It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

...They are indeed inalienable rights, yet the Marxist democrats are still doing everything they can to crush them.
Your rights are not being crushed... it's merely that your possession of Killing Tools is about to be better-regulated than in times past.
No amendment necessary. The 2nd Amendment means whatever SCOTUS says it means at any given time.

Then this is a dictatorship and we have no obligation to follow any law, the social contract is null and void.

Thankfully, what you babble is utter bullshit.

Case law proves you wrong.

Supreme Court Cases on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

You really are quite stupid.

Your own link refutes you, you should have read it.

{Nor can Congress deny to the people the right to keep and bear arms, nor the right to trial by jury, nor compel any one to be a witness against himself in a criminal proceeding. These powers, and others, in relation to rights of person, which it is not necessary here to enumerate, are, in express and positive terms,}

Dumb fake Indian...
------------------------------------------ I could be wrong but there is an argument that the Bill of Rights , the first 10 are God Given and existed even before the Bill of Rights and are 'inalienable' and can't be changed or Amended away . What , does the the gov have the right to amend away Freedom of Speech or Religion ??

They are indeed inalienable rights, yet the Marxist democrats are still doing everything they can to crush them.
----------------------------------------------- you may know the answer but is the correct word 'inalienable' or 'unalienable' UNCensored . Otherwise as to your post let me say , YES , I agree with your post UNCensored
...They are indeed inalienable rights, yet the Marxist democrats are still doing everything they can to crush them.
Your rights are not being crushed... it's merely that your possession of Killing Tools is about to be better-regulated than in times past.

Sorry Comrade, I have the god given right to keep and bear arms, from shovels to firearms. You Nazi thugs are not going to remove those rights - ever.
...They are indeed inalienable rights, yet the Marxist democrats are still doing everything they can to crush them.
Your rights are not being crushed... it's merely that your possession of Killing Tools is about to be better-regulated than in times past.
You cannot demonstrate the necessity or efficacy of the restrictions you seek - thus, you seek to infringe on those rights.
Then this is a dictatorship and we have no obligation to follow any law, the social contract is null and void.

Thankfully, what you babble is utter bullshit.

Case law proves you wrong.

Supreme Court Cases on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

You really are quite stupid.

Your own link refutes you, you should have read it.

{Nor can Congress deny to the people the right to keep and bear arms, nor the right to trial by jury, nor compel any one to be a witness against himself in a criminal proceeding. These powers, and others, in relation to rights of person, which it is not necessary here to enumerate, are, in express and positive terms,}

Dumb fake Indian...
------------------------------------------ I could be wrong but there is an argument that the Bill of Rights , the first 10 are God Given and existed even before the Bill of Rights and are 'inalienable' and can't be changed or Amended away . What , does the the gov have the right to amend away Freedom of Speech or Religion ??

They are indeed inalienable rights, yet the Marxist democrats are still doing everything they can to crush them.
----------------------------------------------- you may know the answer but is the correct word 'inalienable' or 'unalienable' UNCensored . Otherwise as to your post let me say , YES , I agree with your post UNCensored

Either or.

  • adj.
    That cannot be transferred to another or others.

  • Incapable of being alienated or transferred to another; that cannot or should not be transferred or given up.
  • adj.
    Incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred to another; not alienable.
  • adj.
    Not to be separated, given away, or taken away; inalienable.

  • Inalienable.
  • adj.
More at Wordnik from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th
...You cannot demonstrate the necessity or efficacy of the restrictions you seek...
The object of the exercise is to dry-up the supply of firearms in the hands of those deemed too dangerous to possess them.

It will take decades to flush them out to the point where we are once again relatively safe, but, a journey of a thousand miles...

Nobody owns a functioning crystal ball... no point in speculation... fewer guns mean fewer crimes,,, simple math...

...thus, you seek to infringe on those rights.
Properly regulating your possession of Killing Tools will not infringe upon your right to do so - assuming you meet the criteria that The Law will set down.


America has seen one too many innocent little kid's brains splattered across a classroom, because the Gun Lobby won't budge.

Well, comes a time when The People build up enough steam to roll over any obstruction like that....

Such a time seems close at-hand now...

Tick... tick... tick...
...You cannot demonstrate the necessity or efficacy of the restrictions you seek...
The object of the exercise is to dry-up the supply of firearms in the hands of those deemed too dangerous to possess them.

It will take decades to flush them out to the point where we are once again relatively safe, but, a journey of a thousand miles...

Nobody owns a functioning crystal ball... no point in speculation... fewer guns mean fewer crimes,,, simple math...

...thus, you seek to infringe on those rights.
Properly regulating your possession of Killing Tools will not infringe upon your right to do so - assuming you meet the criteria that The Law will set down.


America has seen one too many innocent little kid's brains splattered across a classroom, because the Gun Lobby won't budge.

Well, comes a time when The People build up enough steam to roll over any obstruction like that....

Such a time seems close at-hand now...

Tick... tick... tick...

It amazes me, you Communists claim it would be impossible to deport 30 million illegal aliens, yet you think you could confiscate 300 million firearms from the peasantry....
...You cannot demonstrate the necessity or efficacy of the restrictions you seek...
The object of the exercise is to dry-up the supply of firearms in the hands of those deemed too dangerous to possess them.

It will take decades to flush them out to the point where we are once again relatively safe, but, a journey of a thousand miles...

Nobody owns a functioning crystal ball... no point in speculation... fewer guns mean fewer crimes,,, simple math...

...thus, you seek to infringe on those rights.
Properly regulating your possession of Killing Tools will not infringe upon your right to do so - assuming you meet the criteria that The Law will set down.


America has seen one too many innocent little kid's brains splattered across a classroom, because the Gun Lobby won't budge.

Well, comes a time when The People build up enough steam to roll over any obstruction like that....

Such a time seems close at-hand now...

Tick... tick... tick...

fewer guns mean fewer crimes,,, simple math...

It worked here in Chicago....wait.....what?
...They are indeed inalienable rights, yet the Marxist democrats are still doing everything they can to crush them.
Your rights are not being crushed... it's merely that your possession of Killing Tools is about to be better-regulated than in times past.
I suppose you will require men far braver than you, armed with "killing tools" to enforce your wet dreams?
...They are indeed inalienable rights, yet the Marxist democrats are still doing everything they can to crush them.
Your rights are not being crushed... it's merely that your possession of Killing Tools is about to be better-regulated than in times past.
I suppose you will require men far braver than you, armed with "killing tools" to enforce your wet dreams?
Mind your manners, little one...
...It worked here in Chicago....wait.....what?
They have not yet achieved "fewer guns", eh? Not when they can go across the State Line and buy a trunk-full.

They have not yet achieved "fewer guns", eh?

Private ownership was outlawed for decades.
Are you telling me that criminals didn't obey the law?

That's a shocker!!!
Don't tell the Dems, stupid fucking twats would keel over.
...Why don't you understand that at the requirement for a license for the basic exercise of a right, in and of itself, violates the constitution?
Nahhhhhhh... that's just "regulating" the "militia"... "well"... :21:
as to be expected in working order.
That is merely one of several interpretations, and it is not the one that will control in future...
It was the interpretation of the 18th century when the second amendment was written. The people who wrote the Constitution were very deliberate in the words they used.
...It worked here in Chicago....wait.....what?
They have not yet achieved "fewer guns", eh? Not when they can go across the State Line and buy a trunk-full.

They have not yet achieved "fewer guns", eh?

Private ownership was outlawed for decades.
Are you telling me that criminals didn't obey the law?

That's a shocker!!!
Don't tell the Dems, stupid fucking twats would keel over.

It is amazing they don't get that criminals break the law by definition. It is as if they actually believe that if we outlaw guns, or even certain types of guns, that criminals will turn theirs over. Astoundingly naive to put it mildly.

Drugs are illegal, however, criiminals still get them. Imagine that. The obvious difference between drugs and guns is that a criminal having drugs doesn't have a decided advantage over a law abiding citizen who doesn't.

I think the biggest issue is that many non-criminal urban dwellars in this country are very, very far removed from guns. Many have never even seen one in person. They live in a bubble and assume that everyone lives in the same bubble.
...You cannot demonstrate the necessity or efficacy of the restrictions you seek...
The object of the exercise is to dry-up the supply of firearms in the hands of those deemed too dangerous to possess them.

It will take decades to flush them out to the point where we are once again relatively safe, but, a journey of a thousand miles...

Nobody owns a functioning crystal ball... no point in speculation... fewer guns mean fewer crimes,,, simple math...

...thus, you seek to infringe on those rights.
Properly regulating your possession of Killing Tools will not infringe upon your right to do so - assuming you meet the criteria that The Law will set down.


America has seen one too many innocent little kid's brains splattered across a classroom, because the Gun Lobby won't budge.

Well, comes a time when The People build up enough steam to roll over any obstruction like that....

Such a time seems close at-hand now...

Tick... tick... tick...

fewer guns mean fewer crimes,,, simple math...

It worked here in Chicago....wait.....what?
Worked in NYC where neighboring states have tough gun laws

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