It is confirmed.........Trump is a retard

There’s a reason why voters are taking a stand against libs, Golfing Gator.
Just saying. :)

I would like to see the voters take a stand against Libs, but instead they vote a liberal into the White House again

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Trump is far more conservative than both Bushes. Did you have a problem with them?

Yes, yes I did. The first Bush drove me from the Repub party and lead me to vote for the one and only Dem I have ever voted for. The second won I view as tied for 1st in the "worst president ever" category.
But you didn't have a problem with them because they were too conservative. They were both big time libs.
Anyone with a brain knows that removing Saddam is what allowed ISIS to rise into power.
And not for nothing - but anyone with a brain knows that Barack Insane Obama arming Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Libya to fight Assad and Gadaffi is what lead to ISIS’s rise to power.

Poor, Buttplug, virtually always wrong. ISIS started early in the Iraq war after we invaded...

ISIS - Facts & Summary -
Bush wasn't arming Al Queda and ISIS, dumbass.
This from some trailer-park trash who thinks Rachel Madcow would be arm candy!

Ya gotta admit, that's funny!

Rachel Maddow is an Oxford educated Rhodes Scholar

Hardly the bimbo Trump hangs out with
yeah, but who wants to fuck her? The answer is nobody. That's why she's a dyke.
She is happily married

Trump? Not so much
Here's a pic of the happy couple:

They have a better marriage than Trump ever had
ROFL! They have a fake marriage. A husband and wife are a reproductive unit. Maddow and her "wife" can't reproduce.
Rachel Maddow is an Oxford educated Rhodes Scholar

Hardly the bimbo Trump hangs out with
yeah, but who wants to fuck her? The answer is nobody. That's why she's a dyke.
She is happily married

Trump? Not so much
Here's a pic of the happy couple:

They have a better marriage than Trump ever had
ROFL! They have a fake marriage. A husband and wife are a reproductive unit. Maddow and her "wife" can't reproduce.

Typical statist, they want to define what makes a marriage and what does not. All those married couples that are incapable of having children are not real marriages in the eyes of those who think the only purpose of marriage is to pump out kids.

Who the fuck are you to tell anyone what is and is not a real marriage? You statist make me sick to my stomach
The second won I view as tied for 1st in the "worst president ever" category.
This is the guy who posts 24x7 on USMB that he is this incredibly wealthy, successful businessman.

“The second won”...holy shit. :lmao:

Oh my god I had a typo! Holy fucking is the end of the world :290968001256257790-final:

YES it is for you since you are SO quick to point out the GRAND errors of Trump yet you don't seem to realize that your credibility is continuously in doubt as you infrequently
provide substantiation for your wild ass comments.
Just for your knowledge enhancement as you evidently weren't present physically much less mentally during GWB terms here are some events THAT NO president in history had been confronted with during their terms of office. NOT ONE president has ever had events of their magnitude in history. NONE! And prove me wrong! PLEASE!

1) Presidents like Reagan had recessions to contend with first no question.
2) Presidents have had major industry crashes like the Dot com bust that cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and $8T in loss value.
3) AND sure there have been bad hurricanes no question... but NO President had the WORST SEASONS...SEASONS... meaning several years of top 15 disasters in history.
4) And of course FDR had Pearl Harbor... but NO WHERE the financial losses, the loss of civilian life and the psyche altering effect that 9/11 had on millions WATCHING!
5) And of course did any president have nearly 1/2 trillion dollars extracted in less then 3 hours as the 9/18/08 Economic terrorist attack.
6) And yes Presidents have had housing crisis (remember the 80s savings and loan crisis?? of course not most of you are too young!) and this would have been prevented
if the Democrat congress had listened to Bush's 17 warnings about Fannie/Freddie and the danger coming from the 1995 ACORN/Obama decisions against Citibank!
View attachment 195381

The thing that will always make Bush II tied for the worst is IRAQ. We invaded a sovereign nation that was no threat to us and in the process cost thousands of US lives, spent trillions of dollars and made the situation in the Middle East exponentially worse.

There is just no overcoming that.
I agree

No matter how inept and unsuited for the job Trump is, he can’t screw up as badly as Bush 43. He will not be given the latitude that Bush was. Trump does not have a 9-11 card like Bush had
Here's a pic of the happy couple:

Man...that is just disturbing. Madcow clearly wants a mommy instead of a spouse. Lefties are such a mess when it comes to mental health.
Makes you wonder why Maddow can have such a better relationship than Trump can ever hope for
Guess that same sex marriage stuff works out better than many heterosexual unions
Trump has tried three times and still doesn’t get it
Here's a pic of the happy couple:

Man...that is just disturbing. Madcow clearly wants a mommy instead of a spouse. Lefties are such a mess when it comes to mental health.
Makes you wonder why Maddow can have such a better relationship than Trump can ever hope for
Guess that same sex marriage stuff works out better than many heterosexual unions
Trump has tried three times and still doesn’t get it
How do you know they have a better relationship? They certainly can't reproduce, so their marriage is a joke.
Who the fuck are you to tell anyone what is and is not a real marriage? You statist make me sick to my stomach
Biology tells us...Gulping Gaytor.

Biology tells you what a marriage is? Holy fuck you are stupid. I take it you never made it past the 5th grade.

Marriage is a religious construct, it has nothing to do with biology.

Some days I wonder if you have to get someone to turn on your computer for you, you might be the dumbest person on this forum...and that is saying a lot
Last edited:
Here's a pic of the happy couple:

Man...that is just disturbing. Madcow clearly wants a mommy instead of a spouse. Lefties are such a mess when it comes to mental health.
Makes you wonder why Maddow can have such a better relationship than Trump can ever hope for
Guess that same sex marriage stuff works out better than many heterosexual unions
Trump has tried three times and still doesn’t get it
How do you know they have a better relationship? They certainly can't reproduce, so their marriage is a joke.

My SIL and BIL cannot reproduce so I guess in your view their 30 year marriage is a joke as well.

Why do you not move to Iran or Yemen, you would be much happier there
yeah, but who wants to fuck her? The answer is nobody. That's why she's a dyke.
She is happily married

Trump? Not so much
Here's a pic of the happy couple:

They have a better marriage than Trump ever had
ROFL! They have a fake marriage. A husband and wife are a reproductive unit. Maddow and her "wife" can't reproduce.

Typical statist, they want to define what makes a marriage and what does not. All those married couples that are incapable of having children are not real marriages in the eyes of those who think the only purpose of marriage is to pump out kids.

Who the fuck are you to tell anyone what is and is not a real marriage? You statist make me sick to my stomach

Society defined what marriage is thousands of years ago. State governments also defined it before the USA even existed. They are still defining it. The only difference now is that a pet Demcorat constiuency is included in the definition. In the process of changing it, they turned it into a joke.
Who the fuck are you to tell anyone what is and is not a real marriage? You statist make me sick to my stomach
Biology tells us...Gulping Gaytor.

Biology tell you what a marriage is? Holy fuck youre stupid. I take it you never made it past the 5th grade.

Marriage is a religious construct, it has nothing to do with biology.

Some days I wonder if you have to get someone to turn on your computer for you, you might be the dumbest person on this forum...and that is saying a lot
Yeah, right, reproduction has nothing to do with marriage. That's how we know you're nothing but a snowflake masquerading as a libertarian. You're also a special kind of dumbass.
She is happily married

Trump? Not so much
Here's a pic of the happy couple:

They have a better marriage than Trump ever had
ROFL! They have a fake marriage. A husband and wife are a reproductive unit. Maddow and her "wife" can't reproduce.

Typical statist, they want to define what makes a marriage and what does not. All those married couples that are incapable of having children are not real marriages in the eyes of those who think the only purpose of marriage is to pump out kids.

Who the fuck are you to tell anyone what is and is not a real marriage? You statist make me sick to my stomach

Society defined what marriage is thousands of years ago. State governments also defined it before the USA even existed. They are still defining it. The only difference now is that a pet Demcorat constiuency is included in the definition. In the process of changing it, they turned it into a joke.

A joke to you who thinks it is your place to tell other people what is a real and what is a fake marriage.

Why the hell do you think you have the right or power?

Why do you even fucking care?
Yeah, right, reproduction has nothing to do with marriage. That's how we know you're nothing but a snowflake masquerading as a libertarian. You're also a special kind of dumbass.

for some yes, for others no.

Some people actually get married because they love each other.

Sucks you only did it to pump out kids.

I am assuming once you are no longer able to pump out kids you will end the marriage since it has no other purpose.
Here's a pic of the happy couple:

Man...that is just disturbing. Madcow clearly wants a mommy instead of a spouse. Lefties are such a mess when it comes to mental health.
Makes you wonder why Maddow can have such a better relationship than Trump can ever hope for
Guess that same sex marriage stuff works out better than many heterosexual unions
Trump has tried three times and still doesn’t get it
How do you know they have a better relationship? They certainly can't reproduce, so their marriage is a joke.
Of course they can reproduce
Same sex couples have children all the time

It is Trump who shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce
Here's a pic of the happy couple:

Man...that is just disturbing. Madcow clearly wants a mommy instead of a spouse. Lefties are such a mess when it comes to mental health.
Makes you wonder why Maddow can have such a better relationship than Trump can ever hope for
Guess that same sex marriage stuff works out better than many heterosexual unions
Trump has tried three times and still doesn’t get it
How do you know they have a better relationship? They certainly can't reproduce, so their marriage is a joke.

My SIL and BIL cannot reproduce so I guess in your view their 30 year marriage is a joke as well.

Why do you not move to Iran or Yemen, you would be much happier there
Oh right, because not recognizing gay marriage, the law until about 2 years ago, makes American no better than than the barbarians in the Middle East fuedal states.

I'm not going to explain why people who find out they can't have children after they get married are not forced to divorce. Only people with brain damage aren't able to figure that out for themselves.
Here's a pic of the happy couple:

Man...that is just disturbing. Madcow clearly wants a mommy instead of a spouse. Lefties are such a mess when it comes to mental health.
Makes you wonder why Maddow can have such a better relationship than Trump can ever hope for
Guess that same sex marriage stuff works out better than many heterosexual unions
Trump has tried three times and still doesn’t get it
How do you know they have a better relationship? They certainly can't reproduce, so their marriage is a joke.
Of course they can reproduce
Same sex couples have children all the time

It is Trump who shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce
Not with each other, dumbass.

Why do we always have to explain the most basic facts anytime we have a discussion about so-called "gay marriage?" That's an oxymoron, if there ever was one.

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