Mueller has served the people nothing burgers valued at 30 million.

Mark Dice

Leftists are not happy with the meals. Maybe next time try Mc Donald's, the proper choice considering the intellectual development. All I am hearing is salt, rage, and massive deflection. When will the leftists finally admit that the Russia hoax was a giant sham and a lie?

They knew it was a hoax from the get-go.

All it was, was muddying the waters so criminal dimocrap scum could scurry away.

mewler was the rear guard for dimocrap FILTH.

While mewler stayed back and kept us pinned down, dimocrap CRIMINALS ran away and hid.

Will Barr do anything about it?

I'm not real hopeful. It's Deep State, people.

If Barr does nothing, if at least 50 dimocrap SCUM aren't in prison this time next year, our Republic is over.

The greatest experiment in the history of Human Kind will have been frittered away.

Trump knows this but I'm not sure Barr is up to the task.

He is, afterall, a Lawyer. A lower breed of human has never existed than a fucking lawyer.

Maybe Barr can redeem the whole caste but I'm not gonna hold my breath

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