It's time to define this countries enemy's

Multiple straw men in that post.

Typical Trumpster zealot.

Please don't kill anyone.

You support violence and insurgency. Fact.

Now you want to treat the thugs from Wednesday with an iron fist after you have supported your Brown Shirt thugs for 10 months engaging in identical actions, including storming the capitol in July - which you had no problem with since it was an attack on Trump.

Should I dig up posts where you condemned Trump and the Park police for stopping your terrorist troops from burning down St. Johns? You know it won't be hard. Unlike Twitter, USMB isn't covering up all the posts you traitors have made for the last year.
Yes, please dig up those posts. I'll wait here.

And please don't kill anyone.

Kill? That would be antifa, blm and the leftists who pillaged, murdered, destroyed private properties, looted etc........all year long while the libs in congress encouraged this. Despicable and abominable.
You folks just won't take responsibility for anything. Nothing.

Please don't kill anyone.

Responsibility? What are you even talking about. Anyone who kills, destroys property, rapes, pillages, right, left, green, brown is to be held accountable. You got three fingers pointed back at ya. Perhaps, you should heed your own advice....."please don't kill anyone". Let's not forget that the left condoned burning down cities and forgetting about the rule of law.
I agree that you folks are like those you hate.

As usual, a pox on both ends.
Multiple straw men in that post.

Typical Trumpster zealot.

Please don't kill anyone.

You support violence and insurgency. Fact.

Now you want to treat the thugs from Wednesday with an iron fist after you have supported your Brown Shirt thugs for 10 months engaging in identical actions, including storming the capitol in July - which you had no problem with since it was an attack on Trump.

Should I dig up posts where you condemned Trump and the Park police for stopping your terrorist troops from burning down St. Johns? You know it won't be hard. Unlike Twitter, USMB isn't covering up all the posts you traitors have made for the last year.
Yes, please dig up those posts. I'll wait here.

And please don't kill anyone.

Kill? That would be antifa, blm and the leftists who pillaged, murdered, destroyed private properties, looted etc........all year long while the libs in congress encouraged this. Despicable and abominable.
You folks just won't take responsibility for anything. Nothing.

Please don't kill anyone.

Responsibility? What are you even talking about. Anyone who kills, destroys property, rapes, pillages, right, left, green, brown is to be held accountable. You got three fingers pointed back at ya. Perhaps, you should heed your own advice....."please don't kill anyone". Let's not forget that the left condoned burning down cities and forgetting about the rule of law.
I agree that you folks are like those you hate.

As usual, a pox on both ends.

Of course you do but you fail to realize that the left is projecting its hate. Your statement makes no sense. Its just gibberish riddles at this point.
Multiple straw men in that post.

Typical Trumpster zealot.

Please don't kill anyone.

You support violence and insurgency. Fact.

Now you want to treat the thugs from Wednesday with an iron fist after you have supported your Brown Shirt thugs for 10 months engaging in identical actions, including storming the capitol in July - which you had no problem with since it was an attack on Trump.

Should I dig up posts where you condemned Trump and the Park police for stopping your terrorist troops from burning down St. Johns? You know it won't be hard. Unlike Twitter, USMB isn't covering up all the posts you traitors have made for the last year.
Yes, please dig up those posts. I'll wait here.

And please don't kill anyone.

Kill? That would be antifa, blm and the leftists who pillaged, murdered, destroyed private properties, looted etc........all year long while the libs in congress encouraged this. Despicable and abominable.
You folks just won't take responsibility for anything. Nothing.

Please don't kill anyone.

Responsibility? What are you even talking about. Anyone who kills, destroys property, rapes, pillages, right, left, green, brown is to be held accountable. You got three fingers pointed back at ya. Perhaps, you should heed your own advice....."please don't kill anyone". Let's not forget that the left condoned burning down cities and forgetting about the rule of law.
I agree that you folks are like those you hate.

As usual, a pox on both ends.

Its a pox but moreso than the fringes. That was evident when congress reconvened and all started stroking themselves and speaking in haughty tones about how grieved they were on such horrible acts, when they themselves have committed crimes, corruption, exponentially worse than what happened on wednesday. It was abhorrent watching these frauds and their lies and their fake tears.
They are at war with us, even if we aren't with them.
That's funny. From my perspective the authoritarians, and especially the authoritarian left, has been at war with us for well over 2 decades. The authoritarian right has too, but to a less conspicuous degree. All these bastards are DC insiders like McConnell, Pelosi, Biden, etc. Those assholes HATE people like us. They despise us. The worst thing about it for them, and the thing they loath the most, is that they have to work for our votes. That HATE us for it.

Those bastards (all of them) are trying to force us into socialist-lite to slowly take away our property rights.

To do that, they need to stifle any speech that they cannot dispute. They can't win an argument (not even close) so they have shut us down. They have already started the process without needing to shit on the 1st Amendment, thanks to their allies in Big Tech.

The last line of defense against the DC authoritarian duopoly is our ability to resist. So, yes, the authoritarians ARE coming for our guns. Bank on it.

Please tell me you see this coming to pass. Please tell me you have not become one of them, you just teamed up with them because hated Trump too much.
I couldn’t believe the number of Jesus flags and Christian flags waving from this group that tried to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator , at the riotous attack a our capital. So I did a little research ,I looked around and found out what evangelical ministers were preaching from the pulpit all over this country. They own what happened , they made it happen. Get this straight it means absolutely nothing what Christian organization , politician or your neighbor say after this insurrection and traitorous attack on our democracy. It only matters what they said before hand that caused this to happen. No bailouts they made this, they own this. I see any Christian organization, politician or Neighbor that supported Trump to be a threat to this country and should be treated as such.
View attachment 440178
Does that apply even when their fear is a product of their own soft brains and incompetence in managing information?
Just asking.
Most folks at these BLM rallies are protestors ... only a few are rioters ...
What's good for the goose is good for the gander ...
Most of the folks at the Capitol were protestors ... only a few are rioters ...

We need to punish the rioters ... and LISTEN to the protestors ... these things need to be said, whether we like it or not ...

Most religious folks are kind and true to their rhetoric ... only a few are Satanic murders ...
Are you nuts. Let me see, you say we should as a country investigate this election in American again. .Ya you bet. with 80 court cases, some as high as the supreme court and probably another 80 state investigations and multiple recount with Georgia having three, all saying that there is nothing in the slightest, supporting these charges, supporting these lies. with most of the investigation and courts taking the extra step of saying they people who brought this crap to court are goof ball. but you still think there should be another investigation, well that tops stupid. It has been investigated and looked at from every angle , and every conclusion has made it clear that you people are full of shit.
Another investigation will show exactly what all the other investigations found ,but the brain dead right will still say it is a lie. All these previous court cases and investigation proving beyond a doubt that the people who were still complaining had nothing at all to support their claims and even with all the facts in front of them , they still attacked the Capital and tried to bring down this democracy to vote in a dictator..
Now one more time, why in the hell should we look into this any deeper. The brain dead conclusion will be the same , that will be that everyone's against you poor baby's and that you aren't being treated fairly and that everything is a lie except what comes out of the rights hate driven brains.
I couldn’t believe the number of Jesus flags and Christian flags waving from this group that tried to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator , at the riotous attack a our capital. So I did a little research ,I looked around and found out what evangelical ministers were preaching from the pulpit all over this country. They own what happened , they made it happen. Get this straight it means absolutely nothing what Christian organization , politician or your neighbor say after this insurrection and traitorous attack on our democracy. It only matters what they said before hand that caused this to happen. No bailouts they made this, they own this. I see any Christian organization, politician or Neighbor that supported Trump to be a threat to this country and should be treated as such.

Silicon Valley
Radical Leftists

That was easy. Next?
Most folks at these BLM rallies are protestors ... only a few are rioters ...
What's good for the goose is good for the gander ...
Most of the folks at the Capitol were protestors ... only a few are rioters ...

We need to punish the rioters ... and LISTEN to the protestors ... these things need to be said, whether we like it or not ...

Most religious folks are kind and true to their rhetoric ... only a few are Satanic murders ...
They went to Washington to bring down our country. Screw them all. There wasn't a reason in the world to do it.
Most folks at these BLM rallies are protestors ... only a few are rioters ...
What's good for the goose is good for the gander ...
Most of the folks at the Capitol were protestors ... only a few are rioters ...

We need to punish the rioters ... and LISTEN to the protestors ... these things need to be said, whether we like it or not ...

Most religious folks are kind and true to their rhetoric ... only a few are Satanic murders ...
bullshit on this crap. You have never in your life said this before. "Most folks at these BLM rallies are protestors ... only a few are rioters ..." you are so full of crap that your eyes are brown.
bullshit on this crap. You have never in your life said this before. "Most folks at these BLM rallies are protestors ... only a few are rioters ..." you are so full of crap that your eyes are brown.

My ... Bubba learned some colorful language before the dropped out of Middle School ... go mailbomb a college, heathen Democrat ...
I couldn’t believe the number of Jesus flags and Christian flags waving from this group that tried to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator , at the riotous attack a our capital. So I did a little research ,I looked around and found out what evangelical ministers were preaching from the pulpit all over this country. They own what happened , they made it happen. Get this straight it means absolutely nothing what Christian organization , politician or your neighbor say after this insurrection and traitorous attack on our democracy. It only matters what they said before hand that caused this to happen. No bailouts they made this, they own this. I see any Christian organization, politician or Neighbor that supported Trump to be a threat to this country and should be treated as such.
Love Dinesh (and I'm supposed to be a white supremacist)

I couldn’t believe the number of Jesus flags and Christian flags waving from this group that tried to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator , at the riotous attack a our capital. So I did a little research ,I looked around and found out what evangelical ministers were preaching from the pulpit all over this country. They own what happened , they made it happen. Get this straight it means absolutely nothing what Christian organization , politician or your neighbor say after this insurrection and traitorous attack on our democracy. It only matters what they said before hand that caused this to happen. No bailouts they made this, they own this. I see any Christian organization, politician or Neighbor that supported Trump to be a threat to this country and should be treated as such.
View attachment 440178
When the people fear each other there is war.
With just a tiny bit of effort this can be turned into a religious war or a race war or a religious and race war
I couldn’t believe the number of Jesus flags and Christian flags waving from this group that tried to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator , at the riotous attack a our capital. So I did a little research ,I looked around and found out what evangelical ministers were preaching from the pulpit all over this country. They own what happened , they made it happen. Get this straight it means absolutely nothing what Christian organization , politician or your neighbor say after this insurrection and traitorous attack on our democracy. It only matters what they said before hand that caused this to happen. No bailouts they made this, they own this. I see any Christian organization, politician or Neighbor that supported Trump to be a threat to this country and should be treated as such.
View attachment 440178
When the people fear each other there is war.
With just a tiny bit of effort this can be turned into a religious war or a race war or a religious and race war

We're teetering on a national scale prison riot.
It's time to define this countries enemy's

Perhaps you could start with defining punctuation.....
won't work ace, responding with attacks on me, is always a win for what I have to say. by the way tell me why you think I would care what my countries enemy's and biggest threat thinks of me. When does your insults start to be a compliment when it is from people with so little knowledge, zero values, you know people that deserve no respect from any patriot. .Lets start there first.
I couldn’t believe the number of Jesus flags and Christian flags waving from this group that tried to destroy our democracy to force in a dictator , at the riotous attack a our capital. So I did a little research ,I looked around and found out what evangelical ministers were preaching from the pulpit all over this country. They own what happened , they made it happen. Get this straight it means absolutely nothing what Christian organization , politician or your neighbor say after this insurrection and traitorous attack on our democracy. It only matters what they said before hand that caused this to happen. No bailouts they made this, they own this. I see any Christian organization, politician or Neighbor that supported Trump to be a threat to this country and should be treated as such.
View attachment 440178
When the people fear each other there is war.
With just a tiny bit of effort this can be turned into a religious war or a race war or a religious and race war
Funny , ya you bet, vote for a party that just tried to destroy our country and democracy to force in a pile of shit dictator. you are a hoot.

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