It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Issues of Faith do not belong in the public to me they belong in the churches, synagogues and mosques.
Hmm. I believe we would all be much better off in the public if political issues remained solely inside Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court. What say you?

The fact is that both affect the public. No one who truly embraces religious beliefs and practices leaves these values inside a building until the next time they enter a church. However, I might be in favor of only heeding government policies when I am inside the White House, Congress, or Supreme Court buildings. Outside I am free!
That has nothing to do with the Catholic faith. Outside of Catholic duties and responsibilities a Pope--or any priest can have secular ideas and opinions.
Besides that, in 1933, it was unknown that Hitler would become the murderous dictator he became.
I don't think the blue laws would be brought back, but I think they were a good thing for most families. Abortion should be banned, even in case of rape or incest. It's only permissible if it happens during an attempt to save the life of the mother, but never if it is done directly.
And blue laws were a terrible financial burden for Jewish business owners and Jews in general.
The Vatican is 109 acres, just over 1.5 square miles. Disney World is 25,000 acres (45 square miles) and it tried to set itself up as beyond State law and taxes. The point being, no nation has control of the Vatican, whereas Disney World just learned the hard way that Florida does have control over it when it is on Floridian land.
Those were conditions that the state agreed to when it was established. Since that is no longer the case I advocate that they move to Texas where the same offer is being made. That would be Justice. Hatred and bigotry have no place in the world.
I am merely pointing out that the Pope cannot rule a nation. This nation cannot be changed. If this planet had more land, perhaps Catholics (and other religious sects) could claim an area with the intent and purpose it be solely Catholic. Didn't some early colonists try to do that in Maryland?

Something to consider is that Quakers maintain their own area(s), but many children do leave that life and they are dwindling.

My take is that the government told people of faith to shut up in public places. Yet the secular (for example, the "Woke") are encouraged to shout out. I propose that we encourage all to shout out, not encourage some while stifling others. Can people of faith even raise their voices in the public domain? If they can, why don't we?
For far too long religion, specifically the so-called Christian groups have drowned out the voices of other religious groups as well as the voice of the common people
. Look at this as payback time. Your side had their way for almost 2,000 years now, it would only be fair to allow a century or two for all the other voices on the planet.
For far too long religion, specifically the so-called Christian groups have drowned out the voices of other religious groups as well as the voice of the common people
. Look at this as payback time. Your side had their way for almost 2,000 years now, it would only be fair to allow a century or two for all the other voices on the planet.
Why does one voice have to drown out the other? Can't we work for a better solution?
Why does one voice have to drown out the other? Can't we work for a better solution?
It didn't work out well, hopefully this will go a lot better, regular people are pretty reasonable compared to religious zealots, and the only agenda they have is to live in peace with one another, that begins by not telling people what they can or can't do.
Abortion is a medical procedure trying to make it into a moral issue is unconscionable.
The left tries its best to dehumanize the killing of innocent children by calling their destruction 'a medical procedure'. Nazi Germany did the same thing. Giving mass murder banal-sounding names.
Ok. Your beliefs are protected by the same amendment that prevents you from making the US a Christian country.
Except your religion of atheism is inferior and should be replaced by christianity as the religion pushed by our government.
I wish all you people could experience the end result of when a government makes atheist laws. Live in North Korea, China, or Cuba for a year. Then come back and tell us how you liked it.
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