It's almost June - countdown to the Supreme Court decision on ACA

Except that electricity is a state mandated monopoly in most places. So while the state doesn't "force" you to buy it (How is that cardboard box under the bridge working out for you?) they've really limited your choices. In fact, you have far more choices under the ACA than you have about where your electricity comes from.

That's not true Joe. Even with state monopolies on electrical networks, you can go off the grid - you can turn to independent energy sources. You can run your own generators, install solar and other alternative forms of electrical energy. And if the public utilities become as dysfunctional and destructive as the health insurance industry, the freedom to do that will be crucial. If the energy situation gets much worse, and we applied the precedent set by the ACA, the government might well ban such alternatives in the name of saving the existing power structure. Would you be in favor of that as well?

And here's part of the point. Here in IL, as least, you have to not pay your bill for about six months before Com Ed can cut you off. So there are people who really do abuse the system from the other end, just like the people who refuse to buy insurance and show up at an emergency room to get anti-biotics for that cold.

Yep. I'm really glad IL brought the power utilities up as an example. The groundwork is laid for the same kind of scenario in that realm. If the ACA stands, you can bet the utility companies will be fighting for mandated customers as well. Using the same arguments. Hell, every well organized lobbying group in the country will be out to get their piece of the pie. Why wouldn't they?
bigrebnc was the one kept getting whacked over the head with a big club to keep him line.

More claiming victory when you haven't started to play?
In a social contract you have ownership in other people I own a part of you and you own a part of me. Because for the greater good we must make sure no one has vices and must maintain a healthy lifestyle. Because an unhealthy lifestyle is bad for the common good in a social contract. I don't owe you a damn thing nor do you owe me anything.
Fucking Moron
There was a social compact the minute our ape-ancestors decided to travel in packs for greater protection.

All communities have social compacts. They cannot exist without them. bigrebnc merely shows his ignorance of history as well as the actual historical, political and definition meanings of socialist and communist. He really is neanderthal in his understanding.

All communist countries have social compacts they cannot exist without them.

All communities have social compacts. means all communities, bigrebnc, including right wing dumb ass militias or communist countries. Are you going out of your way to show just how dumb you are, or are you really this clueless?
Except that electricity is a state mandated monopoly in most places. So while the state doesn't "force" you to buy it (How is that cardboard box under the bridge working out for you?) they've really limited your choices. In fact, you have far more choices under the ACA than you have about where your electricity comes from.

That's not true Joe. Even with state monopolies on electrical networks, you can go off the grid - you can turn to independent energy sources. You can run your own generators, install solar and other alternative forms of electrical energy. And if the public utilities become as dysfunctional and destructive as the health insurance industry, the freedom to do that will be crucial. If the energy situation gets much worse, and we applied the precedent set by the ACA, the government might well ban such alternatives in the name of saving the existing power structure. Would you be in favor of that as well?

And here's part of the point. Here in IL, as least, you have to not pay your bill for about six months before Com Ed can cut you off. So there are people who really do abuse the system from the other end, just like the people who refuse to buy insurance and show up at an emergency room to get anti-biotics for that cold.

Yep. I'm really glad IL brought the power utilities up as an example. The groundwork is laid for the same kind of scenario in that realm. If the ACA stands, you can bet the utility companies will be fighting for mandated customers as well. Using the same arguments. Hell, every well organized lobbying group in the country will be out to get their piece of the pie. Why wouldn't they?

Gun manufactures.:lol:
All communities have social compacts. They cannot exist without them. bigrebnc merely shows his ignorance of history as well as the actual historical, political and definition meanings of socialist and communist. He really is neanderthal in his understanding.

All communist countries have social compacts they cannot exist without them.

All communities have social compacts. means all communities, bigrebnc, including right wing dumb ass militias or communist countries. Are you going out of your way to show just how dumb you are, or are you really this clueless?
Read it one more time dumb ass
bigrebnc was the one kept getting whacked over the head with a big club to keep him line.

More claiming victory when you haven't started to play?
In a social contract you have ownership in other people I own a part of you and you own a part of me. Because for the greater good we must make sure no one has vices and must maintain a healthy lifestyle. Because an unhealthy lifestyle is bad for the common good in a social contract. I don't owe you a damn thing nor do you owe me anything.
Fucking Moron
bigrebnc's desire to not be part of his mistaken concept of the Social Compact is immaterial. His opions about just don't matter. He doesn't pay his taxes, he gets hammered. He drives DUI and gets caught, he gets hammered. He violates gun laws, he gets hammered. He gets stupid here on the Board, he gets hammered. It is what it is.

He belongs, period.
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Majoritarian rule does not mean unlimited democracy, dblack, so take your deflection elsewhere. The Constitution does protect minorities, but being exempt from the Social Compact is not a minority right.

It's not an 'exemption'. The Constitution protects minorities by carefully and concisely constraining the circumstances and means of the Social Compact. You injected the term 'majoritarian', in response to complaints about government that steps beyond Constitutional restraint. Here you say it doesn't mean 'unlimited democracy', yet you cite it to justify ignoring the precepts of limited government. What gives? What does majoritarian rule mean in the context of your statement?

Why would I leave if the Court rules against what I believe is right? I am an American, and I will continue to constitutionally and electorally struggle for what I believe is right. I know you will do the same.

Exactly. So how's about dropping the 'love it or leave it' nonsense, eh?
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bigrebnc's desire to not be part of his mistaken concept of the Social Compact is immaterial. His opions about just don't matter. He doesn't pay his taxes, he gets hammered. He drives DUI and gets caught, he gets hammered. He violates gun laws, he gets hammered. He gets stupid here on the Board, he gets hammered. It is what it is.

He belongs, period.
Nothing you have said is relevant your desire to control people is your main reason for pushing the theory of a social contract. In a social contract no one has any rights to do what they want too. Jakes a dictator in the making.
dblack has deliberately mistaken what "majoritarian" means in our Republic: his problem, not mine. That he has deliberately done so reveals an immoral and unpatriotic spirit.

bigrebnc continues mumbling nonsense. He is part of the Social Compact, period, as long as he is subject to American law.
dblack has deliberately mistaken what "majoritarian" means in our Republic: his problem, not mine. That he has deliberately done so reveals an immoral and unpatriotic spirit.

??? WTF - I invited you to define it as you see fit. What does it mean to you? I surmised an interpretation based on the context of your statement. If don't wish to clarify, if instead you prefer obfuscation and sophistry, then the moral deficit is yours.

In other words, put up or shut up. Explain what you mean, or go get fucked! :)
dblack, please stop it. Your interpretation was not in the context of my statement but rather in that of your ideology. The moral deficiency is yours. You will have to do far more than what you have so far to get back to the surface of reality.

The law is constitutional until SCOTUS says otherwise. You are bound by the law: yes or no?
Dont intelligent Americans realize that a collective welfare medical system run be bureaucrats will provide better care and be less costly then in the competitive private markets..................

Yes It Can !!!! Imbeciles
dblack, please stop it. Your interpretation was not in the context of my statement but rather in that of your ideology. The moral deficiency is yours. You will have to do far more than what you have so far to get back to the surface of reality.

So, no definition is forthcoming? You want to throw a term out there and accuse others of deliberately misinterpreting it and then hide behind accusations of immorality or lack of patriotism? Last refuge of a scoundrel and all that. is that all you got?
The far right of my party has trouble realizing that modern technology, transportation, and communication has made our society so intertwined that a national health system will be more effective and less costly. However, that means some folks will not get super rich and that just horrifies them.
It will be a big blow to the leftists when the SCOTUS slaps this thing down...

The stupidity of the democratics for not putting in a severability clause will be quite evident...
It will be a big blow to the leftists when the SCOTUS slaps this thing down...

The stupidity of the democratics for not putting in a severability clause will be quite evident...

Indeed...Mark Levin gives a lesson to Justice Ginsburg:

[ame=]Ruth Bader Ginsburg on severability in Obamacare 3/28/2012 - YouTube[/ame]
I suspect the justices will strike down the mandate, which the fix is not difficult.

This is going to be very interesting on how it all turns out.
Um yeah okay. So you don't buy electricity from say, a power company? jus sayin'
There is another problem with your post. You assume I approve of ObamaCare. I don't. As a matter of fact, my first post on this thread was that I hope it gets repealed. So um Oops!

Anyway, Conservatives and Libartarians have turned into the biggest bunch of whiny schoolgirls in the country. They're all just so "oppressed". :eusa_boohoo:
But they can never specficy exactly HOW they have been oppressed. For example, you have gon on about the mandate. Have you been forced to pay it? How has that afected you?

If people were forced to purchase electricity and had to buy it from a federal agency you could be bringing up an interesting issue.

But as it is, your question just makes it sound like you're one who doesn't understand the 10th amendment.

Except that electricity is a state mandated monopoly in most places. So while the state doesn't "force" you to buy it (How is that cardboard box under the bridge working out for you?) they've really limited your choices. In fact, you have far more choices under the ACA than you have about where your electricity comes from.

And here's part of the point. Here in IL, as least, you have to not pay your bill for about six months before Com Ed can cut you off. So there are people who really do abuse the system from the other end, just like the people who refuse to buy insurance and show up at an emergency room to get anti-biotics for that cold.

10th amendment
I suspect the justices will strike down the mandate, which the fix is not difficult.

This is going to be very interesting on how it all turns out.

Technically easy, but politically virtually impossible. This issue was raised in the Court hearings. Fixing the bill will require the productive work of what will almost certainly be a gridlocked congress.
The far right of my party has trouble realizing that modern technology, transportation, and communication has made our society so intertwined that a national health system will be more effective and less costly. However, that means some folks will not get super rich and that just horrifies them.

The old social contract is nothing but a communist manipulated version of my brothers keeper.

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