It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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I wish all you people could experience the end result of when a government makes atheist laws. Live in North Korea, China, or Cuba for a year. Then come back and tell us how you liked it.

Those nations are not what they are because they have secular gov'ts. To claim they are is ridiculous.

And no one is forbidding you from worshipping as you choose.
Those nations are not what they are because they have secular gov'ts. To claim they are is ridiculous.

And no one is forbidding you from worshipping as you choose.
It's because so-called secular govt is a myth. It's all atheist government. And in Communist countries which are all atheist, they damn well ARE forbidding you to worship as you choose.
It's because so-called secular govt is a myth. It's all atheist government. And in Communist countries which are all atheist, they damn well ARE forbidding you to worship as you choose.

Yes, those communist countries ARE forbidding you from worshipping as you choose.

But the US gov't is secular and do not forbid you from worshipping as you choose.
Yes, those communist countries ARE forbidding you from worshipping as you choose.

But the US gov't is secular and do not forbid you from worshipping as you choose.
No, it's atheist and it does forbid you from worshipping as you choose as I showed in the case of the baker, florist, photographer, and organist.
Except your religion of atheism is inferior and should be replaced by christianity as the religion pushed by our government.
Where In Hell did Jesus tell His followers to seize Earth political power and use it to push anything?!?!? Jesus said "My Kingdom is not part of this World" and "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness..." I don't think you're going to find His Kingdom by beating people over their heads until they bow down and worship you. Did Jesus, while on Earth, take over an Earthly government and then beat people over their heads? No? But you do? Please answer this. Is it your ultimate goal to prove to everyone that you're a better Christian than Jesus?
Except your religion of atheism is inferior and should be replaced by christianity as the religion pushed by our government.
Inferior, not according to the Constitution, all religions are to be treated equally and without favoritism.
Again, you are confusing worship and commerce.
Private enterprises can refuse service because of unsanitary conditions like walking into a place barefooted. We've all seen those signs no shoes no shirt no service. That is acceptable. But they also have rules and laws to follow and they can't refuse service because they are bigoted. Where would that end ? It's called segregation.
Private enterprises can refuse service because of unsanitary conditions like walking into a place barefooted. We've all seen those signs no shoes no shirt no service. That is acceptable. But they also have rules and laws to follow and they can't refuse service because they are bigoted. Where would that end ? It's called segregation.
Sorry, but violating long-standing Christian teaching with government policies is government pushing atheism. The obvious and simple solution is for the gay couple to go to another baker or photographer. But they won't do that. Why? Because this isn't about being denied; it's about actively pushing a legal outcome.

Funny how this is not a two way street. Customers may refuse to deal with a business for whatever reason they choose. It should be the same for a business. It's really none of government's damn business who a business decides to deal with.
Sorry, but violating long-standing Christian teaching with government policies is government pushing atheism. The obvious and simple solution is for the gay couple to go to another baker or photographer. But they won't do that. Why? Because this isn't about being denied; it's about actively pushing a legal outcome.
I I know you have to read the commerce laws. Religious groups can't do that. It would be akin to forcing their beliefs on the public. You either serve or you get out of the business.
I I know you have to read the commerce laws. Religious groups can't do that. It would be akin to forcing their beliefs on the public. You either serve or you get out of the business.
Atheists are forcing their beliefs on Christians, and you're somehow fine with that.
Atheism isn't equal. It's harmful. It should be banned from government.
Well atheism is officially classified as a religion. And as far as I'm concerned all religions are garbage, and you're partially right they should all be banned so people can move ahead and move on with their lives and be responsible for themselves. Not relying on gods to ask help from or to blame when things go wrong. Self-determination is always the best policy.
Atheists are forcing their beliefs on Christians, and you're somehow fine with that.
Beyond "God does not exist", atheist don't have beliefs. I'm religious, I don't agree with atheists. but the gov is secular. Not the same thing. The gov lets me worship the way I want.
Well atheism is officially classified as a religion. And as far as I'm concerned all religions are garbage, and you're partially right they should all be banned so people can move ahead and move on with their lives and be responsible for themselves. Not relying on gods to ask help from or to blame when things go wrong. Self-determination is always the best policy.
It's not. The USSC ruling simply states that it is considered as a religion for freedom of expression purposes. Not the same thing.
Atheists are forcing their beliefs on Christians, and you're somehow fine with that.
No we need to speak out it's because their rights have been infringed upon by Christians. When I was growing up back in the 50s and 60s no one even questioned the churches. They ruled the schools and basically the government too. We are mostly a Christian Nation then and no one questioned that they could be doing things counterproductive to society. We learned to do much better.
No it isn't harmful.

And, as I have said many times, feel free to try to put through a constitutional amendment to remove the 1st amendment.
You keep saying atheism is harmful. It couldn't be any more harmful than Christianity has been to society. Why do you think it took over 50 years for gay people to have equal rights to marry. All that anti-gay stuff came from the religious community. Why do you think women didn't get the vote until the 20th century. Protestants especially Baptist in the South bought against it. Why do you think blacks didn't get equality until the 1960s ? When religions tell you you're the chosen people it gives them reasons to declare themselves as Aryan races, and do horrible things like the Holocaust. That was Christian on Jew. There are instances of Jews on Christians but that goes back a lot further. And don't forget the Muslims. I wanted to get back to your original point that we should become a Christian Nation. You can't even get a majority support from the religious community for such a call to action. What makes you think it's more worthy and it's even possible in this day and age.
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