It's not that any one race is good or bad, but that..

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"All God's children got wings". "Let the Circle be unbroken, in the sweet bye and bye Lord , in the sweet bye & bye".
"It's not that any one race is good or bad, but that.."
there are differences between the races. That's all...

America is becoming more hispanic and more black. Whether good or bad, I'll leave to you, but the point is that this racial transformation will impact the United States.

To be sure, if America remained white, it would still change in time. But on top of this, we are adding racial difference to the mix, in the hope that somehow everybody will get along and become one American people with the same characteristics.

I doubt this will happen.
This, imo, is an interesting topic. I grew up, and spent several decades in a large city. The neighborhood in which I was raised was populated by mostly blacks and hispanics. There were far fewer whites, but quite a few Japanese families. Later on, the whites and Japanese continued to move out so their numbers dropped.

The Japanese people I knew were some of the friendliest, nicest people I’ve ever met. I also knew several Japanese business owners. On the whole, I’d say they were among the hardest working, most intelligent people one could hope to know. And while lots of people see only the very quiet side of asians, the Japanese guys I knew were often incredibly funny and fun to be around. From my experience I’d say they deserve the Model Minority label many folks have given them.

Many of the older Japanese men were very patriotic and had served in our military — this would have been about the time of WWll and the Korean war.

As you can see, I think highly of the Japanese people I’ve known, and have only positive feelings about them. My cousin (female) lived across the city and many of her best friends through middle and high school were also Japanese. In college their friendships continued and some of them have remained best friends into the age of retirement.

The biggest differences I see among people are cultural. The Japanese have terrific family values, and have a work ethic second to none. They place a high value on education, and have many religious and cultural traits that make them a joy to know. And you couldn’t ask for better neighbors.

Hispanics share many of these values as well: love of family, strong work ethic, highly religious, etc. As they become more educated they grow into and follow a path very similar to whites: seeking better education, a better job, nicer home, better neighborhood, and upward mobility. Many hispanics also serve in our military and like most other vets, their feelings about the military and the country remain strong throughout the rest of their lives.

So, these groups will find it relatively easy to assimilate and fit comfortably into our shared American future, imo. But, as our history shows, assimilation takes time and the road is sometimes bumpy.

We have more different races and ethnicities in America than any other country in the world. The vast majority of these people have to travel that same, sometimes bumpy road, on the way to becoming “Americans”, and most eventually make it. But with all of these different ethnicities and races and cultures living together, it’s only reasonable to expect that there will be a few misunderstandings and problems along the way. But if we can find our way clear to minimize our demonizing of each other we should, eventually find ways to get along and live together in peace. And if we do, this will be the most fun and interesting country on the planet. The key is having compatible cultures, imo. This is huge.

People from the middle east and Africa seem to have cultures that are far different from our own, and the cultural clashes often seem to end in disasters of one kind or another. I have much less optimism about their ability or desire to either assimilate into American society, or to live in peace among us. But all of this is just my experience or opinion on the matter.
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I think Deep South whites are kind of a race all by themselves. For the most part, they have cut off genetic influx.
And they must be separate because the small pool has left them with an imaginary sense of superiority and an illusion of great intelligence.
I'm all for confidence, but the bad part is they have massive amounts of gullibility. They actually believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, that Donald Trump is honest, trustworthy and truthful.
And with just about everyone in his cabinet, his administration and even in his family, almost everyone has a Russian Connection and yet, his entire base thinks it's all a hoax. Either a separate race or they are all members of a massive cult.

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