It’s official. Trump skipping debate

Trump thinks he's an incumbent President.
Apparently a lot of posters on here think he is too, judging by their incessant bleating about him being to blame for everything that's happened since he left office.
I would not know from the NYT Paywall blocking me from reading the article. Why does anyone use them as a source?

But you are right CA, Trump can come in maybe on the 2nd debate after Ron has gotten paddled hard. If DeSantis and Vivek had any integrity, they too would have refused to do a debate on Fox News for how they have betrayed the ex-president.

Either way, I won't be watching it.
I stopped watching the debates when they started letting the sound guy work the mic mute buttons.
If they cannot belligerently yell over one another, there's no entertainment factor.
Yes, let's get RFK, Jr. on stage and have him talk about his desire to ban all logging, drilling, and mining in his weird croaking voice that makes Biden sound even more statesmanlike.

Then he can tell us how the Jews and negroes don't get Covid.

I'm sure Biden is terrified of him. :lol:
So Biden is too cowardly to debate him, got it. Liberal hypocrisy wins the day.
I bet Biden won't debate him. His handlers will say something asinine like; "We don't want to give Trump a platform to spout his lies."

I guarantee you that a Trump/Biden debate will never happen.
I don't want to see that debate.
Each will talk over the other.
Each will interrupt the moderator.
Each will LIE.

And when they do attempt to answer a question, they will deflect from the question and not even come close to giving a real answer.

Big Fucking Waste of Time.
Link to it, or you lie!

That 'senile' old man is kicking your case you haven't noticed. I don't care if Jill is changing his Depends and signing for Nancy did for Ronnie..the other 'senile' President we had. Trump..and his RW minions are an existential threat to MY country. Yeah, anything to crush their spirits and send them back under their rocks works for me.
Let me be clear, I don't include Republicans who support is their right. I'm speaking directly to the Alt/Right Q-berts--The Infowars junkies...the the Pundit Pussies and the racists of all stripes and colors.
Trump wishes to destroy our nation and you're willing to give him a hand. Not happening.

You can just fuck off yourself...and learn to always be on the losing perpetual victim~
Im not going to vote for that asshole, you fucking dipshit. I dont vote for authoritarians. Thats stupid collective cucks like you.
IMO they both act like they want to destroy the country. They actually have a lot in common. But you sheep are led by the media and partisans. Its hilarious watching you idiots go at it over stupid shit. Like lies and corruption. Who is the most immature. Name calling . Sexual assault etc.
I am always on the losing side. Except for some local elections. On the national stage, I always lose. Because I dont vote for authoritarians. And you duopoly cucks LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE them.You guys love losing rights. Being told what to do. What appliances to buy. Having the fruit of your labor going to pay pensions to people in other countries. Funding terrorists. Sending bombs that will be killing women and children for the next 40 years.
I dont want any part of any of that.
Peoples reasons for voting for Biden over Trump are disingenuous. Or delusional. Probably a bit of both.
So GFY cuck.
The article is full of if's and maybe's. Interesting to note that the NYT reporter Maggie Haberman was part of a team that won a Pulitzer for an article claiming Trump's connection with Russia when there was no connection to Russia. Did she apologize?
I don't want to see that debate.
Each will talk over the other.
Each will interrupt the moderator.
Each will LIE.

And when they do attempt to answer a question, they will deflect from the question and not even come close to giving a real answer.

Big Fucking Waste of Time.
So? Don’t watch.
Once mistake me for a Biden fan..or even a Dem..for that matter. The only positive thing I have to say about Biden is that he's not Trump..and for that alone, he got..and will get, my vote. Now is the Republican would run someone sane--you know, those RINO's you hate...I'd vote for them.

I've noticed this as well, EEF. If you're backing Trump, you must be a "lefty Democrat scumbag." They just don't understand how a person who leans anyway but left can't support Trump...

While I won't go so far as to say I'll vote for Biden, I sure as Hell won't vote for Trump. I've been quite content voting for the Libertarian candidates for the last three Presidential cycles. Will Hurd could get my vote, but he can't get any traction...

Can you accomplish anything except epic failures by changing the subject?

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