It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Jesus' teachings are perfect, and full of great people who have done amazing works of charity. So many great selfless men and women, priests, and sisters who have devoted their lives to helping others. Why do you deny that?
I don't deny the good, but I can't be blind to the evil. Faith is a beautiful thing on an individual basis. When the faith of many is manipulated to control power then things take a turn for the worse. There's no getting around that it always happens.
I don't deny the good, but I can't be blind to the evil. Faith is a beautiful thing on an individual basis. When the faith of many is manipulated to control power then things take a turn for the worse. There's no getting around that it always happens.
The things you're talking about aren't Christian and have nothing to do with Christian teaching. You're describing people acting decidedly irreligious aka atheist.
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A change of plans. Jesus' Kingdom will be established on Earth as soon as Mashmont seizes power and lords over and dominates us all.
I'll say this. If I had Elon Musk's money, I wouldn't hesitate to use it to affect the political process and help people, like it appears Musk is doing with Twitter. But I probably wouldn't want his money. I used to think that way. Not so much any more.
A change of plans. Jesus' Kingdom will be established on Earth as soon as Mashmont seizes power and lords over and dominates us all.
Thank you, humor is sorely needed on this thread. Did you know ? Apparently as a 4-year-old, Hitler was saved from drowning in the river Passau by a local priest. Goes to show once more that a lot of problems would be solved if priests could just keep their hands off of kids.
I'll say this. If I had Elon Musk's money, I wouldn't hesitate to use it to affect the political process and help people, like it appears Musk is doing with Twitter. But I probably wouldn't want his money. I used to think that way. Not so much any more.
Is your hare-brained scheme an integral part of Jesus setting up His Kingdom on Earth?
Thank you, humor is sorely needed on this thread. Did you know ? Apparently as a 4-year-old, Hitler was saved from drowning in the river Passau by a local priest. Goes to show once more that a lot of problems would be solved if priests could just keep their hands off of kids.
Pretty much every problem would be solved if we could just eradicate all atheist teaching in the world. 2 billion people imprisoned. That's 28% of the world population. 150 million killed in the last century. And the basis of leftwing hatred the world over.
Is your hare-brained scheme an integral part of Jesus setting up His Kingdom on Earth?
Jesus commanded us to help people who are suffering. Few better ways to do that than by releasing them from the shackles Marxist leftwing atheist ideology
Pretty much every problem would be solved if we could just eradicate all atheist teaching in the world. 2 billion people imprisoned. That's 28% of the world population. 150 million killed in the last century. And the basis of leftwing hatred the world over.
But what about all the new horrors you'd unleashed. Look at the nation of Iran, that's an example of what any country could become if religion took it over. Have you ever watched the TV series The handmaidens tale or read the book ? You try to paint a Rosy picture but absolute power corrupts absolutely. Why do you think the only God that the founding fathers could agree on was the natural God. There is too much infighting and hatred among the different Christian sects.
Pretty much every problem would be solved if we could just eradicate all atheist teaching in the world. 2 billion people imprisoned. That's 28% of the world population. 150 million killed in the last century. And the basis of leftwing hatred the world over.
If you can't make fun of religion what can you make fun of. If you can't take a joke don't avail yourself to them..
But what about all the new horrors you'd unleashed. Look at the nation of Iran, that's an example of what any country could become if religion took it over. Have you ever watched the TV series The handmaidens tale or read the book ? You try to paint a Rosy picture but absolute power corrupts absolutely. Why do you think the only God that the founding fathers could agree on was the natural God. There is too much infighting and hatred among the different Christian sects.

As well as the evils done in the name of Christianity in the past.

Like the Salem witch trials and the various other witch trials like the Sweden witch trials.

The Crusades.

The Inquistion.

I been watching this Korean show about a great scientist who lived during the Joseon Dynasty and the kings opposed him because they felt his teachings were against their religion which was confucianism, the scientist was even imprisoned for doing science which in their views was close to heresy and exploring matters of the spirit.

Which is pretty much the same way that Galileo got persecuted by the Church for saying that the sun was the center of the universe.
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If you have read my explanation, why do you keep asking me for it? You say I lie, yet you won't and can't debunk what I said. So there's no point in asking me again or repeating the same old stuff.
I never asked.

I pointed out you lied. I debunked your BS already. You have not dealt with any of the actual facts. You have not dealt with the FACT that the bible instructs Jews to take slaves from war FOR LIFE or that it instructs Jews to purchase slaves FOR LIFE. Neither have anything to do with debt slavery and so you have failed over and over and over again to address that. Instead, you hide behind the same statement that is a blatant LIE.

I thought that was a sin.
Jesus commanded us to help people who are suffering. Few better ways to do that than by releasing them from the shackles Marxist leftwing atheist ideology
I think your mind has been hopelessly scrambled but too much misinformation and outright lies on the internet. Most people are simply struggling to survive these days, flourishing would be a pleasure for me. I work 6 hours a day even on my days off. I'm 71 and I don't think I will ever see retirement. Through no fault of my own. Worked my entire life, various health issues took all my savings. Someday I hope to be able to get by just on the social security, and I don't think I'll ever see that day.
If you can't make fun of religion what can you make fun of. If you can't take a joke don't avail yourself to them..
OK fine. Let's hear some Muslim jokes or black jokes or women jokes or fat jokes. See how well those groups respond to your 'humor'.
Nobody is so perpetually offended as the left. (Except they're only selectively 'offended).
I think your mind has been hopelessly scrambled but too much misinformation and outright lies on the internet. Most people are simply struggling to survive these days, flourishing would be a pleasure for me. I work 6 hours a day even on my days off. I'm 71 and I don't think I will ever see retirement. Through no fault of my own. Worked my entire life, various health issues took all my savings. Someday I hope to be able to get by just on the social security, and I don't think I'll ever see that day.
What a shame you weren't allowed to save all that money youreself that you gave to Social Security all those years for them to squander, while giving you a meager return.
You can thank the party of atheism for that.
Jim Jones- Wikipedia. James Warren Jones ( May 13th, 1931-November 18th, 1978 ) was an American cult leader, political activist, preacher and faith healer who led the Peoples Temple, a new religious movement between 1955 to 1978. And we all know the rest of the story, this religious zealot madman was responsible for the death of hundreds. The religious state that Mashmont is proposing would eventually be responsible for the death of millions. His religious laws if ever codified into secular law would become harsher and harsher. Homosexuality would be met with the death penalty, as would adulterers and all this will be done in the name of their god. Just like what is happening in Iran today, except they're just keeping it exclusively to homosexuals I've never heard of adulterer being stoned to death there or thrown off a building and executed in that style just because of who they are. Which of course they deem as a sin while they live and keep adding to their sins. The idea of a religious State might sound good but it always goes bad absolute power corrupts absolutely. The desire to have a religious state, is a desire for power over others. It has nothing to do with GOD.
Why did you post this in response to my post?
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