It's a fact. Liberals are cowards.

In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

I haven't seen any Muslims making up stupid laws that help create an environment where some Americans can discriminate against other Americans. Basically you're just talking more stupid shit like most of you do.
You're right. Muslims just skip all of that and kill them. Where is the liberal outrage?
This is happening here in America?

yes; try to keep up
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

Liberals are attacking radical Islam around the globe

What are you suggesting we do with Muslims who are peaceful?

Give the peaceful ones like Iran, who are supporting terrorism around the globe and chanting death to America, nukes?

I don't follow you

We are diminishing their nuclear capabilities

on paper

such moronic naivete

We get to watch as they dismantle the reactor capable of producing weapons grade plutonium. We can also watch as they destroy stockpiles of 20% enriched uranium (they need 90% to make a bomb)

Hardly paper

Your Fox induced paranoia demonstrates moronic naivete

you get to pretend your messiah did something
whine about paranoia all you want leftard

history is on our side
what happened the last time a Progressive made an "agreement" with a country hellbent on making a nuclear bomb?

libs are losers who lie to themselves
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

Liberals are attacking radical Islam around the globe

What are you suggesting we do with Muslims who are peaceful?

Give the peaceful ones like Iran, who are supporting terrorism around the globe and chanting death to America, nukes?

I don't follow you

We are diminishing their nuclear capabilities

on paper

such moronic naivete

We get to watch as they dismantle the reactor capable of producing weapons grade plutonium. We can also watch as they destroy stockpiles of 20% enriched uranium (they need 90% to make a bomb)

Hardly paper

Your Fox induced paranoia demonstrates moronic naivete

Right, I'm sure Iran will behave themselves just like Iraq did.

All those shouts to death to America and Israel really come from background noise generated from Fox news.

Those Fox news bastards!
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

I haven't seen any Muslims making up stupid laws that help create an environment where some Americans can discriminate against other Americans. Basically you're just talking more stupid shit like most of you do.
You're right. Muslims just skip all of that and kill them. Where is the liberal outrage?
This is happening here in America?

yes; try to keep up
I've never heard of Muslims killing gays here in America. Do you have a link?
Elsewhere in the world gays are killed for being gay, instead of fighting that fight US gays focus on not being able to buy a cake, perspective.
What part of clean your own room do you not understand? If we can't get you morons to grow up here, what are the chances over there? And it is over there BTW, not here.

what is "over there" dimwit?
The other side of the fucking planet, dumbass, meaning none of your fucking business.

lol why are you libs such angry idiots?
Because you guys are such useless assholes, always up in the business of others.
maybe you should look up on jimmy carter's efforts for one bill clinton with north korea

for starters

In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

Most Muslims have dark there you go.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
That stuff doesnt happen in the USA and we are at war with people abroad that do. What more do you want?

And there are 3 kinds of americans. Dicks pussies and assholes. You're an asshole that gets fucked by the dicks. Lol

a muslim cut off a woman's head in broad daylight recently

wow you people are simply a bunch of losers in denial
you will ignore anything, make any excuse or deflection

to avoid the reality that conflicts with your narrative
What should we do about christians when a christian does something wrong?
it's hilarous seeing left-wing nutjobs accuse others of paranoia.

you morons just have no shame!!
before you celebrate the "agreement" with iran dont you have some apologizing to do?
you were the very same nutjobs INSISTING that Iran wasnt really working on a nuclear bomb; that it was all in the heads of "warmongering" Republicans

libs are asinine idiots and simply jokes
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

Most Muslims have dark there you go.
Why should blacks pray to white peoples imagined god? Why not Juju the African god?
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

Most Muslims have dark there you go.

what does this even mean?
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
That stuff doesnt happen in the USA and we are at war with people abroad that do. What more do you want?

And there are 3 kinds of americans. Dicks pussies and assholes. You're an asshole that gets fucked by the dicks. Lol

a muslim cut off a woman's head in broad daylight recently

wow you people are simply a bunch of losers in denial
you will ignore anything, make any excuse or deflection

to avoid the reality that conflicts with your narrative
What should we do about christians when a christian does something wrong?


did you say something relevant?

In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
That stuff doesnt happen in the USA and we are at war with people abroad that do. What more do you want?

And there are 3 kinds of americans. Dicks pussies and assholes. You're an asshole that gets fucked by the dicks. Lol
Nah only two types, fuckers and fuckees and the fuckers rule.
Could you imagine a country with all fuckers? Who would you fuck?
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

Most Muslims have dark there you go.
Why should blacks pray to white peoples imagined god? Why not Juju the African god?

is it happy hour at the progressive insane asylum?
Remember when conservatives did more than just snivel and cry about how mean everyone is to them?

That was long ago, so the younger generation has no memory of such a time. When I tell the kids that conservatives weren't always such wimps, they find it hard to believe.
Elsewhere in the world gays are killed for being gay, instead of fighting that fight US gays focus on not being able to buy a cake, perspective.
What part of clean your own room do you not understand? If we can't get you morons to grow up here, what are the chances over there? And it is over there BTW, not here.

what is "over there" dimwit?
The other side of the fucking planet, dumbass, meaning none of your fucking business.

lol why are you libs such angry idiots?
Because you guys are such useless assholes, always up in the business of others.

you mean like in the business of pizza parlors and bakeries leftard?
Remember when conservatives did more than just snivel and cry about how mean everyone is to them?

That was long ago, so the younger generation has no memory of such a time. When I tell the kids that conservatives weren't always such wimps, they find it hard to believe.

and you're crying about conservatives

Remember when conservatives did more than just snivel and cry about how mean everyone is to them?

That was long ago, so the younger generation has no memory of such a time. When I tell the kids that conservatives weren't always such wimps, they find it hard to believe.
These aren't conservatives. They bring shame to that name. These are reactionaries.
an attempt to insult about playing the victim coming from the people who invented victim politics is HILARIOUS!!

lol libs are losers who lie to themselves
What part of clean your own room do you not understand? If we can't get you morons to grow up here, what are the chances over there? And it is over there BTW, not here.

what is "over there" dimwit?
The other side of the fucking planet, dumbass, meaning none of your fucking business.

lol why are you libs such angry idiots?
Because you guys are such useless assholes, always up in the business of others.

you mean like in the business of pizza parlors and bakeries leftard?
Yeah, meaning it's none of your business what someone else does with a pizza or a fucking cake. Just make the damn food, that's your JOB! Do it and leave your goddamned God at home. This is business.

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