It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

Trump Rubes you all are Simply Pathetic ...strictly "Trump U Bait"
It's hard to write when your stubby fingers can't hold writing utensils very well. Imagine when his tiny hands were even tinier...he learned to write holding the pencil with two hands.
There's a worrying conspiracy theory that Donald Trump 'can barely read'

He uses clips of Trump to back up how he meets the criteria for illiteracy, such as having difficulty telling a clear story, or making excuses to avoid having to read or write something.

Pakman shows examples, such as a clip of Trump appearing to struggle to read a hymn sheet, before putting it down and appearing to tell Melania to do the same. It also looks at some of the spelling mistakes in Trump’s tweets – for instance, writing “unpresedented” instead of “unprecedented”, and “loose” instead of “lose”.

Pakman said this isn’t just about Trump not being able to read very well. He says literacy also impacts how someone thinks and solves problems. He says:

The more I look into this, the more concerns I have that the President of the United States can barely read.

Interesting video which shows how Trump copes with not being able to read

During a deposition about one of his properties, Trump is handed a lease he has signed and asked about a certain clause. Trump admits that he signs leases but does not actually read them. When the lawyer asks him to read a clause from the lease out loud and explain what it means.....Trump fumbles and then says....I forgot my reading glasses
When the lawyer says she can get him a magnifying glass, Trump goes to the paragraph and improvises what he thinks it says
In defense of our President, maybe Trump is dyslectic and struggles to read.

Otherwise, the only interpretation can be that Trump is intellectually lazy and does not really care to find out more information
There's a worrying conspiracy theory that Donald Trump 'can barely read'

Interesting video which shows how Trump copes with not being able to read
Your video there is as hilarious as it is pitiful. The very first piece of "evidence" proves that President Trump can read. They narrator states that President Trump starts singing before the song starts. That proves that he can read the words as he started before anyone else. It just means he didn't know the song and thus didn't know when to start.

You're so dumb to buy into all of the fake news about President Trump. :lmao:
I am not impressed by an "Ivy League" education when your daddy buys your way in. That is not an accomplishment
You can't "buy your way in" to an Ivy League school, snowflake. They make around $60,000 per student. On top of that - most of them have endowments in the billions. Yes - billions. They don't need the petty change of the elder Trump.
Wharton is world renowned for its MBA program. Only the best and brightest are let in........Trump wasn't
Trump was let in to the Wharton School of Business. He just wasn't in their Master's program.
Trump transferred from another school after two years. He spent just two years at Penn where he didn't even major in business
I roomed with a Business major in college. A Bachelors degree doesn't mean squat in that have to get an MBA
Trump doesn't even have an MBA
I am not impressed by an "Ivy League" education when your daddy buys your way in. That is not an accomplishment
You can't "buy your way in" to an Ivy League school, snowflake. They make around $60,000 per student. On top of that - most of them have endowments in the billions. Yes - billions. They don't need the petty change of the elder Trump.
Trumps own biography said he had connections to back door his way in to Penn
I roomed with a Business major in college. A Bachelors degree doesn't mean squat in that have to get an MBA Trump doesn't even have an MBA
And yet he's one of the world's most successful businessmen, one of the wealthiest people in the world, and even managed to become President of the United States.
How does President Trump read speeches from the TelePrompTer if he can't read?
Your opinion of his public speaking skills have nothing to do with the fact that he reads the ENTIRE speech from a TelePrompTer.
Like many who can't read well......he develops coping mechanisms

He practices before hand and then tries as best he can to stay on script. Trump struggles with maintaining a chain of thought even when using a Telepropter. Without seeing the script, you have no way of knowing what errors he is making
I roomed with a Business major in college. A Bachelors degree doesn't mean squat in that have to get an MBA Trump doesn't even have an MBA
And yet he's one of the world's most successful businessmen, one of the wealthiest people in the world, and even managed to become President of the United States.
Being born on third base is nothing to brag about

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