It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

Well let me give you a lesson then.
My Mother as did most likely especially Trump's grandmother taught us to RESPECT women. Trump like me and others of that generation (despite the grab the pussy comment..) respect women and when a woman says "no" that means NO!
So like me Trump's Mom/Grandmother especially pointed out the need to RESPECT women. We were raised to do that.
A mysoginist is One who hates women. Trump by his actions especially in business (based on his Grandmother's business acumen) respects women! NOT HATE women!

It is a very nice story, but one of total bullshit. Trump has been making demeaning comments about women most of his life. The pussing grabbing comment was not an outlier.

But I do agree that Trump does not hate women, he just does not respect them, as is evident by his philandering. A man that respects women could never cheat on his spouse.

Trump is a guy.

What you describe is most guys I know.
I must respectfully disagree, SD. When it comes to women - Trump is a genuine piece of shit. If most guys you know act like Trump, you need to find new friends. I would never tolerate that shit from my friends.
I have never claimed to be a conservative. I believe in smaller government and more personal freedoms...the very things that you and your fellow conservatives are against.
So much so that you are furious that President Trump has delivered exactly that. progressives have played this game for years. It’s old and it’s tried. Wrongwinger tried the exact same tactic.

Trump made the government smaller? you lying piece of shit.
on the down side, trump learned "the art of the deal" in the context of negotiation dollar bills.

takes big balls to be brutal, ya know... :uhoh3:

but dropping bombs and confronting nuclear annihilation has quite a different risk reward ratio...

Trump is a crappy negotiator. That’s why so many of his “deals” go broke and have to be bailed out by others.

He hasn’t managed to broker a single trade deal since being President. All he knows how to do is pull out.
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Trump made the government smaller? you lying piece of shit.
Uh...yeah stupid...he has. Like all progressives, you’re completely uninformed and ignorant of the facts.

He has cut budgets, causing staff to be reduced (that makes government smaller, dimwit). He’s also cut taxes, allowing the American people to keep what was already their’s.
Trump made the government smaller? you lying piece of shit.
Uh...yeah stupid...he has. Like all progressives, you’re completely uninformed and ignorant of the facts.

He has cut budgets, causing staff to be reduced (that makes government smaller, dimwit). He’s also cut taxes, allowing the American people to keep what was already their’s.

The budget is getting bigger, not smaller. All Trump is doing is moving money around and adding more of it to the mix.

You are such a sheep you actually think Trump is cutting the budget.

I hope I do not live near you, I would hate to think I was driving next to someone with such a profound level of ignorance.
on the down side, trump learned "the art of the deal" in the context of negotiation dollar bills.

takes big balls to be brutal, ya know... :uhoh3:

but dropping bombs and confronting nuclear annihilation has quite a different risk reward ratio...

Trump is a crappy negotiator. That’s why so many of his “deals” go broke and have to be bailed out by others.

He had t managed to broker a single trade deal since being President. All he knows how to do is pull out.

The funniest part is that these sheep think Trump actually wrote The Art of the Deal.
I hope I do not live near you, I would hate to think I was driving next to someone with such a profound level of ignorance.
Oh I doubt it. There are NO progressives where I live. And of course, by extension, there are no flaming homosexuals. So it’s safe to say you don’t live by me. :laugh:
Trump made the government smaller? you lying piece of shit.
Uh...yeah stupid...he has. Like all progressives, you’re completely uninformed and ignorant of the facts.

He has cut budgets, causing staff to be reduced (that makes government smaller, dimwit). He’s also cut taxes, allowing the American people to keep what was already their’s.

Didn’t he hire 5,000 ICE agents??? That’s not making government smaller.
Hell, Trump being a retard was confirmed back in 2011! :rolleyes:


when did you receive your diagnoses?
Trump made the government smaller? you lying piece of shit.
Uh...yeah stupid...he has. Like all progressives, you’re completely uninformed and ignorant of the facts.

He has cut budgets, causing staff to be reduced (that makes government smaller, dimwit). He’s also cut taxes, allowing the American people to keep what was already their’s.

Didn’t he hire 5,000 ICE agents??? That’s not making government smaller.
Sure it is. The fewer welfare parasites we allow into the country, the smaller government gets.
on the down side, trump learned "the art of the deal" in the context of negotiation dollar bills.

takes big balls to be brutal, ya know... :uhoh3:

but dropping bombs and confronting nuclear annihilation has quite a different risk reward ratio...

Trump is a crappy negotiator. That’s why so many of his “deals” go broke and have to be bailed out by others.

He had t managed to broker a single trade deal since being President. All he knows how to do is pull out.
Our president does not play well with others

His selfish demands do not go far in negotiations
Why would anyone believe the old man left everything to DJT?

He did not leave everything to Donald, he had a assets outside of the company that were split among the children.

Trump took over the company before his father died and maintained control and ownership after his death. There was never a time when the company was split 5 ways because you could only do that by liquidating all of the assets, which never happened.
You're assuming he didn't have to buy out his siblings. I doubt that's the case. I'm sure that's the reason they sued. And you assumption that he would have to liquidate the assets to share the equity in the company. I just showed that to be wrong.
Trump is robbing America every day. The Hollywood movie about him will be called "American Thief".


At least Norman Bates had some likeable qualities
What does Norman Bates have to do with anything? Do you often find your mind wandering to unrelated topics?
Poor Finger Boy
Unable to follow a train of thought
Trump is robbing America every day. The Hollywood movie about him will be called "American Thief".


At least Norman Bates had some likeable qualities
What does Norman Bates have to do with anything? Do you often find your mind wandering to unrelated topics?
Poor Finger Boy
Unable to follow a train of thought
We were discussing your accusation that Trump is a psycho, not a character in a movie.
Hell, Trump being a retard was confirmed back in 2011! :rolleyes:


when did you receive your diagnorses?

That whole birther campaign was market research for his election campaign. Trump wanted to gauge the gullibility of the US electorate to a propaganda campaign so he started with an obvious lie and sold it to 1/3 of all Republican voters.

If he could get enough Republican voters to swallow this lie, he could sell them anything. Hence his statement that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it.

Trump is a con man and a liar. Only idiots believe him.

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