Issues of morality shuts Christians up.

And I'm sure you're less likely to follow blindly than, say, me, who gets to listen to idiots like you proclaim how dumb and brainwashed Christians are about a hundred times a day.

Tell me..why is it that atheists feel it's so important to ridicule the beliefs of Christians?

I know that one.

It's because they're not afraid we're wrong, it's because they're afraid we're right -- and they can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than themselves.
You are a bigot. You advertise it when you proclaim that all Christians are dimwitted and sheepish followers. You show it when you bait Christians and assume a stance of superiority when you debate them. You know what I find annoying? Small minded loons who get a kick out of baiting Christians, calling them names, then crowing their pretend victory as if they are somehow superior because they have a different set of beliefs.

And yes, they are beliefs. You obviously think there's something special about your "non-belief" belief, or you wouldn't race around message boards challenging and ridiculing people of faith. That shows you have an agenda, and agendas don't erupt in the absence of faith. Even if it is just overweening faith in your own superiority, it's still faith.
And I'm sure you're less likely to follow blindly than, say, me, who gets to listen to idiots like you proclaim how dumb and brainwashed Christians are about a hundred times a day.

Tell me..why is it that atheists feel it's so important to ridicule the beliefs of Christians?

Because Christians believe something that influences their actions, such as trying to tell school boards that evolution should not be taught, or infringing on women's rights to choose, but mostly, because they vote, and usually only for other Christians, which is a huge problem today with the conservative party. The Christian Right has hijacked the conservative party in a way that is deplorable and they have steered the national discussion towards things that don't matter, and made campaigns about topics that are absurd. It is necessary to attack to their beliefs, because they don't represent truth in any demonstrable way. There is zero evidence for any claims about the Christian god, or any god, yet people act is if he is real, and that everyone else should believe. That is really annoying, and so they are only getting what they deserve. If Christians would be a little more humble and not so obnoxious, perhaps they could be spared from such scrutiny, but they instead wish to stick their head into everyone's business, because they believe they are entitled too because they believe they are morally superior, which is truly ironic. Christians are the least moral people who simply pray away their sins and never actually deal with themselves. Pray away the gay? Give me a break. Christians are laughable in this regard. You demand this respect, yet give none.
So -- you petulantly demand that Christians not allow their faith to direct their decisions.

How's that working out for you?
Arguing to non points. I don't demand respect from anyone. I have never gotten respect from atheists, who bestow it upon no one except each other and who assume they are the ultimate arbiters of what is worthy of respect and what is not. Of course they operate from the premise that only THEIR logic and THEIR opinions are intelligent, worthy of respect, and carefully considered..and only THEIR opinions should be broadcast to all, and only decisions that come from their own faith system of non-belief have any validity or right to exist or be acted upon.
Arrogant, ignorant, hypocrite and elitist = atheist.

Atheism is not a faith system. It is a lack of faith. Get it right. Does it take faith to believe that bigfoot isn't real? no. It is a lack of faith. Faith is what you need when you have zero evidence, which is the case with all religions and supernatural claims.

All atheism is, is a rejection of god claims made by theists. it is a defensive position that does not assert there is necessarily no god with certainty, so you are wrong. Theists have failed to meet their burden of proof in demonstrating a god exists, therefore belief and faith is simply unjustified. That is the atheist position. NOTHING MORE. Again, your use of a strawman is egregious koshergrl. You simply have no idea what you are talking about.
You simply have no clue about what faith is.
Good lord, do you remember when Sky was on a kick about taking the children of church goers away from them and putting them in foster care, because taking your kids to church is "child abuse"?

That was about the same time she was proclaiming that Christians shouldn't be allowed to teach or hold political office if they ever admitted they were Christian.
Arguing to non points. I don't demand respect from anyone. I have never gotten respect from atheists, who bestow it upon no one except each other and who assume they are the ultimate arbiters of what is worthy of respect and what is not. Of course they operate from the premise that only THEIR logic and THEIR opinions are intelligent, worthy of respect, and carefully considered..and only THEIR opinions should be broadcast to all, and only decisions that come from their own faith system of non-belief have any validity or right to exist or be acted upon.
Arrogant, ignorant, hypocrite and elitist = atheist.

Atheism is not a faith system. It is a lack of faith. Get it right. Does it take faith to believe that bigfoot isn't real? no. It is a lack of faith. Faith is what you need when you have zero evidence, which is the case with all religions and supernatural claims.

All atheism is, is a rejection of god claims made by theists. it is a defensive position that does not assert there is necessarily no god with certainty, so you are wrong. Theists have failed to meet their burden of proof in demonstrating a god exists, therefore belief and faith is simply unjustified. That is the atheist position. NOTHING MORE. Again, your use of a strawman is egregious koshergrl. You simply have no idea what you are talking about.
You simply have no clue about what faith is.

Why don't you demonstrate to me how atheism is a faith-based position? Go ahead. I can't wait for this one. This goes to you too Koshergrl. A challenge, using some semblance of logical argument, if you can.
And I'm sure you're less likely to follow blindly than, say, me, who gets to listen to idiots like you proclaim how dumb and brainwashed Christians are about a hundred times a day.

Tell me..why is it that atheists feel it's so important to ridicule the beliefs of Christians?

I know that one.

It's because they're not afraid we're wrong, it's because they're afraid we're right -- and they can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than themselves.

You don't know me, Dave, so don't assume. The idea of a higher power is actually quite nice to me, but there is no evidence, and I will not believe something simply because it feels good. I want my beliefs to based on truth. Faith is not a pathway to truth. Faith is gullibility, an excuse people give when they don't have sufficient evidence or reason to believe something.
You've made a lot of assumptions in this thread alone.

You've assumed that all Christians aren't logical, and that they blindly follow, to begin with.

And how do you know faith isn't a pathway to truth? Please cite and link that study for me, goombah.
Atheism is not a faith system. It is a lack of faith. Get it right. Does it take faith to believe that bigfoot isn't real? no. It is a lack of faith. Faith is what you need when you have zero evidence, which is the case with all religions and supernatural claims.

All atheism is, is a rejection of god claims made by theists. it is a defensive position that does not assert there is necessarily no god with certainty, so you are wrong. Theists have failed to meet their burden of proof in demonstrating a god exists, therefore belief and faith is simply unjustified. That is the atheist position. NOTHING MORE. Again, your use of a strawman is egregious koshergrl. You simply have no idea what you are talking about.
You simply have no clue about what faith is.

Why don't you demonstrate to me how atheism is a faith-based position? Go ahead. I can't wait for this one. This goes to you too Koshergrl. A challenge, using some semblance of logical argument, if you can.
I feel no obligation to defend an argument I haven't made, your petulant foot-stamping notwithstanding.

However, to demand a person of faith provide proof of what they believe in belies an utter ignorance of the concept of faith.
You simply have no clue about what faith is.

Why don't you demonstrate to me how atheism is a faith-based position? Go ahead. I can't wait for this one. This goes to you too Koshergrl. A challenge, using some semblance of logical argument, if you can.
I feel no obligation to defend an argument I haven't made, your petulant foot-stamping notwithstanding.

However, to demand a person of faith provide proof of what they believe in belies an utter ignorance of the concept of faith.

Then don't assert that atheism is a faith if you aren't willing to demonstrate why.

As I said, faith is a belief that can't be backed by evidence, as you are demonstrating right now. You can not demonstrate a god in any way, and that would be okay, were it not for the fact that you vote.
And I'm sure you're less likely to follow blindly than, say, me, who gets to listen to idiots like you proclaim how dumb and brainwashed Christians are about a hundred times a day.

Tell me..why is it that atheists feel it's so important to ridicule the beliefs of Christians?

I know that one.

It's because they're not afraid we're wrong, it's because they're afraid we're right -- and they can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than themselves.

You don't know me, Dave, so don't assume. The idea of a higher power is actually quite nice to me, but there is no evidence, and I will not believe something simply because it feels good. I want my beliefs to based on truth. Faith is not a pathway to truth. Faith is gullibility, an excuse people give when they don't have sufficient evidence or reason to believe something.
Psst! Your elitism is showing. You don't get to decide for other people what constitutes sufficient evidence.
Why don't you demonstrate to me how atheism is a faith-based position? Go ahead. I can't wait for this one. This goes to you too Koshergrl. A challenge, using some semblance of logical argument, if you can.
I feel no obligation to defend an argument I haven't made, your petulant foot-stamping notwithstanding.

However, to demand a person of faith provide proof of what they believe in belies an utter ignorance of the concept of faith.

Then don't assert that atheism is a faith if you aren't willing to demonstrate why.
I didn't make that assertion, genius. What part of "I feel no obligation to defend an argument I haven't made, your petulant foot-stamping notwithstanding" is failing to register?
As I said, faith is a belief that can't be backed by evidence, as you are demonstrating right now. You can not demonstrate a god in any way, and that would be okay, were it not for the fact that you vote.
So, the only people who should be allowed to vote are people who agree with you?

Eat shit, elitist prick.
I know that one.

It's because they're not afraid we're wrong, it's because they're afraid we're right -- and they can't tolerate the idea of a power higher than themselves.

You don't know me, Dave, so don't assume. The idea of a higher power is actually quite nice to me, but there is no evidence, and I will not believe something simply because it feels good. I want my beliefs to based on truth. Faith is not a pathway to truth. Faith is gullibility, an excuse people give when they don't have sufficient evidence or reason to believe something.
Psst! Your elitism is showing. You don't get to decide for other people what constitutes sufficient evidence.

Actually, it is you who are being infinitely arrogant in attempting to assert your own subjective standards of evidence over what the scientific method would require. who do you think you are? If you've had revelation from god. I would call that sufficient FOR YOU. I've never experienced it, and I had no reason to believe because of your experience or your testimony of your experience, because you can not demonstrate to me that it was god that caused the experience. That doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't believe, but you can't prove it was god, so I have no reason to believe. That is all. There is no objectively verifiable proof of god that everyone can look at and say "that's god."
You don't know me, Dave, so don't assume. The idea of a higher power is actually quite nice to me, but there is no evidence, and I will not believe something simply because it feels good. I want my beliefs to based on truth. Faith is not a pathway to truth. Faith is gullibility, an excuse people give when they don't have sufficient evidence or reason to believe something.
Psst! Your elitism is showing. You don't get to decide for other people what constitutes sufficient evidence.

Actually, it is you who are being infinitely arrogant in attempting to assert your own subjective standards of evidence over what the scientific method would require.
Most people don't use the scientific method in their personal lives. And I'm not attempting to force you to do anything, so your spurious charge of arrogance is asinine.

You, however, want to remove my right to vote because you're butthurt.

I think you're a moron, but I have no problem with you voting.
who do you think you are?
A guy tired of being told what he can believe by elitist pricks.

Hint: That's you.
If you've had revelation from god. I would call that sufficient FOR YOU. I've never experienced it, and I had no reason to believe because of your experience or your testimony of your experience, because you can not demonstrate to me that it was god that caused the experience. That doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't believe, but you can't prove it was god, so I have no reason to believe. That is all. There is no objectively verifiable proof of god that everyone can look at and say "that's god."
Once again, you demonstrate your failure to understand faith. Do I need to link to a definition?
Psst! Your elitism is showing. You don't get to decide for other people what constitutes sufficient evidence.

Actually, it is you who are being infinitely arrogant in attempting to assert your own subjective standards of evidence over what the scientific method would require.
Most people don't use the scientific method in their personal lives. And I'm not attempting to force you to do anything, so your spurious charge of arrogance is asinine.

You, however, want to remove my right to vote because you're butthurt.

I think you're a moron, but I have no problem with you voting.
who do you think you are?
A guy tired of being told what he can believe by elitist pricks.

Hint: That's you.
If you've had revelation from god. I would call that sufficient FOR YOU. I've never experienced it, and I had no reason to believe because of your experience or your testimony of your experience, because you can not demonstrate to me that it was god that caused the experience. That doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't believe, but you can't prove it was god, so I have no reason to believe. That is all. There is no objectively verifiable proof of god that everyone can look at and say "that's god."
Once again, you demonstrate your failure to understand faith. Do I need to link to a definition?

No, I got it,


1.) Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
2.) Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

Did you read that last part? NO PROOF, BY DEFINITION.

You are claiming that I am attempting to remove your right to vote. Would you mind explaining how? That is impossible and that is not what I want. I want you to vote too. All I am doing is posting words on an internet forum challenging the basic for your supernatural beliefs. I will fully admit that I do not respect your beliefs, at all, but I respect your right to have them. Don't assume that I don't want you to vote. I want to live in a free country, but with within that freedom, I am allowed to challenge your beliefs, and that is what I am doing. Do not make assumptions you can't substantiate, it's also really annoying!
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You've made a lot of assumptions in this thread alone.

You've assumed that all Christians aren't logical, and that they blindly follow, to begin with.

And how do you know faith isn't a pathway to truth? Please cite and link that study for me, goombah.

Saying that christians aren't logical wouldn't be an assumption first of all, even if I did say it, which I didn't. It would be a claim, and I didn't claim that. I've already explained this twice Koshergrl. I think you just like to be snide bitch, so ignore anything that would disallow you that ability. I'm sorry to be an asshole but you really are annoying to debate with, and I won't tolerate it any longer.

Faith isn't a pathway to truth because it can not be demonstrated that what you have faith in actually exists, by the very definition of faith.
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And I'm sure you're less likely to follow blindly than, say, me, who gets to listen to idiots like you proclaim how dumb and brainwashed Christians are about a hundred times a day.

Tell me..why is it that atheists feel it's so important to ridicule the beliefs of Christians?

Because Christians believe something that influences their actions, such as trying to tell school boards that evolution should not be taught, or infringing on women's rights to choose, but mostly, because they vote, and usually only for other Christians, which is a huge problem today with the conservative party. The Christian Right has hijacked the conservative party in a way that is deplorable and they have steered the national discussion towards things that don't matter, and made campaigns about topics that are absurd. It is necessary to attack to their beliefs, because they don't represent truth in any demonstrable way. There is zero evidence for any claims about the Christian god, or any god, yet people act is if he is real, and that everyone else should believe. That is really annoying, and so they are only getting what they deserve. If Christians would be a little more humble and not so obnoxious, perhaps they could be spared from such scrutiny, but they instead wish to stick their head into everyone's business, because they believe they are entitled too because they believe they are morally superior, which is truly ironic. Christians are the least moral people who simply pray away their sins and never actually deal with themselves. Pray away the gay? Give me a break. Christians are laughable in this regard. You demand this respect, yet give none.
So -- you petulantly demand that Christians not allow their faith to direct their decisions.

How's that working out for you?

Ridiculing is not demanding, its ridiculing. Don't be so melodramatic. At most, I suggested Christians be more humble. You are really imperceptive or unintelligent if you think I demanded anything, and you also continually misrepresent what I say, much like Koshergrl. Funny how christians and conservatives have similar thought processes characterized by an inability to interpret reality without extreme confirmation bias. You seem to have a pre-formed belief about me based on the fact that I am a liberal athiest, and project that onto every post I write, and then interpret your own projections. That's called being delusional (and narcissistic, which both of you are), because nowhere in this last post did I "putulantly demand that Christians not allow their faith to direct their decisions." I'm an american, and honor and respect our constitution, as much as you wish I didn't. Please direct me to the line where I DEMANDED that christians not follow their faith? It's called a marketplace of ideas, and in America, its free game. Funny how in financial markets, conservatives want a free market, but when it comes to their religious beliefs, they hide behind the government. That's a little backwards and hypocritical if you ask me.
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