It's time Democrats stopped being punks!

Yeah that's what I said. It's time democrats started whipping conservatives asses like they need to get their asses whipped. No more of this pussy, mealy mouthed it's both sides fault bullshit. The problems we face now are the result of the republicans who are controlled by a right wing racist extremist base. Non racist republicans have been reduced in importance, left the party or have been purged from the party.

This video is a speech given at the 2012 democratic convention and the truth in the words spoken are just as real now. Fuck Donald Trump. It's time for democratic leadership to get a backbone. Stop worrying about a motherfucking tweet or Trumps pissant 30 percent base. Donald Trump is a no good, dumb ass, scumbag racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic bone spur coward, a swindling, white nationalist piece of anti American bullshit. And it's time he and anyone supporting him got treated that way.

yes. Go hard core lefty and race baiting. It is all you have anyways.

Stop lying to the white working class that you give a damn about them. Hell, just tell them to not vote for you. YOu don't even WANT their dirty white votes.

Don't be a pussy. DO IT!!!
Yeah that's what I said. It's time democrats started whipping conservatives asses like they need to get their asses whipped. No more of this pussy, mealy mouthed it's both sides fault bullshit. The problems we face now are the result of the republicans who are controlled by a right wing racist extremist base. Non racist republicans have been reduced in importance, left the party or have been purged from the party.

This video is a speech given at the 2012 democratic convention and the truth in the words spoken are just as real now. Fuck Donald Trump. It's time for democratic leadership to get a backbone. Stop worrying about a motherfucking tweet or Trumps pissant 30 percent base. Donald Trump is a no good, dumb ass, scumbag racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic bone spur coward, a swindling, white nationalist piece of anti American bullshit. And it's time he and anyone supporting him got treated that way.

Couldn't agree more with you, and I am speaking as a former life long Republican. I switched my party status to Independent as soon as they made this ASS CLOWN the poster boy of the Republican party. I then followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN, who had this to say.

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of anger, hate, bigotry, misogyny, and blatant ignorance.

There is no room for moderate Republicans in the party of Trump.




Hmmm...sounds like some appropriating going on in that clip....thought you clowns were against appropriating?

Yeah Patrick appropriated republicans from 2016 in 2012.

Huh??? Must be some of that liberal logic that's so confusing.
Romney in 2012: Russia is our greatest geopolitical foe
Media in 2012: LOL Romney is out of his mind and unfit to lead.

Romney in 2018: Russia is our greatest geopolitical foe
Media in 2018: Romney is the sane one in the GOP, and it's great that he's taking on Trump over Russia!

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