual. "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9 reads. But CRT divides people into arbitrary racial groups – Black and white or Palestinian and Israeli. Those in the victim group are innocent, based on their "oppressed" status and regardless of their actions. Evil stems from the power structures imposed by the dominant group.

This is why the students blame Israel. Their CRT worldview doesn't give them the capacity to blame Palestinian terrorists – even for raping girls and killing babies.

The second assumption is how people are saved from that evil. For Christians, salvation comes from believing that Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty for one's sins and calling on the name of the Lord. In CRT, salvation comes from tearing down the power structures, systems, and institutions that trap those in the victim group in oppression. In this view, Hamas is doing only what is required to help those in Gaza escape supposed "Israeli violence."

It's a racially tinged version of the class revolution sought by Karl Marx. As a reminder, the global death toll from communism is estimated to be more than 90 million.

This explains the paradox of universities cracking down on "microaggressions" but ignoring students who defend Hamas' barbarism. It's worse than mere hypocrisy. These universities are indoctrinating students with these ideas when they push CRT, "diversity, equity and inclusion" and decolonization. It's even in many K-12 schools.

Most people don't think about the assumptions beneath their worldview, but they should. Ideas have consequences. As what's happening on college campuses reveals, the ideas underpinning CRT are deeply immoral, wrong, and dangerous.

(full article online)

The bodies of at least 250 more Israelis have been found near communities along the Gaza border, according to the Kann news channel.

A military officer in charge of finding and removing bodies of Israelis told journalist Hadas Grinberg that the new victims were discovered after an Israeli Air Force plane flew over the area and provided the location of the dead to medical and security teams.

The bodies, the report says, have not yet been evacuated. Israeli medical and security forces are currently responding.

Separately, Israeli officials announced Thursday that more than 200 people are confirmed to be hostages in Gaza, while between 100-200 more remain missing.

While many of the hostages are in hands of Hamas, others were likely kidnapped by private citizens who “identify with Hamas,” according to Kann.

Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack against Israel left more than 1,400 dead.

[ Another example that it is Islam against the Jews ]

A US Navy warship traveling near Yemen intercepted multiple projectiles, a US official told Reuters on Thursday. The missiles, according to Israeli media citing the Pentagon, were launched at Israel.

Washington is on heightened alert for activity by Iran-backed groups as regional tensions soar during the Israel-Hamas war.

The official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said there were no injuries and a number of projectiles, including drones, were brought down near the destroyer USS Carney.

[ Their hatred was not enough. They needed help]

Hamas terrorists who carried out a surprise attack on October 7 were found to be under the influence of Captagon, a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant that has been clandestinely produced in southern Europe and trafficked through Turkey to the consumer markets on the Arabian Peninsula, as reported by Nir Dvori of Channel 12.

The pills were recovered from the pockets of many terrorists who lost their lives on Israeli soil.

This stimulant drug, also known as the "cocaine for the poor," allowed the terrorists to commit heinous acts with a sense of calmness and indifference. Simultaneously, it kept them highly alert for extended periods and suppressed their appetite.

Captagon gained notoriety in 2015 when it was discovered to be used by ISIS fighters to suppress fear prior to carrying out terrorist operations. As the influence of terrorist organizations like ISIS diminished, Lebanon and Syria took the reins and began producing and distributing the drug on a large scale.

Gaza, in particular, became a popular market for the drug, especially among addicted young individuals.

Captagon belongs to the amphetamine family and was initially developed to address attention disorders, narcolepsy, and depression. Despite its highly addictive nature and potential for inducing psychotic reactions, it continues to enjoy popularity in the Middle East due to its affordability and ease of manufacturing. In poorer countries, the drug can be purchased for a dollar or two, while in wealthier nations, it may cost up to 20 dollars per pill.

(full article online)

Since yesterday morning, it has been clear that almost nothing about the reports that Israel bombed a Gaza hospital on Tuesday was true. The explosion was caused by a rocket fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad; the projectile hit a parking lot and not the hospital; and it likely killed dozens rather than 500. Yet the story—concocted by Hamas—was disseminated by the BBC, the New York Times, and other prestige outlets, and eagerly believed by countless Westerners. Indeed some cling to it still. Einat Wilf explains this credulity:

A former Human Rights Watch (HRW) official with a long record of harsh criticism of Israeli military conduct has added his voice to the controversy around the explosion on Tuesday near the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza City — saying clearly that an Israeli air strike was not responsible.

“Whatever hit the hospital in Gaza, it wasn’t an airstrike,” Marc Garlasco — a former US Defense Department and UN official who previously served as a senior military expert with Human Rights Watch — stated in a post on X/Twitter.

“Even the smallest JDAM [Joint Direct Action Munition, a guided air-to-surface weapon] leaves a 3m crater,” Garlasco added, alongside a photograph of the impact crater in the car park adjacent to the hospital that, according to Israeli and US intelligence, was struck by a misfired missile launched against Israel by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group.

“Widespread surface damage and total lack of cratering inconsistent with an airstrike,” Garlasco noted.

In later exchanges on social media, Garlasco stuck to his conclusion, even calling out a post that cited a report he wrote for HRW in 2009 on Israeli drone strikes in Gaza as evidence of Israeli culpability for the Al Ahli explosion.

“I wrote this report,” Garlasco responded. “The damage seen at the Gaza hospital site was not caused by an Israeli SPIKE missile. The impact hole from a spike is mere centimeters in width [one centimeter is equivalent to 0.39 inches].”

In an interview with The Guardian on Wednesday, Garlasco appeared to cast doubt on Palestinian claims of high casualties from the Al Ahli explosion, which the Hamas-run Health Ministry in Gaza immediately put at 500 amid profound skepticism among Israeli and Western intelligence analysts over the accuracy of that number.

(full article online)

[ No one in the media is bringing up the education people in Gaza, and other places, receive, and what they train for ]

The people elected Hamas in the last election held in the Palestinian Authority, and surveys consistently have shown that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is more popular than P.A. head Mahmoud Abbas (58% to 37%) in September. Abbas is the man the West insists should be Israel’s peace partner despite being a rabid antisemite who runs a kleptocracy and has been told by 78% of the public he should resign.

Is there any doubt that Gazans know who and what they are voting for? They can read the Hamas Charter, which contains a passage that is often found in textbooks and sermons:

The Prophet Allah, bless him and grant him salvation, has said: “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, “O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”

The charter says: “There is no solution for the Palestine question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals, and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors. Palestine is an Islamic land.”

Given the dictatorial rule of Hamas, which quashes dissent, it is difficult to know how many Palestinians oppose their rule. We know that when there are rare protests, as earlier this year, they were not over Hamas terrorism but the supply of electricity and gas. They also object to the diversion of millions of dollars of Qatari money meant for humanitarian aid that Hamas diverts for its purposes. Hamas deducts roughly 15% of Qatari money earmarked for the poor.

Have there been any protests when the terrorists fired any of the thousands of rockets into Israel even though Gazans knew the attacks would provoke Israeli airstrikes that would worsen their lives? Did any mothers wailing now condemn Hamas for slaughtering Israeli children on Oct. 7? How many ensure that their children stay home instead of joining the terrorists? How many praise their children when they murder Jews?

Do you remember ever seeing a peace demonstration in Gaza? I remember the rallies cheering the terrorists on 9/11.

Palestinians and their supporters justify Hamas terrorism as resistance to “occupation.” Except Israel does not occupy one inch of Gaza. And why is it that Christians who live in the same circumstances in Gaza and the West Bank never engage in terror?

All the Hamas murderers were children once. How did they turn into monsters? Could it be from the steady diet of antisemitic indoctrination they have received from imams in mosques, from teachers and textbooks at UNRWA schools, and from summer training camps?

Take the Hamas-affiliated imam who said: “Our doctrine in fighting you [the Jews] is that we will totally exterminate you. We will not leave a single one of you alive, because you are alien usurpers of the land and eternal mercenaries.”

UNRWA schools “regularly call for the murder of Jews and create teaching materials that glorify terrorism, encourage martyrdom, demonize Israelis and incite antisemitism,” according to the latest report by UN Watch and IMPACT-se.

Gaza parents send their children to summer camps where this summer’s theme was “Jerusalem Shield.” Palestinian scholar Bassam Tawil reported that campers in Gaza are given military training, “such as practice with knives and firearms, hand-to-hand combat, and marching and foot drills. The children also stage plays and enact scenes of fighting and capturing Israeli soldiers or firing rockets at Israel.” They learn to assemble and disassemble weapons, tromp on Israeli flags and see pictures of terrorists who murdered Israelis as examples to look up to.

Given this upbringing, what would the children of Gaza do to the Jews if they had the opportunity? We don’t have to guess, thanks to one Hamas video of Palestinian children terrorizing a kidnapped Israeli child.

Israel tries to avoid civilian casualties, but what do the Gazans do? Many flee once Israel retaliates for being attacked, but until that time, they allow Hamas to stay in power. They allow Hamas to use their schools, mosques and hospitals for headquarters, arsenals and rocket-launch sites.

Paradoxically, the reaction in Gaza to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket falling on a hospital on Tuesday and killing hundreds of people may best illustrate their complicity. Instead of blaming the terrorists for this atrocity, they immediately point to Israel. They didn’t need any sophisticated technology or radars to know that Israel was not responsible because they could see with their own eyes that there were no Israeli jets or drones to drop a bomb. They also know from experience that Israeli airstrikes are precise and that the air force would not bomb a parking lot, let alone one next to a hospital, with no warning and no terrorists in the vicinity.

Television is showing doctors and hospital staff in Gaza about the conditions they are working in and their fears. Reporters ignore the fact that hospitals and ambulances are often used by Hamas, which makes them legitimate targets according to international law. Though few Western outlets reported it, it was well-known that during “Operation Protective Edge” in 2014, Hamas used the Shifa hospital in Gaza as an operations base/bunker. The hospital continued to see patients as the Hamas operatives congregated in the bunker underneath. A Finnish reporter was reporting from the hospital when she witnessed a rocket launched from the parking lot. Still, Israel did not bomb the hospital.

This hospital had been a Hamas headquarters for many years, and in 2006, PBS aired a documentary that showed terrorists roaming the hallways and offices of the hospital. In the past, the Palestinian Health Ministry (as distinguished from the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry) accused Hamas of taking control of areas in Shifa Hospital and using rooms for interrogation, torture and imprisonment.

No one, least of all Israelis, wants to see non-combatants harmed, but let’s not make the mistake of considering all the people of Gaza “innocent.”

  • West Bank Palestinians support Hamas’ terror war:
    “The people wants [Hamas’] Al-Qassam Brigades!”
  • West Bank Palestinians call for PA Chairman Abbas’ resignation:
    “The people wants to take down the president [Abbas]!
  • Gazan civilian says they support Hamas’ massacre of Israelis
  • Recent polls prior to Hamas’ terror war:
- 57% of Gazans expressed at least somewhat positive opinion of Hamas

- Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh would defeat PA leader Mahmoud Abbas 56% to 33%

- Hamas would win legislative election if held

  • Hamas won 2 recent West Bank student union elections
  • US President Joe Biden wrote on X (formerly Twitter) today: "The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas. And Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people"
  • PMW: It is unknown where Joe Biden is getting his information, but clearly he is not talking to Palestinians.
(full article online)

[ Wow, some Palestinians are allowed to join attacks against Israel. Oh, wait, Hamas members and others, not the ones kept hostages in "camps" ]

There were sirens in Kiryat Shmona and the nearby settlements of Kfar Giladi and Tel Hai on Thursday evening. Hezbollah and “Palestinian” terrorists in Lebanon this week fired anti-tank missiles at the northern settlements, including Kiryat Shmona, and at IDF positions on the border. The IDF responded with artillery fire and tank fire at the terrorists’ positions.

(full article online)


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