It's time Democrats stopped being punks!

AHAHAHA what are liberals going to do chant hey hey ho ho at us? :auiqs.jpg:

You are part of that 30 percent pissant base. You're nothing.

We whooped your ass and elected Trump president. :itsok:

You didn't whip anyone. Your pissant 30 percent got independent and moderate help along with the Bernie or nothings. And still Hillary got more votes.

Who is currently President of the United States?

The OP is EXACTLY who Maxine was hoping to motivate. There are tens of thousands just like him. Maybe hundreds of thousands.
The stupid, Dimocrat racist extremist plantation loving ones who are easily manipulated because they have corn cobs for brains.

Her dream is that one of her rump lickers will go after Trump in a stupid rage.
This shit needs to be stopped or it's gonna lead to bad things.
She should be jailed for inciting violence and threats against the President. But they're afraid to go after her. Political Correctness gone mad again.

Just like the Nat debt, the price of reconciliation will be MUCH higher the longer it gets put off.
Yeah that's what I said. It's time democrats started whipping conservatives asses like they need to get their asses whipped. No more of this pussy, mealy mouthed it's both sides fault bullshit. The problems we face now are the result of the republicans who are controlled by a right wing racist extremist base. Non racist republicans have been reduced in importance, left the party or have been purged from the party.

This video is a speech given at the 2012 democratic convention and the truth in the words spoken are just as real now. Fuck Donald Trump. It's time for democratic leadership to get a backbone. Stop worrying about a motherfucking tweet or Trumps pissant 30 percent base. Donald Trump is a no good, dumb ass, scumbag racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic bone spur coward, a swindling, white nationalist piece of anti American bullshit. And it's time he and anyone supporting him got treated that way.

Couldn't agree more with you, and I am speaking as a former life long Republican. I switched my party status to Independent as soon as they made this ASS CLOWN the poster boy of the Republican party. I then followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN, who had this to say.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of anger, hate, bigotry, misogyny, and blatant ignorance.

There is no room for moderate Republicans in the party of Trump.



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vote for open borders
vote for trade deals that screw America
vote for Clinton corruption
vote for higher taxes
vote Dimacrat

Ignorance runs to the core with some dumbasses

When the Supreme Court is back Conservative, we need to ask the court to make it illegal to be so stupid as these ignorant Dimotwat leftists are
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Yea, why don’t you nominate some cross-dressing, Muslim appeasing fag who wants open borders. That’s what your party is now.

You don't get it. This is not 2016. People have seen 2 years of Trump. And they aren't winning.

True, it's not 2016, it's not 2012 either....get back to us when you have a new (current) video.

The left are unhinged, you don't win elections when you are unhinged.

There is a difference between unhinged and pissed off. Keep letting Hannity tell you how things are and watch what happens.

So what are you and the dems gonna do?
If you resort to serious violence you'll get your ass handed to you so what does that leave you with as far as options go?

They will make a bunch of carboard signs and hold a rally and trash some Dem city that will show us :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
BasicHumanUnit said:
Just like the Nat debt, the price of reconciliation will be MUCH higher the longer it gets put off.
What Are We Talking About With That ??
IM2's Demand For Free-Ride (reparation) Cash ??

No Matter How $Much It Could Be
It Will Be Down The Rabbit Hole In 3 Generations
With Nothing Of Value To Show For It

Blacks Will Still Be The Bottom Rung Of The Socio-Economic Ladder
And Will Be The Distant Third Minority With Even Less Political Clout

Blacks Need To Stop Pretending That Their Lack Of General Success
Is Due To Past Discrimination And Systemic Privilege Of Others
Because They Are A Hungry, Impoverished, Violent Failure
Everywhere They Live On Earth
And Their Suffering Is Always Worse Where Blacks Are In Power
BluesLegend said:
They will make a bunch of carboard signs and hold a rally and trash some Dem city that will show us :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
That Always Amazed Me, Even As A Child About Rioters
They Get Pissed, Burn Their Own Neghborhoods
Loot And Burn Their Places Of Employment
Never To Rebuild In Their Communities

Where They Live Eventually Becomes A Derelict Shantyville
And Then They Have To Get Across Town
Just To Find A Decent Supermarket To Buy Food
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Yeah that's what I said. It's time democrats started whipping conservatives asses like they need to get their asses whipped. No more of this pussy, mealy mouthed it's both sides fault bullshit. The problems we face now are the result of the republicans who are controlled by a right wing racist extremist base. Non racist republicans have been reduced in importance, left the party or have been purged from the party.

This video is a speech given at the 2012 democratic convention and the truth in the words spoken are just as real now. Fuck Donald Trump. It's time for democratic leadership to get a backbone. Stop worrying about a motherfucking tweet or Trumps pissant 30 percent base. Donald Trump is a no good, dumb ass, scumbag racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic bone spur coward, a swindling, white nationalist piece of anti American bullshit. And it's time he and anyone supporting him got treated that way.

We fought a Civil war to stop democrats from whipping anyone.
Yea, why don’t you nominate some cross-dressing, Muslim appeasing fag who wants open borders. That’s what your party is now.

You don't get it. This is not 2016. People have seen 2 years of Trump. And they aren't winning.

exactly how do you define winning?

because roaring economy, stronger boarder enforcement, lower gas price, less regulations, and a constitutional court is pretty darn good in my opinion
BasicHumanUnit said:
vote for open borders
vote for trade deals that screw America
vote for Clinton corruption
vote for higher taxes
vote Dimacrat
You Left Out
How Those Claiming To Have The Mental Illness Of Gender Dysphoria
Will Become The Extra-Special Privileged Class
You don't get it. This is not 2016. People have seen 2 years of Trump. And they aren't winning.

True, it's not 2016, it's not 2012 either....get back to us when you have a new (current) video.

The left are unhinged, you don't win elections when you are unhinged.

There is a difference between unhinged and pissed off. Keep letting Hannity tell you how things are and watch what happens.

No kidding, what's going to happen?

When Dem's fail to retake the House or Senate anti-psychotic prescriptions will skyrocket.

sadly I expect that they won't die to an increase of the suicide rate
Yeah that's what I said. It's time democrats started whipping conservatives asses like they need to get their asses whipped. No more of this pussy, mealy mouthed it's both sides fault bullshit. The problems we face now are the result of the republicans who are controlled by a right wing racist extremist base. Non racist republicans have been reduced in importance, left the party or have been purged from the party.

This video is a speech given at the 2012 democratic convention and the truth in the words spoken are just as real now. Fuck Donald Trump. It's time for democratic leadership to get a backbone. Stop worrying about a motherfucking tweet or Trumps pissant 30 percent base. Donald Trump is a no good, dumb ass, scumbag racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic bone spur coward, a swindling, white nationalist piece of anti American bullshit. And it's time he and anyone supporting him got treated that way.

Why you dumb, stupid horse's ass! Every single time you Democrats double down and keep getting more aggressive it completely backfires on you and you start losing huge amounts of supporters! It's your party that keeps losing and dying! You keep doing it and it keeps making you look delirious to mainstream America. You know, Einstein's definition of madness is to keep repeating the same action and expecting a different result, fool.

Shhh. Don't tell them and they won't figure it out
Yeah that's what I said. It's time democrats started whipping conservatives asses like they need to get their asses whipped. No more of this pussy, mealy mouthed it's both sides fault bullshit. The problems we face now are the result of the republicans who are controlled by a right wing racist extremist base. Non racist republicans have been reduced in importance, left the party or have been purged from the party.

This video is a speech given at the 2012 democratic convention and the truth in the words spoken are just as real now. Fuck Donald Trump. It's time for democratic leadership to get a backbone. Stop worrying about a motherfucking tweet or Trumps pissant 30 percent base. Donald Trump is a no good, dumb ass, scumbag racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic bone spur coward, a swindling, white nationalist piece of anti American bullshit. And it's time he and anyone supporting him got treated that way.

Couldn't agree more with you, and I am speaking as a former life long Republican. I switched my party status to Independent as soon as they made this ASS CLOWN the poster boy of the Republican party. I then followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN, who had this to say.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of anger, hate, bigotry, misogyny, and blatant ignorance.

There is no room for moderate Republicans in the party of Trump.




Hmmm...sounds like some appropriating going on in that clip....thought you clowns were against appropriating?
vote for open borders
vote for trade deals that screw America
vote for Clinton corruption
vote for higher taxes
vote Dimacrat

Ignorance runs to the core with some dumbasses

When the Supreme Court is back Conservative, we need to ask the court to make it illegal to be so stupid as these ignorant Dimotwat leftists are

Well dumbass the U.S. Supreme court is a right leaning court, and has been one for the last 45 years. In fact it was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade. Go to this link on this board for more information, on Trump's newest pick Neil Gorsuch.

Go to this link and scroll down to post # 543.
How Much Prison Time Should You Get For Having An Abortion?

As far as being clinically DUMB there is no one that can compete with the ignorance of a Trump supporter, and I mean no one.


A neuroscientist explains what could be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

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Yeah that's what I said. It's time democrats started whipping conservatives asses like they need to get their asses whipped. No more of this pussy, mealy mouthed it's both sides fault bullshit. The problems we face now are the result of the republicans who are controlled by a right wing racist extremist base. Non racist republicans have been reduced in importance, left the party or have been purged from the party.

This video is a speech given at the 2012 democratic convention and the truth in the words spoken are just as real now. Fuck Donald Trump. It's time for democratic leadership to get a backbone. Stop worrying about a motherfucking tweet or Trumps pissant 30 percent base. Donald Trump is a no good, dumb ass, scumbag racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic bone spur coward, a swindling, white nationalist piece of anti American bullshit. And it's time he and anyone supporting him got treated that way.

Couldn't agree more with you, and I am speaking as a former life long Republican. I switched my party status to Independent as soon as they made this ASS CLOWN the poster boy of the Republican party. I then followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN, who had this to say.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of anger, hate, bigotry, misogyny, and blatant ignorance.

There is no room for moderate Republicans in the party of Trump.




Hmmm...sounds like some appropriating going on in that clip....thought you clowns were against appropriating?

Yeah Patrick appropriated republicans from 2016 in 2012.
with people as ''intelligent'' like the OP as democrats, conservatives have nothing to worry about
Yeah that's what I said. It's time democrats started whipping conservatives asses like they need to get their asses whipped. No more of this pussy, mealy mouthed it's both sides fault bullshit. The problems we face now are the result of the republicans who are controlled by a right wing racist extremist base. Non racist republicans have been reduced in importance, left the party or have been purged from the party.

This video is a speech given at the 2012 democratic convention and the truth in the words spoken are just as real now. Fuck Donald Trump. It's time for democratic leadership to get a backbone. Stop worrying about a motherfucking tweet or Trumps pissant 30 percent base. Donald Trump is a no good, dumb ass, scumbag racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic bone spur coward, a swindling, white nationalist piece of anti American bullshit. And it's time he and anyone supporting him got treated that way.

Are you going to hit them with your purse?

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