It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

He had t managed to broker a single trade deal since being President. All he knows how to do is pull out.
Your ignorance or your lying never ceases to amaze me. President Trump renegotiated multiple trade agreements - all of which favored the U.S.

China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.: FT

China Slashes Tariffs on Car Imports | Breitbart

So which is it sweetie - lying or stupid? The people want to know.

China agreed to minor concessions on car tariffs but doesn’t allow sales of cars made outside China. So it sounds like China is make concessions when they really haven’t. They also agreed to raise duties on Chinese cars imported to the US. China doesn’t export cars to the US, so again, they’ve agreed to nothing.

Where’s the signed deals? I see announcements but no deals. Commerce Department negotiators are leaving for China to begin negotiations. But nothing has been finalized.

Trumpbots want Trump to get credit for stuff BEFORE it happens. Like the “Commemorative Coins” he issued this week for the North Korean Summit. Smart people wait until something happens and then commemorate it.

So much for that Nobel Prize, although I think that moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem scuttled it anyway.
I have never claimed to be a conservative. I believe in smaller government and more personal freedoms...the very things that you and your fellow conservatives are against.
So much so that you are furious that President Trump has delivered exactly that. progressives have played this game for years. It’s old and it’s tried. Wrongwinger tried the exact same tactic.

Trump made the government smaller? you lying piece of shit.
Have we seen any stories like this since he was elected? ....


Yea....we know
Trump sold out the environment to the corporations

What is known a “small government” also known as “look the other way”
Well let me give you a lesson then.
My Mother as did most likely especially Trump's grandmother taught us to RESPECT women. Trump like me and others of that generation (despite the grab the pussy comment..) respect women and when a woman says "no" that means NO!
So like me Trump's Mom/Grandmother especially pointed out the need to RESPECT women. We were raised to do that.
A mysoginist is One who hates women. Trump by his actions especially in business (based on his Grandmother's business acumen) respects women! NOT HATE women!

It is a very nice story, but one of total bullshit. Trump has been making demeaning comments about women most of his life. The pussing grabbing comment was not an outlier.

But I do agree that Trump does not hate women, he just does not respect them, as is evident by his philandering. A man that respects women could never cheat on his spouse.

The pussy grabbing comment was made during a conversation he thought was private. I've heard many men make similar comments. If you have other examples, I would be interested in seeing them. Otherwise, we'll know you're full of shit. But we already know that, of course.
He had t managed to broker a single trade deal since being President. All he knows how to do is pull out.
Your ignorance or your lying never ceases to amaze me. President Trump renegotiated multiple trade agreements - all of which favored the U.S.

China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.: FT

China Slashes Tariffs on Car Imports | Breitbart

So which is it sweetie - lying or stupid? The people want to know.

China agreed to minor concessions on car tariffs but doesn’t allow sales of cars made outside China. So it sounds like China is make concessions when they really haven’t. They also agreed to raise duties on Chinese cars imported to the US. China doesn’t export cars to the US, so again, they’ve agreed to nothing.

Where’s the signed deals? I see announcements but no deals. Commerce Department negotiators are leaving for China to begin negotiations. But nothing has been finalized.

Trumpbots want Trump to get credit for stuff BEFORE it happens. Like the “Commemorative Coins” he issued this week for the North Korean Summit. Smart people wait until something happens and then commemorate it.

So much for that Nobel Prize, although I think that moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem scuttled it anyway.
Also tearing up the Iran nuclear deal
I have never claimed to be a conservative. I believe in smaller government and more personal freedoms...the very things that you and your fellow conservatives are against.
So much so that you are furious that President Trump has delivered exactly that. progressives have played this game for years. It’s old and it’s tried. Wrongwinger tried the exact same tactic.

Trump made the government smaller? you lying piece of shit.
Have we seen any stories like this since he was elected? ....


Yea....we know
Trump sold out the environment to the corporations

What is known a “small government” also known as “look the other way”

The mulatto messiah sold out America to the wacko environmentalists. Preventing a rogue agency that tramples all over the rights of Americans isn't "selling out." He's doing what he was elected to do.
Another recent Associated Press report found that Trump is a much more cautious businessman than he lets on. “He holds few stocks for someone of his wealth and has grown increasingly dependent on making money by lending out his name to others rather than developing real estate himself,” the AP wrote.

It was when he stopped making business decisions and just stated selling himself that he actually started to make money.

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He lost a lot of money on his casinos and airline

The airline is the perfect example of Trump's business sense all tied into one neat package.

He paid more for the airline that it was wroth, he could have actually bought brand new planes cheaper.

He spent a million dollars per aircraft to renovate them, when their worth was only 4 million to start with. He put deep pile shag carpet down the aisles and had to replace it because the drink carts could not move on it. He put in dark wood finishing and gilded faucets. And then charged for the "luxury", but nobody cared about that because the flights were all less than an hour long.

He took an airline that had been profitable for 30 years and in less than 3 years had it taken away by the banks. That might be a record for destroying a successful company.

Literally everything that man has touched turned to shit with two exceptions -

1. The Apprentice did well the first few years
2. For some reason, he's managed to dupe foreigners into believing that the Trump name is actually worth something.

He had t managed to broker a single trade deal since being President. All he knows how to do is pull out.
Your ignorance or your lying never ceases to amaze me. President Trump renegotiated multiple trade agreements - all of which favored the U.S.

China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.: FT

China Slashes Tariffs on Car Imports | Breitbart

So which is it sweetie - lying or stupid? The people want to know.

China agreed to minor concessions on car tariffs but doesn’t allow sales of cars made outside China. So it sounds like China is make concessions when they really haven’t. They also agreed to raise duties on Chinese cars imported to the US. China doesn’t export cars to the US, so again, they’ve agreed to nothing.

Where’s the signed deals? I see announcements but no deals. Commerce Department negotiators are leaving for China to begin negotiations. But nothing has been finalized.

Trumpbots want Trump to get credit for stuff BEFORE it happens. Like the “Commemorative Coins” he issued this week for the North Korean Summit. Smart people wait until something happens and then commemorate it.

So much for that Nobel Prize, although I think that moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem scuttled it anyway.
Also tearing up the Iran nuclear deal

That wasn't a "deal." It was a great big dick up America's ass.
He had t managed to broker a single trade deal since being President. All he knows how to do is pull out.
Your ignorance or your lying never ceases to amaze me. President Trump renegotiated multiple trade agreements - all of which favored the U.S.

China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.: FT

China Slashes Tariffs on Car Imports | Breitbart

So which is it sweetie - lying or stupid? The people want to know.

China agreed to minor concessions on car tariffs but doesn’t allow sales of cars made outside China. So it sounds like China is make concessions when they really haven’t. They also agreed to raise duties on Chinese cars imported to the US. China doesn’t export cars to the US, so again, they’ve agreed to nothing.

Where’s the signed deals? I see announcements but no deals. Commerce Department negotiators are leaving for China to begin negotiations. But nothing has been finalized.

Trumpbots want Trump to get credit for stuff BEFORE it happens. Like the “Commemorative Coins” he issued this week for the North Korean Summit. Smart people wait until something happens and then commemorate it.

So much for that Nobel Prize, although I think that moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem scuttled it anyway.
If they don't allow foreign cars to be sold in China, then what are the tariffs on? You aren't too good at this logic thing, are you?

Hmmm, wasn't Obama's Nobel prize received before he did anything? Do you realize how stupid you look?
I have never claimed to be a conservative. I believe in smaller government and more personal freedoms...the very things that you and your fellow conservatives are against.
So much so that you are furious that President Trump has delivered exactly that. progressives have played this game for years. It’s old and it’s tried. Wrongwinger tried the exact same tactic.

Trump made the government smaller? you lying piece of shit.
Have we seen any stories like this since he was elected? ....


Yea....we know
Trump sold out the environment to the corporations

What is known a “small government” also known as “look the other way”

Yea... we know
The obama EPA was never a problem in your life because you don’t own any land.
You're assuming he didn't have to buy out his siblings. I doubt that's the case. I'm sure that's the reason they sued. And you assumption that he would have to liquidate the assets to share the equity in the company. I just showed that to be wrong.

You have not shown anything, you just keep making up shit and hoping it sticks

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I showed your assumption that he keep all the equity in his father's company is wrong.

I must have missed that post, care to show me again?

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You're too stupid to waste my time on.

Translation, I never showed you shit so I am running off to my safe space to hide

Sent from my iPhone using
I'm, still waiting for you to prove that Trump's grandmother owned E Trump and son.
Well let me give you a lesson then.
My Mother as did most likely especially Trump's grandmother taught us to RESPECT women. Trump like me and others of that generation (despite the grab the pussy comment..) respect women and when a woman says "no" that means NO!
So like me Trump's Mom/Grandmother especially pointed out the need to RESPECT women. We were raised to do that.
A mysoginist is One who hates women. Trump by his actions especially in business (based on his Grandmother's business acumen) respects women! NOT HATE women!

It is a very nice story, but one of total bullshit. Trump has been making demeaning comments about women most of his life. The pussing grabbing comment was not an outlier.

But I do agree that Trump does not hate women, he just does not respect them, as is evident by his philandering. A man that respects women could never cheat on his spouse.

The pussy grabbing comment was made during a conversation he thought was private. I've heard many men make similar comments. If you have other examples, I would be interested in seeing them. Otherwise, we'll know you're full of shit. But we already know that, of course.

He cheated on all of his wives, but I am sure to you that is a cool and righteous thing to do.

"You know, it really doesn’t matter what they write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass. But she’s got to be young and beautiful."

"It's certainly not groundbreaking news that the early victories by the women on The Apprentice were, to a very large extent, dependent on their sex appeal,"

"I like kids. I mean, I won’t do anything to take care of them," "I’ll supply funds and she’ll take care of the kids. It’s not like I’m gonna be walking the kids down Central Park.”

“My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body. She made a lot money as a model—a tremendous amount.”

"I don't think Ivanka would do that, although she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."
on the down side, trump learned "the art of the deal" in the context of negotiation dollar bills.

takes big balls to be brutal, ya know... :uhoh3:

but dropping bombs and confronting nuclear annihilation has quite a different risk reward ratio...

Trump is a crappy negotiator. That’s why so many of his “deals” go broke and have to be bailed out by others.

He hasn’t managed to broker a single trade deal since being President. All he knows how to do is pull out.
How unfair! Trump knows more than just pulling out (though he probably doesn't, very often, wanting as he would to get what he paid for)!
Just look at the situation with North Korea. He very emphatically knows how to dictate terms. Deal? Well, that's not the same thing, now, is it?
You have not shown anything, you just keep making up shit and hoping it sticks

Sent from my iPhone using
I showed your assumption that he keep all the equity in his father's company is wrong.

I must have missed that post, care to show me again?

Sent from my iPhone using

You're too stupid to waste my time on.

Translation, I never showed you shit so I am running off to my safe space to hide

Sent from my iPhone using
I'm, still waiting for you to prove that Trump's grandmother owned E Trump and son.

I am still waiting for you to prove he gave up some of the equity in his grandmothers company to his siblings.
A). He was given his grandmas company that was worth almost a billion dollars in today’s money. And in the 45 years since then he has managed to triple its value. That is some shitty results, to put it mildly.
Actually, that is some really respectable results. Mike Tyson had hundreds of millions and went bankrupt. So did hundreds of thousands of other athletes and businessmen.

If you manage to maintain wealth - you’re doing pretty good. If you manage to grow it, you’re doing excellent.

Watching you progressives piss and moan that you weren’t born with millions of dollars is as funny as it is pathetic.

So, Trump did better than Mike Tyson...that is one hell of a low bar that you have set! :21::21::21::21::21:

Let me ask you this, has your net worth more than tripled in the last 45 years?
2018 - 1987 = 31 years, dumbass
Well let me give you a lesson then.
My Mother as did most likely especially Trump's grandmother taught us to RESPECT women. Trump like me and others of that generation (despite the grab the pussy comment..) respect women and when a woman says "no" that means NO!
So like me Trump's Mom/Grandmother especially pointed out the need to RESPECT women. We were raised to do that.
A mysoginist is One who hates women. Trump by his actions especially in business (based on his Grandmother's business acumen) respects women! NOT HATE women!

It is a very nice story, but one of total bullshit. Trump has been making demeaning comments about women most of his life. The pussing grabbing comment was not an outlier.

But I do agree that Trump does not hate women, he just does not respect them, as is evident by his philandering. A man that respects women could never cheat on his spouse.

The pussy grabbing comment was made during a conversation he thought was private. I've heard many men make similar comments. If you have other examples, I would be interested in seeing them. Otherwise, we'll know you're full of shit. But we already know that, of course.

16 women came forward and confirmed Trump’s pussy grabbing story. Multiple young girls came forward and confirmed he walked into their dressing room at their beauty pageants.

Trump is very disrespectful of women, especially his wife. He has behaved abominably toward all of his wives. No wonder Melania avoids him.
I showed your assumption that he keep all the equity in his father's company is wrong.

I must have missed that post, care to show me again?

Sent from my iPhone using

You're too stupid to waste my time on.

Translation, I never showed you shit so I am running off to my safe space to hide

Sent from my iPhone using
I'm, still waiting for you to prove that Trump's grandmother owned E Trump and son.

I am still waiting for you to prove he gave up some of the equity in his grandmothers company to his siblings.
The terms of the settlement aren't known, so how would anyone prove anything about who got what?
Well let me give you a lesson then.
My Mother as did most likely especially Trump's grandmother taught us to RESPECT women. Trump like me and others of that generation (despite the grab the pussy comment..) respect women and when a woman says "no" that means NO!
So like me Trump's Mom/Grandmother especially pointed out the need to RESPECT women. We were raised to do that.
A mysoginist is One who hates women. Trump by his actions especially in business (based on his Grandmother's business acumen) respects women! NOT HATE women!

It is a very nice story, but one of total bullshit. Trump has been making demeaning comments about women most of his life. The pussing grabbing comment was not an outlier.

But I do agree that Trump does not hate women, he just does not respect them, as is evident by his philandering. A man that respects women could never cheat on his spouse.

The pussy grabbing comment was made during a conversation he thought was private. I've heard many men make similar comments. If you have other examples, I would be interested in seeing them. Otherwise, we'll know you're full of shit. But we already know that, of course.

16 women came forward and confirmed Trump’s pussy grabbing story. Multiple young girls came forward and confirmed he walked into their dressing room at their beauty pageants.

Trump is very disrespectful of women, especially his wife. He has behaved abominably toward all of his wives. No wonder Melania avoids him.
Their stories were all discredited. Hillary's problem solver, Lisa Bloom, paid them all off, so their claims are worthless.

How did behave "abominably," by giving Ivana $25 million? Yeah, that sure sucked.
I must have missed that post, care to show me again?

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You're too stupid to waste my time on.

Translation, I never showed you shit so I am running off to my safe space to hide

Sent from my iPhone using
I'm, still waiting for you to prove that Trump's grandmother owned E Trump and son.

I am still waiting for you to prove he gave up some of the equity in his grandmothers company to his siblings.
The terms of the settlement aren't known, so how would anyone prove anything about who got what?

Provide some evidence the value of Trump Inc dropped by 80% during this time frame.
I never said Trump is anti immigrant

If they are attractive and willing to go to bed with him, he is all for it. Provided they are from the right country and religion

If they are struggling to support their families he calls them murderers and rapists
You just can't stop lying, can you? You know that's a sign of mental illness, don't you?
Well let me give you a lesson then.
My Mother as did most likely especially Trump's grandmother taught us to RESPECT women. Trump like me and others of that generation (despite the grab the pussy comment..) respect women and when a woman says "no" that means NO!
So like me Trump's Mom/Grandmother especially pointed out the need to RESPECT women. We were raised to do that.
A mysoginist is One who hates women. Trump by his actions especially in business (based on his Grandmother's business acumen) respects women! NOT HATE women!

It is a very nice story, but one of total bullshit. Trump has been making demeaning comments about women most of his life. The pussing grabbing comment was not an outlier.

But I do agree that Trump does not hate women, he just does not respect them, as is evident by his philandering. A man that respects women could never cheat on his spouse.

Trump is a guy.

What you describe is most guys I know.

Why am I not surprised that most guys you know cheat on their wives, that seems right up your alley.

Thanks...left winger.....

Only a left winger would index to that.

I guess it must be part of what you live with.

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