It looks like Trump fired Preet Barrarah because Veselnitskaya asked him to

There was barely a ripple when Barry Hussein was forced to accept his Attorney General's resignation because the A.G. was actually held in contempt of congress over the insane "Operation Fast/Furious" where a Border Patrol Officer was murdered with a weapon the ATF supplied to Mexican drug cartels but the "plot thickens" when Trump fires a U.S. Attorney. Political double standard?
Only the clueless and the Causeless expect "equality of results" with apples and oranges.
A hill of beans would have been worth $230 million
They settled for a $6 million mohill.
So what? It was undoubtedly some attempt by the Obama Injustice Dept to shake down a foreign corporation for cash that it could dole out to its favorite leftwing propaganda organs. That's why Sessions settled. Shaking down corporations for cash that he could use for illicit purposes was one of Obama's favorite activities.

Obama US attorney Prett Bharaba was after $230 million in money laundering.

Prett got fired by Trump, and his replacement and/or Trumps handpicked AG, settled for 4 cents on the dollar, with no admission of guilt. Even the russian lawyer was surprised.
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Marc Kasowitz, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer in the Russia investigation, has boasted to friends and colleagues that he played a central role in the firing of Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, according to four people familiar with the conversations.

Actually, others have openly stated that Trump fired Bharara after Sean Hannity "advised" the orange moron that Bharara was too "independent" for the corrupt Trump to trust to do his bidding.
It's standard for settlements to include a clause stating no admission of guilt. Without that, the plaintiff can pursue further legal action.

Res res judicata

Mental moron.
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The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

Wall Street Journal (7-15-2017): In 2014, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York, alleged that Prevezon laundered defrauded money from Mr. Browder’s fund into U.S. bank accounts and Manhattan real estate. Earlier this year, U.S. authorities and Prevezon reached a $5.9 million civil settlement. The company didn’t admit wrongdoing as part of the settlement.

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee this week asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether the Trump Tower meeting was in any way connected to the settlement, which came two months after President Trump fired Mr. Bharara.

The plot thickens.
-------------------------------------------------- wasn't this guy an appointee of mrobamas . I think that he was so if i am correct the firing was simply the firing of an enemy in his new TRUMP Administration Nat .
It is NOT standard operating procedure to provide no admission of guilt. In fact, the opposite is true. In order to settle cases you have to admit to guilt, especially in criminal cases like money laundering.

I starting working in the field of law in 1980 and spent 35 years working as a law clerk for some of the largest and most respected firms in the world. What's your legal background?.

In a way you're both right, but for different reasons.

Usually with an admission of guilt, they will settle for a lower figure than what was sued for. Kinda like doing it for the principle, and not the money.

But in order to settle without an admission of guilt, they require a sizeable settlement, close to the amount they were suing for. Kinda like paying hush money.

But settling without an admission of guilt for pennies on the dollar. Unheard of.
Marc Kasowitz, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer in the Russia investigation, has boasted to friends and colleagues that he played a central role in the firing of Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, according to four people familiar with the conversations.

Actually, others have openly stated that Trump fired Bharara after Sean Hannity "advised" the orange moron that Bharara was too "independent" for the corrupt Trump to trust to do his bidding.
Just bad luck, "HR got those people in the right place at the right time"; must be some new fangled sort of "communism".
The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

Wall Street Journal (7-15-2017): In 2014, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York, alleged that Prevezon laundered defrauded money from Mr. Browder’s fund into U.S. bank accounts and Manhattan real estate. Earlier this year, U.S. authorities and Prevezon reached a $5.9 million civil settlement. The company didn’t admit wrongdoing as part of the settlement.

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee this week asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether the Trump Tower meeting was in any way connected to the settlement, which came two months after President Trump fired Mr. Bharara.

The plot thickens.
-------------------------------------------------- wasn't this guy an appointee of mrobamas . I think that he was so if i am correct the firing was simply the firing of an enemy in his new TRUMP Administration Nat .
Politics is included, when you receive the benefit of the franchise of the vote instead of having to "work hard".
Actually, others have openly stated that Trump fired Bharara after Sean Hannity "advised" the orange moron that Bharara was too "independent" for the corrupt Trump to trust to do his bidding.

.....and most of us already know that the orange clown listens to FOX more than he does his generals......
Actually, others have openly stated that Trump fired Bharara after Sean Hannity "advised" the orange moron that Bharara was too "independent" for the corrupt Trump to trust to do his bidding.

.....and most of us already know that the orange clown listens to FOX more than he does his generals......
-------------------------------------------------- skinny old 'preet' is GONE and Trump was wise to get rid of him Nat . Too bad that Trump can't get rid of 'juan mckain' just as easily Nat .
The Russian lawyer who met Donald Trump Jr. in the Trump Tower represents a firm that was being prosecuted by Preet Barrarah for fraud.

Then Trump becomes President, he fires Barrarah and suddenly (2 months into his presidency) the lawsuit gets settled without Veselnitskaya's client having to admit guilt.

Wall Street Journal (7-15-2017): In 2014, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in the Southern District of New York, alleged that Prevezon laundered defrauded money from Mr. Browder’s fund into U.S. bank accounts and Manhattan real estate. Earlier this year, U.S. authorities and Prevezon reached a $5.9 million civil settlement. The company didn’t admit wrongdoing as part of the settlement.

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee this week asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions whether the Trump Tower meeting was in any way connected to the settlement, which came two months after President Trump fired Mr. Bharara.

The plot thickens.

Here's a better analysis of the plot.

Clue: the Obabble Admin, Clinton Family Crime Syndicate, and the Dems were the ones who were actually colluding witht the Russians

Articles: The Russian Collusion Story: The Acme of Fake News
A hill of beans would have been worth $230 million
They settled for a $6 million mohill.
So what? It was undoubtedly some attempt by the Obama Injustice Dept to shake down a foreign corporation for cash that it could dole out to its favorite leftwing propaganda organs. That's why Sessions settled. Shaking down corporations for cash that he could use for illicit purposes was one of Obama's favorite activities.

Obama US attorney Prett Bharaba was after $230 million in money laundering.

Prett got fired by Trump, and his replacement and/or Trumps handpicked AG, settled for 4 cents on the dollar, with no admission of guilt. Even the russian lawyer was surprised.
Asking for outrageous amounts is common practice with douche bag prosecutors. It's how they scare companies into settling even when they are innocent. Nothing any of Obama's attorney's did can be accepted at face value.
Here's what "no admission of guilt costs"

Judge approves $25M settlement in Trump University fraud case

A federal judge has closed the book on the Trump University legal battle — at least for now.

U.S. District Judge Gonzolo Curiel gave his final approval Friday to the $25 million pact that averted a trial between Trump and thousands of his disgruntled former students late last year.

Plaintiff lawyers have said the settlement is a good deal for the students who spent thousands of dollars on nationwide seminars they called worthless infomercials with high-pressure sales tactics.

The settlement is expected to return about 90 cents on the dollar to the roughly 3,730 class members who submitted claims by the deadline, the lawyers said.

90 cents on the dollar

Compare to the deal the Russian lawyer got paying only 4 cents on the dollar.
It's standard for settlements to include a clause stating no admission of guilt. Without that, the plaintiff can pursue further legal action.

That's completely wrong.

res judicata
noun: res judicata; plural noun: res judicatae
  1. a matter that has been adjudicated by a competent court and may not be pursued further by the same parties.

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