Italy: Muslim migrant tries to rape woman in labor in Rome hospital

That sewer rat religion of 24/7 human rights atrocities is all about penile incursions. The Quran even commands that muslims make sex slaves out of non-believer women and children. Humanity has never achieved a demonic evil worse than these arrogant, entitled, bullying, cruel, sadistic, first-cousin-inbreeding, woman-brutalizing muslim walking diseases which should NEVER be considered human.

Do you know why Islam's liberal whores can only defend Pisslam by their "what about Christianity" bullshit? Because they can't defend Islam on its own merits because it has ZERO merits to defend.
This is what happens when you let filthy rag heads into your country.

Italy: Muslim migrant tries to rape woman in labor in Rome hospital
Jihad watch???? :rofl:

Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer is the most encyclopedic expert on Islam on the planet; he knows that hate ideology inside and out better than most muslims. His info corresponds perfectly with the horror stories of ex-muslims that warn the world about its nonstop human rights atrocities. Please give me evidence that Dr. Spencer ever lied about Islam.
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This is what happens when you let filthy rag heads into your country.

Italy: Muslim migrant tries to rape woman in labor in Rome hospital
Jihad watch???? :rofl:

Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer is the most encyclopedic expert on Islam on the planet; he knows that hate ideology inside and out better than most muslims. His info corresponds perfectly with the horror stories of ex-muslims that warn the world about its nonstop human rights atrocities. Please give me evidence that he's lied about Islam.
She's a lost cause. I provided the original story, in Italian, and I'm still waiting for a reply. My guess is that she'll simply slink away with her tail between her legs. She certainly won't admit that the story is true.
Man poses as nurse to try to rape woman - English

This is what happens when you let filthy rag heads into your country.

Italy: Muslim migrant tries to rape woman in labor in Rome hospital
If this is true, and it's on Jihad Watch, so that's doubtful, but if it is true, I don't suppose ever at any time in the history of Western Europe that a man attacked a woman in a hospital? Right? Or it doesn't usually make the international news anyway. But this does because it was a Muslim migrant. I'm not excusing what happened, but stuff like this happens, so put it in perspective.
Don't you just love how liberals always attack the source when they have no other arguments to discredit something?
Well, regressives any way.

These useful idiots who have been trained to defend Islam at all costs are Anything BUT liberal.
In one of the Hadiths, big Mo ordered his men to rape women in front of their husbands., kill the men and take the women as sex slaves.

Watching women defending this shit is beyond ridiculous.

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