It’s official. Trump skipping debate

I've noticed this as well, EEF. If you're backing Trump, you must be a "lefty Democrat scumbag."
When you only have two brain cells like the MAGA herd, then a False Dichotomy is your only explanation for the world.

While I won't go so far as to say I'll vote for Biden, I sure as Hell won't vote for Trump. I've been quite content voting for the Libertarian candidates for the last three Presidential cycles. Will Hurd could get my vote, but he can't get any traction...
Biden will not get my vote. Both parties are driving this country at warp speed toward economic destruction with their wild overspending. No way the GOP or Democratic candidates get my vote anywhere on the national level.

I voted Libertarian in 2020, even though I consider the LP to be a bunch of propeller heads. But with the extinction of the Republican Party and the new Grift Party which replaced it, the LP looks pretty good in comparison.

I have not voted GOP on the federal level since 2006, with the exception of writing in Ted Cruz for my recently deceased mother in 2016. I am so glad she did not live to see him become the submissive cuck Trump lickspittle he is today.

I voted for a Democrat once way back in 1988, at the behest of William F. Buckley who wanted us Connecticut conservatives to boot the liberal Republican Lowell Weicker to the curb.

Skipping the debate is the smart move here. He has nothing to gain and lots to lose.

Let the bottom dwellers slug it
Out. We all know who Trump is. We don’t need him at the debate.

He should go and try to finish off Desantis....... Desantis is not rubio or jeb so he wouldn't be a slam dunk, but by not taking this chance to end Desantis....Trump is giving Desantis a national stage ....
He should go and try to finish off Desantis....... Desantis is not rubio or jeb so he wouldn't be a slam dunk, but by not taking this chance to end Desantis....Trump is giving Desantis a national stage ....

Who gives the slightest shit about DeSantis?

How many times has that guy had to 'reboot' his campaign?
While I agree, it still makes him look like a pussy.
Same thing goes for Joe. Several people are running and he wont debate either.
"muh democracy" :rolleyes:

Nobody thinks he is a pussy. He has spent the past 6 years proving he isn't.

There is no real reason for him to be there, he can save it for when it gets narrowed down to the real candidates.

Skipping the debate is the smart move here. He has nothing to gain and lots to lose.

Let the bottom dwellers slug it
Out. We all know who Trump is. We don’t need him at the debate.
We already knew that Trump was too gutless to attend that debate.
Nobody thinks he is a pussy. He has spent the past 6 years proving he isn't.

There is no real reason for him to be there, he can save it for when it gets narrowed down to the real candidates.
I understand that, but I still thinks it makes him look bad. Just like how incumbents never debate.
They do it because they are scared. Thats the only thing that makes sense.
They should be showing why they should still be the best consideration over the new blood running.
You are not going to vote for him no matter what….so it does not fucking matter to you at all.
I wanted to see Christie tear him to pieces like he's been doing on a daily basis.

But then again I hate to see a grown man (Trump) cry.

Quit posting your drivers license photo.

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