It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Agreed. I as trying to soften the blow to Mashmont's fragile mind. I should have worded it better.
You're really hyperfocused on me. I guess it's because I spoke rather strongly to you a few nights ago. I apologize for that. It was not my best moment. I am trying to control myself better on here.
So now you've shifted back to the OP, and away from everything we debated today. You move the goalposts more often than a stadium ground crew.
You just can't help yourself with the trolling, can you? At lot easier than recognizing facts and links presented that debunk your false claims about gays and AIDS and syphilis.

Goalposts are not supposed to move, The stadium crew does not change their locations, dumbass.

Get your metaphors straight!
Can I just be proactive and be the first to suggest we discuss your gay experiences in college and how they relate to the op or do I need to wait until you accuse me of trolling again?

I think I will be more proactive
College? My money is on him being a high school dropout! It takes hard work to be that stupid.
Not remotely. Biblical slavery was where a family went to get their debts taken care of and their family fed. Colonial black slavery was coerced from the start. Had no relation to debt.

Where on God's green earth did you get THAT stupid idea from?
Was that from your Christian pre-school run by Jim Jone's cousin?
Where on God's green earth did you get THAT stupid idea from?
Was that from your Christian pre-school run by Jim Jone's cousin?
The kind of slavery he is referring to was but a small part and only applied to other Jews. Overwhelmingly, the laws of slavery are written for the captured in battle. Mostly women and children as the men would have been slaughtered. He would know that if he read ALL the Bible. But from what I remember from Catholic school, we didn't look at much of the Five Books of Moses past Noah.
You're really hyperfocused on me. I guess it's because I spoke rather strongly to you a few nights ago. I apologize for that. It was not my best moment. I am trying to control myself better on here.
The problem that I have with you is your holier-than-thou attitude based on lies you have been told and now believe about being a Christian. You are so wrong, on so many levels it is hysterically funny sometimes.
The problem that I have with you is your holier-than-thou attitude based on lies you have been told and now believe about being a Christian. You are so wrong, on so many levels it is hysterically funny sometimes.
Bless you, my friend. I'm going to bed now. You should do the same.
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