It ain't politicss, kids.

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
The reason for the switch to renewables is not politics. The four states producing the most electricity from wind and solar are Texas, Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Like Murdoch said, it is not red or blue, it is green. Solar and wind are the least costly from of generation to install and maintain. And in Texas, solar and wind are continuing to gain as a percentage of total generation as the fossil fuels decline.

The reason for the switch to renewables is not politics. The four states producing the most electricity from wind and solar are Texas, Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Like Murdoch said, it is not red or blue, it is green. Solar and wind are the least costly from of generation to install and maintain. And in Texas, solar and wind are continuing to gain as a percentage of total generation as the fossil fuels decline.

How much energy was being produced during that major ice storm down there in Texas? Oh yeah, zero energy because solar had no sun and wind farms were frozen solid. Thanks but i hope you freeze to death....
How much energy was being produced during that major ice storm down there in Texas? Oh yeah, zero energy because solar had no sun and wind farms were frozen solid. Thanks but i hope you freeze to death....
God, but I like to puncture lying dumb fucks. It was coal, gas, and nuclear that caused the 2021 blackout. Yes, a lot of wind did go down. But that was because Texas did not winterize their wind turbines, because while those turbines were down, there were turbines happily spinning and generating electricity in Montana and the Dakotas at much colder temperatures. Here is the real information from a source in Texas;

The reason for the switch to renewables is not politics. The four states producing the most electricity from wind and solar are Texas, Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Like Murdoch said, it is not red or blue, it is green. Solar and wind are the least costly from of generation to install and maintain. And in Texas, solar and wind are continuing to gain as a percentage of total generation as the fossil fuels decline.

It's about green alright....On the outside and red on the inside.

Those massively subsidized fucking contraptions will never ever net dollar one.

The reason for the switch to renewables is not politics. The four states producing the most electricity from wind and solar are Texas, Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Like Murdoch said, it is not red or blue, it is green. Solar and wind are the least costly from of generation to install and maintain. And in Texas, solar and wind are continuing to gain as a percentage of total generation as the fossil fuels decline.


The only reason to shift to more expensive, less reliable renewables, is to collect government
payments or avoid government penalties.

Both are politics, not economics.
It's about green alright....On the outside and red on the inside.

Those massively subsidized fucking contraptions will never ever net dollar one.

So Texas is ran by a bunch of commies. So glad to know that.
Subsidize something and you get more of it, no matter if your grift will never turn a buck.....The concept works everywhere.
Yes, it does. Just look at the subsidies given the oil and coal industries. Talk about grift, even when turning billion dollar monthly profits, they still get the subsidies. Of course, things can get so bad that even with the subsidies, the industry fails, over 1/2 the coal corporations have gone bankrupt because people no longer want their polluting product.
The Lazard chart is the non-subsidized cost of each of the generating modes. And solar and wind still beat out fossil fuels and nuclear.
Yeah, those theoretically low green prices come in handy when there is no wind or sun. LOL!
But you have never heard of various energy storage methods, right? Or maybe you just have to parrot the "Conservative" view, no matter how erroneous you know it is.
Yes, it does. Just look at the subsidies given the oil and coal industries. Talk about grift, even when turning billion dollar monthly profits, they still get the subsidies. Of course, things can get so bad that even with the subsidies, the industry fails, over 1/2 the coal corporations have gone bankrupt because people no longer want their polluting product.
The Lazard chart is the non-subsidized cost of each of the generating modes. And solar and wind still beat out fossil fuels and nuclear.
Tax writedowns for things like capital equipment, like every other business gets, aren't in-kind cash subsidies.

The only way those money-suckiong blights on the landscape ever get built, is through zillions in taxpayer corporate welfare cash handouts.

This shit gets 'splained to you watermelons every time, yet you keep pretending like nobody ever told you.
The reason for the switch to renewables is not politics. The four states producing the most electricity from wind and solar are Texas, Iowa, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Like Murdoch said, it is not red or blue, it is green. Solar and wind are the least costly from of generation to install and maintain. And in Texas, solar and wind are continuing to gain as a percentage of total generation as the fossil fuels decline.

It's a bout the green hey? What you going to do with the estimated 720,000 tons of non decomposible toxic blades over the next 20 years? What are you going to do with all the used solar panels with all their toxic material that you cannot get rid off. By the way, all those heavy earth materials that it takes for solar panels? China controls over 95% of all heavy materials on earth.
Also to make the wind turbines for the next 7 years, you'll need to make the steel for the towers so you will need to use a minimum 600 million tons of coal for that. Then for the epoxy and polyester resins you'll need you'll have to use another 90 million tons of crude oil and to cook all that resin and epoxy you need to fire it all in natural gas furaces and then after it is all built you will need 160 gallons per tower per year of synthetic crude oil for lube in the turbine. And none of that includes the oil based grease you need for the gears. So we appreciate your green atempt at energy.
It's a bout the green hey? What you going to do with the estimated 720,000 tons of non decomposible toxic blades over the next 20 years? What are you going to do with all the used solar panels with all their toxic material that you cannot get rid off. By the way, all those heavy earth materials that it takes for solar panels? China controls over 95% of all heavy materials on earth.
Also to make the wind turbines for the next 7 years, you'll need to make the steel for the towers so you will need to use a minimum 600 million tons of coal for that. Then for the epoxy and polyester resins you'll need you'll have to use another 90 million tons of crude oil and to cook all that resin and epoxy you need to fire it all in natural gas furaces and then after it is all built you will need 160 gallons per tower of synthetic crude oil for lube in the turbine. And none of that includes the oil based grease you need for the gears. So we appreciate your green atempt at energy.
They never answer those questions......Ever.

Tax writedowns for things like capital equipment, like every other business gets, aren't in-kind cash subsidies.

The only way those money-suckiong blights on the landscape ever get built, is through zillions in taxpayer corporate welfare cash handouts.

This shit gets 'splained to you watermelons every time, yet you keep pretending like nobody ever told you.
You cannot lie and then blame the person that does not accept the lie for not believing your lies. Fox News is now finding that out. And admitting under oath that they lied. Yes, the oil and coal companies have been given vast subsidies. But when you remove the subsidies and look at the real costs, as the Lazard graph shows, solar and wind are the least costly form of electrical generation.

Love the way you 'Conservatives' constantly hit the eyesore button, as if you never saw how the present coal mining methods leave the landscape. Or what the land looks like in the oil sands areas of Canada. You fellows represent hypocrisy at it's finest.
It's a bout the green hey? What you going to do with the estimated 720,000 tons of non decomposible toxic blades over the next 20 years? What are you going to do with all the used solar panels with all their toxic material that you cannot get rid off. By the way, all those heavy earth materials that it takes for solar panels? China controls over 95% of all heavy materials on earth.
Also to make the wind turbines for the next 7 years, you'll need to make the steel for the towers so you will need to use a minimum 600 million tons of coal for that. Then for the epoxy and polyester resins you'll need you'll have to use another 90 million tons of crude oil and to cook all that resin and epoxy you need to fire it all in natural gas furaces and then after it is all built you will need 160 gallons per tower per year of synthetic crude oil for lube in the turbine. And none of that includes the oil based grease you need for the gears. So we appreciate your green atempt at energy.
There are dumb people and really dumb people. Ever hear of doing a little research before flapping yap?

There are dumb people and really dumb people. Ever hear of doing a little research before flapping yap?

But you are still putting all that toxic waste in the ground. You are not changing anything except the shape of the toxic material. Nice!!
You cannot lie and then blame the person that does not accept the lie for not believing your lies. Fox News is now finding that out. And admitting under oath that they lied. Yes, the oil and coal companies have been given vast subsidies. But when you remove the subsidies and look at the real costs, as the Lazard graph shows, solar and wind are the least costly form of electrical generation.

Love the way you 'Conservatives' constantly hit the eyesore button, as if you never saw how the present coal mining methods leave the landscape. Or what the land looks like in the oil sands areas of Canada. You fellows represent hypocrisy at it's finest.
The only liar here is you, watermelon.
It's a bout the green hey? What you going to do with the estimated 720,000 tons of non decomposible toxic blades over the next 20 years? What are you going to do with all the used solar panels with all their toxic material that you cannot get rid off. By the way, all those heavy earth materials that it takes for solar panels? China controls over 95% of all heavy materials on earth.
Also to make the wind turbines for the next 7 years, you'll need to make the steel for the towers so you will need to use a minimum 600 million tons of coal for that. Then for the epoxy and polyester resins you'll need you'll have to use another 90 million tons of crude oil and to cook all that resin and epoxy you need to fire it all in natural gas furaces and then after it is all built you will need 160 gallons per tower per year of synthetic crude oil for lube in the turbine. And none of that includes the oil based grease you need for the gears. So we appreciate your green atempt at energy.
The steel mill that I worked at for 20 years before retiring, rolled steel for the Vestas mills When we had a melt, we never used any coal, made all our steel from scrap, and melted it using electricity. The Colorado mill does the same, and gets most of their electricity from a solar farm.

Most of the steel making companies in the world are working to find a way that emits very little carbon dioxide in steel manufacture. I am sure that eventually they will find a way and that will be another industry that aid in the decarbonization of our necessary industries.

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