It isn't your grandfather's LEFT anymore

... It of course began with the hippy culture of the 1960's which was the first generation to largely reject the values, traditions, customs of their parents ...

You mean the 1860's? ... San Francisco has always rejected these values ... just that the hippies were the first in the Age of Television, you never heard of the Beat Generation that came before ... the Crazy dates back to Mexican policies ... John Charles Fremont found Alta California a complete nuthouse as early as the 1840's ... before San Francisco was San Francisco ... the Gold Rush just made things worse (or better) ...

Then parents should instil those abilities but every human makes a choice of what they choose to do.
The left has so decimated the American family that roughly half of the children these days do not have a biological mother and father in the home and only about one third of children live in a home with a biological mother and father who are married. That is largely the legacy of leftism in America.
Okay this one is too much parroting of the assigned slogans and catch words and frankly just too intellectually dishonest and apparently deliberately ignorant to give attention to. Have a nice afternoon.
Rebut anything I said with facts.
But they still do reject those values....That's why I say that they're merely covetous of the power, instead of truly anti-establishment.

Trump didn't start it...This goes back at least to Ross Perot, if not Nixon...Maybe even Kennedy.

The thing with Trump is that his policies are those of a 1980s democrat....He's not even close to the "conservatism" of a Reagan, let alone a Goldwater or Ron Paul.....That's how far into the neo-Marxist loony bin the left has descended.
It is true Trump was/is neither partisan nor ideologue. He is a problem solver and uses trial and error to arrive at something practical that works to achieve an objective or a goal. And his way proved to be the most useful and effective and beneficial for almost all Americans administration this country has seen for a very long time. That he understood what values and traditions were important to the rank and file Patriots, valuable for the quality of life of Americans, and enabled us in protecting them was just icing on that cake.

But he did make the Democrats and establishment Republicans who had not been able to achieve those goals or objectives, or lacked the courage and political will to do so, look really bad. He demonstrated what can be accomplished by a leader who actually works for the people who elected him instead of increasing his own wealth and power. And they hated him for it.

So maybe that writer in the Epoch Times was on to something. You aren't wrong that the problem began developing in the 60's. But it sure went on steroids once Trump announced his candidacy. He isn't a member of the club. He's an outsider. He's an usurper in that he bypasses the establishment. He showed how wrong the others had been. He had to be stopped. He had to be destroyed.

And maybe it was that unbridled hatred turned into militant malice that has ripped the fabric of the country apart. It wasn't Patriots who did that.
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You mean the 1860's? ... San Francisco has always rejected these values ... just that the hippies were the first in the Age of Television, you never heard of the Beat Generation that came before ... the Crazy dates back to Mexican policies ... John Charles Fremont found Alta California a complete nuthouse as early as the 1840's ... before San Francisco was San Francisco ... the Gold Rush just made things worse (or better) ...

There has always been the left. There has always been those, even among the Founders, who wanted the government to have more power and authority. Nobody in 1776 had ever experienced anything other than near totalitarian government. So the principles and values that went into our Constitution were a great experiment of a new way of thinking, a new concept of government of, by, for the people instead of a monarchy, dictator, or Roman Senate dictating what the law would be and exercising total control over the people.

The Founders themselves were the leftists of their time pushing a refreshing concept of unalienable rights (for the first time in world history), life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, right to one's property/what one earned by his own efforts. The government should be small, efficient, effective, solely responsible to the citizens who elected it, and held in check by a Constitution that allowed it to do only what the Constitution granted it authority to do.

Those leftists if they lived in our times would be he libertarians (small 'L'), conservatives, classical liberals, Patriots of our day. And the modern day American leftist is something I never thought we would recognize as American at all but they are about as un-liberal as it gets.
But he did make the Democrats and establishment Republicans who had not been able to achieve those goals or objectives, or lacked the courage and political will to do so, look really bad. He demonstrated what can be accomplished by a leader who actually works for the people who elected him instead of increasing his own wealth and power. And they hated him for it.
Neither was Ross Perot...Neither party took the 16% of the vote he got in '92 and any sort indication of how fed up people were of the uniparty foolishness.

The sneered and scoffed at Pat Buchanan, the TEA Party, Ron Paul, then Trump.
And maybe it was that unbridled hatred turned into militant malice that has ripped the fabric of the country apart. It wasn't Patriots who did that.
No question....Trump didn't make them malignant, he revealed their malignancy.
It's dishonest via your go-to smear tactic; the lies of omission.

Go away...Nobody likes you.
I speak the truth. You cannot handle te truth. The truth will not go away. You hide in the Trump cult because you cannot handle the truth.
Neither was Ross Perot...Neither party took the 16% of the vote he got in '92 and any sort indication of how fed up people were of the uniparty foolishness.

The sneered and scoffed at Pat Buchanan, the TEA Party, Ron Paul, then Trump.

No question....Trump didn't make them malignant, he revealed their malignancy.
Probably true. Given that Clinton didn't get 50% of the vote in either the 1992 or 1996 elections, I honestly think the people might have elected Perot in '92 if he hadn't gone batshit crazy at the last minute. He still got 19% of the vote. But of course the left, and also Rush Limbaugh, were undermining him pretty consistently.

And there were factors that Dems hated Bush 41 because he was GOP and Republicans were furious that he broke his no new taxes pledge to appease the Democrats. And Bob Dole, who might have made a fine President, was a somewhat unappealing candidate during the 1996 campaign. I don't think his heart was ever in it.

For sure an outsider, anybody who is apart from the establishment, will not get any help from either establishment Republicans or the Democrats. For the most part though such people will be shrugged off and mostly ignored as unimportant. They couldn't do that with Trump. :)

And because it seems our modern day leftists have lost most of their moral center, sense of perspective, concepts of real principles and values, I guess it was inevitable that if they can't have their way, they'll tear or burn everything down. When they couldn't frame Trump, blame Trump, get Trump, they turned on us all.
How did it happen? Why did it happen? How does it sustain itself and spread? Inquiring minds want to know.

The left used to be anti-war.
Now they’re giving Zelensky a blank check with no accountability required and don't seem to care that North Korea, Iran, and China are all saber rattling.

The left used to be anti-FBI and other government law enforcement.
Now they own it and use it against law abiding Americans.

The left used to be pro- women.
Now they applaud transgendered men taking women's jobs, sporting records, scholarships, and putting women at higher risk for assault and worse.

The left used to be pro-children.
Now they applaud or turn a blind eye to grooming of children via inappropriate curriculum, entertainment, recreation and don't seem to care that American students are far behind their counterparts in most core subjects around the world.

The left used to be pro-diversity of opinions and freedom of choice.
Now they tell you what opinions you MUST have and how you are required to live.

The left used to be pro-free speech.
Now they say speech is violence, and silence you if you hurt someone’s feelings.

The left used to be American.
Now they are New World Order one world government advocates.

The change has occurred as the left becomes more and more the large majority in government, media, education, entertainment, scientific organizations, big business and has more and more power and control of all.

If you look throughout history the left has never been what they claimed. They're the party of all talk, projection, misdeeds and twisted thoughts.
Untrue since groups on the left and right were anti-war during Nam.

That's fun. Lyndon Johnson and a democracked run House and Senate instigated our involvement. The first to send troops was Kennedy and a democracked run House and Senate.
If you look throughout history the left has never been what they claimed. They're the party of all talk, projection, misdeeds and twisted thoughts.
I think historically, the left hasn't been all bad.

The radicals opposing the Tsars in Russia meant well--they believed they were fighting for the common man, the oppressed, the poor, those who simply wanted freedom and a piece of the pie. But the revolution created new leaders who quickly became obsessed with their new power and did what they needed to do to increase it until they had created totalitarianism more vicious, hateful, and powerful than anything the Tzars ever imposed on the people.

In fact in almost every case in which leftism has overthrown the traditional ruling classes, a much worse totalitarianism has replaced those ruling classes. We have seen it in Russia, China, North Korea, North Vietnam etc. The Marxist ideal seems so pure, so noble, so righteous. But every time it has been tried, some of the world's most powerful, vicious, oppressive governments have been created. And those in power were not about to relinquish their acquired power to the lowly people as Marx and Engles envisioned.

And our leftist friends or those who don't bother to take all this seriously should take heed of that history. Could it happen in the USA? It absolutely could. In fact I believe it will if there are not enough Patriots left standing to defend our flag, Constitution, and the Republic they represent.
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How did it happen? Why did it happen? How does it sustain itself and spread? Inquiring minds want to know.

The left used to be anti-war.
Now they’re giving Zelensky a blank check with no accountability required and don't seem to care that North Korea, Iran, and China are all saber rattling.

The left used to be anti-FBI and other government law enforcement.
Now they own it and use it against law abiding Americans.

The left used to be pro- women.
Now they applaud transgendered men taking women's jobs, sporting records, scholarships, and putting women at higher risk for assault and worse.

The left used to be pro-children.
Now they applaud or turn a blind eye to grooming of children via inappropriate curriculum, entertainment, recreation and don't seem to care that American students are far behind their counterparts in most core subjects around the world.

The left used to be pro-diversity of opinions and freedom of choice.
Now they tell you what opinions you MUST have and how you are required to live.

The left used to be pro-free speech.
Now they say speech is violence, and silence you if you hurt someone’s feelings.

The left used to be American.
Now they are New World Order one world government advocates.

The change has occurred as the left becomes more and more the large majority in government, media, education, entertainment, scientific organizations, big business and has more and more power and control of all.

Oh come on, "the left" is so big, it never used to be any one thing. Neither is "the right".
Until recently when the left is all about total control, defeating/silencing/destroying any who oppose them, etc., the left has had good intentions I think. The radicals opposing the Tsars in Russia meant well--they believed they were fighting for the common man, the oppressed, the poor, those who simply wanted freedom and a piece of the pie. But the revolution created new leaders who quickly became obsessed with their new power and did what they needed to do to increase it until they had created totalitarianism more vicious, hateful, and powerful than anything the Tzars ever imposed on the people.

In fact in almost every case in which leftism has overthrown the traditional ruling classes, a much worse totalitarianism has replaced those ruling classes. We have seen it in Russia, China, North Korea, North Vietnam etc. The Marxist ideal seems so pure, so noble, so righteous. But every time it has been tried, some of the world's most powerful, vicious, oppressive governments have been created. And those in power were not about to relinquish their acquired power to the lowly people.
I can tell you hate the Bud Light boycott...Thanks for supporting transpeople...
They're getting closer to communism every year. And most of them just can't see it.
They'll turn this country into Venezuela north if left unchecked.
The crap the sheep are doing is not Communism. Communist would throw their progressive asses into reeducation camps or execute them. The elite are using these useful idiots to destabilize society after they take control then the real Communism starts with the camps and genocide.

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