It's Official: Top Psychiatrists at Yale Conference Warn That Trump Has a 'Dangerous Mental Illness'

35 psychiatrists this week gathered at a conference at Yale to sound the alarm on what they believe is President Donald Trump’s “dangerous mental illness.”

Per The Independent, the psychiatrists met at Yale’s School of Medicine on Thursday to talk about Donald Trump’s mental health, which they warned was frighteningly unstable.

“We have an ethical responsibility to warn the public about Donald Trump’s dangerous mental illness,” said Dr. John Gartner, a practicing psychotherapist who advised psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins University Medical School and who has in the past warned Trump is a “psychiatric Frankenstein monster.”

Gartner and other psychiatrists at the conference argued that Trump suffers from a particularly malignant case of pathological narcissism, which makes him a danger to the country and the world.

“Worse than just being a liar or a narcissist, in addition he is paranoid, delusional and grandiose thinking and he proved that to the country the first day he was president,” Gartner explained. “If Donald Trump really believes he had the largest crowd size in history, that’s delusional.”

Dr. James Gilligan, a psychiatrist and professor at New York University, said that Trump’s erratic behavior has similarly disturbed him — despite the fact that he has lots of experience working with violent convicted criminals.

“I’ve worked with murderers and rapists, I can recognize dangerousness from a mile away,” he said. “You don’t have to be an expert on dangerousness or spend fifty years studying it like I have in order to know how dangerous this man is.”

Rest here: It's Official: Top Psychiatrists at Yale Conference Warn That Trump Has a 'Dangerous Mental Illness'

If psychiatrists are saying this about Trump, what does it say about the people who voted for him?
I don't know. Narcissist, sure. Dangerous? Unstable? The stuff that comes out of his mouth seems to me to be more the bullshit that is employed by any good used car salesman. Don't take anything he says seriously/or at least be ready for him to change his mind.
Now, what do these psychiatrists plan to do about it now that they've diagnosed him from afar? Seems political to me. If they were really worried they should have gone to someone in D.C. who could do something about it. Removing the President isn't done by public opinion.

Dangerous, yes. Unstable, yes. Did you recently move to conservatard land where you spend all of your time making excuses for the guy? He's incited violence at his rallies, FFS. He's been incredibly reckless with foreign policy already, and he hasn't even gotten warmed up yet.

Of course these psychiatrists are "doing something." They're warning the country that we've elected a dangerous mad man. What else can they do? Start a petition?

Inciting violence? Telling someone to "Get him out of here!" is inciting violence?

You are such a clueless waste of oxygen.

What do you think Trump telling his brainless followers to "knock the crap out of protestors" is, you demented clown? Introduce yourself to the English language you brain dead conservatard muppet.

Link please! Most of the shit you liberals claim Trumps said only exists in your demented imaginations!
His policies certainly bother me

His mental state concerns me more than do his policies, what precious few of them he's been "kind enough" to share in detail. Though I don't think his articulated policies and themes are what's best for the nation, I can live with them quite well. A fair number of the ones I can empirically analyze -- economic and tax -- are going to suit me far better than they will the majority of Americans. I won't "cry" because those policies be implemented -- far from it; laughing my way to the bank so hard it brings tears to my eyes is more likely what I'll do -- but I don't think they should be.

I do not pretend to know his mental state.

I don't either, but then I'm not trained to in psychology so as to be able to observe behaviors and form a reasoned and reasonable initial impression that's likely to be accurate upon further and more detailed examination. I can do that in my own field, but not psychology/psychiatry.

I'd prefer the professionals follow the guidelines of their profession when "diagnosing" a "patient."

All professions guidelines that are meant to be following nearly all of the time. There are exceptions, however, for which the interests of risk mitigation mandates that one ignore the guidelines. The risk that the U.S., lo the "free world," is being led (de facto) by a man having NPD is such an exception that it warrants ignoring the guidelines.

Guidelines exist to do precisely that, guide, principals. They do not exist to obviate and prohibit a principal's exercise of his or her professional judgment. That very ethical dilemma is one criminal attorneys face, perhaps even routinely. (I'm told criminal attorneys don't actually or always ask their clients whether they committed the crime with which they've been charged.) While the specifics differ, the ethical dilemma is substantively the same ones Gartner and the other doctors faced in deciding whether to speak up or keep quiet about their concerns.

Now if this were a team from Walter Reed Hospital who had been observing Trump and talking to Trump etc., I would feel very differently about it. But they would not have announced it this way to the nation, either. If there is truly a danger, the folks in D.C. WILL handle it.

I suspect the way it'd be announced were a team at Walter Reed to make formally such a diagnosis is that we'd simply see provisions of the 25th Amendment being implemented. I think that would come as quite a shock were it to happen without being presaged by more casually offered concerns expressed as Gartner et al have done.

You and I have discussed this before. NPD is NOT in itself a danger, not even when one is President.

We have, and we disagree on that point.
Assuming the "Yale Doctors" are right, I don't think there's anything just about your, my or anyone else enduring the the NPD-related madness of Donald Trump. Given the power he has a POTUS, we are without question exposed to risk of suffering more than just the impact of being ticked off that is he is POTUS.
I'm giving you the last word on this, first because I have to go and second because I will surely not change your mind. I don't KNOW if he's dangerous, and I hope to God he's not.
I don't KNOW if he's dangerous, and I hope to God he's not.

Well, I don't either, but I think there is plenty reason for him to undergo psychiatric evaluation so we can find out for sure just what be the nature and extent of the risk to which the world is exposed.

From where I sit, Trump is the first modern POTUS of whom it appears to me, based on what experts have to say about it, that there's a real (as opposed to implausible and improbable) risk that the man may, as a consequence of a mental disorder of which he's unaware and unable to control, effect or fail to stave off global war, or nuclear war, be it global or not. I don't know about you, but I'd like to know whether, if either thing happens, whether it did in the wake of merely poor decision making that can at least be construed as having been the best decision that seemed apt at the time, or because the POTUS suffers from an ailment that inspires him to behave erratically, thus causing him to take us to a full blown war where winning is an "us or them" sort of thing as was WWII.

(Though I'm not keen on the limited warfare in which the U.S. has participated over the past 40 years, that's not the same as "full blown" -- call it declared, if you want -- war as I've described above.)

Considering none of these "Doctors" have actually examined the man....talked to the man or been in the same room as the man.....

Your post is really stupid....
We need to keep a ledger of who cons consider not very smart.

97% of scientists around the world regarding Global Warming
Stephen Hawking
Scholars at Yale. (and one would assume they extend that to all Ivy League colleges)
Noam Chomsky
Michio Kaku
Lawrence Krauss

They instead have great faith in an orange clown with a nutjob come-over.
How 'bout if we keep a ledger of dumb liberals who don't know hot to spell "comb"?
Those leftwing regressive quacks wouldn't know medical ethics if they were bitch slapped with them. It's very simply unethical as hell to give a diagnosis on someone they have't personally examined, much less to do it publicly. Every damned one of them should be dragged before their respective State licensing boards to justify their unethical behavior.


Did you suggest the same when Dr./Senator Frist diagnosed Terri Schiavo?
35 psychiatrists this week gathered at a conference at Yale to sound the alarm on what they believe is President Donald Trump’s “dangerous mental illness.”

Per The Independent, the psychiatrists met at Yale’s School of Medicine on Thursday to talk about Donald Trump’s mental health, which they warned was frighteningly unstable.

“We have an ethical responsibility to warn the public about Donald Trump’s dangerous mental illness,” said Dr. John Gartner, a practicing psychotherapist who advised psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins University Medical School and who has in the past warned Trump is a “psychiatric Frankenstein monster.”

Gartner and other psychiatrists at the conference argued that Trump suffers from a particularly malignant case of pathological narcissism, which makes him a danger to the country and the world.

“Worse than just being a liar or a narcissist, in addition he is paranoid, delusional and grandiose thinking and he proved that to the country the first day he was president,” Gartner explained. “If Donald Trump really believes he had the largest crowd size in history, that’s delusional.”

Dr. James Gilligan, a psychiatrist and professor at New York University, said that Trump’s erratic behavior has similarly disturbed him — despite the fact that he has lots of experience working with violent convicted criminals.

“I’ve worked with murderers and rapists, I can recognize dangerousness from a mile away,” he said. “You don’t have to be an expert on dangerousness or spend fifty years studying it like I have in order to know how dangerous this man is.”

Rest here: It's Official: Top Psychiatrists at Yale Conference Warn That Trump Has a 'Dangerous Mental Illness'

If psychiatrists are saying this about Trump, what does it say about the people who voted for him?
IF these the self same blokes that certify homosexuality isn't a mental illness, it makes me wonder alright.
Daniel Dale @ddale8

I've never seen this: the AP has to deem some of Trump's comments "unintelligible" even though it was a one-on-one Oval Office interview.

Daniel Dale @ddale8

Trump made at least 15 "unintelligible" comments in his Associated Press interview, the AP transcript says.

5:31 PM - 23 Apr 2017
Those leftwing regressive quacks wouldn't know medical ethics if they were bitch slapped with them. It's very simply unethical as hell to give a diagnosis on someone they have't personally examined, much less to do it publicly. Every damned one of them should be dragged before their respective State licensing boards to justify their unethical behavior.


Did you suggest the same when Dr./Senator Frist diagnosed Terri Schiavo?

Really didn't follow it close enough to have an opinion, I was still in the military for most of it and then trying to get a business going, didn't have much time for politics other than voting.
35 psychiatrists this week gathered at a conference at Yale to sound the alarm on what they believe is President Donald Trump’s “dangerous mental illness.”

Per The Independent, the psychiatrists met at Yale’s School of Medicine on Thursday to talk about Donald Trump’s mental health, which they warned was frighteningly unstable.

“We have an ethical responsibility to warn the public about Donald Trump’s dangerous mental illness,” said Dr. John Gartner, a practicing psychotherapist who advised psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins University Medical School and who has in the past warned Trump is a “psychiatric Frankenstein monster.”

Gartner and other psychiatrists at the conference argued that Trump suffers from a particularly malignant case of pathological narcissism, which makes him a danger to the country and the world.

“Worse than just being a liar or a narcissist, in addition he is paranoid, delusional and grandiose thinking and he proved that to the country the first day he was president,” Gartner explained. “If Donald Trump really believes he had the largest crowd size in history, that’s delusional.”

Dr. James Gilligan, a psychiatrist and professor at New York University, said that Trump’s erratic behavior has similarly disturbed him — despite the fact that he has lots of experience working with violent convicted criminals.

“I’ve worked with murderers and rapists, I can recognize dangerousness from a mile away,” he said. “You don’t have to be an expert on dangerousness or spend fifty years studying it like I have in order to know how dangerous this man is.”

Rest here: It's Official: Top Psychiatrists at Yale Conference Warn That Trump Has a 'Dangerous Mental Illness'

If psychiatrists are saying this about Trump, what does it say about the people who voted for him?
I don't know. Narcissist, sure. Dangerous? Unstable? The stuff that comes out of his mouth seems to me to be more the bullshit that is employed by any good used car salesman. Don't take anything he says seriously/or at least be ready for him to change his mind.
Now, what do these psychiatrists plan to do about it now that they've diagnosed him from afar? Seems political to me. If they were really worried they should have gone to someone in D.C. who could do something about it. Removing the President isn't done by public opinion.

Dangerous, yes. Unstable, yes. Did you recently move to conservatard land where you spend all of your time making excuses for the guy? He's incited violence at his rallies, FFS. He's been incredibly reckless with foreign policy already, and he hasn't even gotten warmed up yet.

Of course these psychiatrists are "doing something." They're warning the country that we've elected a dangerous mad man. What else can they do? Start a petition?

Inciting violence? Telling someone to "Get him out of here!" is inciting violence?

You are such a clueless waste of oxygen.

What do you think Trump telling his brainless followers to "knock the crap out of protestors" is, you demented clown? Introduce yourself to the English language you brain dead conservatard muppet.

Link please! Most of the shit you liberals claim Trumps said only exists in your demented imaginations!

I've already linked to it in this thread, moron. I'm not going to spoonfeed everything for you, you useless turd.
We need to keep a ledger of who cons consider not very smart.

97% of scientists around the world regarding Global Warming
Stephen Hawking
Scholars at Yale. (and one would assume they extend that to all Ivy League colleges)
Noam Chomsky
Michio Kaku
Lawrence Krauss

They instead have great faith in an orange clown with a nutjob come-over.

It's called "conservative logic."
Did you suggest the same when Dr./Senator Frist diagnosed Terri Schiavo?

Really didn't follow it close enough to have an opinion, I was still in the military for most of it and then trying to get a business going, didn't have much time for politics other than voting.

It was a classic case of republicans showing they had no principles. First it was the federal government injecting itself into peoples personal lives, overruling the State government, and their believe in states rghts.. The ultimate big government power play. Add to that a medical doctor making a patient diagnosis by watching a video tape of Terri Schiavo., concluding the patients comatose state was reversible. And finally spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, Bush made a special trip on AF-1 from Crawford to Washington DC, just so he could sign the Terri Schiavo bill.
Did you suggest the same when Dr./Senator Frist diagnosed Terri Schiavo?

Really didn't follow it close enough to have an opinion, I was still in the military for most of it and then trying to get a business going, didn't have much time for politics other than voting.

It was a classic case of republicans showing they had no principles. First it was the federal government injecting itself into peoples personal lives, overruling the State government, and their believe in states rghts.. The ultimate big government power play. Add to that a medical doctor making a patient diagnosis by watching a video tape of Terri Schiavo., concluding the patients comatose state was reversible. And finally spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, Bush made a special trip on AF-1 from Crawford to Washington DC, just so he could sign the Terri Schiavo bill.

Any doctor who thinks they can make a neurological diagnosis by watching a video is not one I would go to.
We need to keep a ledger of who cons consider not very smart.

97% of scientists around the world regarding Global Warming
Stephen Hawking
Scholars at Yale. (and one would assume they extend that to all Ivy League colleges)
Noam Chomsky
Michio Kaku
Lawrence Krauss

They instead have great faith in an orange clown with a nutjob come-over.
How 'bout if we keep a ledger of dumb liberals who don't know hot to spell "comb"?

Another who keeps track of typos on a message board, sweet. Can you check all my posts from here on out to make sure the spelling is correct?

You're a peach.
We need to keep a ledger of who cons consider not very smart.

97% of scientists around the world regarding Global Warming
Stephen Hawking
Scholars at Yale. (and one would assume they extend that to all Ivy League colleges)
Noam Chomsky
Michio Kaku
Lawrence Krauss

They instead have great faith in an orange clown with a nutjob come-over.
How 'bout if we keep a ledger of dumb liberals who don't know hot to spell "comb"?

Another who keeps track of typos on a message board, sweet. Can you check all my posts from here on out to make sure the spelling is correct?

You're a peach.
If you're gonna comment about someone's intelligence you should at least know how to spell. But I don't expect you to grasp that simple concept, being an idiot yourself.
I don't know. Narcissist, sure. Dangerous? Unstable? The stuff that comes out of his mouth seems to me to be more the bullshit that is employed by any good used car salesman. Don't take anything he says seriously/or at least be ready for him to change his mind.
Now, what do these psychiatrists plan to do about it now that they've diagnosed him from afar? Seems political to me. If they were really worried they should have gone to someone in D.C. who could do something about it. Removing the President isn't done by public opinion.

Dangerous, yes. Unstable, yes. Did you recently move to conservatard land where you spend all of your time making excuses for the guy? He's incited violence at his rallies, FFS. He's been incredibly reckless with foreign policy already, and he hasn't even gotten warmed up yet.

Of course these psychiatrists are "doing something." They're warning the country that we've elected a dangerous mad man. What else can they do? Start a petition?

Inciting violence? Telling someone to "Get him out of here!" is inciting violence?

You are such a clueless waste of oxygen.

What do you think Trump telling his brainless followers to "knock the crap out of protestors" is, you demented clown? Introduce yourself to the English language you brain dead conservatard muppet.

Link please! Most of the shit you liberals claim Trumps said only exists in your demented imaginations!

I've already linked to it in this thread, moron. I'm not going to spoonfeed everything for you, you useless turd.

You linked to Trump saying those exact words? Try again!

Have you ever even taken a PPI-Revised? I have, and I doubt Trump ever has. Even if he had, I am positive it would never have been leaked to the press. On top of that, these weren't even developed at the time Hitler was alive. IOW, it is all fantasy. They have someone answering for Trump and Hitler. They aren't even putting this in historical or event related context.

So some liberal/progressive egghead is answering questions for Trump and Hitler, imagining how they might respond, to questions like this, on a scale of five choices;
Here is a sample;
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale
"Disagree ---->Neutral--------> Agree

Success is based on survival of the fittest; I am not concerned about the losers.

I find myself in the same kinds of trouble, time after time.

For me, what's right is whatever I can get away with.

I am often bored.

In today's world, I feel justified in doing anything I can get away with to succeed.

I find that I am able to pursue one goal for a long time."

Those are subjective scores you dingbat.

It is the content of the article that is important. Not the fact that some egghead thinks that Trump has higher or lower scores than Hitler in some arbitrary categories. Frankly, they are probably off their rocker by most people's gauge.

Generally this scale is based on not only observation, but self reporting as well. As most of this is done by only observation of current politicians, but also subjective interpretation of historical documents, none of this is very hard and fast.

Let's just take the first indicators, shall we?

"The first three traits—social influence (SI), fearlessness (F) and stress immunity (STI)"
Psychopathic Personality Inventory - Wikipedia
Of these traits, it has Trump scoring higher than Hitler. By whose measure?

Certainly Hitler had more social influence, we all know that. Likewise, Hitler was physically involved in political brawls, and he fought in the trenches of WWI. Can anyone imagine Trump even in basic training?

As far as stress immunity, I'm not sure either was/is very immune to stress. With Trump, I don't think we will ever know, he has been pampered his whole life, practically immune from stress.

And with Adolf? Well, he went through the fires of hell, and. . . well, obviously cracked. Being rejected and bullied as a child, refused from art school, exposed to chemical warfare, and then thrown in prison, probably warped his mind more than Trump being dealt some lousy business blows.

So I couldn't tell you what crack-pot is handing out these subjective scores to make their case, I really couldn't. Apparently they are roughly based on a system that is used in equivalent to known cases? I can't imagine how. If we are interested and want to know, we must pay?

The point here is, Hillary is not much better on this scale.

One has to answer radically to really push the envelope to score at the fringes of the bell. Usually 0 and 180 are your max points, 90 is the median. It works the same for IQ.
35 psychiatrists this week gathered at a conference at Yale to sound the alarm on what they believe is President Donald Trump’s “dangerous mental illness.”

Per The Independent, the psychiatrists met at Yale’s School of Medicine on Thursday to talk about Donald Trump’s mental health, which they warned was frighteningly unstable.

“We have an ethical responsibility to warn the public about Donald Trump’s dangerous mental illness,” said Dr. John Gartner, a practicing psychotherapist who advised psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins University Medical School and who has in the past warned Trump is a “psychiatric Frankenstein monster.”

Gartner and other psychiatrists at the conference argued that Trump suffers from a particularly malignant case of pathological narcissism, which makes him a danger to the country and the world.

“Worse than just being a liar or a narcissist, in addition he is paranoid, delusional and grandiose thinking and he proved that to the country the first day he was president,” Gartner explained. “If Donald Trump really believes he had the largest crowd size in history, that’s delusional.”

Dr. James Gilligan, a psychiatrist and professor at New York University, said that Trump’s erratic behavior has similarly disturbed him — despite the fact that he has lots of experience working with violent convicted criminals.

“I’ve worked with murderers and rapists, I can recognize dangerousness from a mile away,” he said. “You don’t have to be an expert on dangerousness or spend fifty years studying it like I have in order to know how dangerous this man is.”

Rest here: It's Official: Top Psychiatrists at Yale Conference Warn That Trump Has a 'Dangerous Mental Illness'

If psychiatrists are saying this about Trump, what does it say about the people who voted for him?
I don't know. Narcissist, sure. Dangerous? Unstable? The stuff that comes out of his mouth seems to me to be more the bullshit that is employed by any good used car salesman. Don't take anything he says seriously/or at least be ready for him to change his mind.
Now, what do these psychiatrists plan to do about it now that they've diagnosed him from afar? Seems political to me. If they were really worried they should have gone to someone in D.C. who could do something about it. Removing the President isn't done by public opinion.
they should have gone to someone in D.C. who could do something about it.
I believe they did indirectly, though I don't know what they've done beyond what's noted in the linked article and this one: 35 psychiatrists just met at Yale to warn Donald Trump has a 'dangerous mental illness'.

As much as I think that Donald is a total lying POS, I thought it was unprofessional to diagnose a psychiatric disorder without meeting the patient.

As it turns out, both the Independent, Huff-po, and other MSM sources are mostly carrying a b.s., propaganda news story.

Did some people at Yale, including a few doctors, turn out to offer their opinions on the matter? Yes.

Was it officially sponsored or sanctioned by any psychiatric organization or Yale itself?


It had a very tepid reception.

At Yale, Psychiatrists Cite Their ‘Duty to Warn’ About an Unfit President
At Yale, Psychiatrists Cite Their ‘Duty to Warn’ About an Unfit President

"The event at Yale this week did not come about without controversy. It had been arranged jointly by Yale’s School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, and School of Public Health. All three dropped away before the big day. (Asked why, a spokesperson for the university says only, “Eminent psychiatrists were invited to speak about whether there are other ethical rules that override [the rule] in ordinary practice.”) The university upheld a commitment to free speech by giving Lee permission to hold an independent meeting in the auditorium of the medical school, but she was largely on her own. “I’m a pariah in my own department,” Dr. Lee confided to me before the event.


The Yale town meeting itself was, after the sponsoring departments pulled out, sparsely attended. It started late. Not many more than a dozen seats were filled, though about 60 viewers tuned in from around the country. (Harkness Auditorium holds 400.) But a special guest, via video monitor, piped in from his study in New York: Dr. Robert Jay Lifton, former Yale professor of psychiatry and author of the ur-text about the ways Nazi doctors were perverted into killers. He’s 90. His full-lipped smile, evident at the start of his talk, went slack as he spoke."

Have you ever even taken a PPI-Revised? I have, and I doubt Trump ever has. Even if he had, I am positive it would never have been leaked to the press. On top of that, these weren't even developed at the time Hitler was alive. IOW, it is all fantasy. They have someone answering for Trump and Hitler. They aren't even putting this in historical or event related context.

So some liberal/progressive egghead is answering questions for Trump and Hitler, imagining how they might respond, to questions like this, on a scale of five choices;
Here is a sample;
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale
"Disagree ---->Neutral--------> Agree

Success is based on survival of the fittest; I am not concerned about the losers.

I find myself in the same kinds of trouble, time after time.

For me, what's right is whatever I can get away with.

I am often bored.

In today's world, I feel justified in doing anything I can get away with to succeed.

I find that I am able to pursue one goal for a long time."

Those are subjective scores you dingbat.

It is the content of the article that is important. Not the fact that some egghead thinks that Trump has higher or lower scores than Hitler in some arbitrary categories. Frankly, they are probably off their rocker by most people's gauge.

Generally this scale is based on not only observation, but self reporting as well. As most of this is done by only observation of current politicians, but also subjective interpretation of historical documents, none of this is very hard and fast.

Let's just take the first indicators, shall we?

"The first three traits—social influence (SI), fearlessness (F) and stress immunity (STI)"
Psychopathic Personality Inventory - Wikipedia
Of these traits, it has Trump scoring higher than Hitler. By whose measure?

Certainly Hitler had more social influence, we all know that. Likewise, Hitler was physically involved in political brawls, and he fought in the trenches of WWI. Can anyone imagine Trump even in basic training?

As far as stress immunity, I'm not sure either was/is very immune to stress. With Trump, I don't think we will ever know, he has been pampered his whole life, practically immune from stress.

And with Adolf? Well, he went through the fires of hell, and. . . well, obviously cracked. Being rejected and bullied as a child, refused from art school, exposed to chemical warfare, and then thrown in prison, probably warped his mind more than Trump being dealt some lousy business blows.

So I couldn't tell you what crack-pot is handing out these subjective scores to make their case, I really couldn't. Apparently they are roughly based on a system that is used in equivalent to known cases? I can't imagine how. If we are interested and want to know, we must pay?

The point here is, Hillary is not much better on this scale.

One has to answer radically to really push the envelope to score at the fringes of the bell. Usually 0 and 180 are your max points, 90 is the median. It works the same for IQ.

Hey man, you posted the link. :chillpill:
Dangerous, yes. Unstable, yes. Did you recently move to conservatard land where you spend all of your time making excuses for the guy? He's incited violence at his rallies, FFS. He's been incredibly reckless with foreign policy already, and he hasn't even gotten warmed up yet.

Of course these psychiatrists are "doing something." They're warning the country that we've elected a dangerous mad man. What else can they do? Start a petition?

Inciting violence? Telling someone to "Get him out of here!" is inciting violence?

You are such a clueless waste of oxygen.

What do you think Trump telling his brainless followers to "knock the crap out of protestors" is, you demented clown? Introduce yourself to the English language you brain dead conservatard muppet.

Link please! Most of the shit you liberals claim Trumps said only exists in your demented imaginations!

I've already linked to it in this thread, moron. I'm not going to spoonfeed everything for you, you useless turd.

You linked to Trump saying those exact words? Try again!

Jesus, you are one useless conservatard. Here's a link to video of him saying it. Now, drop down and give me 20!

Trump tells crowd to "knock the crap out of protesters who throw tomatoes" "I will pay the legal fees"
Inciting violence? Telling someone to "Get him out of here!" is inciting violence?

You are such a clueless waste of oxygen.

What do you think Trump telling his brainless followers to "knock the crap out of protestors" is, you demented clown? Introduce yourself to the English language you brain dead conservatard muppet.

Link please! Most of the shit you liberals claim Trumps said only exists in your demented imaginations!

I've already linked to it in this thread, moron. I'm not going to spoonfeed everything for you, you useless turd.

You linked to Trump saying those exact words? Try again!

Jesus, you are one useless conservatard. Here's a link to video of him saying it. Now, drop down and give me 20!

Trump tells crowd to "knock the crap out of protesters who throw tomatoes" "I will pay the legal fees"
If somebody throws a tomato at you, you have a right to knock the crap out of 'em.
35 psychiatrists this week gathered at a conference at Yale to sound the alarm on what they believe is President Donald Trump’s “dangerous mental illness.”

Per The Independent, the psychiatrists met at Yale’s School of Medicine on Thursday to talk about Donald Trump’s mental health, which they warned was frighteningly unstable.

“We have an ethical responsibility to warn the public about Donald Trump’s dangerous mental illness,” said Dr. John Gartner, a practicing psychotherapist who advised psychiatric residents at Johns Hopkins University Medical School and who has in the past warned Trump is a “psychiatric Frankenstein monster.”

Gartner and other psychiatrists at the conference argued that Trump suffers from a particularly malignant case of pathological narcissism, which makes him a danger to the country and the world.

“Worse than just being a liar or a narcissist, in addition he is paranoid, delusional and grandiose thinking and he proved that to the country the first day he was president,” Gartner explained. “If Donald Trump really believes he had the largest crowd size in history, that’s delusional.”

Dr. James Gilligan, a psychiatrist and professor at New York University, said that Trump’s erratic behavior has similarly disturbed him — despite the fact that he has lots of experience working with violent convicted criminals.

“I’ve worked with murderers and rapists, I can recognize dangerousness from a mile away,” he said. “You don’t have to be an expert on dangerousness or spend fifty years studying it like I have in order to know how dangerous this man is.”

Rest here: It's Official: Top Psychiatrists at Yale Conference Warn That Trump Has a 'Dangerous Mental Illness'

If psychiatrists are saying this about Trump, what does it say about the people who voted for him?

Are these the same clowns who tried to change the DSM to normalize pedophelia as a sexual preference?

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