Items with classified markings found at Trump storage unit in Florida

Dear Mr. Synthaholic,
You forget. If the past president said it was declassified, it means that it was once stamped classified but isn't any more although the ink is quite dry. It's declassified. Love, Beautress.
I'm dreadfully sorry, my dear Beautress, but it does not work that way. A POTUS cannot deem materials declassified after they leave office. A POTUS can not just declare that something is declassified and have it be so. There is a legal process, authorized by previous Congresses and presidents, and it's there for a reason. Declassification is not mentioned in the Constitution, you realize. This is a 20th century law. And it is written that the president can declassify nearly anything he wants. There are some things he cannot declassify, pertaining to national security. But it entails issuing an order to do so, then having the relevant agency execute those orders. You can't just proclaim it, like a decree, like Captain Picard saying "Make it so".

And you can't just claim, only after you are caught red-handed with stolen, valuable intelligence, that "Oh, that? Oh, I declassified that months and months ago! Lindsey, you remember, right? We were playing golf and I told them to declassify all this stuff"

Apparently your comprehension is lacking. :rolleyes-41:
Obviously you have no idea how things work. And like I said your argument isn't with me, it's with the United States government. No sweat off my back if you want to continue to be a fool. trump's done at his whole life, I guess you're just mimicking him.
I'm dreadfully sorry, my dear Beautress, but it does not work that way. A POTUS cannot deem materials declassified after they leave office. A POTUS can not just declare that something is declassified and have it be so. There is a legal process, authorized by previous Congresses and presidents, and it's there for a reason. Declassification is not mentioned in the Constitution, you realize. This is a 20th century law. And it is written that the president can declassify nearly anything he wants. There are some things he cannot declassify, pertaining to national security. But it entails issuing an order to do so, then having the relevant agency execute those orders. You can't just proclaim it, like a decree, like Captain Picard saying "Make it so".

And you can't just claim, only after you are caught red-handed with stolen, valuable intelligence, that "Oh, that? Oh, I declassified that months and months ago! Lindsey, you remember, right? We were playing golf and I told them to declassify all this stuff"

Are you certain he did not declassify the papers before he left office? He said they were declassified. And when he said he didn't collude with the Russians, he didn't. But his chief finger-pointer did collude with a foreign spy, plus she gave away 20% of the United States' uranium to Moscow when she was Secretary of State, and the Ruskies put a whopping amount of money in her piggy bank aka the Clinton Presidential Library, and she and President Barack Obama gave the Russians a billion dollars' worth of oil rich fields around the three Aleutian Islands that America paid cash for when Mr. Seward was Secretary of State. And somehow, President Obama now owns a ten million dollar farm on Martha's Vineyard! Where'd a poor man get ten million dollars? <scratching her noggin> Back then, people referred in anger to the millions of dollars spent on it, the Seward's IceBox. That got my attention because I spent a year on my Dad's Fort Richardson's Army Base for the year of duty there, which is adjacent to the city of Anchorage where my parents got me a beautiful royal blue parka and a Shirley Temple doll with a red polka dot dress for Christmas. *sigh*. So I didn't like it when I heard people called it Seward's Ice Box. Fer Pete's sakes, Mr. Synthaholic. How can such a cute guy fall for such silly leaders who gave away billions of dollars of high-class oil away without even telling the Alaskan State Governor what they did? Governors like to know when the feds do something naughty with their properties, especially all that oil. And President Trump tells the truth a lot, you know. Nobody listened when he told the truth he had not colluded with the Russians, but I listened. Love, Beautress.
Are you certain he did not declassify the papers before he left office? He said they were declassified. And when he said he didn't collude with the Russians, he didn't. But his chief finger-pointer did collude with a foreign spy, plus she gave away 20% of the United States' uranium to Moscow when she was Secretary of State, and the Ruskies put a whopping amount of money in her piggy bank aka the Clinton Presidential Library, and she and President Barack Obama gave the Russians a billion dollars' worth of oil rich fields around the three Aleutian Islands that America paid cash for when Mr. Seward was Secretary of State. And somehow, President Obama now owns a ten million dollar farm on Martha's Vineyard! Where'd a poor man get ten million dollars? <scratching her noggin> Back then, people referred in anger to the millions of dollars spent on it, the Seward's IceBox. That got my attention because I spent a year on my Dad's Fort Richardson's Army Base for the year of duty there, which is adjacent to the city of Anchorage where my parents got me a beautiful royal blue parka and a Shirley Temple doll with a red polka dot dress for Christmas. *sigh*. So I didn't like it when I heard people called it Seward's Ice Box. Fer Pete's sakes, Mr. Synthaholic. How can such a cute guy fall for such silly leaders who gave away billions of dollars of high-class oil away without even telling the Alaskan State Governor what they did? Governors like to know when the feds do something naughty with their properties, especially all that oil. And President Trump tells the truth a lot, you know. Nobody listened when he told the truth he had not colluded with the Russians, but I listened. Love, Beautress. have to be stoned to write shit like that.
Are you certain he did not declassify the papers before he left office? He said they were declassified. And when he said he didn't collude with the Russians, he didn't. But his chief finger-pointer did collude with a foreign spy, plus she gave away 20% of the United States' uranium to Moscow when she was Secretary of State, and the Ruskies put a whopping amount of money in her piggy bank aka the Clinton Presidential Library, and she and President Barack Obama gave the Russians a billion dollars' worth of oil rich fields around the three Aleutian Islands that America paid cash for when Mr. Seward was Secretary of State. And somehow, President Obama now owns a ten million dollar farm on Martha's Vineyard! Where'd a poor man get ten million dollars? <scratching her noggin> Back then, people referred in anger to the millions of dollars spent on it, the Seward's IceBox. That got my attention because I spent a year on my Dad's Fort Richardson's Army Base for the year of duty there, which is adjacent to the city of Anchorage where my parents got me a beautiful royal blue parka and a Shirley Temple doll with a red polka dot dress for Christmas. *sigh*. So I didn't like it when I heard people called it Seward's Ice Box. Fer Pete's sakes, Mr. Synthaholic. How can such a cute guy fall for such silly leaders who gave away billions of dollars of high-class oil away without even telling the Alaskan State Governor what they did? Governors like to know when the feds do something naughty with their properties, especially all that oil. And President Trump tells the truth a lot, you know. Nobody listened when he told the truth he had not colluded with the Russians, but I listened. Love, Beautress.
That's just it, trump lies so much he doesn't know what the truth is anymore.
That's just it, trump lies so much he doesn't know what the truth is anymore.
Who instructed you to say that.I mean,besides the Corrupted
State run media complex.Former disreputable Unamerican
Twitter employees.Practically every american willing to stand alongside
Pelosi,Schumer and Biden.The New unwholesome,Untouchables by
fiat.Not by We the people.Let alone our Bill of Rights and
once proud Lady Liberty.Who has been slapped in the face by these
drool Democrats for not following orders.Like what Hitler pulled
amongst Germans.
The FBI already vetted those papers; I guess we're supposed to pretend he just stole them, cuz TRRRRUUUUUUUMP!!!!!

MEanwhile their own 'President PoopyPants' and his coke head son and relatives are up to their eyeballs in 'business deals' with Red Chinese spy agencies and Cadre members. It's clear they don't give a flying crap about 'national security' and never have, it's about pogroms and railroading political opposition and keeping themselves out of prison for their thievery and treason.
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Who instructed you to say that.I mean,besides the Corrupted
State run media complex.Former disreputable Unamerican
Twitter employees.Practically every american willing to stand alongside
Pelosi,Schumer and Biden.The New unwholesome,Untouchables by
fiat.Not by We the people.Let alone our Bill of Rights and
once proud Lady Liberty.Who has been slapped in the face by these
drool Democrats for not following orders.Like what Hitler pulled
amongst Germans.
Just for once I wish you'd express some realistic ideas. I can't deal with gobbledygook lies. That's your world, not mine. Good luck with that. Do you need all the help in the world.
The FBI already vetted those papers; I guess we're supposed to pretend he just stole them, cuz TUUUUUUUMP!!!!!
That's virtually what the Puppets at MSNBC are banking on.
Just accuse Trump of stealing them.A childs mindset.
Nothing more complicated.
That's virtually what the Puppets at MSNBC are banking on.
Just accuse Trump of stealing them.A childs mindset.
Nothing more complicated.
So they vetted papers that they didn't know existed. Right !
Yes, by contacting the originator of the document and explaining your reasons for declassifying it. The originator can contest the declassification. If this process is not followed, the document is not declassified.
That's not really how it works but even if it were that wouldn't change the fact that things are declassified all the time, for a myriad of reasons.

Also, there is no "process" for the President to follow. As the ultimate classification authority Presidents can classify or declassify whatever they want, and no one has the authority to overrule that. That may or may not be a good system, but it is the system we have and no amount of "I don't like this guy so he shouldn't be able to do that" changes that fact.
LOL. Regulations apply to all people. What you are suggesting does not compute with any type of organized system of dealing with documents. You are advocating chaos.
No one is arguing that it's necessarily a good system, but it is the system we have. That said there has to be an ultimate arbiter for things like this, if not the President than who?
Ocom's razor ; if it looks like a rat, if it smells like a rat and if it acts like a rat. It's probably trump.
Is it more or less likely that the Media is running with something before it's vetted because they are chasing eyeballs and clicks?
That's not really how it works but even if it were that wouldn't change the fact that things are declassified all the time, for a myriad of reasons.

Also, there is no "process" for the President to follow. As the ultimate classification authority Presidents can classify or declassify whatever they want, and no one has the authority to overrule that. That may or may not be a good system, but it is the system we have and no amount of "I don't like this guy so he shouldn't be able to do that" changes that fact.
For the last time, I'm trying to get through to you people. If only the president knows that it's been declassified, what good is that. It's an idiotic suggestion.
So if you're so read up, post your proof.
Read through the post I've done it over and over and over for the benefit of people like you who refused to use common sense. I even published the official government site for declassifying documents. I'm done proving my point. I'm waiting for you guys to prove your point, which is idiotic, so I understand why you didn't prove it.

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