It's easier to condemn homosexuality

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My life is all Karma


In this life I have to accept or respect homos

Lord have mercy on me
You don't have to respect us...we don't have to respect you either...but neither of us are allowed to use the law to restrict the others' civil rights. See how that works?

Why in the hell do you think heterosexuals want your acceptance or respect?
That's good to know.....however I would expect heterosexuals don't want me pushing to pass laws restricting their civil rights. you?

I don't think we would really care. Do you?
You wouldn't care if laws were pushed to restrict your civil rights? :eek-52:
Whether the participants are same sex or opposite sex it is still legally marriage. As of this moment a person cannot get married to someone while married to someone else. Why not? That's the law.

Well we're not talking about "as of this moment" or what the law currently is, are we?

I am asking you a direct question and you're not answering me directly.
Why should he be denied a traditional marriage just because he has a gay marriage? Does it harm your marriage for him to have both?

Oh, unlike you, I don't look at it as being denied a traditional marriage because he has a gay marriage. I consider it being denied a second marriage while he is still in a first marriage. That is also the way the law sees it.

Again... if we are arguing what the law currently says and is, then I guess you win that argument. :dunno:

I thought we were arguing about this hypothetical case and what your justification would be in denying him the right to marry the person he loves? I already know "how you look at it" don't think he can have a second marriage cuz he already gotz one and datz what da law sez.

Men can't fuck each other in the ass... that's what the law said. Once.
Men can't marry men.... that's what the law said. Once.

And again, I don't have any problems with polygamy, it just doesn't work with current marriage law. If the law is changed, I wouldn't be upset about it.

However, your silliness was not 'what if the law were changed or if we ignore the law?'. You were clearly continuing your dialogue about same sex marriage changing everything.
Because current marriage law doesn't work with polygamy.


Child custody, power of attorney, inheritance, tax filing, there are any number of ways in which current marriage law does not cover polygamous marriage.

It didn't cover same sex marriage either until we changed the law.

But same sex marriage was able to fit into existing marriage law because that law covered two participants.
Oh, nooo's, pops is gettin' all uppity. lol

Is this your way of admitting what I posted was about the entire state of Iowa and not just Polk County? :mm:

You can post it all you want... Iowa still doesn't let any close-family members marry each other regardless of gender...


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

And the NDAA doesn't even help you. You're referencing a list of incestuous statutes. Says so on the link you posted. You just can't stop fantasizing about incest, can you, perv23?

Oh, I'm still waiting for you to find even one single close-family marriage that took place in Iowa in the last 6 years.... you can't because Iowa doesn't allow such marriages.


And still you ignore the law. Line one clearly state that the FOLLOWING......

No same sex couples included.

And you have failed entirely.
Suuure, pops. Let me know if you ever figure out you're still quoting the same law which changed because of Supreme Court rulings?

But then, you are an incest obsessed nutjob anyway.
Project much? lol

Then you can supply the link to the legislation or court order in which the change to law is stated. I am sure it contains a line by line change.

So, provide the proof, legislation or court order and you win.

Don't, you prove you're a loser. Of course, everyone, including you, know that's a fact anyway.
I keep providing the proof and you keep ignoring it. You're too committed to your perversions to accept the reality that Iowa doesn't allow any close family marriages. Even though you'll ignore it again, here it is again...


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

Your PROOF from a print shop in Spencer, Iowa is lame dude.

The actual LAW trumps your print shop flyer.

So, you lose again.

Thanks for allowing me to prove, once again what a miserable loser you really are.
Aww, how sad. Now the forum pervert is whining over who prints up Iowa's documents. :eusa_doh:

And how is it you convince yourself you've won when you're incapable of finding even one close family marriage in Iowa in 6 years?

Iowa says they don't allow such marriages which is why there are none.

G'head, perv... this is where you declare you've won again even though Iowa doesn't allow close family members to marry regardless of gender.

Last edited:
Iowa doesn't agree with me? I'm posting Iowa's own marriage application instructions. You're so fucked in your perverted head, you're not claiming Iowa doesn't agree with me; you're actually claiming Iowa doesn't agree with themselces. :cuckoo: Iowa is the one saying they don't allow any close family members to marry, regardless of gender. If anything, I agree with them.


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

Meanwhile, you keep referencing an antiquated law which was altered due to Supreme Court rulings, which is obviously not yet updated to reflect the changes because of those rulings. You've even been shown the replacement bill which is currently on the docket.

And of course Iowa doesn't allow any close family marriages. Even more evidence of that is that there hasn't been a single such marriage in the six years since their Supreme Court nullified bans on same-sex marriage.


Yes you are wrong. And no, the State of Iowa does not agree with you.

You can cite the Polk County registrars all you want. The state of Iowa is the controlling law in the state, and from the state law:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:
a. Between a man and his father's sister, mother's sister,
daughter, sister, son's daughter, daughter's daughter, brother's
daughter, or sister's daughter.
b. Between a woman and her father's brother, mother's
brother, son, brother, son's son, daughter's son, brother's son, or
sister's son.
c. Between first cousins.
2. Marriages between persons either of whom has a husband or wife
living are void, but, if the parties live and cohabit together after
the death or divorce of the former husband or wife, such marriage
shall be valid.

See any same sex? Does this contain anything that says same sex couples are prohibited whether family or not?

They don't? Then unless you can cite the IOWA SUPREME COURT removing the above, your bluff was called and you lost......AGAIN!

Then off course the prestigious National Association of District attorney's back that up: Statutes 2013.pdf

See page 23 - 24 Void Marriage

But then maybe you don't know what "Void Marriage" is?

From Wikipedia:

  1. A void marriage is a marriage which is unlawful or invalid under the laws of the jurisdiction where it is entered. A void marriage is "one that is void and invalid from its beginning. It is as though the marriage never existed and it requires no formality to terminate.

Looks like you got some work to do Sparky
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Can ya be any more retarded?

Why would you think that's Polk County? Can you not read the first line of their marriage application instructions??


What about this line...

IOWA LAW provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are .... not closely related by blood or first cousins

Nope, nothing about Polk County in there either. Nowhere in the state can close family members marry.

And again... it really doesn't matter how many times you repeat that section, as you've been shown... Iowa doesn't let any close members marry regardless of gender.

That's why not single such marriage in 6 years.

Oh... and...


Because you're a dishonest fuck, I will post Iowa 595.19. The controlling legislation:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:
a. Between a man and his father's sister, mother's sister,
daughter, sister, son's daughter, daughter's daughter, brother's
daughter, or sister's daughter.
b. Between a woman and her father's brother, mother's
brother, son, brother, son's son, daughter's son, brother's son, or
sister's son.
c. Between first cousins.
2. Marriages between persons either of whom has a husband or wife
living are void, but, if the parties live and cohabit together after
the death or divorce of the former husband or wife, such marriage
shall be valid.

This is the first line again:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:

Then a very long list of THE FOLLOWING none of which are closely relate same sex. Hmmmmm

And then we have the National Association of District Attorney's that seem to say I am right.

Sucks to be you, all alone in your dishonesty.

WOW, imagine that, I proved you wrong again.

Getting to be a habit watching you lose so often.
Oh, nooo's, pops is gettin' all uppity. lol

Is this your way of admitting what I posted was about the entire state of Iowa and not just Polk County? :mm:

You can post it all you want... Iowa still doesn't let any close-family members marry each other regardless of gender...


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

And the NDAA doesn't even help you. You're referencing a list of incestuous statutes. Says so on the link you posted. You just can't stop fantasizing about incest, can you, perv23?

Oh, I'm still waiting for you to find even one single close-family marriage that took place in Iowa in the last 6 years.... you can't because Iowa doesn't allow such marriages.


So your link takes me to gmdsolutions. Not exactly a govermental branch of the iowa government, is it?

No wonder you dance so much.

Mine quoted the entire controlling law, which the corporation is not obligated to include when their sales person contracts with the county.

Nice dodge though.

While we are at it. Please supply a link to the proposed legislation you claim exists that would change Iowa 595 to exclude same sex family members the right to Marry.


You lose yet again

It's like clockwork for you!

There are numerous Iowa counties found in this link. I did not find a relevant state law to link, only some individual counties. :dunno:

state of iowa marriage license instructions at DuckDuckGo
When it comes to marrying a man, men were discriminated against based on their gender. When it comes to marrying a woman, women were discriminated against based on their gender. What's difficult to understand about that argument?

See Claytons post.

Do you understand that simply because you have a right, not using it is not discrimination, right?

Again, what are you talking about? Prior to various court decisions and legislation in the past 12 or so years, a man could not marry a man but a woman could. The only thing preventing a man from marrying a man was his gender. He did not have a right to marry a man that he did not use.

Are you unaware you won that argument?

We've moved on, argue all you want. That's not the issue.

The argument is, the compelling state interest that the state has in denying same sex siblings.

You deflect away from that as often as you like, that's how you roll.

Wisconsin and several other states seems to think its procreation, yet the burdon of proof is arbitrarily applied. And still more curious is that they don't apply this same standard on partnering in an LLC?

Neither partnership required sex, yet only opposite gender cousins must prove infertility to enter one of these?

That is as discriminatory as it gets.

Actually, yes, I was unaware. Your posts are sometimes fairly confusing. :p

Let's try this again : If Wisconsin allows infertile cousins to marry but not fertile cousins, that indicates that procreation is the major factor in the decision to prevent cousins from marrying, yes? If Wisconsin does NOT allow infertile siblings to marry that seems to indicate that procreation is not the major factor in the decision to prevent siblings from marrying.

A marriage is not an LLC. It is a form of contract with some unique attributes. To compare it with a type of company as though they are exactly the same is disingenuous at best.

Run through those unique attributes, will you.

They are both partnerships that are financially mutual beneficial to the partnership.

Be so kind. But remember, the courts determined traditional values can't be the reasoning.


I came across this while looking at something else, but remembered this question of yours earlier in the thread and thought I would again reply to it.

From the USSC case Maynard v. Hill :
It is also to be observed that while marriage is often termed by text writers and in decisions of courts as a civil contract, generally to indicate that it must be founded upon the agreement of the parties, and does not require any religious ceremony for its solemnization, it is something more

Page 125 U. S. 211

than a mere contract. The consent of the parties is, of course, essential to its existence, but when the contract to marry is executed by the marriage, a relation between the parties is created which they cannot change. Other contracts may be modified, restricted, or enlarged, or entirely released upon the consent of the parties. Not so with marriage."

Maynard v. Hill 125 U.S. 190 (1888)

The relevant portions begin on Page 125 U.S. 210
state..does have the authority to approve certain rights

Then they absolutely are not fundamental rights.
Rights have restrictions.

According to your deranged idiocy, a 30 year old has the right to marry a 4 year old or marriage isn't a fundamental right. :cuckoo:

If they can overcome the barrier of the 4 year old being of age to give legal consent, they do.

Then how do you explain the lack of all the 4 year olds getting married?

Clearly there's a part of this scenario that you're not understanding.

If fundamental rights can have restrictions then we can restrict marriage from same sex couples. Obviously, SCOTUS disagrees with you.

Or....the court doesn't use an absolute standard. But a rational one. If there is a compelling state interest, a legitmate legislative end, and a rational reason......then restrictions can exist.

There was no such interests, ends or reasons regarding same sex marriage bans.

But if you believe the courts have authorized marriage between 4 year all means, quote them. You'll quickly discover what the rest of us already know: you have no idea what you're talking about.

One thing you keep ignoring is the word "fundamental" that because you don't know what it means or how fundamental rights are different from regular rights? Is it just a fancy word you say when you want to sound smart and sophisticated?'re once again offering us a Boss Definition, where you make up the meaning and then pretend that we and the courts are bound to whatever you imagine.

Sigh....if only reality worked that way.
My life is all Karma


In this life I have to accept or respect homos

Lord have mercy on me
You don't have to respect us...we don't have to respect you either...but neither of us are allowed to use the law to restrict the others' civil rights. See how that works?

Why in the hell do you think heterosexuals want your acceptance or respect?
That's good to know.....however I would expect heterosexuals don't want me pushing to pass laws restricting their civil rights. you?

I don't think we would really care. Do you?
You wouldn't care if laws were pushed to restrict your civil rights? :eek-52:

Nope, cuz I think we have a majority of states to back us.
And still you ignore the law. Line one clearly state that the FOLLOWING......

No same sex couples included.

And you have failed entirely.
Suuure, pops. Let me know if you ever figure out you're still quoting the same law which changed because of Supreme Court rulings?

But then, you are an incest obsessed nutjob anyway.
Project much? lol

Then you can supply the link to the legislation or court order in which the change to law is stated. I am sure it contains a line by line change.

So, provide the proof, legislation or court order and you win.

Don't, you prove you're a loser. Of course, everyone, including you, know that's a fact anyway.
I keep providing the proof and you keep ignoring it. You're too committed to your perversions to accept the reality that Iowa doesn't allow any close family marriages. Even though you'll ignore it again, here it is again...


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

Your PROOF from a print shop in Spencer, Iowa is lame dude.

The actual LAW trumps your print shop flyer.

So, you lose again.

Thanks for allowing me to prove, once again what a miserable loser you really are.
Aww, how sad. Now the forum pervert is whining over who prints up Iowa's documents. :eusa_doh:

And how is it you convince yourself you've won when you're incapable of finding even one close family marriage in Iowa in 6 years?

Iowa says they don't allow such marriages which is why there are none.

G'head, perv... this is where you declare you've won again even though Iowa doesn't allow close family members to marry regardless of gender.


I won again. And there is no need for me to dance. Victory is mine.
Yes you are wrong. And no, the State of Iowa does not agree with you.

You can cite the Polk County registrars all you want. The state of Iowa is the controlling law in the state, and from the state law:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:
a. Between a man and his father's sister, mother's sister,
daughter, sister, son's daughter, daughter's daughter, brother's
daughter, or sister's daughter.
b. Between a woman and her father's brother, mother's
brother, son, brother, son's son, daughter's son, brother's son, or
sister's son.
c. Between first cousins.
2. Marriages between persons either of whom has a husband or wife
living are void, but, if the parties live and cohabit together after
the death or divorce of the former husband or wife, such marriage
shall be valid.

See any same sex? Does this contain anything that says same sex couples are prohibited whether family or not?

They don't? Then unless you can cite the IOWA SUPREME COURT removing the above, your bluff was called and you lost......AGAIN!

Then off course the prestigious National Association of District attorney's back that up: Statutes 2013.pdf

See page 23 - 24 Void Marriage

But then maybe you don't know what "Void Marriage" is?

From Wikipedia:

  1. A void marriage is a marriage which is unlawful or invalid under the laws of the jurisdiction where it is entered. A void marriage is "one that is void and invalid from its beginning. It is as though the marriage never existed and it requires no formality to terminate.

Looks like you got some work to do Sparky
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Can ya be any more retarded?

Why would you think that's Polk County? Can you not read the first line of their marriage application instructions??


What about this line...

IOWA LAW provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are .... not closely related by blood or first cousins

Nope, nothing about Polk County in there either. Nowhere in the state can close family members marry.

And again... it really doesn't matter how many times you repeat that section, as you've been shown... Iowa doesn't let any close members marry regardless of gender.

That's why not single such marriage in 6 years.

Oh... and...


Because you're a dishonest fuck, I will post Iowa 595.19. The controlling legislation:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:
a. Between a man and his father's sister, mother's sister,
daughter, sister, son's daughter, daughter's daughter, brother's
daughter, or sister's daughter.
b. Between a woman and her father's brother, mother's
brother, son, brother, son's son, daughter's son, brother's son, or
sister's son.
c. Between first cousins.
2. Marriages between persons either of whom has a husband or wife
living are void, but, if the parties live and cohabit together after
the death or divorce of the former husband or wife, such marriage
shall be valid.

This is the first line again:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:

Then a very long list of THE FOLLOWING none of which are closely relate same sex. Hmmmmm

And then we have the National Association of District Attorney's that seem to say I am right.

Sucks to be you, all alone in your dishonesty.

WOW, imagine that, I proved you wrong again.

Getting to be a habit watching you lose so often.
Oh, nooo's, pops is gettin' all uppity. lol

Is this your way of admitting what I posted was about the entire state of Iowa and not just Polk County? :mm:

You can post it all you want... Iowa still doesn't let any close-family members marry each other regardless of gender...


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

And the NDAA doesn't even help you. You're referencing a list of incestuous statutes. Says so on the link you posted. You just can't stop fantasizing about incest, can you, perv23?

Oh, I'm still waiting for you to find even one single close-family marriage that took place in Iowa in the last 6 years.... you can't because Iowa doesn't allow such marriages.


So your link takes me to gmdsolutions. Not exactly a govermental branch of the iowa government, is it?

No wonder you dance so much.

Mine quoted the entire controlling law, which the corporation is not obligated to include when their sales person contracts with the county.

Nice dodge though.

While we are at it. Please supply a link to the proposed legislation you claim exists that would change Iowa 595 to exclude same sex family members the right to Marry.


You lose yet again

It's like clockwork for you!

There are numerous Iowa counties found in this link. I did not find a relevant state law to link, only some individual counties. :dunno:

state of iowa marriage license instructions at DuckDuckGo

Why waste your time, here is the actual law:

Iowa Code 595

If it's been modified by the legislature or court order, please link to those. All counties can do is reference questions back to the State Authority.
See Claytons post.

Do you understand that simply because you have a right, not using it is not discrimination, right?

Again, what are you talking about? Prior to various court decisions and legislation in the past 12 or so years, a man could not marry a man but a woman could. The only thing preventing a man from marrying a man was his gender. He did not have a right to marry a man that he did not use.

Are you unaware you won that argument?

We've moved on, argue all you want. That's not the issue.

The argument is, the compelling state interest that the state has in denying same sex siblings.

You deflect away from that as often as you like, that's how you roll.

Wisconsin and several other states seems to think its procreation, yet the burdon of proof is arbitrarily applied. And still more curious is that they don't apply this same standard on partnering in an LLC?

Neither partnership required sex, yet only opposite gender cousins must prove infertility to enter one of these?

That is as discriminatory as it gets.

Actually, yes, I was unaware. Your posts are sometimes fairly confusing. :p

Let's try this again : If Wisconsin allows infertile cousins to marry but not fertile cousins, that indicates that procreation is the major factor in the decision to prevent cousins from marrying, yes? If Wisconsin does NOT allow infertile siblings to marry that seems to indicate that procreation is not the major factor in the decision to prevent siblings from marrying.

A marriage is not an LLC. It is a form of contract with some unique attributes. To compare it with a type of company as though they are exactly the same is disingenuous at best.

Run through those unique attributes, will you.

They are both partnerships that are financially mutual beneficial to the partnership.

Be so kind. But remember, the courts determined traditional values can't be the reasoning.


I came across this while looking at something else, but remembered this question of yours earlier in the thread and thought I would again reply to it.

From the USSC case Maynard v. Hill :
It is also to be observed that while marriage is often termed by text writers and in decisions of courts as a civil contract, generally to indicate that it must be founded upon the agreement of the parties, and does not require any religious ceremony for its solemnization, it is something more

Page 125 U. S. 211

than a mere contract. The consent of the parties is, of course, essential to its existence, but when the contract to marry is executed by the marriage, a relation between the parties is created which they cannot change. Other contracts may be modified, restricted, or enlarged, or entirely released upon the consent of the parties. Not so with marriage."

Maynard v. Hill 125 U.S. 190 (1888)

The relevant portions begin on Page 125 U.S. 210

Oh, traditional views of marriage. Gotta love the good ol days
Because current marriage law doesn't work with polygamy.


Child custody, power of attorney, inheritance, tax filing, there are any number of ways in which current marriage law does not cover polygamous marriage.

It didn't cover same sex marriage either until we changed the law.

But same sex marriage was able to fit into existing marriage law because that law covered two participants.

Kinda didnt work that well in Iowa.
Because current marriage law doesn't work with polygamy.


Child custody, power of attorney, inheritance, tax filing, there are any number of ways in which current marriage law does not cover polygamous marriage.

It didn't cover same sex marriage either until we changed the law.

But same sex marriage was able to fit into existing marriage law because that law covered two participants.

Kinda didnt work that well in Iowa.

Why, based on your opinion of what kind of marriages should be legal now?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Can ya be any more retarded?

Why would you think that's Polk County? Can you not read the first line of their marriage application instructions??


What about this line...

IOWA LAW provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are .... not closely related by blood or first cousins

Nope, nothing about Polk County in there either. Nowhere in the state can close family members marry.

And again... it really doesn't matter how many times you repeat that section, as you've been shown... Iowa doesn't let any close members marry regardless of gender.

That's why not single such marriage in 6 years.

Oh... and...


Because you're a dishonest fuck, I will post Iowa 595.19. The controlling legislation:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:
a. Between a man and his father's sister, mother's sister,
daughter, sister, son's daughter, daughter's daughter, brother's
daughter, or sister's daughter.
b. Between a woman and her father's brother, mother's
brother, son, brother, son's son, daughter's son, brother's son, or
sister's son.
c. Between first cousins.
2. Marriages between persons either of whom has a husband or wife
living are void, but, if the parties live and cohabit together after
the death or divorce of the former husband or wife, such marriage
shall be valid.

This is the first line again:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:

Then a very long list of THE FOLLOWING none of which are closely relate same sex. Hmmmmm

And then we have the National Association of District Attorney's that seem to say I am right.

Sucks to be you, all alone in your dishonesty.

WOW, imagine that, I proved you wrong again.

Getting to be a habit watching you lose so often.
Oh, nooo's, pops is gettin' all uppity. lol

Is this your way of admitting what I posted was about the entire state of Iowa and not just Polk County? :mm:

You can post it all you want... Iowa still doesn't let any close-family members marry each other regardless of gender...


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

And the NDAA doesn't even help you. You're referencing a list of incestuous statutes. Says so on the link you posted. You just can't stop fantasizing about incest, can you, perv23?

Oh, I'm still waiting for you to find even one single close-family marriage that took place in Iowa in the last 6 years.... you can't because Iowa doesn't allow such marriages.


So your link takes me to gmdsolutions. Not exactly a govermental branch of the iowa government, is it?

No wonder you dance so much.

Mine quoted the entire controlling law, which the corporation is not obligated to include when their sales person contracts with the county.

Nice dodge though.

While we are at it. Please supply a link to the proposed legislation you claim exists that would change Iowa 595 to exclude same sex family members the right to Marry.


You lose yet again

It's like clockwork for you!

There are numerous Iowa counties found in this link. I did not find a relevant state law to link, only some individual counties. :dunno:

state of iowa marriage license instructions at DuckDuckGo

Why waste your time, here is the actual law:

Iowa Code 595

If it's been modified by the legislature or court order, please link to those. All counties can do is reference questions back to the State Authority.

Wait, you are saying that all of those various counties using the same wording for what Iowa says are the qualifications for marriage are really just sending questions to the state?
Suuure, pops. Let me know if you ever figure out you're still quoting the same law which changed because of Supreme Court rulings?

Project much? lol

Then you can supply the link to the legislation or court order in which the change to law is stated. I am sure it contains a line by line change.

So, provide the proof, legislation or court order and you win.

Don't, you prove you're a loser. Of course, everyone, including you, know that's a fact anyway.
I keep providing the proof and you keep ignoring it. You're too committed to your perversions to accept the reality that Iowa doesn't allow any close family marriages. Even though you'll ignore it again, here it is again...


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

Your PROOF from a print shop in Spencer, Iowa is lame dude.

The actual LAW trumps your print shop flyer.

So, you lose again.

Thanks for allowing me to prove, once again what a miserable loser you really are.
Aww, how sad. Now the forum pervert is whining over who prints up Iowa's documents. :eusa_doh:

And how is it you convince yourself you've won when you're incapable of finding even one close family marriage in Iowa in 6 years?

Iowa says they don't allow such marriages which is why there are none.

G'head, perv... this is where you declare you've won again even though Iowa doesn't allow close family members to marry regardless of gender.


I won again. And there is no need for me to dance. Victory is mine.
So claims the pervert who can't find a single family marriage in 6 years, despite his delusion that it's legal. :cuckoo:

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Can ya be any more retarded?

Why would you think that's Polk County? Can you not read the first line of their marriage application instructions??


What about this line...

IOWA LAW provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are .... not closely related by blood or first cousins

Nope, nothing about Polk County in there either. Nowhere in the state can close family members marry.

And again... it really doesn't matter how many times you repeat that section, as you've been shown... Iowa doesn't let any close members marry regardless of gender.

That's why not single such marriage in 6 years.

Oh... and...


Because you're a dishonest fuck, I will post Iowa 595.19. The controlling legislation:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:
a. Between a man and his father's sister, mother's sister,
daughter, sister, son's daughter, daughter's daughter, brother's
daughter, or sister's daughter.
b. Between a woman and her father's brother, mother's
brother, son, brother, son's son, daughter's son, brother's son, or
sister's son.
c. Between first cousins.
2. Marriages between persons either of whom has a husband or wife
living are void, but, if the parties live and cohabit together after
the death or divorce of the former husband or wife, such marriage
shall be valid.

This is the first line again:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:

Then a very long list of THE FOLLOWING none of which are closely relate same sex. Hmmmmm

And then we have the National Association of District Attorney's that seem to say I am right.

Sucks to be you, all alone in your dishonesty.

WOW, imagine that, I proved you wrong again.

Getting to be a habit watching you lose so often.
Oh, nooo's, pops is gettin' all uppity. lol

Is this your way of admitting what I posted was about the entire state of Iowa and not just Polk County? :mm:

You can post it all you want... Iowa still doesn't let any close-family members marry each other regardless of gender...


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

And the NDAA doesn't even help you. You're referencing a list of incestuous statutes. Says so on the link you posted. You just can't stop fantasizing about incest, can you, perv23?

Oh, I'm still waiting for you to find even one single close-family marriage that took place in Iowa in the last 6 years.... you can't because Iowa doesn't allow such marriages.


So your link takes me to gmdsolutions. Not exactly a govermental branch of the iowa government, is it?

No wonder you dance so much.

Mine quoted the entire controlling law, which the corporation is not obligated to include when their sales person contracts with the county.

Nice dodge though.

While we are at it. Please supply a link to the proposed legislation you claim exists that would change Iowa 595 to exclude same sex family members the right to Marry.


You lose yet again

It's like clockwork for you!

There are numerous Iowa counties found in this link. I did not find a relevant state law to link, only some individual counties. :dunno:

state of iowa marriage license instructions at DuckDuckGo

Why waste your time, here is the actual law:

Iowa Code 595

If it's been modified by the legislature or court order, please link to those. All counties can do is reference questions back to the State Authority.
That law's been altered. It even still reads that marriage is between a man and a woman. According to you, same-sex marriage is still banned in Iowa.

According to Iowa, same-sex marriage is allowed but marrying close family members is not.


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.
Because you're a dishonest fuck, I will post Iowa 595.19. The controlling legislation:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:
a. Between a man and his father's sister, mother's sister,
daughter, sister, son's daughter, daughter's daughter, brother's
daughter, or sister's daughter.
b. Between a woman and her father's brother, mother's
brother, son, brother, son's son, daughter's son, brother's son, or
sister's son.
c. Between first cousins.
2. Marriages between persons either of whom has a husband or wife
living are void, but, if the parties live and cohabit together after
the death or divorce of the former husband or wife, such marriage
shall be valid.

This is the first line again:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:

Then a very long list of THE FOLLOWING none of which are closely relate same sex. Hmmmmm

And then we have the National Association of District Attorney's that seem to say I am right.

Sucks to be you, all alone in your dishonesty.

WOW, imagine that, I proved you wrong again.

Getting to be a habit watching you lose so often.
Oh, nooo's, pops is gettin' all uppity. lol

Is this your way of admitting what I posted was about the entire state of Iowa and not just Polk County? :mm:

You can post it all you want... Iowa still doesn't let any close-family members marry each other regardless of gender...


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

And the NDAA doesn't even help you. You're referencing a list of incestuous statutes. Says so on the link you posted. You just can't stop fantasizing about incest, can you, perv23?

Oh, I'm still waiting for you to find even one single close-family marriage that took place in Iowa in the last 6 years.... you can't because Iowa doesn't allow such marriages.


So your link takes me to gmdsolutions. Not exactly a govermental branch of the iowa government, is it?

No wonder you dance so much.

Mine quoted the entire controlling law, which the corporation is not obligated to include when their sales person contracts with the county.

Nice dodge though.

While we are at it. Please supply a link to the proposed legislation you claim exists that would change Iowa 595 to exclude same sex family members the right to Marry.


You lose yet again

It's like clockwork for you!

There are numerous Iowa counties found in this link. I did not find a relevant state law to link, only some individual counties. :dunno:

state of iowa marriage license instructions at DuckDuckGo

Why waste your time, here is the actual law:

Iowa Code 595

If it's been modified by the legislature or court order, please link to those. All counties can do is reference questions back to the State Authority.

Wait, you are saying that all of those various counties using the same wording for what Iowa says are the qualifications for marriage are really just sending questions to the state?

Counties can synopsis the law anyway they wish, the State is the Controlling Authority and it is the State that created marriage law, including who is disqualified fro entering into the contract.

The IOWA SUPREME COURT ordered that the State allow same gender couples be allowed to marry, nothing more, nothing less.

Link to the court order that does different.
Then you can supply the link to the legislation or court order in which the change to law is stated. I am sure it contains a line by line change.

So, provide the proof, legislation or court order and you win.

Don't, you prove you're a loser. Of course, everyone, including you, know that's a fact anyway.
I keep providing the proof and you keep ignoring it. You're too committed to your perversions to accept the reality that Iowa doesn't allow any close family marriages. Even though you'll ignore it again, here it is again...


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

Your PROOF from a print shop in Spencer, Iowa is lame dude.

The actual LAW trumps your print shop flyer.

So, you lose again.

Thanks for allowing me to prove, once again what a miserable loser you really are.
Aww, how sad. Now the forum pervert is whining over who prints up Iowa's documents. :eusa_doh:

And how is it you convince yourself you've won when you're incapable of finding even one close family marriage in Iowa in 6 years?

Iowa says they don't allow such marriages which is why there are none.

G'head, perv... this is where you declare you've won again even though Iowa doesn't allow close family members to marry regardless of gender.


I won again. And there is no need for me to dance. Victory is mine.
So claims the pervert who can't find a single family marriage in 6 years, despite his delusion that it's legal. :cuckoo:


Check the law again and find a mention of sex being a requirement of a marriage contract.

If you can't, you just admitted that you are the pervert.
Because you're a dishonest fuck, I will post Iowa 595.19. The controlling legislation:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:
a. Between a man and his father's sister, mother's sister,
daughter, sister, son's daughter, daughter's daughter, brother's
daughter, or sister's daughter.
b. Between a woman and her father's brother, mother's
brother, son, brother, son's son, daughter's son, brother's son, or
sister's son.
c. Between first cousins.
2. Marriages between persons either of whom has a husband or wife
living are void, but, if the parties live and cohabit together after
the death or divorce of the former husband or wife, such marriage
shall be valid.

This is the first line again:

1. Marriages between the following persons who are related by
blood are void:

Then a very long list of THE FOLLOWING none of which are closely relate same sex. Hmmmmm

And then we have the National Association of District Attorney's that seem to say I am right.

Sucks to be you, all alone in your dishonesty.

WOW, imagine that, I proved you wrong again.

Getting to be a habit watching you lose so often.
Oh, nooo's, pops is gettin' all uppity. lol

Is this your way of admitting what I posted was about the entire state of Iowa and not just Polk County? :mm:

You can post it all you want... Iowa still doesn't let any close-family members marry each other regardless of gender...


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

And the NDAA doesn't even help you. You're referencing a list of incestuous statutes. Says so on the link you posted. You just can't stop fantasizing about incest, can you, perv23?

Oh, I'm still waiting for you to find even one single close-family marriage that took place in Iowa in the last 6 years.... you can't because Iowa doesn't allow such marriages.


So your link takes me to gmdsolutions. Not exactly a govermental branch of the iowa government, is it?

No wonder you dance so much.

Mine quoted the entire controlling law, which the corporation is not obligated to include when their sales person contracts with the county.

Nice dodge though.

While we are at it. Please supply a link to the proposed legislation you claim exists that would change Iowa 595 to exclude same sex family members the right to Marry.


You lose yet again

It's like clockwork for you!

There are numerous Iowa counties found in this link. I did not find a relevant state law to link, only some individual counties. :dunno:

state of iowa marriage license instructions at DuckDuckGo

Why waste your time, here is the actual law:

Iowa Code 595

If it's been modified by the legislature or court order, please link to those. All counties can do is reference questions back to the State Authority.
That law's been altered. It even still reads that marriage is between a man and a woman. According to you, same-sex marriage is still banned in Iowa.

According to Iowa, same-sex marriage is allowed but marrying close family members is not.


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

Poor fool, takes the word of a printing company over the Iowa State Legislature.
I keep providing the proof and you keep ignoring it. You're too committed to your perversions to accept the reality that Iowa doesn't allow any close family marriages. Even though you'll ignore it again, here it is again...


Iowa law provides that marriage is a civil contract between two persons who are (1) 18 years of age or older; (2) not already married to each other or still legally married to someone else; (3) not closely related by blood or first cousins; and (4) legally competent to enter into a civil contract.

Your PROOF from a print shop in Spencer, Iowa is lame dude.

The actual LAW trumps your print shop flyer.

So, you lose again.

Thanks for allowing me to prove, once again what a miserable loser you really are.
Aww, how sad. Now the forum pervert is whining over who prints up Iowa's documents. :eusa_doh:

And how is it you convince yourself you've won when you're incapable of finding even one close family marriage in Iowa in 6 years?

Iowa says they don't allow such marriages which is why there are none.

G'head, perv... this is where you declare you've won again even though Iowa doesn't allow close family members to marry regardless of gender.


I won again. And there is no need for me to dance. Victory is mine.
So claims the pervert who can't find a single family marriage in 6 years, despite his delusion that it's legal. :cuckoo:


Check the law again and find a mention of sex being a requirement of a marriage contract.

If you can't, you just admitted that you are the pervert.
As has been pointed out to you, SC rulings nullified marriage laws regarding gender.

You're the one who can't stop talking about incest, perv.
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