It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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No it isn't harmful.

And, as I have said many times, feel free to try to put through a constitutional amendment to remove the 1st amendment.
Not remove. Amend. And yes, that's the ultimate goal. Thanks for the encouragement.
You keep saying atheism is harmful. It couldn't be any more harmful than Christianity has been to society. Why do you think it took over 50 years for gay people to have equal rights to marry. All that anti-gay stuff came from the religious community. Why do you think women didn't get the vote until the 20th century. Protestants especially Baptist in the South bought against it. Why do you think blacks didn't get equality until the 1960s ? When religions tell you you're the chosen people it gives them reasons to declare themselves as Aryan races, and do horrible things like the Holocaust. That was Christian on Jew. There are instances of Jews on Christians but that goes back a lot further. And don't forget the Muslims. I wanted to get back to your original point that we should become a Christian Nation. You can't even get a majority support from the religious community for such a call to action. What makes you think it's more worthy and it's even possible in this day and age.
Atheism couldn't be any more harmful than Christianity? Again, try living in a communist country like China, North Korea, Laos, or Cuba for a year. Then come back and tell us how much you liked it.
And you forcing your beliefs is, ummmm, better? Again, where did Jesus tell you to force your beliefs on anyone? Are you a better Christian than Jesus?
Jesus never said a country couldn't be a Christian country. I think He'd be very pleased about a country striving to be Christlike and perfect.
You're trying to snuff out all the competition. You want Christianity to have an edge over every other religion or belief. Is there anything fair about that.
My contention is since there can be no vacuum and that secularization is a myth, a government HAS to choose a religion, whether it be atheism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, etc. And since Christianity is the one perfect religion, we should choose it. Since we have to choose one, why not choose the best? Sure, those from inferior religions would complain, but tough. You have to pick one.
Jesus never said a country couldn't be a Christian country. I think He'd be very pleased about a country striving to be Christlike and perfect.
There's a big difference between a country trying to do Christian acts, which I think most people do anyway and forcing people to adhere to Christian beliefs when they are not Christians. Our nation has a cosmopolitan population. No one religious belief can dominate everyone else, it's against the Constitution. It's unAmerican and it's got to be unChristian too.
Except your religion of atheism is inferior and should be replaced by christianity as the religion pushed by our government.
And what, as a Christian, are you supposed to do if people reject Christianity?
"And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet." ( Matthew 10:14 )
So shake the dust off your feet and move on.
My contention is since there can be no vacuum and that secularization is a myth, a government HAS to choose a religion, whether it be atheism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, etc. And since Christianity is the one perfect religion, we should choose it. Since we have to choose one, why not choose the best? Sure, those from inferior religions would complain, but tough. You have to pick one.
OK. Let's choose the best. Orthodox Judaism. it's the original. It stood the test of time longer than yours. I say it's the best. You have no argument to the contrary.
Kiss your seafood and cheese burgers goodbye
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to formally declare America a Christian nation.

If some of the framers intended to separate Church and state (which is not 100% certain), then it’s time to correct that mistake. it’s time for a Constitutional Amendment to declare Christianity the official belief of the United States. Here’s why:

The intent of any such separation was to prevent any single denomination from dominating or punishing members of another through government. The idea was to be religion-neutral. Noble enough. But the framers made a few critical miscalculations: They incorrectly assumed:

1. That “good” laws and “Christian” laws could be separated. They can’t. There is 100% overlap. You can’t have laws that help the people without them being Christian laws.
2. That a belief vacuum is possible in our laws. It isn’t, because the opposite of religion isn’t nothing; it’s atheism.

That’s right. When you attempt to ban Christian laws, you only allow atheist laws.

Forcing Christian groups to pay for abortions and birth control for their employees.
Forcing Christian florists, photographers, and bakers to participate in gay weddings.
Distributing condoms in government schools to teens and preteens, suggesting that sex among these immature and obviously unmarried students is morally acceptable.
Using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions abroad.
Banning the Ten Commandments from government buildings (while flying the rainbow flag).
Banning the Nativity Scenes from government buildings.
Government sanction of Kwanzaa celebrations (a made-up racist ‘holiday’).
Disallowing references to Christmas in the public schools.
Teaching Critical Race Theory (which divides people and promotes hate).
Allowing gay marriage.

This is why the left screeches so loudly about “keeping religion out of government”. It’s because they know their atheism gets free reign if it doesn’t have to compete against Christianity.

The solution is two part: First, BAN atheism and atheistic views from being promoted by all media outlets. We’ve had such decency laws before. Hollywood enacted such standards in 1934 (that have since been repealed, unfortunately). Get rid of all the immoral trash in the movies and TV. Disallow the leftwing media from promoting atheist Marxism and other atheist policies. Then, secondly promote a Constitutional Amendment to make Christianity the official belief of the land. Then we end the abortion debate, the race-baiting issue, and the anti-capitalist pro-socialist issue once and for all. The country would once again be following God’s plan, church attendance would rise again, couples would marry instead of cohabitating, the gay marriage ruling would be repealed, families would stay together and be stronger, children would grow up in two-parent homes, so there would be far less crime. And best of all, ALL Marixst atheist disinformation would be stifled, and our children would stop being poisoned by it.

Let’s do it NOW!!
Atheism couldn't be any more harmful than Christianity? Again, try living in a communist country like China, North Korea, Laos, or Cuba for a year. Then come back and tell us how much you liked it.

Those countries are communist nations. Being an atheist does not necessarily mean communist or marxist. You keep trying to say that they are.
My contention is since there can be no vacuum and that secularization is a myth, a government HAS to choose a religion, whether it be atheism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, etc. And since Christianity is the one perfect religion, we should choose it. Since we have to choose one, why not choose the best? Sure, those from inferior religions would complain, but tough. You have to pick one.

There is no vacuum. The US is a secular nation. But that does not mean that religions do not exist. Many exist in this nation, and all are protected equally.
Except your religion of atheism is inferior and should be replaced by christianity as the religion pushed by our government.
Let's take a step back in time. In colonial America the rivalry between different religious sects was one of the biggest obstacles informing the new United States government. So much so, that the only god they could reference in the Constitution where no one objected was the natural god. Facing History and Ourselves>Religion in colonial America: trends, regulations and beliefs Now really, if they couldn't get it together and get it done back then, why in the world would you think it's even possible in today's multicultured world.o
There's a big difference between a country trying to do Christian acts, which I think most people do anyway and forcing people to adhere to Christian beliefs when they are not Christians. Our nation has a cosmopolitan population. No one religious belief can dominate everyone else, it's against the Constitution. It's unAmerican and it's got to be unChristian too.
But you're allowing the religion of atheism to dominate every other religion right now. How is that fair?
And what, as a Christian, are you supposed to do if people reject Christianity?
"And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet." ( Matthew 10:14 )
So shake the dust off your feet and move on.
People wouldn't have to believe in Christianity just as they don't have to speak English. But the emphasis of the government would be on Christian ideals just as it is on the English language.
OK. Let's choose the best. Orthodox Judaism. it's the original. It stood the test of time longer than yours. I say it's the best. You have no argument to the contrary.
Kiss your seafood and cheese burgers goodbye
YOU don't even believe in teachings Orthodoz Judaism. lol.
Jesus, who is perfect started the Catholic Church. You can't improve on perfection.
Oh thats right, you want YOUR religion to be protected by the 1st amendment.

I am happy to encourage you to try. I have faith in my fellow Americans to shoot down that nonsense.
What we have to do is educate people like I'm doing here, that the current government is pushing atheism. It starts with education, and it has to start somewhere.
Those countries are communist nations. Being an atheist does not necessarily mean communist or marxist. You keep trying to say that they are.
OK, so name the countries that are not Communist of which the government is atheist. We will all await your list. lol.
There is no vacuum. The US is a secular nation. But that does not mean that religions do not exist. Many exist in this nation, and all are protected equally.
For the tenth time, what is the 'secular' neutral position on gay marriage? Keep in mind, it has to be a position that does not violate religious teaching in order to be secular.
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