It's on you, Trumpettes

Equivocation fallacy. That isn't what they mean by "voting for Clinton."

Can you clarify how I can be a RINO when I'm not an R?

Oh yeah, kaz! Well you are a Republican, and you know what? You're no Republican!


You insult me calling a Republican so you can insult me by telling me I'm not one. Hmm. You weren't in the advanced classes in school, were you?
Not a republican SURREEEEEEE not now you aren't. You are a whiner. If you were SOOOOO open market garbage why not vote libertarian since 1988?

Wipe the tears away, little girl.

I did vote Libertarian in 1996, 2000 and 2004. In 2008 and 2012 Libertarians didn't nominate a libertarian. In 1992 I voted for Perot. In 2008 I voted for the Green Party (Nader).

And I SAID I'm not a Republican, moron. You're still insulting me by saying kaz, you're a Republican, and you're NO Republican.

Now that's some serious stupid
Uh yeah in 2012 the Libertarian nominee was the same douche bag they nominated this year....Gary Johnson. So you also lied about voting republican every election since 1988

I never said I voted Republican every year since 1988. Put down the bong. I voted Republican once since 1988, that was 2012. And if you read my endorsement of Johnson thread, I'm not enamored with him. And no he's not a real libertarian. But what can you say? This year is the perfect storm. The Republicans didn't nominate a conservative and Libertarians didn't nominate a libertarian. Jill Stein's a moonbat. Obviously I'm not going to vote for Hitlary. So after I threw them all off the boat I had to bring one back on. I held my nose and chose Johnson
Why not just not vote? You don't like any of them so. Oh and if you hadn't noticed the last 2 "conservative" republican candidates got destroyed and the one before them was a fuck up of epic proportions. Trump is a republican in the Eisenhower mold. Pro worker,pro America.

You think Romney, McCain and Romney were conservative? Seriously?

And voting for 3rd party says I'm not happy with the choices. That's why I voted for Ralph Nader the election the Republicans nominated right winger Bob Barr.

Not voting says you don't give a shit, which isn't my message
Not a republican SURREEEEEEE not now you aren't. You are a whiner. If you were SOOOOO open market garbage why not vote libertarian since 1988?

Wipe the tears away, little girl.

I did vote Libertarian in 1996, 2000 and 2004. In 2008 and 2012 Libertarians didn't nominate a libertarian. In 1992 I voted for Perot. In 2008 I voted for the Green Party (Nader).

And I SAID I'm not a Republican, moron. You're still insulting me by saying kaz, you're a Republican, and you're NO Republican.

Now that's some serious stupid
Uh yeah in 2012 the Libertarian nominee was the same douche bag they nominated this year....Gary Johnson. So you also lied about voting republican every election since 1988

I never said I voted Republican every year since 1988. Put down the bong. I voted Republican once since 1988, that was 2012. And if you read my endorsement of Johnson thread, I'm not enamored with him. And no he's not a real libertarian. But what can you say? This year is the perfect storm. The Republicans didn't nominate a conservative and Libertarians didn't nominate a libertarian. Jill Stein's a moonbat. Obviously I'm not going to vote for Hitlary. So after I threw them all off the boat I had to bring one back on. I held my nose and chose Johnson
Why not just not vote? You don't like any of them so. Oh and if you hadn't noticed the last 2 "conservative" republican candidates got destroyed and the one before them was a fuck up of epic proportions. Trump is a republican in the Eisenhower mold. Pro worker,pro America.

You think Romney, McCain and Romney were conservative? Seriously?

And voting for 3rd party says I'm not happy with the choices. That's why I voted for Ralph Nader the election the Republicans nominated right winger Bob Barr.

Not voting says you don't give a shit, which isn't my message
Nope not a chance in hell they were conservative. Trump is MUCH more conservative IMO than any of them. Especially on immigration and trade and working man's issues and family issues.
Wipe the tears away, little girl.

I did vote Libertarian in 1996, 2000 and 2004. In 2008 and 2012 Libertarians didn't nominate a libertarian. In 1992 I voted for Perot. In 2008 I voted for the Green Party (Nader).

And I SAID I'm not a Republican, moron. You're still insulting me by saying kaz, you're a Republican, and you're NO Republican.

Now that's some serious stupid
Uh yeah in 2012 the Libertarian nominee was the same douche bag they nominated this year....Gary Johnson. So you also lied about voting republican every election since 1988

I never said I voted Republican every year since 1988. Put down the bong. I voted Republican once since 1988, that was 2012. And if you read my endorsement of Johnson thread, I'm not enamored with him. And no he's not a real libertarian. But what can you say? This year is the perfect storm. The Republicans didn't nominate a conservative and Libertarians didn't nominate a libertarian. Jill Stein's a moonbat. Obviously I'm not going to vote for Hitlary. So after I threw them all off the boat I had to bring one back on. I held my nose and chose Johnson
Why not just not vote? You don't like any of them so. Oh and if you hadn't noticed the last 2 "conservative" republican candidates got destroyed and the one before them was a fuck up of epic proportions. Trump is a republican in the Eisenhower mold. Pro worker,pro America.

You think Romney, McCain and Romney were conservative? Seriously?

And voting for 3rd party says I'm not happy with the choices. That's why I voted for Ralph Nader the election the Republicans nominated right winger Bob Barr.

Not voting says you don't give a shit, which isn't my message
Nope not a chance in hell they were conservative. Trump is MUCH more conservative IMO than any of them. Especially on immigration and trade and working man's issues and family issues.

Conservative on trade? Bull, he's anti-free trade.

He's going to help the working man by battering the economy with his anti-capitalist policies. Thanks man.

And I don't know what "family issues" means.

I'll give you the immigration one though. Illegal aliens need to be stopped
Makes no difference. If he wins, he's a dead man.

"Dead man"



Politicians that aren't establishment insiders who, by the grace of god, somehow happen to get elected, are sent messages. Sometimes they make it and change how they rule, sometimes, they don't even get to run for office. We'll see what happens. . . .

Did you know, just a few months after Nancy died, they let Ron's would be assassin out of the clink?

Multiple folks turned down the VP slot. If Trump gets elected, find out who this Pence guy is. The establishment was counting on a dominionist for a president anyway. . . .

By the grace of god, he says. If Trump is elected it will be by he grace of god.


What do you care, you don't even believe in anything but the state and empirical science.

An atheist like you should have nothing to fear, right?
Uh yeah in 2012 the Libertarian nominee was the same douche bag they nominated this year....Gary Johnson. So you also lied about voting republican every election since 1988

I never said I voted Republican every year since 1988. Put down the bong. I voted Republican once since 1988, that was 2012. And if you read my endorsement of Johnson thread, I'm not enamored with him. And no he's not a real libertarian. But what can you say? This year is the perfect storm. The Republicans didn't nominate a conservative and Libertarians didn't nominate a libertarian. Jill Stein's a moonbat. Obviously I'm not going to vote for Hitlary. So after I threw them all off the boat I had to bring one back on. I held my nose and chose Johnson
Why not just not vote? You don't like any of them so. Oh and if you hadn't noticed the last 2 "conservative" republican candidates got destroyed and the one before them was a fuck up of epic proportions. Trump is a republican in the Eisenhower mold. Pro worker,pro America.

You think Romney, McCain and Romney were conservative? Seriously?

And voting for 3rd party says I'm not happy with the choices. That's why I voted for Ralph Nader the election the Republicans nominated right winger Bob Barr.

Not voting says you don't give a shit, which isn't my message
Nope not a chance in hell they were conservative. Trump is MUCH more conservative IMO than any of them. Especially on immigration and trade and working man's issues and family issues.

Conservative on trade? Bull, he's anti-free trade.

He's going to help the working man by battering the economy with his anti-capitalist policies. Thanks man.

And I don't know what "family issues" means.

I'll give you the immigration one though. Illegal aliens need to be stopped
He isn't anti free trade he is pro FAIR trade. If it isn't Pro American then to hell with it! Its not needed nor wanted. He is obviously not an anti capitalist as he has made himself rich thanks to capitalism....

Family issues means pro american trade policies that help families,the family leave plan for parents of newborns etc,raising wages via cutting off illegal immigration....his entire economic/trade plan insures more jobs at higher wages for American families.
For many the purpose of ‘Trump’ was to punish the GOP for backstabbing the fiscal radicals and extremists by entering into the Omnibus Spending agreement with Democrats last December; what better way to stick it to ‘establishment’ Republicans than to lose to Clinton.

For others ‘Trump’ was about their disdain for ‘the system’ and ‘politics as usual,’ where Trump der Übermensch would raze the political edifice thus facilitating a new age of ‘people’s politics.’

And for many others ‘Trump’ was the joke candidate, the entertaining buffoon who mocked the disabled, would keep evil Muslims out of the country, and build a ‘wall’ making America an isolationist Utopia free of ‘criminal Mexicans’ and ‘brown people.’
Makes no difference. If he wins, he's a dead man.

You mean like Obama was?

Why would the Deep State eliminate an asset they worked so hard to put into office in the first place?

You do know the whole, "birther" controversy was just a disinfo scam to cover for the fact that his back ground was scrubbed b/c he was an intel agent, right?

Barack Obama, His Mother, and the CIA

Abel Danger: History of Obama Family CIA Connections

Obama exposed as White House 'salter' -- foreign CIA operative, puppet, with falsified credentials
I never said I voted Republican every year since 1988. Put down the bong. I voted Republican once since 1988, that was 2012. And if you read my endorsement of Johnson thread, I'm not enamored with him. And no he's not a real libertarian. But what can you say? This year is the perfect storm. The Republicans didn't nominate a conservative and Libertarians didn't nominate a libertarian. Jill Stein's a moonbat. Obviously I'm not going to vote for Hitlary. So after I threw them all off the boat I had to bring one back on. I held my nose and chose Johnson
Why not just not vote? You don't like any of them so. Oh and if you hadn't noticed the last 2 "conservative" republican candidates got destroyed and the one before them was a fuck up of epic proportions. Trump is a republican in the Eisenhower mold. Pro worker,pro America.

You think Romney, McCain and Romney were conservative? Seriously?

And voting for 3rd party says I'm not happy with the choices. That's why I voted for Ralph Nader the election the Republicans nominated right winger Bob Barr.

Not voting says you don't give a shit, which isn't my message
Nope not a chance in hell they were conservative. Trump is MUCH more conservative IMO than any of them. Especially on immigration and trade and working man's issues and family issues.

Conservative on trade? Bull, he's anti-free trade.

He's going to help the working man by battering the economy with his anti-capitalist policies. Thanks man.

And I don't know what "family issues" means.

I'll give you the immigration one though. Illegal aliens need to be stopped
He isn't anti free trade he is pro FAIR trade. If it isn't Pro American then to hell with it! Its not needed nor wanted. He is obviously not an anti capitalist as he has made himself rich thanks to capitalism....

Family issues means pro american trade policies that help families,the family leave plan for parents of newborns etc,raising wages via cutting off illegal immigration....his entire economic/trade plan insures more jobs at higher wages for American families.

Explaining why you're not for free trade isn't being free trade.

And if I want to trade with China, what the fuck business is that of yours?

Being pro-American used to mean liberty. How it means you want to be a slave to government who will take care of you and make your decisions for you
Makes no difference. If he wins, he's a dead man.

You mean like Obama was?

Why would the Deep State eliminate an asset they worked so hard to put into office in the first place?

You do know the whole, "birther" controversy was just a disinfo scam to cover for the fact that his back ground was scrubbed b/c he was an intel agent, right?

Barack Obama, His Mother, and the CIA

Abel Danger: History of Obama Family CIA Connections

Obama exposed as White House 'salter' -- foreign CIA operative, puppet, with falsified credentials

You do know you're agreeing with me, right?
What i find amazing is that the trumpetts are so adamant that they aren't responsible for nominating such a crappy candidate. Who else exactly is responsible?
After almost eight freaking years of the inept criminal enterprise of the Hussein administration the pretend republicans claim "it's on you Trumpettes"? WTF are they thinking?
Why not just not vote? You don't like any of them so. Oh and if you hadn't noticed the last 2 "conservative" republican candidates got destroyed and the one before them was a fuck up of epic proportions. Trump is a republican in the Eisenhower mold. Pro worker,pro America.

You think Romney, McCain and Romney were conservative? Seriously?

And voting for 3rd party says I'm not happy with the choices. That's why I voted for Ralph Nader the election the Republicans nominated right winger Bob Barr.

Not voting says you don't give a shit, which isn't my message
Nope not a chance in hell they were conservative. Trump is MUCH more conservative IMO than any of them. Especially on immigration and trade and working man's issues and family issues.

Conservative on trade? Bull, he's anti-free trade.

He's going to help the working man by battering the economy with his anti-capitalist policies. Thanks man.

And I don't know what "family issues" means.

I'll give you the immigration one though. Illegal aliens need to be stopped
He isn't anti free trade he is pro FAIR trade. If it isn't Pro American then to hell with it! Its not needed nor wanted. He is obviously not an anti capitalist as he has made himself rich thanks to capitalism....

Family issues means pro american trade policies that help families,the family leave plan for parents of newborns etc,raising wages via cutting off illegal immigration....his entire economic/trade plan insures more jobs at higher wages for American families.

Explaining why you're not for free trade isn't being free trade.

And if I want to trade with China, what the fuck business is that of yours?

Being pro-American used to mean liberty. How it means you want to be a slave to government who will take care of you and make your decisions for you
Its the presidents job to insure his citizens are not taken advantage of. That's what this free trade garbage does. It destroys families so greedy CEO's can make a few more dollars. Go ahead make your crap in China...just don't whine when we tax the shit out of it when you try shipping your slave labor made goods back here to be sold at high prices.
You think Romney, McCain and Romney were conservative? Seriously?

And voting for 3rd party says I'm not happy with the choices. That's why I voted for Ralph Nader the election the Republicans nominated right winger Bob Barr.

Not voting says you don't give a shit, which isn't my message
Nope not a chance in hell they were conservative. Trump is MUCH more conservative IMO than any of them. Especially on immigration and trade and working man's issues and family issues.

Conservative on trade? Bull, he's anti-free trade.

He's going to help the working man by battering the economy with his anti-capitalist policies. Thanks man.

And I don't know what "family issues" means.

I'll give you the immigration one though. Illegal aliens need to be stopped
He isn't anti free trade he is pro FAIR trade. If it isn't Pro American then to hell with it! Its not needed nor wanted. He is obviously not an anti capitalist as he has made himself rich thanks to capitalism....

Family issues means pro american trade policies that help families,the family leave plan for parents of newborns etc,raising wages via cutting off illegal immigration....his entire economic/trade plan insures more jobs at higher wages for American families.

Explaining why you're not for free trade isn't being free trade.

And if I want to trade with China, what the fuck business is that of yours?

Being pro-American used to mean liberty. How it means you want to be a slave to government who will take care of you and make your decisions for you
Its the presidents job to insure his citizens are not taken advantage of. That's what this free trade garbage does. It destroys families so greedy CEO's can make a few more dollars. Go ahead make your crap in China...just don't whine when we tax the shit out of it when you try shipping your slave labor made goods back here to be sold at high prices.

First of all, you mean "ensure" not "insure." Socialists are a trip. So then why isn't it the President's job to protect a girl from getting an abortion? Why is't it the President's job to protect us from putting alcohol in our bodies? Why isn't it the President's job to inspect our homes to ensure we don't have anything illegal?

Protecting us means protecting our bodies from outside threats. It doesn't mean protecting us from our own choices. You're arguing for totalitarian government, Vladimir
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches

Both Bushes, Dole, McCain, and Romney are as much free market capitalists as Trump.

What’s funny is you’re correct to not vote for Trump, but you’re not voting for him for the wrong reasons.
Wow, you have no idea what positions Trump is on do you. I keep thinking that you cannot go anymore off the deep end and then you prove me wrong.
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches
This belongs in the rubber room. Why do you constantly share your butthurtness with others?

Businesses has no power to control foreign restrictions, fees requirements, etc. That can only be accomplished by trade negotiations, which means government. Nothing about free trade means you have to take it in the shorts. Stay home, play with yourself, vote for Jill Stein, whatever but please quit crying to the board that it didn't go your way.
Well, yes being a free trade supporter really does mean that you have to take it in the shorts if other nations can produce for cheaper than you can. One of the reasons that I really do not support free trade policies.
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches know what kaz, we just don't want some of you clueless fucks to touch the rope were using to pull America out of the democrat shitter....

Get the hell out of our way now...

Did I hurt your wittle feelings? Great plan. You're going to "pull America out of the democrat shitter" by using their anti-capitalist policies. You know Einstein's definition of insanity?
Not at all....we need you weaklings out of the way........
The problem is that while you are degenerating large portions of the electorate, without those people you want 'out of the way' you are not going to be able to win elections. Are you still going to be happy about those people being out of the way when Hillary is taking the oath of office or are you going to be here whining how they lost the election for your candidate?
I've voted Republican once since 1988. I won't vote for Trump, and it's your fault, not mine. I am a free ... market ... capitalist. The fact that you nominated someone who isn't is YOUR FAULT, not mine. Suck it, bitches
Cool story bro. You feel better now that you have cried about it? LOL...I am sure the American worker wants a anti American working scumbag such as yourself voting for a Pro American like Trump....Your candidate is Clinton pal! "free trade" aka anti american worker trade!

Whoa, I hit a nerve on that one. Take a chill pill, babe and relax for a while. BTW, I support Johnson, not Hitlary
Johnson is just as liberal as Clinton so yes. You support Clinton. There is a reason Clinton loses more support when Johnson's numbers go up. I expected a WORKER FRIENDLY GOP to kick the RINO scum to the curb and its PEACE! Have fun voting for a candidate that is a bigger fuck up than Clinton LOL
Bigger liberal than Clinton? That is rather laughable.

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