Its starting ! The seizing of guns.

"The mechanics"?
Are the same as other safety "mechanics".
Do seatbelts protect drivers?
Do helmets protect motorcycle and bike riders?
Do guards on circular saws protect the operators?
Do welding helmets protect welders?
NOT at all, "If these safety measures don't eliminate injury or death, why even have them, at all".

Evidently not, even some people on USMB claim, having 40 rifles and 1,000's of rounds of ammo shouldn't be against the law.

It shouldn't.....why should it be against the law, you twit? If you aren't a criminal who the fuck cares how many guns and ammo you have?
Wow, republicans are dense.
Gun laws do NOT prevent people from doing stupid things, but they help.
Just as driving laws don't prevent accidents or speeding, but they help.

If republicans had their way, the incident, wouldn't have even been newsworthy, UNTIL, the nut job loser. shot up a Walmart, school or his place of employment.

Why do you think he would have shot up a Walmart?

Out of over 350 million people, we had 12 commit acts of mass public shooting in 2022.......12..........out of over 350 million....
He assumes that because he hears voices in his head every time he touches a firearm, so does everyone else.

Jay Leno has over 180 cars.....he is likely planning on driving through a parade and murdering people like that Blm thug did or that muslim terrorist in France did....he even has a full sized Fire Truck...imagine how many people he could murder with that............we better confiscate his cars before it is too late..
An often claimed myth that, even if true, carries no meaning as the 2nd amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms because, sometimes, people need to kill other people.
Yes, they do.

BUT in 1934 and since, people can't own unlicensed fully automatic weapons, tanks cannons, etc.
-After- the crime was committed.
If that's your standard, then murder laws "help" because someone was arrested after a school shooting.
Of course, that's why laws were invented.
And in reference to same:
Why do you think an upper limit on the number of guns, and the amount of ammo, you can have is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation?
Gun nuts pushed the limits of normal people.
Yes, they do.

BUT in 1934 and since, people can't own unlicensed fully automatic weapons, tanks cannons, etc.

Of course, that's why laws were invented.

Gun nuts pushed the limits of normal people.

No......fascists like you realize that people with guns can stop you from putting them on train you, like your European cousins, decided you need to get rid of the guns as soon as you can....
Yes, they do.
BUT in 1934 and since, people can't own unlicensed fully automatic weapons, tanks cannons, etc.
Why do you think this regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation?
Of course, that's why laws were invented.
Yes. To arrest people after the fact.
This does nothing to "help" the situation, as the people are already dead.
Gun nuts pushed the limits of normal people.
Ah. You have no meaningful response.
I asked, because, according to the courts and the law, absent the demonstration that an upper limit on the number of guns, and the amount of ammo is is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation, the 2A presumptively prevents such a limit..
If that is the primary reason, why has none of mine ever done that?
Well, if you're young, WTF are you waiting for?
Mine have............ONCE.
But have used a gun to kill countless deer and hogs.
Every one was bought at least half a dozen times, to kill something.
Except one which I got last
that hasn't been used.........yet.
No......fascists like you realize that people with guns can stop you from putting them on train you, like your European cousins, decided you need to get rid of the guns as soon as you can....
Sure Q-NUT.
You think your AR or AK is going to save your dumbass?
May as well chug the orange kool-aide.
I believe his constitutional rights were violated
The democrats want this.
As far a seizing the guns...
Its a good bet they are illegal in NY, as are the mags, and so when they wee found during the execution of the search warrant, they were seized, just as if they had also found drugs, or nuclear weapons, or whatnot. Not a lot of controversy here, especially as the guns were supposedly out in the open.

But.. these guns and magazines are illegal in NY, so either this didn't happen, or NY's gun laws don't work.
Why do you think this regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation?
WOW, because, people were injured or killed.
Yes. To arrest people after the fact.
This does nothing to "help" the situation, as the people are already dead.
No, shit genius.
Why even revise safety hazards at the plant?
The explosion only killed 12 people, safety laws didn't help them either.
Ah. You have no meaningful response.
I asked, because, according to the courts and the law, absent the demonstration that an upper limit on the number of guns, and the amount of ammo is is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation, the 2A prevents such a limit..
The courts ruled otherwise.
The 2nd amendment doesn't prevent a limit, nor does the 2nd amendment allow unlimited guns and ammo.
As far a seizing the guns...
Its a good bet they are illegal in NY, as are the mags, and so when they wee found during the execution of the search warrant, they were seized, just as if they had also found drugs, or nuclear weapons, or whatnot. Not a lot of controversy here, especially as the guns were supposedly out in the open.

But.. these guns and magazines are illegal in NY, so either this didn't happen, or NY's gun laws don't work.
Hmm...we have..A school teacher turned thief..who actually used his students to further his criminal activity--found with a bunch of guns..some purportedly illegal. He is arrested, charged and the guns seized.
It would appear to me, thus far, that the laws are working as advertised eh?

Your last sentence is unfortunately should watch that~
WOW, because, people were injured or killed.
Ah. You have no meaningful response.
In fact, you don't understand the question.
No, shit genius.
Why even revise safety hazards at the plant?
The explosion only killed 12 people, safety laws didn't help them either.
And thus....
...the gun laws don't -actually- help.
The courts ruled otherwise.
That IS the court's ruling.
...we hold that when the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct. To justify its regulation, the government may not simply posit that the regulation promotes an important interest. Rather, the government must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation. Only if a firearm regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition may a court conclude that the individual’s conduct falls outside the Second Amendment’s “unqualified command.

I'll ask a again:
Why do you think an upper limit on the number of guns, and the amount of ammo, you can have is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation?
The 2nd amendment doesn't prevent a limit, nor does the 2nd amendment allow unlimited guns and ammo.
Your statement has no basis in fact.
Hmm...we have..A school teacher turned thief..who actually used his students to further his criminal activity--found with a bunch of guns..some purportedly illegal. He is arrested, charged and the guns seized.
It would appear to me, thus far, that the laws are working as advertised eh?
Did the laws prevent the teacher from getting the guns?
Ah. You have no meaningful response.
In fact, you don't understand the question.

And thus....
...the gun laws don't -actually- help.

That IS the court's ruling.
...we hold that when the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct. To justify its regulation, the government may not simply posit that the regulation promotes an important interest. Rather, the government must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation. Only if a firearm regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition may a court conclude that the individual’s conduct falls outside the Second Amendment’s “unqualified command.

I'll ask a again:
Why do you think an upper limit on the number of guns, and the amount of ammo, you can have is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation?

Your statement has no basis in fact.
I'm done with an obvious orange kool-aid psychosis.
C- ya'.
Did the laws prevent the teacher from getting the guns?
Nope..nor is that really should know that criminals are criminal because they break the law.
The consequences they reap are for the edification of the law-abiding..who then choose to obey the law...and not stockpile illegal weapons.

Anyone who thinks that ANY law will prevent anything is a fool. Laws are to provide a roadmap for the virtuous, caution for the unwary and consequences for the criminal.

One might add that it is our gun culture and people like you...that fostered a climate where the teacher was able to obtain the illegal weapons--but that's a different topic, right?

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