It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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But you're allowing the religion of atheism to dominate every other religion right now. How is that fair?
That's not what is happening, that's what you believe is happening but it's not true.
Let's take a step back in time. In colonial America the rivalry between different religious sects was one of the biggest obstacles informing the new United States government. So much so, that the only god they could reference in the Constitution where no one objected was the natural god. Facing History and Ourselves>Religion in colonial America: trends, regulations and beliefs Now really, if they couldn't get it together and get it done back then, why in the world would you think it's even possible in today's multicultured world.o
As explained in my OP, the founders did not anticipate that a religious vacuum was impossible, and that the religion of atheism would become the default religion, if you actively disallowed any of the established religions from government.
YOU don't even believe in teachings Orthodoz Judaism. lol.
Jesus, who is perfect started the Catholic Church. You can't improve on perfection.
he was not, and he did not. His followers, centuries later did. Jesus wanted to reform Judaism. He lived as a Jew and died as a Jew. Early on, to belong to proto-Xtianity, men still had to convert and be circumsized.
For the tenth time, what is the 'secular' neutral position on gay marriage? Keep in mind, it has to be a position that does not violate religious teaching in order to be secular.
Gay marriage is allowed. To be secular, it does not have to adhere to any religious teaching. That is the definition of secular. An institution that is not based on religion.
People wouldn't have to believe in Christianity just as they don't have to speak English. But the emphasis of the government would be on Christian ideals just as it is on the English language.
But if I were to preach a non Christian religion there you'll be with club, whacking it on my head to get me to stop. Is that what Jesus wants you to do?
Where the hell did you het THAT notion? You own a truly bizarre dictionary.
And why does gay marriage have to be allowed under a so-called secular government? Why couldn't gay marriage be forbidden under a secular government.
Where the hell did you het THAT notion? You own a truly bizarre dictionary.
You said secular laws aren't involved with a religion. If they violate an established religion, then they are atheist, not secular.
But you're allowing the religion of atheism to dominate every other religion right now. How is that fair?

That is absolutely not true. Atheism maintains that there is no God. The federal gov't does not. In fact, it gives special tax breaks for churches.
People wouldn't have to believe in Christianity just as they don't have to speak English. But the emphasis of the government would be on Christian ideals just as it is on the English language.

And you think it would stop at that? Sorry, I have lived in the Bible Belt most of my life, and read enough history to know that is bullshit.
But if I were to preach a non Christian religion there you'll be with club, whacking it on my head to get me to stop. Is that what Jesus wants you to do?
That's what you're doing now by endorsing our current atheist government. Am I whacking you on the head? No. Only atheists do that.
What we have to do is educate people like I'm doing here, that the current government is pushing atheism. It starts with education, and it has to start somewhere.

And most of them will recognize what you are spouting is nonsense. I think most people can understand the difference between secular and atheist.
Gay marriage is allowed. To be secular, it does not have to adhere to any religious teaching. That is the definition of secular. An institution that is not based on religion.
Why should gay marriage be allowed under a secular government? Who says? You?
And most of them will recognize what you are spouting is nonsense. I think most people can understand the difference between secular and atheist.
Sure. You atheists don't like it. You don't want your power to go away. This is for the intelligent people who may not have thought about it.
For the tenth time, what is the 'secular' neutral position on gay marriage? Keep in mind, it has to be a position that does not violate religious teaching in order to be secular.

A secular gov't does not have to avoid violating religious teachings. It is focused on the people and not using any religious beliefs in the process.
And you think it would stop at that? Sorry, I have lived in the Bible Belt most of my life, and read enough history to know that is bullshit.
Do you think the current atheist government is content to stop at where it is?
A secular gov't does not have to avoid violating religious teachings. It is focused on the people and not using any religious beliefs in the process.
So tell me again why allowing gay marriage is any more a 'secular' law than banning gay marriage?
That is absolutely not true. Atheism maintains that there is no God. The federal gov't does not. In fact, it gives special tax breaks for churches.
The federal government is pushing the atheist agenda. It doesn't matter what it actually says it does. It's what it does.
Why should gay marriage be allowed under a secular government? Who says? You?

I have always maintained that the gov't should not be involved in marriage at all.

But, since out federal, state and local governments bestow special privileges on married couples, yes they should recognize any marriage between two consenting adults.
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