It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

Another recent Associated Press report found that Trump is a much more cautious businessman than he lets on. “He holds few stocks for someone of his wealth and has grown increasingly dependent on making money by lending out his name to others rather than developing real estate himself,” the AP wrote.

It was when he stopped making business decisions and just stated selling himself that he actually started to make money.

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He lost a lot of money on his casinos and airline

The airline is the perfect example of Trump's business sense all tied into one neat package.

He paid more for the airline that it was wroth, he could have actually bought brand new planes cheaper.

He spent a million dollars per aircraft to renovate them, when their worth was only 4 million to start with. He put deep pile shag carpet down the aisles and had to replace it because the drink carts could not move on it. He put in dark wood finishing and gilded faucets. And then charged for the "luxury", but nobody cared about that because the flights were all less than an hour long.

He took an airline that had been profitable for 30 years and in less than 3 years had it taken away by the banks. That might be a record for destroying a successful company.

Come on grow up.
Why are you so insistent on tearing Trump down? Does it make you feel bigger?

Where did you get the information that Eastern was profitable for 30 years?

The airline, however, has been anemic for most of the past 20 years. In the view of many industry analysts, Eastern's lackluster performance is due partly to poor management and partly to the airline's particularly recalcitrant labor unions.

"But later, as the closing was delayed by Eastern’s bankruptcy and other bidders emerged, Trump tried to get Eastern chief Frank Lorenzo to lower the price, since the value of the asset had indeed diminished."
How Donald Trump Bought - and Lost - an Airline - View from the Wing

Your constant bringing up of information makes me wonder about your sources?
Why don't you link to prove what you are saying because so far you are wrong at least about Eastern being profitable for 30 years!

I am still waiting on your source for Trump Inc being split 5 ways as you claimed it was.
As Trump prepares for his high profile meeting with Kim Jong Un it is obvious he is poorly prepared and unfamiliar with the issues
Total proof you must be a hack reporter! Only idiots like that would put out a dumb ass comment that "he is poorly prepared"!

Yes, our President is poorly prepared

His security briefings are broken down to a simplistic level, he asks no questions, offers no guidance ........Trump is “present”

Trump does not read. He does no background work on his own

If he is lucky, Fox and Friends will do a show on what he should say

Hmmm... so tell me then...
A) How did he get $3.1 billion which is probably 31,000 times MORE than your net worth!

B) He had 22,450 employees in his private business which again is probably 22,450 times more than the people that work for you!

Somewhere in your obvious numbskull you should come to the conclusion you should shut the f...k up when it comes to criticizing Trump management style.

C) Oh and by the way The "Apprentice has been on TV for 7 years... 185 episodes. Over those 7 years 2,212,000,000 viewers!
The Apprentice (U.S. TV series) - Wikipedia

So again considering before he was President he was seen by 2.2 billion people which is 2.2 billion I AM 100%, sure more than have seen you!

The Definitive Net Worth Of Donald Trump
View attachment 195208

A). He was given his grandmas company that was worth almost a billion dollars in today’s money. And in the 45 years since then he has managed to triple its value. That is some shitty results, to put it mildly.

B). That is a misleading number. Trump Inc is a holding company, they own all or parts of lots of other companies but have no input in their day to day operations.

C). By this standard Alan Alda would make the perfect president as MASH had 256 episodes and was seen by far more people.

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Another progressive snowflake that just can’t accept that Trump won :lmao:
Another recent Associated Press report found that Trump is a much more cautious businessman than he lets on. “He holds few stocks for someone of his wealth and has grown increasingly dependent on making money by lending out his name to others rather than developing real estate himself,” the AP wrote.

It was when he stopped making business decisions and just stated selling himself that he actually started to make money.

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He lost a lot of money on his casinos and airline

The airline is the perfect example of Trump's business sense all tied into one neat package.

He paid more for the airline that it was wroth, he could have actually bought brand new planes cheaper.

He spent a million dollars per aircraft to renovate them, when their worth was only 4 million to start with. He put deep pile shag carpet down the aisles and had to replace it because the drink carts could not move on it. He put in dark wood finishing and gilded faucets. And then charged for the "luxury", but nobody cared about that because the flights were all less than an hour long.

He took an airline that had been profitable for 30 years and in less than 3 years had it taken away by the banks. That might be a record for destroying a successful company.

Come on grow up.
Why are you so insistent on tearing Trump down? Does it make you feel bigger?

Where did you get the information that Eastern was profitable for 30 years?

The airline, however, has been anemic for most of the past 20 years. In the view of many industry analysts, Eastern's lackluster performance is due partly to poor management and partly to the airline's particularly recalcitrant labor unions.

"But later, as the closing was delayed by Eastern’s bankruptcy and other bidders emerged, Trump tried to get Eastern chief Frank Lorenzo to lower the price, since the value of the asset had indeed diminished."
How Donald Trump Bought - and Lost - an Airline - View from the Wing

Your constant bringing up of information makes me wonder about your sources?
Why don't you link to prove what you are saying because so far you are wrong at least about Eastern being profitable for 30 years!

The shuttle operated uninterrupted as Eastern Air Lines Shuttle from 1961 till 1989. So, my mistake it was only 28 years, not 30. I am just a terrible person for getting that wrong.
As Trump prepares for his high profile meeting with Kim Jong Un it is obvious he is poorly prepared and unfamiliar with the issues
Total proof you must be a hack reporter! Only idiots like that would put out a dumb ass comment that "he is poorly prepared"!

Yes, our President is poorly prepared

His security briefings are broken down to a simplistic level, he asks no questions, offers no guidance ........Trump is “present”

Trump does not read. He does no background work on his own

If he is lucky, Fox and Friends will do a show on what he should say

Hmmm... so tell me then...
A) How did he get $3.1 billion which is probably 31,000 times MORE than your net worth!

B) He had 22,450 employees in his private business which again is probably 22,450 times more than the people that work for you!

Somewhere in your obvious numbskull you should come to the conclusion you should shut the f...k up when it comes to criticizing Trump management style.

C) Oh and by the way The "Apprentice has been on TV for 7 years... 185 episodes. Over those 7 years 2,212,000,000 viewers!
The Apprentice (U.S. TV series) - Wikipedia

So again considering before he was President he was seen by 2.2 billion people which is 2.2 billion I AM 100%, sure more than have seen you!

The Definitive Net Worth Of Donald Trump
View attachment 195208

A). He was given his grandmas company that was worth almost a billion dollars in today’s money. And in the 45 years since then he has managed to triple its value. That is some shitty results, to put it mildly.

B). That is a misleading number. Trump Inc is a holding company, they own all or parts of lots of other companies but have no input in their day to day operations.

C). By this standard Alan Alda would make the perfect president as MASH had 256 episodes and was seen by far more people.

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Another progressive snowflake that just can’t accept that Trump won :lmao:

Yea, my little statist puppy dog is back!

How is my cute little puppy doing today?
A). He was given his grandmas company that was worth almost a billion dollars in today’s money. And in the 45 years since then he has managed to triple its value. That is some shitty results, to put it mildly.
Actually, that is some really respectable results. Mike Tyson had hundreds of millions and went bankrupt. So did hundreds of thousands of other athletes and businessmen.

If you manage to maintain wealth - you’re doing pretty good. If you manage to grow it, you’re doing excellent.

Watching you progressives piss and moan that you weren’t born with millions of dollars is as funny as it is pathetic.
Another recent Associated Press report found that Trump is a much more cautious businessman than he lets on. “He holds few stocks for someone of his wealth and has grown increasingly dependent on making money by lending out his name to others rather than developing real estate himself,” the AP wrote.

It was when he stopped making business decisions and just stated selling himself that he actually started to make money.

Sent from my iPhone using
He lost a lot of money on his casinos and airline

The airline is the perfect example of Trump's business sense all tied into one neat package.

He paid more for the airline that it was wroth, he could have actually bought brand new planes cheaper.

He spent a million dollars per aircraft to renovate them, when their worth was only 4 million to start with. He put deep pile shag carpet down the aisles and had to replace it because the drink carts could not move on it. He put in dark wood finishing and gilded faucets. And then charged for the "luxury", but nobody cared about that because the flights were all less than an hour long.

He took an airline that had been profitable for 30 years and in less than 3 years had it taken away by the banks. That might be a record for destroying a successful company.

Come on grow up.
Why are you so insistent on tearing Trump down? Does it make you feel bigger?

Where did you get the information that Eastern was profitable for 30 years?

The airline, however, has been anemic for most of the past 20 years. In the view of many industry analysts, Eastern's lackluster performance is due partly to poor management and partly to the airline's particularly recalcitrant labor unions.

"But later, as the closing was delayed by Eastern’s bankruptcy and other bidders emerged, Trump tried to get Eastern chief Frank Lorenzo to lower the price, since the value of the asset had indeed diminished."
How Donald Trump Bought - and Lost - an Airline - View from the Wing

Your constant bringing up of information makes me wonder about your sources?
Why don't you link to prove what you are saying because so far you are wrong at least about Eastern being profitable for 30 years!
FN Frank Lorenzo cost me a small fortune with Texas Air
Another recent Associated Press report found that Trump is a much more cautious businessman than he lets on. “He holds few stocks for someone of his wealth and has grown increasingly dependent on making money by lending out his name to others rather than developing real estate himself,” the AP wrote.

It was when he stopped making business decisions and just stated selling himself that he actually started to make money.

Sent from my iPhone using
He lost a lot of money on his casinos and airline

As has hmmm....
10 Billionaires Who Lost Their Fortunes
Even the filthy rich can make boneheaded moves and lose millions or billions. There are lessons to be gleaned from learning how the rich and famous have lost fortunes.
10 Billionaires Who Lost Their Fortunes
Patricia Kluge -- sold to Donald Trump
The key failed investment was a vineyard in Virginia that Donald Trump ended up buying for a small fraction of what she had spent on it. Kluge ended up declaring bankruptcy.

So? What is your NEXT RETORT?????
Remember the major difference between YOU and me is I do research provide links. I rarely make stupid ass unsupported statements like you have done!
Provide links when you make dumb ass comments and maybe you'll be believable!
Trump made his fortune in real estate by leveraging his fathers name and business contacts

He thought it was due to his personal genius. He bought a football team and destroyed the league, bought casinos, bought an airline .......lost a fortune

He finally created a cartoon character named TRUMP and made a fortune selling off his name

All well and possibly true! But when I compare Trump to YOU????
I'm betting Trump could write a personal check to you and YOU"D be very very happy!

Sour grapes is what you spewing.
Face it. He has done more in his lifetime than you it appears because YOU have to resort to tearing people down to your level rather than building yourself up.
Grow up!
Have some balls and do something other than bitch and moan about a guy who is now President and making decisions that previous politically correct people were hesitant to do. Trump comes from immigrant family and I mention that because you like a smaller number of uninformed people
think he is anti-immigrant! Which is so stupid and if you believe that it shows how uninformed and where you get your information.
Trump's married to a legal immigrant! I have relatives that are "legal immigrants" as over 90 million Americans are grossly offended when people like you call us

And again I'm stating this as an example of how people like you have done everything possible to tear down a true American who loves America and
had NO reason to run for the Presidency other than a selfish reason just as I would have... i.e. my children and grandchildren's future depends on someone who
is NOT politically correct!
Who calls a MS-13 an animal!
So continue trying to tear down Trump to your level as that seems to be your only objective which is such a waste!
It is not sour grapes

There are many wealthy people I respect
Trump is not one of them
A). He was given his grandmas company that was worth almost a billion dollars in today’s money. And in the 45 years since then he has managed to triple its value. That is some shitty results, to put it mildly.
Actually, that is some really respectable results. Mike Tyson had hundreds of millions and went bankrupt. So did hundreds of thousands of other athletes and businessmen.

If you manage to maintain wealth - you’re doing pretty good. If you manage to grow it, you’re doing excellent.

Watching you progressives piss and moan that you weren’t born with millions of dollars is as funny as it is pathetic.

So, Trump did better than Mike Tyson...that is one hell of a low bar that you have set! :21::21::21::21::21:

Let me ask you this, has your net worth more than tripled in the last 45 years?
The shuttle operated uninterrupted as Eastern Air Lines Shuttle from 1961 till 1989. So, my mistake it was only 28 years, not 30. I am just a terrible person for getting that wrong.
No...but you are a terrible person for being an idiot like wrongwinger who preaches statism 24x7 while telling everyone he is a “conservative”.
I never said Trump is anti immigrant

If they are attractive and willing to go to bed with him, he is all for it. Provided they are from the right country and religion

If they are struggling to support their families he calls them murderers and rapists
The shuttle operated uninterrupted as Eastern Air Lines Shuttle from 1961 till 1989. So, my mistake it was only 28 years, not 30. I am just a terrible person for getting that wrong.
No...but you are a terrible person for being an idiot like wrongwinger who preaches statism 24x7 while telling everyone he is a “conservative”.

I have never claimed to be a conservative. I believe in smaller government and more personal freedoms...the very things that you and your fellow conservatives are against.
Let me ask you this, has your net worth more than tripled in the last 45 years?
Well that’s an absurd question. Let’s start with the obvious - if you have $1, tripling it requires no more than panhandling for 60 seconds. You’ll easily get $2 in the blink of an eye on the street.

However, if you have a billion dollars, tripling that is next to impossible. Making $2 billion is so difficult, less than 0.0001% of the population has ever achieved it.

Like all ignorant and immature progressives - you operate off of the idiotic belief that you’re only a poor parasite because you were born that way, and that if you had millions, you would simply blink your eyes and turn it into billions. That’s because the left doesn’t understand basic economics.
I have never claimed to be a conservative. I believe in smaller government and more personal freedoms...the very things that you and your fellow conservatives are against.
So much so that you are furious that President Trump has delivered exactly that. progressives have played this game for years. It’s old and it’s tried. Wrongwinger tried the exact same tactic.
Well let me give you a lesson then.
My Mother as did most likely especially Trump's grandmother taught us to RESPECT women. Trump like me and others of that generation (despite the grab the pussy comment..) respect women and when a woman says "no" that means NO!
So like me Trump's Mom/Grandmother especially pointed out the need to RESPECT women. We were raised to do that.
A mysoginist is One who hates women. Trump by his actions especially in business (based on his Grandmother's business acumen) respects women! NOT HATE women!

It is a very nice story, but one of total bullshit. Trump has been making demeaning comments about women most of his life. The pussing grabbing comment was not an outlier.

But I do agree that Trump does not hate women, he just does not respect them, as is evident by his philandering. A man that respects women could never cheat on his spouse.

Trump is a guy.

What you describe is most guys I know.
I have never claimed to be a conservative. I believe in smaller government and more personal freedoms...the very things that you and your fellow conservatives are against.
Incidentally Gulping Gaytor, USMB rules state that you are only permitted one account. Why are you using a second account on this site?
Let me ask you this, has your net worth more than tripled in the last 45 years?
Well that’s an absurd question. Let’s start with the obvious - if you have $1, tripling it requires no more than panhandling for 60 seconds. You’ll easily get $2 in the blink of an eye on the street.

However, if you have a billion dollars, tripling that is next to impossible. Making $2 billion is so difficult, less than 0.0001% of the population has ever achieved it.

Like all ignorant and immature progressives - you operate off of the idiotic belief that you’re only a poor parasite because you were born that way, and that if you had millions, you would simply blink your eyes and turn it into billions. That’s because the left doesn’t understand basic economics.

Here is a list of his fellow billionaires...seems a lot of them had no problems at all..

Here's how Donald Trump's net worth since 1988 stacks up against other successful businessmen

I have never claimed to be a conservative. I believe in smaller government and more personal freedoms...the very things that you and your fellow conservatives are against.
Incidentally Gulping Gaytor, USMB rules state that you are only permitted one account. Why are you using a second account on this site?

I only have one account. But since you are now making false accusations against me I will ask you to have the basic manhood and back them up. Let's see your evidence.
Well let me give you a lesson then.
My Mother as did most likely especially Trump's grandmother taught us to RESPECT women. Trump like me and others of that generation (despite the grab the pussy comment..) respect women and when a woman says "no" that means NO!
So like me Trump's Mom/Grandmother especially pointed out the need to RESPECT women. We were raised to do that.
A mysoginist is One who hates women. Trump by his actions especially in business (based on his Grandmother's business acumen) respects women! NOT HATE women!

It is a very nice story, but one of total bullshit. Trump has been making demeaning comments about women most of his life. The pussing grabbing comment was not an outlier.

But I do agree that Trump does not hate women, he just does not respect them, as is evident by his philandering. A man that respects women could never cheat on his spouse.

Trump is a guy.

What you describe is most guys I know.

Why am I not surprised that most guys you know cheat on their wives, that seems right up your alley.

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