Items with classified markings found at Trump storage unit in Florida

That’s your problem. You’re arguing Trump, I’m not.
No I'm discussing with you because you have the wrong impression about how our government works. Everything is accounted for in the government. That's a hell of a lot of paperwork.
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You do realize, this issue of folders stating one level or another marked classified, we will never learn what was inside them, don't you?
That's a given, at least for me, I don't have any type of security clearance with the government. But the courts will know and they will decide this. It's really useless to speculate how good or bad this is for trump. Que Sera Sera. He did this to himself, he'll have to live with the consequences.
No I'm discussing with you because you have the wrong impression about how our government works. Everything is accounted for in the government. That's a hell of a lot of paperwork.
I can assure you that every classified document is not accounted for.
Correction, everything was accounted for until trump came along. Doesn't work well with others

You really couldn’t be any more wrong. I worked in the IC for over 25 years. The US Government does not account for all classified documents. Not even close to all of them.
You really couldn’t be any more wrong. I worked in the IC for over 25 years. The US Government does not account for all classified documents. Not even close to all of them.
You're probably right, I'm sure documents go missing all the time. But I would think with over 100 documents,, trump iis probably the winner for mishandling the most of them.
You're probably right, I'm sure documents go missing all the time. But I would think with over 100 documents,, trump iis probably the winner for mishandling the most of them.

You’re not under the impression that the government is tracking hard copy classified documents are you? Because they aren’t.

What I was talking about though was that 1000’s of classified documents are created, used, stored and destroyed every day with zero tracking by anyone other than the person/people who created and use them every day. And by “tracking” I mean they are aware of their existence.
This is one of the big problems, gentle Beautress: you continue to believe a guy who lied over 30,000 times while in office.
Why thank you, Mr. Synthaholic.

Sometimes telling the truth is more dangerous than a lie:
(Taken from Jim Carey's "Liar Liar" movie)

Love, Beautress.
The fuck? No it isnt.

I assume the FBI is headed to Etsy HQ right now....

Having an empty folder with "Top Secret" written on it doesnt put anyone's life at risk. It's also highly unlikely that even if the folder had something TS in it that the contents would put anyone's life at risk. Stop talking out of your ass.
That's a possibility but you don't know for sure. And of course we will never know. I do know that Reality Winner, a former intelligence translator got 5 years and 3 months in prison for leaking one report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. it was the longest sentence anyone had received for such an offense. She finds the accusations that Donald Trump mishandled sensitive documents " incredibly ironic " since her prosecution was under his administration.
That's a possibility but you don't know for sure. And of course we will never know. I do know that Reality Winner, a former intelligence translator got 5 years and 3 months in prison for leaking one report on Russian interference in the 2016 election. it was the longest sentence anyone had received for such an offense. She finds the accusations that Donald Trump mishandled sensitive documents " incredibly ironic " since her prosecution was under his administration.
I know for sure that cover sheets aren’t in and of themselves classified.

I am also not the one making claims they can’t back up.
I know for sure that cover sheets aren’t in and of themselves classified.

I am also not the one making claims they can’t back up.
I'm glad you're so sure of everything, why would Trump take empty envelopes.
I know for sure that cover sheets aren’t in and of themselves classified.

I am also not the one making claims they can’t back up.
I know that the cover sheets aren't top secret but if there's any information in those cover sheets then that is top secret if it wasn't declassified properly. I didn't make any claims other than that.
That's a given, at least for me, I don't have any type of security clearance with the government. But the courts will know and they will decide this. It's really useless to speculate how good or bad this is for trump. Que Sera Sera. He did this to himself, he'll have to live with the consequences.
Or that they imply ...
I'm glad you're so sure of everything, why would Trump take empty envelopes.

I know that the cover sheets aren't top secret but if there's any information in those cover sheets then that is top secret if it wasn't declassified properly. I didn't make any claims other than that.
Did you read the post I responded to in that post ? Clearly not.

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