It Is Not Racism Anymore, It is Class Warfare And Every Politician Should Wake Up


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2013
I haven’t even heard whether the George Floyd killing was racially motivated. What is true is that that policeman should not have been on the force, and that the black police Chief was not on watch and did not train a competent police force.
science does not seem to be important when talking about race but last year 9 unarmed black Men were killed by police and 18 unarmed white men were killed by police. That is not systemic racism. Quite honestly I am sick of the phrase we need to have a conversation about race. Their is nothing left to say, I have heard it all. Procedures and rules are in place to make policing fairer and are not being followed in almost every case of police brutality. And please spare me multi millionaire black commentators saying there is no opportunity for black people, all white people are racist, and we have not addressed the issues of 50 years ago. On CNBC some slick black lady said there are no black faces in Silicon Valley, ok darling there are no Indians in the nba, just stop with this false reasoning.
few here will agree with me on the waning of racism but what everyone is missing is that these protests are about young people, minorities, and even the middle class are tired of the deck being stacked against them. The perfect storm of virus, unemployment, home Quarantine, police brutality, and the beginning of summer have come together to allow the powerless to show their frustration with the system. There are more white people protesting than black and all these people have legitimate reasons for anger at the system. The economy is not fair, the laws favor the corporations, the system indebts the young forever, and the very rich are getting immorally richer. This is the ticking time bomb that is the real reason for such demonstrations. Bernie Sanders was a harbinger of these problems but conservative and republicans ignore this movement at their own risk. Something needs to be done to return capitalism to its non corrupted form. Constant gifts of Taxpayer money to mammoth corporations when 40 million people are out of work is not What America should be about. Both parties had better wake up and look around because the longer they continue to not work for the American people the closer they are bringing us all to the symbolic guillotine.
I haven’t even heard whether the George Floyd killing was racially motivated. What is true is that that policeman should not have been on the force, and that the black police Chief was not on watch and did not train a competent police force.
science does not seem to be important when talking about race but last year 9 unarmed black Men were killed by police and 18 unarmed white men were killed by police. That is not systemic racism. Quite honestly I am sick of the phrase we need to have a conversation about race. Their is nothing left to say, I have heard it all. Procedures and rules are in place to make policing fairer and are not being followed in almost every case of police brutality. And please spare me multi millionaire black commentators saying there is no opportunity for black people, all white people are racist, and we have not addressed the issues of 50 years ago. On CNBC some slick black lady said there are no black faces in Silicon Valley, ok darling there are no Indians in the nba, just stop with this false reasoning.
few here will agree with me on the waning of racism but what everyone is missing is that these protests are about young people, minorities, and even the middle class are tired of the deck being stacked against them. The perfect storm of virus, unemployment, home Quarantine, police brutality, and the beginning of summer have come together to allow the powerless to show their frustration with the system. There are more white people protesting than black and all these people have legitimate reasons for anger at the system. The economy is not fair, the laws favor the corporations, the system indebts the young forever, and the very rich are getting immorally richer. This is the ticking time bomb that is the real reason for such demonstrations. Bernie Sanders was a harbinger of these problems but conservative and republicans ignore this movement at their own risk. Something needs to be done to return capitalism to its non corrupted form. Constant gifts of Taxpayer money to mammoth corporations when 40 million people are out of work is not What America should be about. Both parties had better wake up and look around because the longer they continue to not work for the American people the closer they are bringing us all to the symbolic guillotine.

It's funny that you mention the guillotine because the modern day US has become the old French model that had a revolution regarding the same thing, which is kill the rich and take their stuff!

And where exactly did that get the French people? It got them Napoleon, a warmongering tyrant. This is usually what happens when you have directionless revolutions all based upon the dark side of human emotions known as greed. But it's not called greed because they are still considered poor in comparison and always will be.

Conversely, the American revolution worked best because you had rich affluent and educated men who were directing it and who were heavily influenced by a culture who had come to America for religious freedom, not stuff to take from others. And yes, it later devolved into that as the American Indian was looted and killed for their land, but initially that was not the case. But the real reason they had a revolt was they wanted more personal freedom from tyranny. But don't think that these folks were pure in heart, because it only took them a few years to pass the Alien and Sedition Acts, something that Thomas Jefferson bitterly opposed and finally overturned most of it. However, know that Jefferson took full advantage of these laws before he did away with them, just like him opposing slavery and wanting to include them in the Declaration of Independence but still owned slaves and later compromised on the Declaration so as not to include the slaves. But the provision that were left over, FDR used to imprison innocent Japanese Americans, someone that the Left views as a god. But this is the nature of power, it changes people and not for the better. So the real issue should be to decentralize power. The Article V movement is the only movement around today trying to address this.

You seem to think that someone like Bernie Sanders can solve the problem, but he is rich as well. Do you really thing he is going to share any of his wealth with you or even cares at all about you? If so, you are delusional. The Left is formulating revolts and violence for one reason, to create a police state. Every day now we get alerts on our cell phones about cities being looted and curfews enforced, this after being quarantined at home because of a virus. And if you really think that those in power want to give up their power to give back to you, you have no clue what human nature is all about. If you look at the rich states and poor states, the rich states are all blue and poor ones red. What does this tell you? In fact, all the major corporate CEO's lean Left. The Left has become a support group for two economic classes, the extreme poor and rich. They will throw just enough crumbs to the very poor to continue their block vote with them, and it also helps that they have block votes based upon race, even though in Progressive cities blacks are dying by the thousands every day. In fact, in New York City there have been more black abortions than births, something that the far Left probably loves. Like Karl Marx said, the middle class must be destroyed. This is what the Left is all about.
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It was always about class. It just so happens class and racial cleavages sometimes fall together. The ruling class decades ago formed an alliance with inner city underclass to defeat the middle and working classes.

“ Cast your eye across a list of the twenty richest House districts in the United States, measured by median income: every single one of them now has a Democratic representative. Of the wealthiest forty districts, thirty-five of them just elected a Democrat; of the wealthiest fifty, that number is forty-two. Link

At the same time Democrats won every slum and inner city in America hands down. Put these two undeniable facts together and what’s the only conclusion you can draw?
I haven’t even heard whether the George Floyd killing was racially motivated. What is true is that that policeman should not have been on the force, and that the black police Chief was not on watch and did not train a competent police force.
science does not seem to be important when talking about race but last year 9 unarmed black Men were killed by police and 18 unarmed white men were killed by police. That is not systemic racism. Quite honestly I am sick of the phrase we need to have a conversation about race. Their is nothing left to say, I have heard it all. Procedures and rules are in place to make policing fairer and are not being followed in almost every case of police brutality. And please spare me multi millionaire black commentators saying there is no opportunity for black people, all white people are racist, and we have not addressed the issues of 50 years ago. On CNBC some slick black lady said there are no black faces in Silicon Valley, ok darling there are no Indians in the nba, just stop with this false reasoning.
few here will agree with me on the waning of racism but what everyone is missing is that these protests are about young people, minorities, and even the middle class are tired of the deck being stacked against them. The perfect storm of virus, unemployment, home Quarantine, police brutality, and the beginning of summer have come together to allow the powerless to show their frustration with the system. There are more white people protesting than black and all these people have legitimate reasons for anger at the system. The economy is not fair, the laws favor the corporations, the system indebts the young forever, and the very rich are getting immorally richer. This is the ticking time bomb that is the real reason for such demonstrations. Bernie Sanders was a harbinger of these problems but conservative and republicans ignore this movement at their own risk. Something needs to be done to return capitalism to its non corrupted form. Constant gifts of Taxpayer money to mammoth corporations when 40 million people are out of work is not What America should be about. Both parties had better wake up and look around because the longer they continue to not work for the American people the closer they are bringing us all to the symbolic guillotine.

It's funny that you mention the guillotine because the modern day US has become the old French model that had a revolution regarding the same thing, which is kill the rich and take their stuff!

And where exactly did that get the French people? It got them Napoleon, a warmongering tyrant. This is usually what happens when you have directionless revolutions all based upon the dark side of human emotions known as greed. But it's not called greed because they are still considered poor in comparison and always will be.

Conversely, the American revolution worked best because you had rich affluent and educated men who were directing it and who were heavily influenced by a culture who had come to America for religious freedom, not stuff to take from others. And yes, it later devolved into that as the American Indian was looted and killed for their land, but initially that was not the case. But the real reason they had a revolt was they wanted more personal freedom from tyranny. But don't think that these folks were pure in heart, because it only took them a few years to pass the Alien and Sedition Acts, something that Thomas Jefferson bitterly opposed and finally overturned most of it. However, know that Jefferson took full advantage of these laws before he did away with them, just like him opposing slavery and wanting to include them in the Declaration of Independence but still owned slaves and later compromised on the Declaration so as not to include the slaves. But the provision that were left over, FDR used to imprison innocent Japanese Americans, someone that the Left views as a god. But this is the nature of power, it changes people and not for the better. So the real issue should be to decentralize power. The Article V movement is the only movement around today trying to address this.

You seem to think that someone like Bernie Sanders can solve the problem, but he is rich as well. Do you really thing he is going to share any of his wealth with you or even cares at all about you? If so, you are delusional. The Left is formulating revolts and violence for one reason, to create a police state. Every day now we get alerts on our cell phones about cities being looted and curfews enforced, this after being quarantined at home because of a virus. And if you really think that those in power want to give up their power to give back to you, you have no clue what human nature is all about. If you look at the rich states and poor states, the rich states are all blue and poor ones red. What does this tell you? In fact, all the major corporate CEO's lean Left. The Left has become a support group for two economic classes, the extreme poor and rich. They will throw just enough crumbs to the very poor to continue their block vote with them, and it also helps that they have block votes based upon race, even though in Progressive cities blacks are dying by the thousands every day. In fact, in New York City there have been more black abortions than births, something that the far Left probably loves. Like Karl Marx said, the middle class must be destroyed. This is what the Left is all about.
We ich states are all blue, I guess Texas and Florida aren’t rich. I am not a Bernie supporter or green deal or climate change. My point is only to create more awareness thareal problems are brewing and people better take notice. My pet peeve is interest rates on credit cards,this is legal thievery and could be fixed in a heartbeat without endangering capitalism. I want opportunity to be fair. Young people increasingly don’t have a chance to move independently into the middle class and this is a big problem for our country.

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