It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

I'd like to think that Trump only speaks at a simple level when he is addressing his base......but there are no examples of him picking up the intellectual level of his speech when he talks to world leaders or business leaders. Frankly, his meetings with world leaders have Ben embarrassing

Trump seems to celebrate the fact that he doesn't read or research on his own. Doesn't have time, he is too important
But for a man who is least qualified to hold the office of president, he shows little inclination for making up for his deficiencies
I heard him using SAT level vocabulary once (pretty sure he was on the teleprompter at the time), and it was shockingly noticeable, which is sad. He's changed his position on several issues lately, which means he is learning, though. No, he is not an intellectual by any means. I'm not sure why you said his visits with world leaders had been embarrassing--are Xi and Abe and Merkel cracking jokes after their visits?

In meeting other leaders he doesn't seem to grasp that he is being seen around the world. His people skills are awkward and his speech patterns are childlike

As President of the U.S., he is looked at as the source of global stability and calm, decisive leadership

God save us
This morning, it was China giving us the grown up talk. He said Dial back the insulting words; in a war, there are no real winners.
We have left a vacuum for someone to fill. It will be interesting who it ends up being.
North Korea has been a pain in the ass for 65 years. But aside from some posturing, they seem mostly in check

Trump seems intent on stirring up the beehive and proving who is the bigger idiot.......North Koreas leader or ours?
I disagree they seem mostly in check. I know Trump didn't have to take the bait, but honestly, ignoring them for the past 8 years has not had the desired effect. They HAVE nukes and the required technology for missiles to carry those nukes to Japan and So. Korea. They will be happy to sell them to a country like Iran, as well, if not fire them. Something does need to be done before that thread about stocking up on water and Spam isn't a joke.
A nuke says don't fuck with me

N Korea has no capability of world domination and knows the ultimate result of ever using a nuke

Trumps posturing and threats does not bring them to the table
I'd like to think that Trump only speaks at a simple level when he is addressing his base......but there are no examples of him picking up the intellectual level of his speech when he talks to world leaders or business leaders. Frankly, his meetings with world leaders have Ben embarrassing

Trump seems to celebrate the fact that he doesn't read or research on his own. Doesn't have time, he is too important
But for a man who is least qualified to hold the office of president, he shows little inclination for making up for his deficiencies
I heard him using SAT level vocabulary once (pretty sure he was on the teleprompter at the time), and it was shockingly noticeable, which is sad. He's changed his position on several issues lately, which means he is learning, though. No, he is not an intellectual by any means. I'm not sure why you said his visits with world leaders had been embarrassing--are Xi and Abe and Merkel cracking jokes after their visits?

In meeting other leaders he doesn't seem to grasp that he is being seen around the world. His people skills are awkward and his speech patterns are childlike

As President of the U.S., he is looked at as the source of global stability and calm, decisive leadership

God save us
This morning, it was China giving us the grown up talk. He said Dial back the insulting words; in a war, there are no real winners.
We have left a vacuum for someone to fill. It will be interesting who it ends up being.
North Korea has been a pain in the ass for 65 years. But aside from some posturing, they seem mostly in check

Trump seems intent on stirring up the beehive and proving who is the bigger idiot.......North Koreas leader or ours?
I disagree they seem mostly in check. I know Trump didn't have to take the bait, but honestly, ignoring them for the past 8 years has not had the desired effect. They HAVE nukes and the required technology for missiles to carry those nukes to Japan and So. Korea. They will be happy to sell them to a country like Iran, as well, if not fire them. Something does need to be done before that thread about stocking up on water and Spam isn't a joke.

Spoken like someone who has actually THOUGHT about the subject. Kudo's (and I am not kidding you) for dealing with facts, and not fanciful emotions.
I heard him using SAT level vocabulary once (pretty sure he was on the teleprompter at the time), and it was shockingly noticeable, which is sad. He's changed his position on several issues lately, which means he is learning, though. No, he is not an intellectual by any means. I'm not sure why you said his visits with world leaders had been embarrassing--are Xi and Abe and Merkel cracking jokes after their visits?

In meeting other leaders he doesn't seem to grasp that he is being seen around the world. His people skills are awkward and his speech patterns are childlike

As President of the U.S., he is looked at as the source of global stability and calm, decisive leadership

God save us
This morning, it was China giving us the grown up talk. He said Dial back the insulting words; in a war, there are no real winners.
We have left a vacuum for someone to fill. It will be interesting who it ends up being.
North Korea has been a pain in the ass for 65 years. But aside from some posturing, they seem mostly in check

Trump seems intent on stirring up the beehive and proving who is the bigger idiot.......North Koreas leader or ours?
I disagree they seem mostly in check. I know Trump didn't have to take the bait, but honestly, ignoring them for the past 8 years has not had the desired effect. They HAVE nukes and the required technology for missiles to carry those nukes to Japan and So. Korea. They will be happy to sell them to a country like Iran, as well, if not fire them. Something does need to be done before that thread about stocking up on water and Spam isn't a joke.
A nuke says don't fuck with me

N Korea has no capability of world domination and knows the ultimate result of ever using a nuke

Trumps posturing and threats does not bring them to the table

Very true, however the moron who runs that country is batshit insane. He WILL use the weapon just because he can. He allowed two million of his subjects to starve to death to fund his bombs.
I heard him using SAT level vocabulary once (pretty sure he was on the teleprompter at the time), and it was shockingly noticeable, which is sad. He's changed his position on several issues lately, which means he is learning, though. No, he is not an intellectual by any means. I'm not sure why you said his visits with world leaders had been embarrassing--are Xi and Abe and Merkel cracking jokes after their visits?

In meeting other leaders he doesn't seem to grasp that he is being seen around the world. His people skills are awkward and his speech patterns are childlike

As President of the U.S., he is looked at as the source of global stability and calm, decisive leadership

God save us
This morning, it was China giving us the grown up talk. He said Dial back the insulting words; in a war, there are no real winners.
We have left a vacuum for someone to fill. It will be interesting who it ends up being.
North Korea has been a pain in the ass for 65 years. But aside from some posturing, they seem mostly in check

Trump seems intent on stirring up the beehive and proving who is the bigger idiot.......North Koreas leader or ours?
I disagree they seem mostly in check. I know Trump didn't have to take the bait, but honestly, ignoring them for the past 8 years has not had the desired effect. They HAVE nukes and the required technology for missiles to carry those nukes to Japan and So. Korea. They will be happy to sell them to a country like Iran, as well, if not fire them. Something does need to be done before that thread about stocking up on water and Spam isn't a joke.
A nuke says don't fuck with me

N Korea has no capability of world domination and knows the ultimate result of ever using a nuke

Trumps posturing and threats does not bring them to the table
I understand that a nuke says don't fuck with me. That's why NK is insistent on having them. They want respect and with Russia, China and a strong ally of the US all bordering their country, I can see why they might feel the need for self-protection. However, every single blessed time we have attempted to negotiate with NK, they have backed out at the last minute. I think Obama's last posture on the situation was a mistake--he cut off negotiations when NK insisted on being acknowledged as a nuclear power. Well, now they are. So we should pick up where that left off and deal with reality. IMO.
Trumps staff seems to work to cover up for his academic limitations.

His aversion to reading may be just laziness or indifference on his part
May be he struggles to read
There's a worrying conspiracy theory that Donald Trump 'can barely read'

He uses clips of Trump to back up how he meets the criteria for illiteracy, such as having difficulty telling a clear story, or making excuses to avoid having to read or write something.

Pakman shows examples, such as a clip of Trump appearing to struggle to read a hymn sheet, before putting it down and appearing to tell Melania to do the same. It also looks at some of the spelling mistakes in Trump’s tweets – for instance, writing “unpresedented” instead of “unprecedented”, and “loose” instead of “lose”.

Pakman said this isn’t just about Trump not being able to read very well. He says literacy also impacts how someone thinks and solves problems. He says:

The more I look into this, the more concerns I have that the President of the United States can barely read.
Is Donald Trump Functionally Illiterate?

His use of Twitter demonstrates another one of his failings. The man cannot spell simple words, even with spellcheck on his phone. “Honor” becomes “honer.” Unprecedented” became “unpresidented.” This is also a common failing of people with dyslexia. The reading public can now easily distinguish between tweets written by Trump and those written by someone on his staff. You don’t need to know which phone was used to figure it out. The staff-written tweets contain complete sentences and correctly spelled words. They rarely, if ever, contain exclamation points. Twitter has been a perfect medium for Trump as he never has to write more than 148 characters. And don’t forget that this is a man who also never uses e-mail, something of a startling admission now that most business communications are conducted via e-mail.
They interviewed a writer from Saturday Night Live who told how when Trump was on the show, he was given a script for the skit he was going to be in. In the read through he just glanced at the script and then free lanced
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms


/---- Hildabeast couldn't even beat a retard. Funny stuff
Trump reminds me of FDR

FDR tried to hide that he couldn't walk and his staff covered for him
FDR could "kinda walk"

Trump can "kinda read"
Trump reads at a second grade level and speaks at a fourth grade level
For one thing, it's clear that Trump is not a devotee of reading, whether it's newspapers, books or memos. Instead, he is most moved by what he sees and hears in a most fundamental sense. When Trump began receiving intelligence briefings in January, his aides asked the briefers to reduce the number of words in their daily briefing book and instead use more pictures and other graphics. Trump, the aides explained, is a "visual and auditory learner," according to the Washington Post. After Trump took office in January, his staff assessed President Barack Obama's contingency plans for Syria and trimmed them into small pieces, illustrated by photos, the Post said, so Trump could get a better grasp on what was going on in his own way and so he could best improve the situation.

Critics are hardly reassured by these tendencies, which strike them as puerile and superficial. But this visual focus should not be surprising given that Trump achieved fame as the host of a reality-television show where appearances and impressions were everything

No wonder he constantly changes his mind....he has the attention span of a goldfish

Donald Trump's Governing Styles Has Critics Up in Arms


After the last few presidents the Republicans have put forth they have shown an increasing propensity to nominate less and less intelligent people as time goes by. They came close to absolute batshit whackjobbery with Palin and at the time you couldn't imagine anyone more ignorant or clueless than the non-reading Palin.

Enter drumpf who finds it hard to spell words correctly in a tweet. Who likely has never read and never intends to read the Constitution and now is shown to not be able to read normal intelligence briefings that all the presidents before have read. He needs 'pictures', like that ape that learned sign language. It could read but could communicate with pictures.

Republicans reached the bottom of the barrel with Shrub, but that wasn't enough. They have turned the barrel over and scraped the scum off the bottom and elected that president. Devolution in process. Going from human to brainless amoeba.
Republicans have established illiteracy as a virtue

They look for leaders who are not bogged down with pesky things like facts. You are always better when you trust your gut

Even the leaders of rightwing media never finished college.....Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck
Education is elitist
Education is not merely elitist but subversive. The Right sees campuses as places of "Leftist indoctrination", not higher learning.

Science particularly is a sticky wicket for Right Wingers. Science tells them that yes indeed, humans effect the planet and often times adversely effect it. Science tells them that the potential of genetics and stem cells could unlock the puzzles that chronic disease poses. Science tells Right Wingers that mankind was not conjured up as a cmpleted animal and put on earth like a potted geranium. Mankind, like all animals evolved over the ages. Yes sir! Science is tough on a lot of Conservative dogma.

'Smart ass', 'smarty pants', smart alec'. Smarts are not a virtue, they are a Vice to be demeaned and demonized. And now they have selected a petulant game show host as commander-in-Chief. A wholly incurious man who tends to listen to the last person talking at the table. Mara Largo's own Charles Foster Kane but without all that "genius baggage".
Such a fucking moron. Tell me after Katrina and Al Gore saying that because of Human activity the hurricanes not only will increase in frequency but also intensity, and guess the fuck what? Al Jazeera Gore like all the liberals, was fucking wrong. Tell me oh scientific one, how many people does it take to stop a fucking earthquake? Duh. I have a Phd, and know quite a bit of science. Since the Earth was created, Climate Change has been happening, but it sure wasn't man, doing it. You being a dumbass liberal(redundant statement) you just keeping drinking that liberal kool aid, and that makes you such a stupid fuck. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal...
Trump reminds me of FDR

FDR tried to hide that he couldn't walk and his staff covered for him
FDR could "kinda walk"

Trump can "kinda read"

But Trump doesn't hate blacks, Jews and Asians.

Kind of a glaring difference between the two, huh?

Let's see...

Trump hates Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks and Women
Trump wins...

Plus...he can't read
The OP certainly has the qualifications to identify one of his own kin...

But he won't as lying comes to him much more naturally.
Trump reads at a second grade level and speaks at a fourth grade level

Trump speaks to his crowd. Trump says he loves the 'poorly educated' People got tired of having to think when Obama told them something. They prefer the 'reality show' version of politics.
Many people who can't read find ways to compensate for it. Trump has adopted many of the tactics of Dyslectics to cover for it. But his tweets and other behaviors tip him off
Trump reads at a second grade level and speaks at a fourth grade level

Trump speaks to his crowd. Trump says he loves the 'poorly educated' People got tired of having to think when Obama told them something. They prefer the 'reality show' version of politics.

That would be reasonable if Trump had instances where he demonstrated high vocabulary skills when talking to a room full of business executives or foreign dignitaries ......he doesn't
Many people who can't read find ways to compensate for it. Trump has adopted many of the tactics of Dyslectics to cover for it. But his tweets and other behaviors tip him off

I thought Trumps tweets were unpresidented

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