It's Super Thursday!

This is a very interesting Deep Swamp/DNC/MSM thing as Tucker alluded to in last night's broadcast. It is the same scum who perpetrated the Russia Hoax, the Impeachment Hoax, etc. now thinking they can pull off pretending a corrupt idiot in late stage dementia who never really knew what the hell he was doing except the Crazy Bernie thing of enriching his relatives and friends at taxpayer expense is the best hope for the USA. The Deep State/DNC/MSM is going to lose yet again. :p
LOL!! Looking forward to Bernie and Warren teaming up to battle Joe.
Warren will drop out and throw her support to Bernie.
The last debate is March 15th.
Should be fun watching Bernie skewer Joe!
Warren will drop out and throw her support to Bernie.

I wouldn't count on that. Elizabeth has shown herself to be a DNC insider. I'm fully expecting her to endorse Biden and do everything she can to impede Bernie.
LOL!! Looking forward to Bernie and Warren teaming up to battle Joe.
Warren will drop out and throw her support to Bernie.
The last debate is March 15th.
Should be fun watching Bernie skewer Joe!
Probably depends on who offers her the better position...
Warren will drop out and throw her support to Bernie.

I wouldn't count on that. Elizabeth has shown herself to be a DNC insider. I'm fully expecting her to endorse Biden and do everything she can to impede Bernie.

You may be right. I was thinking that Bernie and Liz are both in the "progressive" lane, so would support each other.
No news yet. So they are still talking.
She is probably looking for the best personal deal, and Mikey is throwing money around....

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