It's Obama's fault that Trump is tearing the GOP apart!

Blaming the victim; a classic fascist tactic.

The feral humans show up at Trump events to start trouble are hardly victims. I guess free shit is worth fighting for. Just imagine if they put that much energy into getting a job.

those thugs are being sent to disrupt rallies for a candidate people stood in line for HOURS to get to see them. and they are whining how they were punched. good thing I wasn't there. lol . The American people are fed up with these Democrats/progressive thugs they send out to these venues.

The word "thug" has a meaning in the English language. It refers to people who engage in senseless violence (as with the Drumpfisti)

That's why those trashy Fuckers showed incite violence.

Again, you seem to be describing Drumpfisti :dunno:

I'm describing the trash that shows up at Trump events to start trouble.

I'm waiting for an assassination attempt. Liberals have mentioned that a few times.
No, it's not Obama's fault for Trump being the front runner.

It's the GOP's. They've railed against the government and Obama for the past 7 years in a way that used very bitter, angry rhetoric, and because of that, people don't trust ANY politicians any longer.

The division that the GOP created made them a good target for a hostile takeover, and that is exactly what Trump has done.

Good luck republicans, Trump looks like he's gonna be your nominee.
anyone remember how the left was beside themselves because people from the Tea party was showing anger at their OWN town halls over ObamaNOcare that was sold to us with LIES? and now look at them. they stand for nothing, and they have become two faced hypocrites over a Party.

GO back and do a Search on that time period. you will see it
Blaming the victim; a classic fascist tactic.

The feral humans show up at Trump events to start trouble are hardly victims. I guess free shit is worth fighting for. Just imagine if they put that much energy into getting a job.

those thugs are being sent to disrupt rallies for a candidate people stood in line for HOURS to get to see them. and they are whining how they were punched. good thing I wasn't there. lol . The American people are fed up with these Democrats/progressive thugs they send out to these venues.

The word "thug" has a meaning in the English language. It refers to people who engage in senseless violence (as with the Drumpfisti)

That's why those trashy Fuckers showed incite violence.

Again, you seem to be describing Drumpfisti :dunno:

You people are made, because Trump will embarrass the hell out of the chimp in charge.
No, it's not Obama's fault for Trump being the front runner.

It's the GOP's. They've railed against the government and Obama for the past 7 years in a way that used very bitter, angry rhetoric, and because of that, people don't trust ANY politicians any longer.

The division that the GOP created made them a good target for a hostile takeover, and that is exactly what Trump has done.

Good luck republicans, Trump looks like he's gonna be your nominee.

Obama's communist agenda brought Trump to the scene.

The neo-com's made their big push to the left and failed. They shot their wad.
It's totally Obamas fault! For the past 7 years he's exposed and humiliated the GOP. Now even their own party members are disgusted with those do nothing turds who have been trying to destroy our country just to spite out prez .

The job of the President is to convince the Congress to support his proposals by talking to them. Obama thinks that calling them the enemy and having Reid block every bill they pass is being Presidential. What else did you expect from a community organizer?
“I have been blamed by Republicans for a lot of things, but being blamed for their primaries and who they’re selecting for their party is novel,” Obama said at a joint press conference with Canadian Prime Minter Justin Trudeau Thursday.
“I don’t think that I was the one to prompt questions about my birth certificate… I don’t remember saying, ‘Hey, why don’t you ask me about that?'” Obama said “Why don’t you, you know, question whether I’m American or whether I’m loyal or whether I have America’s best interests at heart. Those aren’t things that were prompted by any actions of mine. And so what you’re seeing within the Republican party is to some degree all those efforts over a course of time, creating an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive.”
Obama Just Crushed The Argument That He’s To Blame For The Rise Of Trump
“It’s fair to say that the Republican political elites, and many of the information outlets, social media, news outlets, talk radio, television stations have been feeding the Republican base for the last seven years a notion that everything I do is to be opposed. That cooperation or compromise somehow is a betrayal,” he continued. “That maximalist, absolutist positions on issues are politically advantageous. That there is a ‘them’ out there and an ‘us.’ And ‘them’ are the folks who are causing whatever problems we’re experiencing.”
The wall will be built, illegals will be deported, and thugs who show up at Trump rallies flipping people off and behaving like jack asses will get punched in the face.
To be honest the fault originates with Papa Bush and his Rino, progressive compassionate conservative movement that took over and redirected the party. The damage inflicted has been intensifying for 36 years. Mitt the pantie waste was the final straw.
Regardless of who assumes leadership of the party, Cruz, Trump, Rudio....whom ever, all will build the wall, stem the tide of illegal immigration and intensify security. The party abandoned their core principles and paid a price. Mitch and gang's days are numbered.
It's totally Obamas fault! For the past 7 years he's exposed and humiliated the GOP. Now even their own party members are disgusted with those do nothing turds who have been trying to destroy our country just to spite out prez .

The job of the President is to convince the Congress to support his proposals by talking to them. Obama thinks that calling them the enemy and having Reid block every bill they pass is being Presidential. What else did you expect from a community organizer?

What's wrong wh being a community organizer ? He could've easily cashed in after School and join some big firm making crazy money . Instead he went to help fellow Americans . And you consider that a bad thing ?
The feral humans show up at Trump events to start trouble are hardly victims. I guess free shit is worth fighting for. Just imagine if they put that much energy into getting a job.

those thugs are being sent to disrupt rallies for a candidate people stood in line for HOURS to get to see them. and they are whining how they were punched. good thing I wasn't there. lol . The American people are fed up with these Democrats/progressive thugs they send out to these venues.

The word "thug" has a meaning in the English language. It refers to people who engage in senseless violence (as with the Drumpfisti)

That's why those trashy Fuckers showed incite violence.

Again, you seem to be describing Drumpfisti :dunno:

You people are made, because Trump will embarrass the hell out of the chimp in charge.
he also embarrasses their supporters. when Obama got elected they strutted around telling people. he won so deal with it. Now look at them
those thugs are being sent to disrupt rallies for a candidate people stood in line for HOURS to get to see them. and they are whining how they were punched. good thing I wasn't there. lol . The American people are fed up with these Democrats/progressive thugs they send out to these venues.

The word "thug" has a meaning in the English language. It refers to people who engage in senseless violence (as with the Drumpfisti)

That's why those trashy Fuckers showed incite violence.

Again, you seem to be describing Drumpfisti :dunno:

You people are made, because Trump will embarrass the hell out of the chimp in charge.
he also embarrasses their supporters. when Obama got elected they strutted around telling people. he won so deal with it. Now look at them

That's because the Obama disciples are waiting for Obama to assume absolute power. It's the same cult of personality that existed with Hitler, Mao and Stalin.
It's totally Obamas fault! For the past 7 years he's exposed and humiliated the GOP. Now even their own party members are disgusted with those do nothing turds who have been trying to destroy our country just to spite out prez .

The job of the President is to convince the Congress to support his proposals by talking to them. Obama thinks that calling them the enemy and having Reid block every bill they pass is being Presidential. What else did you expect from a community organizer?

What's wrong wh being a community organizer ? He could've easily cashed in after School and join some big firm making crazy money . Instead he went to help fellow Americans . And you consider that a bad thing ?

Point out ONE community that Obama had a hand in organizing into a better place to live?
what it should be called; is a community Agitator. that's all they do like Al Sharpton. go into these communities agitating people to the point of riots and looting, burning down their own towns.
The word "thug" has a meaning in the English language. It refers to people who engage in senseless violence (as with the Drumpfisti)

That's why those trashy Fuckers showed incite violence.

Again, you seem to be describing Drumpfisti :dunno:

You people are made, because Trump will embarrass the hell out of the chimp in charge.
he also embarrasses their supporters. when Obama got elected they strutted around telling people. he won so deal with it. Now look at them

That's because the Obama disciples are waiting for Obama to assume absolute power. It's the same cult of personality that existed with Hitler, Mao and Stalin.
When should we expect said thing, Tuesday? The Tuesday after that? It's best to plan ahead you know.
That's why those trashy Fuckers showed incite violence.

Again, you seem to be describing Drumpfisti :dunno:

You people are made, because Trump will embarrass the hell out of the chimp in charge.
he also embarrasses their supporters. when Obama got elected they strutted around telling people. he won so deal with it. Now look at them

That's because the Obama disciples are waiting for Obama to assume absolute power. It's the same cult of personality that existed with Hitler, Mao and Stalin.
When should we expect said thing, Tuesday? The Tuesday after that? It's best to plan ahead you know.

When did I say it was going to happen?

How would you react to Obama installing himself as a dictator?
Obama did have a hand in it................You see the American people........conservative minded people sent the GOP in to do a job...........That was to STOP OBAMA and the DEM'S policies..............................The people gave them the House and then the Senate and yet the CAPITULATED.................and allowed the very things the people were pissed off about to go through........................

Making promises that they had no intention to keep................The last being giving them the budget unchecked basically for a year..................

So Obama's miserable record is partly to blame for the people saying FUCK YOU ESTABLISHMENT.
Blaming the victim; a classic fascist tactic.

The feral humans show up at Trump events to start trouble are hardly victims. I guess free shit is worth fighting for. Just imagine if they put that much energy into getting a job.

those thugs are being sent to disrupt rallies for a candidate people stood in line for HOURS to get to see them. and they are whining how they were punched. good thing I wasn't there. lol . The American people are fed up with these Democrats/progressive thugs they send out to these venues.

Americans are tired of being strong armed by the Left.

hell you can see it on here. they will do and say anything for THE PARTY. all heil the Democrat party is how I see them

Social media is in fire, issueing marching orders.

Oh yeah, that party has its tools/slaves always busy passing their "new outrage, meme, blaaa, blaaa blaaa" of the day off on others.
Obama did have a hand in it................You see the American people........conservative minded people sent the GOP in to do a job...........That was to STOP OBAMA and the DEM'S policies..............................The people gave them the House and then the Senate and yet the CAPITULATED.................and allowed the very things the people were pissed off about to go through........................

Making promises that they had no intention to keep................The last being giving them the budget unchecked basically for a year..................

So Obama's miserable record is partly to blame for the people saying FUCK YOU ESTABLISHMENT.

they still REFUSE to accept that fact. they still think it is THEM, their policies and that Obama is still wanted by 100% of the people. when those two midterm elections, where the people took away control of Control of Congress from the Democrats and gave it to the Republicans after only ONE TERM of that Obama and his goons. that should have been a WAKE UP call for them. but here they are looking like fools all for a political party
Here he is again refusing to let the buck stop on his desk, and instead blaming others.

Obama: Don’t Blame Me for Donald Trump’s Rise

If he didn't hate America, and was actually an AMERICAN, Trump wouldn't exist! McConnell tried to save us from this, and he warned us, but the left wing communist media just pulled the wool over America's eyes. BUT NO MORE!

Please tell me you're being sarcastic.

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