Its July 4th.....Have you thanked a Liberal today???

See what I mean, the thank yous keep coming, Daveman and California Girl recognize that no nation was ever founded on Conservatism because Conservatism is just whining about progress and change. It's so good to see that liberal thought is making a change, if we were all conservatives we'd still be howling at the moon, whining that the cave is damp, and it's someone else's fault. The Rhetoric of Reaction - Albert O. Hirschman - Harvard University Press

daveman said:
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Comment: Dumbass.

Regards, daveman

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California Girl said:
Hi, you have received -734 reputation points from California Girl.
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Comment: No thanks but a \'fuck you\' for using our nation\'s history for your political bullshit point scoring.

Regards, California Girl

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How many of these can we now mark off due to liberal thinking? Lots I think. I'm sure Daveman and Cali Girl agree too.

A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress | Conceptual Guerilla

"Cheap-labor conservatives have gotten into the habit of wrapping themselves in the flag, quoting Jefferson, and holding themselves out as defenders of “American values”. In fact, from the very beginning, cheap-labor forces have opposed and obstructed realization of Jefferson’s dream of equality, democracy and social justice. Here is a short list of examples of cheap-labor conservatives obstructing of those values."
Our founding fatherrs were the most extreme liberals of their day...

Imagine actually believing that "All men are created equal" in a day when royalty ruled by basis of their bloodlines and order of birth?

Imagine creating a country where a poor, illiterate laborer receives the same vote as the most wealthy citizen?

Liberal thought has improved this country since its founding

I really hate to bust your bubble.

When the Constitution was written, only white male property owners (about 10 to 16 percent of the nation's population) had the vote. Over the past two centuries, though, the term "government by the people" has become a reality. During the early 1800s, states gradually dropped property requirements for voting. Later, groups that had been excluded previously gained the right to vote. Other reforms made the process fairer and easier.

Actually, I am a bit tired of trying to educate dumb liberals.
Since this thread is over 380 posts I'm glad to see that conservatives are thanking we liberal thinking people for their freedoms, it sure is nice to see this gratitude, makes my heart feel good.

"The story of America is of a nation that has grown greater and stronger by becoming more diverse and inclusive and extending the fruits of liberty more widely among its people. American liberals do not have to invent something new or import a philosophical tradition from abroad. They have only to reclaim the idea of American greatness as their own." Paul Starr

No no. Your mistake.

You libs should be thanking people who adhere to the basic precepts of the Constitution. In short, you libs owe conservatives a hearty and sincere "thanks."

And you all should adapt your presently piss-poor thinking accordingly.
See what I mean, the thank yous keep coming, Daveman and California Girl recognize that no nation was ever founded on Conservatism because Conservatism is just whining about progress and change. It's so good to see that liberal thought is making a change, if we were all conservatives we'd still be howling at the moon, whining that the cave is damp, and it's someone else's fault. The Rhetoric of Reaction - Albert O. Hirschman - Harvard University Press

daveman said:
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Comment: Dumbass.

Regards, daveman

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California Girl said:
Hi, you have received -734 reputation points from California Girl.
Reputation was given for this post.

Comment: No thanks but a \'fuck you\' for using our nation\'s history for your political bullshit point scoring.

Regards, California Girl

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How many of these can we now mark off due to liberal thinking? Lots I think. I'm sure Daveman and Cali Girl agree too.

A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress | Conceptual Guerilla

"Cheap-labor conservatives have gotten into the habit of wrapping themselves in the flag, quoting Jefferson, and holding themselves out as defenders of “American values”. In fact, from the very beginning, cheap-labor forces have opposed and obstructed realization of Jefferson’s dream of equality, democracy and social justice. Here is a short list of examples of cheap-labor conservatives obstructing of those values."

"What a Fucking Crybaby"....Frank Zappa.....:(....i got neg repped....
What is it with these modern day liberals who think the rest of us owe 'em something? Did they fight the British? No. All they do is jump on a band wagon and lay claim to every decent idealist who has ever walked the planet..... Is stupid a prerequisite to be a 'liberal'?

Every one of those ideals was fought furiously against by conservatives of that era......democracy, womens rights, abolition, worker rights and protection, protection of the environment

Imagine if we had actually listened to conservatives?

good gawd.
utter bullshit.:lol:
Thank you for polarizing this country.

Thank you for driving up the price of energy.

Thank you for using confusing regulations as road-blocks to job growth.

Thank you for ending the American Dream.

Thank you for forcing businesses to look elsewhere for cheap labor.

Thank you for taking my retirement and giving it to your worthless voters.

Thank you for turning our friends into enemies.

Thank you for apologizing to our enemies.

And thank you for making everything worse.
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See what I mean, the thank yous keep coming, Daveman and California Girl recognize that no nation was ever founded on Conservatism because Conservatism is just whining about progress and change. It's so good to see that liberal thought is making a change, if we were all conservatives we'd still be howling at the moon, whining that the cave is damp, and it's someone else's fault. The Rhetoric of Reaction - Albert O. Hirschman - Harvard University Press

daveman said:
Hi, you have received -236 reputation points from daveman.
Reputation was given for this post.

Comment: Dumbass.

Regards, daveman

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California Girl said:
Hi, you have received -734 reputation points from California Girl.
Reputation was given for this post.

Comment: No thanks but a \'fuck you\' for using our nation\'s history for your political bullshit point scoring.

Regards, California Girl

Note: This is an automated message.

How many of these can we now mark off due to liberal thinking? Lots I think. I'm sure Daveman and Cali Girl agree too.

A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress | Conceptual Guerilla

"Cheap-labor conservatives have gotten into the habit of wrapping themselves in the flag, quoting Jefferson, and holding themselves out as defenders of “American values”. In fact, from the very beginning, cheap-labor forces have opposed and obstructed realization of Jefferson’s dream of equality, democracy and social justice. Here is a short list of examples of cheap-labor conservatives obstructing of those values."

I'll thank you NOT to keep lying about your idiotic ideology. I'll thank you not to use your own brain, and for relying instead on the agenda driven words of others - because they show you up as the unthinking moron that you are.

I'll thank you when you stop stealing our history to pretend it was all your idea. That is sickening.... not just to conservatives - but to any real liberal. You, and the moronic dribbling fool that goes by the name of 'rightwhiner' are not liberals. You're unthinking followers of a sect of elitist bastards who don't care about any of us.

I remain unimpressed by your need to regurgitate the words of others instead of exercising your God given freedom to think your own thoughts and speak your own words. It is no wonder you fail to understand our history. Your brain has ceased to function without it's borg.

Oh, and.... people get negged for very specific things from me. Mainly for using the death of millions of innocent people for political point scoring. Also for using our war dead for political point scoring.... and for using our Founding Fathers as a partisan tool. Think yourself lucky if I only neg you once.
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You may not have realized but we live in a substantially different world to the one of our forefathers. Classical Liberals are NOT Libertarians.... Libertarians are naive, Classical Liberals are more practical, logical and (dare I say it) more rational than Libertarians.

Having said that, if we were to apply today's political views to the Founders (which I disagree with, but let's go with it anyway)... the Founders were closer to Libertarians than modern Liberals.
Libertarians for the most part in the intermediary support a Constitutional Federal Government restricted to Article I Section 8. That is in line with the Founders, not that I naively belive the founders even followed the strict standards they set for themselves. But the founding principles our Constitution were founded on were libertarian in their emphasis on decentralization and separation of powers, along with their several protections for individual freedoms. The Libertarian Party of all the major parties is most in line with the original governing philosophy of the founders. They weren't fucking neo cons or religious right fundie fucktards like most republicans today are.

Having said that, you have completely sidetracked the conversation. Anyways, one of the points of history is to analyze and speculate about alternate occurrences and debate paste events.

I know what Libertarians are.

And, yea, we can analyze and speculate.... but we cannot claim things that are not true and that is what RightWhiner does.
I never said this guy was right, btw.
I know most of us are celebrating today with picnics, hot dogs and fireworks. But on this day of celebration of one of the most significant liberal accomplishments, it is time to reflect on just what this day means

Our liberal founding fathers shook the world when they declared that "All men are created equal" When you think of it, this was a time when royalty ruled by the merits of their blood alone. It was a time when different classes of people received different treatment from the government. It was a time when those who toiled in the fields received different treatment than those who owned the fields

In the most liberal concept of the day, our founding fathers stood up and declared .....We have god given rights to be treated the same as anyone else. Imagine declaring that royalty are no better than anyone else? Or that someone working in the fields deserved the same rights and the same vote as someone who owned the land or that some illiterate peasant deserved the same treatment as a royal family member.

Imagine what this country would be like if our founding fathers had listened to the conservatives of the day and remained loyal to the King or implemented a class system based on wealth?

Yes, this is a day of celebration of the greatest country in the history of the world. Take the time to be thankful for what this country gives us and find a liberal and give them a smile and a thumbs up for this special day
First off claiming the founding forefathers is ASSuming something, if they were liberals But of course the liberals back then have not been taken over by the socialists like the liberal socialists today.
Liberals have done so much for our society. They gave us our nation, womans rights, workers rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights, healthcare, social security....

They ask for so little in return

Lets use today to thank liberals for this wonderful country that they not only founded for us......but work tirelessly to make better every day
Yep, pretty much ruined this once great country. Womens rights are about the only thing they got right, providing they were the ones who did it. They pretty much turned this country one step away from socialism. The founding forefathers are rolling in their graves.
See what I mean, the thank yous keep coming, Daveman and California Girl recognize that no nation was ever founded on Conservatism because Conservatism is just whining about progress and change. It's so good to see that liberal thought is making a change, if we were all conservatives we'd still be howling at the moon, whining that the cave is damp, and it's someone else's fault. The Rhetoric of Reaction - Albert O. Hirschman - Harvard University Press

daveman said:
Hi, you have received -236 reputation points from daveman.
Reputation was given for this post.

Comment: Dumbass.

Regards, daveman

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California Girl said:
Hi, you have received -734 reputation points from California Girl.
Reputation was given for this post.

Comment: No thanks but a \'fuck you\' for using our nation\'s history for your political bullshit point scoring.

Regards, California Girl

Note: This is an automated message.

How many of these can we now mark off due to liberal thinking? Lots I think. I'm sure Daveman and Cali Girl agree too.

A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress | Conceptual Guerilla

"Cheap-labor conservatives have gotten into the habit of wrapping themselves in the flag, quoting Jefferson, and holding themselves out as defenders of “American values”. In fact, from the very beginning, cheap-labor forces have opposed and obstructed realization of Jefferson’s dream of equality, democracy and social justice. Here is a short list of examples of cheap-labor conservatives obstructing of those values."

Wow - a 970 point neg rep ! How's your ass feel? :lol:
See what I mean, the thank yous keep coming, Daveman and California Girl recognize that no nation was ever founded on Conservatism because Conservatism is just whining about progress and change. It's so good to see that liberal thought is making a change, if we were all conservatives we'd still be howling at the moon, whining that the cave is damp, and it's someone else's fault. The Rhetoric of Reaction - Albert O. Hirschman - Harvard University Press

daveman said:
Hi, you have received -236 reputation points from daveman.
Reputation was given for this post.

Comment: Dumbass.

Regards, daveman

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California Girl said:
Hi, you have received -734 reputation points from California Girl.
Reputation was given for this post.

Comment: No thanks but a \'fuck you\' for using our nation\'s history for your political bullshit point scoring.

Regards, California Girl

Note: This is an automated message.

How many of these can we now mark off due to liberal thinking? Lots I think. I'm sure Daveman and Cali Girl agree too.

A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress | Conceptual Guerilla

"Cheap-labor conservatives have gotten into the habit of wrapping themselves in the flag, quoting Jefferson, and holding themselves out as defenders of “American values”. In fact, from the very beginning, cheap-labor forces have opposed and obstructed realization of Jefferson’s dream of equality, democracy and social justice. Here is a short list of examples of cheap-labor conservatives obstructing of those values."
It's easy to claim you win an argument when you imagine that all your opponents are agreeing with you, isn't it?

We all chipped in a got you a card.

Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.
-Ronald Reagan.
This country would really be great if George Washington could have bribed congress into passing gubment run healthcare 120+ years ago......

Hey! Wasn't Nixon president 120 years ago?
You guys are great the thank yous keep coming. Elvis is one of my greatest fans, he's trying to open his mind, so give him a cheer.

elvis said:
Hi, you have received -416 reputation points from elvis.
Reputation was given for this post.

I apologize for what I said last week, but you\'re still an idiot


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California Girl, Daveman, and Elvis,

Thanks for the rep and the questions concerning liberalism, here's a comparative list that may help you on your way to an open mind. Good luck and keep the cards and letters and fan mail coming. It is always appreciated.

regards, midcan

Shall we compare and contrast liberal progressivism with conservatism, lets.

Liberal Progressivism (LP) first:

Leaves the cave to create better lodging outside in the sun
Creation of tools
Hunting and fishing
Farming and husbandry
Creation of markets and merchants
Political liberalism
Constitutional democracy
Public education for all
Abolished Slavery
Child labor laws
Unions fair pay and safe working conditions
Food and product safety regulations
Regulation to control financial meltdowns
Social Security
Won the war against fascism
Creation of United Nations
Civil rights voting rights
End of segregation
Poverty safety net
Woman's right to decide
Environmental controls
Equal rights for marriage to all
Universal health care

And we just keep going....

Now Conservatism:

Cave living and howling at the moon
Refusal to follow liberals out of the cave
More whining
More and more whining
More and more and more whining
Earth is flat stay put and whine
More and more and more and more whining
Red scare loud whining and finger pointing
More and more and more and more and more whining
More and more and more and more and more and more whining
Create think tanks for improved whining.
More and more and more and more and more and more and more whining
Terrorist acts create more whining with the addition of fear
Above whinin g and increased finger pointing
Create media centers for national whining, and do you know what they do best whine on radio and TV
More and more and more and more and more and more and more and more whining
More and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more whining
Tea Party increased whining.

During the Dark Ages and the Bubonic Plague, Conservative whining decreased, not enough to measure the change, but these times were consistent with their 'do nothing but whine philosophy,' and thus were the best times for conservatism.

More proof below:

A Short History of Conservative Obstruction to Progress | Conceptual Guerilla

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?
Liberals want to burn the Flag, get rid of Santa Clause, the Easter bunny, Free speech and just about everything else that made America.. Hey Liberals your on a losing side, and while you're there I'll bend over and you can all kiss my ass. Kissing ass is liberal too, right?
Now Conservatism:

Cave living and howling at the moon
Refusal to follow liberals out of the cave
More whining
More and more whining
More and more and more whining
Earth is flat stay put and whine
More and more and more and more whining
Red scare loud whining and finger pointing
More and more and more and more and more whining
More and more and more and more and more and more whining
Create think tanks for improved whining.
More and more and more and more and more and more and more whining
Terrorist acts create more whining with the addition of fear
Above whinin g and increased finger pointing
Create media centers for national whining, and do you know what they do best whine on radio and TV
More and more and more and more and more and more and more and more whining
More and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more whining
Tea Party increased whining.

During the Dark Ages and the Bubonic Plague, Conservative whining decreased, not enough to measure the change, but these times were consistent with their 'do nothing but whine philosophy,' and thus were the best times for conservatism.


all this coming from the biggest whiner in the thread......:lol:

"I thought a Midcan was a receptacle to collect dog droppings"....Rufas T.Firefly.....

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