It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Ah, the more I read my OP, the more fired up I am to push it. It is my commitment to get people to think about this. Atheism is the most vile cancer we can force upon people, and that is exactly what the government is doing and wants to do more of. Atheism has been allowed to creep in under the guise of separation of church and state. It is time to publicly recognize such separation is IMPOSSIBLE and stop trying. The only alternative to atheism is Christianity. Atheism is bad. Christianity--Jesus' perfect teaching -- is good. We want the best for our citizens, don't we? Of course we do!. We should do everything we can to help people live as close to perfect lives as they can. Lives like Jesus lived. What a tremendous goal! What greater service can we offer them?
Ah, the more I read my OP, the more fired up I am to push it. It is my commitment to get people to think about this. Atheism is the most vile cancer we can force upon people, and that is exactly what the government is doing and wants to do more of. Atheism has been allowed to creep in under the guise of separation of church and state. It is time to publicly recognize such separation is IMPOSSIBLE and stop trying. The only alternative to atheism is Christianity. Atheism is bad. Christianity--Jesus' perfect teaching -- is good. We want the best for our citizens, don't we? Of course we do!. We should do everything we can to help people live as close to perfect lives as they can. Lives like Jesus lived. What a tremendous goal! What greater service can we offer them?
When are you going to go walking from town to town, surviving on the goodness of the people to preach your new brand of Christianity? I look forward to seeing you in my neighborhood, but you will likely be picked up by the police for vagrancy.
Perhaps a bit more serious than that:
"We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one." 1John 5:19
Although I believe in a natural GOD, I do not believe in the devil. People, themselves, are responsible for the evil they create.
My point exactly. You figured it out! Bravo!

Now, where did you learn that bullshit?
Jim Jones- Wikipedia. James Warren Jones ( May 13th, 1931-November 18th, 1978 ) was an American cult leader, political activist, preacher and faith healer who led the Peoples Temple, a new religious movement between 1955 to 1978. And we all know the rest of the story, this religious zealot madman was responsible for the death of hundreds. The religious state that Mashmont is proposing would eventually be responsible for the death of millions. His religious laws if ever codified into secular law would become harsher and harsher. Homosexuality would be met with the death penalty, as would adulterers and all this will be done in the name of their god. Just like what is happening in Iran today, except they're just keeping it exclusively to homosexuals I've never heard of adulterer being stoned to death there or thrown off a building and executed in that style just because of who they are. Which of course they deem as a sin while they live and keep adding to their sins. The idea of a religious State might sound good but it always goes bad absolute power corrupts absolutely. The desire to have a religious state, is a desire for power over others. It has nothing to do with GOD.
Are you nuts? Biblical slavery was mostly about the women and children and the odd men you had not slaughtered in battle. And that was not a whole barrel of fun.
And those women were, for all intents and purposes, sex slaves.

Yet it was 'not as bad' as modern slavery. The disgusting logical pretzels these guys will tie themselves into so they can justify some of the worst acts in in history is astounding.
Jim Jones- Wikipedia. James Warren Jones ( May 13th, 1931-November 18th, 1978 ) was an American cult leader, political activist, preacher and faith healer who led the Peoples Temple, a new religious movement between 1955 to 1978. And we all know the rest of the story, this religious zealot madman was responsible for the death of hundreds. The religious state that Mashmont is proposing would eventually be responsible for the death of millions. His religious laws if ever codified into secular law would become harsher and harsher. Homosexuality would be met with the death penalty, as would adulterers and all this will be done in the name of their god. Just like what is happening in Iran today, except they're just keeping it exclusively to homosexuals I've never heard of adulterer being stoned to death there or thrown off a building and executed in that style just because of who they are. Which of course they deem as a sin while they live and keep adding to their sins. The idea of a religious State might sound good but it always goes bad absolute power corrupts absolutely. The desire to have a religious state, is a desire for power over others. It has nothing to do with GOD.
In a 1976 phone conversation with John Maher, Jones claimed to be an agnostic and or an atheist.
And those women were, for all intents and purposes, sex slaves.

Yet it was 'not as bad' as modern slavery. The disgusting logical pretzels these guys will tie themselves into so they can justify some of the worst acts in in history is astounding.
Asher said slavery was moral in Jesus' time. I guess he disagrees with you. And he's a leftist Jew.
Asher said slavery was moral in Jesus' time. I guess he disagrees with you. And he's a leftist Jew.
Being moral in a time and place does not equate being good. See my posts about morals being variable by time, place and culture and not being these immutable things.
Asher said slavery was moral in Jesus' time. I guess he disagrees with you. And he's a leftist Jew.
Is that really the best you can do?

Hide behind Asher.

You are so morally bankrupt that when realizing how evil it is to pretend such butchery is a fine and dandy you have to try and push it off on someone else. Try again.

I am convinced you are a poe, no one is this far gone.
Is that really the best you can do?

Hide behind Asher.

You are so morally bankrupt that when realizing how evil it is to pretend such butchery is a fine and dandy you have to try and push it off on someone else. Try again.

I am convinced you are a poe, no one is this far gone.
I've already explained the difference if you go back and read the posts. Biblical slavery was really someone who was in debt who couldn't pay it. It was a way for them and their families to eat and be taken care of without having to go to prison, be tortured, or put to death. It was nothing like colonial black slavery in which finances and debt had nothing to do with it. They were flat-out coerced. No alternative.
I've already explained the difference if you go back and read the posts. Biblical slavery was really someone who was in debt who couldn't pay it. It was a way for them and their families to eat and be taken care of without having to go to prison, be tortured, or put to death. It was nothing like colonial black slavery in which finances and debt had nothing to do with it. They were flat-out coerced. No alternative.
Yes, you asserted that many times.

It is a lie. The lie has been pointed out to you many times. You persist in the lie. Jews were directed in God's law to purchase their slaves from the heathen around them. Those are not debt slaves. They were instructed to take virgin slaves from conquest. Those are not debt slaves. They were told how to take a debt slave and make them property for life. Those people were no longer debt slaves.

You lie and lie and lie about what the text actually says. The majority of the slavery in the bible is not debt slavery. It is the buying and selling of people who are slaves for life based on being a Jew or not being a Jew as well as sex slaves taken in wartime.

These people were flat out coerced. And they could be dealt with in almost any manner that pleased the master. Should they wish to beat them endlessly, that was fine and dandy. As long as they did not go blind or die within a few days. Even in the south that kind of brutality was generally illegal.
Are you nuts? Biblical slavery was mostly about the women and children and the odd men you had not slaughtered in battle. And that was not a whole barrel of fun.
Massmont doesn't even know the truth, yeah he thinks he understands his god's mind.
Yes, you asserted that many times.

It is a lie. The lie has been pointed out to you many times. You persist in the lie. Jews were directed in God's law to purchase their slaves from the heathen around them. Those are not debt slaves. They were instructed to take virgin slaves from conquest. Those are not debt slaves. They were told how to take a debt slave and make them property for life. Those people were no longer debt slaves.

You lie and lie and lie about what the text actually says. The majority of the slavery in the bible is not debt slavery. It is the buying and selling of people who are slaves for life based on being a Jew or not being a Jew as well as sex slaves taken in wartime.

These people were flat out coerced. And they could be dealt with in almost any manner that pleased the master. Should they wish to beat them endlessly, that was fine and dandy. As long as they did not go blind or die within a few days. Even in the south that kind of brutality was generally illegal.
If you have read my explanation, why do you keep asking me for it? You say I lie, yet you won't and can't debunk what I said. So there's no point in asking me again or repeating the same old stuff.
If you have read my explanation, why do you keep asking me for it? You say I lie, yet you won't and can't debunk what I said. So there's no point in asking me again or repeating the same old stuff.
I think he just did. You're just not listening. Remember these were Jews that consider themselves the chosen people of God. They could do anything they wanted, and they did. In their god's name, they committed every type of atrocity possible including genocide murdering women children, even there their animals because they were " unclean " . How on Earth can an animal be sinful ? It's absolute nonsense, but they gobbled it all up just as you're gobbling it all up. It's just another stupid religion. I swear to GOD, religion has nothing to do with God it's probably the antithesis, the devil you speak of.
I think he just did. You're just not listening. Remember these were Jews that consider themselves the chosen people of God. They could do anything they wanted, and they did. In their god's name, they committed every type of atrocity possible including genocide murdering women children, even there their animals because they were " unclean " . How on Earth can an animal be sinful ? It's absolute nonsense, but they gobbled it all up just as you're gobbling it all up. It's just another stupid religion. I swear to GOD, religion has nothing to do with God it's probably the antithesis, the devil you speak of.
Jesus' teachings are perfect, and full of great people who have done amazing works of charity. So many great selfless men and women, priests, and sisters who have devoted their lives to helping others. Why do you deny that?
He was an atheist who was going to build a center in the USSR.
Right and atheist who was a preacher, manipulated religious dogma to entrap a whole bunch of innocent people into a fake new religion. Of course you're f****** right, what an idiot !
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