It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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strollingbones let me clarify....

...all one has to believe to be a Christian is that God so loved man, that God chose to be born into this world - through the power of the Holy Spirit - to testify to the truth and suffer death to reconcile justice with mercy. That's it.
let me clarify.... ding...southern baptist require more and do not consider catholics christians and are appalled at the crucifix and the best part they will lie straight to your face
you cant be have to be dunked and you have to be of age to be dunked...and if you aint fucking dunked you aint going to heaven
Whereas I believe anyone can baptize. It's the intent that matters.

Sincere America-loving patriots who want the country and its families to be strong, those working for freedom, those volunteering to help the poor, the pro-life movement, Christian conservatives. They will last and prosper, even though they may face tough times. Marxist atheist groups trying to tear down this country, Antifa, BLM and their rioting and violence, leftwing politicians machinating to steal elections and keep people in a state of dependence, the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood; like the slavery proponents...they will end up on the ash heap of history

NFBW wrote: Mashmont is trying to sell Christian nationalism in a new Catholic version for the United STATES. He is pitting the 1955 “Leave it to Beaver” Good Christian Guys against the 2020 Antifa and BLM bad guys and all their rioting and violence that they inflict on us. It’s the "myth of a golden past," plus opposition to anti-fascism (ANTIFA) with a racially tainted explanation as to which color is causing all the problems (BLM) that didn’t used to annoy us white folks way back when Ward wore the pants in the family and June did the dishes

Christian nationalism is a threat to democracy, according to a German expert on fascism.​

Andrew Seidel of Religion Dispatches interviewed Annika Brockschmidt, the author of the new book, "Amerikas Gotteskrieger: Wie die Religiöse Rechte die Demokratie gefährdet" (roughly translated as “America’s Godly Warriors: How Religious Right Endangers Democracy.")​
"January 6 helped argue the case for fascist tendencies in Christian Nationalism," Brockschmidt said.​
She explained why Germans have a tough time understanding American fascists.​
Germans have had a hard time understanding what’s going on in the US; most probably don’t know about the homegrown fascist movement, and, in a sense, how could they? We remember a United States that fought the Nazis,” she said.​
And she explained that she does not think the comparisons between America today and 1930s Germany are overblown.​
The signs of fascism that Brockschmidt listed include a "myth of a golden past," describing enemies as "not real Americans," veneration of law and order, and anti-intellectualism.She also noted the "creation of unreality or a separate reality."​
RELATED: Republicans now openly embrace violent fascism “QAnon is the 2021 version of the blood libel," she said.​
#2. BLM Attacks the Family
BLM officially pledges to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure…”

I would like to know if Mortimer considers the large percentage of black Americans who attend church regularly in in their Western-prescribed nuclear family structure are anti-family and unAmerican and bad Christians if they support BLN as mostv of them do? 22FEB04-POST#666 Oh damn I got the 666
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NFBW wrote: Mashmont is trying to sell Christian nationalism in a new Catholic version for the United STATES. He is pitting the 1955 “Leave it to Beaver” Good Christian Guys against the 2020 Antifa and BLM bad guys and all their rioting and violence that they inflict on us. It’s the "myth of a golden past," plus opposition to anti-fascism (ANTIFA) with a racially tainted explanation as to which color is causing all the problems (BLM) that didn’t used to annoy us white folks way back when Ward wore the pants in the family and June did the dishes

Christian nationalism is a threat to democracy, according to a German expert on fascism.​
Andrew Seidel of Religion Dispatches interviewed Annika Brockschmidt, the author of the new book, "Amerikas Gotteskrieger: Wie die Religiöse Rechte die Demokratie gefährdet" (roughly translated as “America’s Godly Warriors: How Religious Right Endangers Democracy.")​
"January 6 helped argue the case for fascist tendencies in Christian Nationalism," Brockschmidt said.​
She explained why Germans have a tough time understanding American fascists.​
Germans have had a hard time understanding what’s going on in the US; most probably don’t know about the homegrown fascist movement, and, in a sense, how could they? We remember a United States that fought the Nazis,” she said.​
And she explained that she does not think the comparisons between America today and 1930s Germany are overblown.​
The signs of fascism that Brockschmidt listed include a "myth of a golden past," describing enemies as "not real Americans," veneration of law and order, and anti-intellectualism.She also noted the "creation of unreality or a separate reality."​
RELATED: Republicans now openly embrace violent fascism “QAnon is the 2021 version of the blood libel," she said.​

I would like to know if Mortimer considers the large percentage of black Americans who attend church regularly in in their Western-prescribed nuclear family structure are anti-family and unAmerican and bad Christians if they support BLN as mostv of them do? 22FEB04-POST#666 Oh damn I got the 666
1. Jan 6 wasn't an insurrection. Insurrections involve weapons. These were sincere protests objecting to a stolen election. Like Charlottesville, this was an event that was perpetrated by the far left, then taken over by the Marxist media to blame the right and overblow the event. Meanwhile same media is silent on the violent deadly nightly riots by leftist thug groups in 2020.

2. Family unity in the 1950s was no myth. The nuclear family did much better then, including black families.

3. Blaming the right for what only the left is doing is a common textbook for leftist radicals. Right now they're covering up their own massive violence by focusing on one event that they initiated and are exaggerating.
This is a lie.

Those free from religion don’t seek to force anyone to do anything – unlike Christo-fascists.

And the great majority of liberals are Christian, even more are persons of faith; what liberals appropriately oppose is the right’s use of religion as a political weapon in an effort to discriminate, oppress, and disadvantage through force of law, to codify religious dogma into secular law intended to advance the right’s agenda of racism, bigotry, and hate.
Liberals are Christian as much as the devil is
Maybe because, and I'm going on a limb here, but because he's not Catholic. He's a CINO.
It's pretty simple. President Trump follows Catholic teaching better than Biden; therefore Trump is a better Catholic than Biden.
It's pretty simple. President Trump follows Catholic teaching better than Biden; therefore Trump is a better Catholic than Biden.
Neither of President Biden nor President Trump have lived lives guided by the ideals taught in the Catholic faith. In fact, no one can meet the ideals of the Catholic faith at all times. The times that truly matter are the life-changers.

For example, life changing moments for President Trump would have been remaining faithful and married to his first wife. The fact that he did not changed lives.

Life changing moments for President Biden: If he stood for pro-life, he might have had to give up his political life. We also know of the crooked deals he made (along with his son) to put millions into the Biden coffers. He has lied so often there came a time where he truly could not tell the difference between truth and lie.

Both men can honestly say, "I did not live my life the Catholic Way--I did it My Way.
Neither of President Biden nor President Trump have lived lives guided by the ideals taught in the Catholic faith. In fact, no one can meet the ideals of the Catholic faith at all times. The times that truly matter are the life-changers.

For example, life changing moments for President Trump would have been remaining faithful and married to his first wife. The fact that he did not changed lives.

Life changing moments for President Biden: If he stood for pro-life, he might have had to give up his political life. We also know of the crooked deals he made (along with his son) to put millions into the Biden coffers. He has lied so often there came a time where he truly could not tell the difference between truth and lie.

Both men can honestly say, "I did not live my life the Catholic Way--I did it My Way.
With Trump, what he did was decades ago. I am talking about how he governed as president. His judicial appointments and his dedication to the pro-life cause were far more "Catholic" than Biden's ongoing career as an anti-life and corrupt politician.
With Trump, what he did was decades ago. I am talking about how he governed as president. His judicial appointments and his dedication to the pro-life cause were far more "Catholic" than Biden's ongoing career as an anti-life and corrupt politician.
A person may do things that Catholics favor, but it does not make that person a Catholic. My husband does a lot more things that Catholics favor, but he is still an atheist.

As for President Biden: When he says he is Catholic, I shrug because I think of him as clueless. When I hear speaker Pelosi say she is Catholic, I actually shudder because she is not clueless. She is evil. One thing I will say about Hitler is that when he started his regime/reign, he never professed to still being Catholic. Not so Pelosi.
It's pretty simple. President Trump follows Catholic teaching better than Biden; therefore Trump is a better Catholic than Biden.
Except of course literally nothing about the entire family, much less the man follows Catholic teaching except in what not to do. There isn't a cardinal sin they didn't violate on a monthly basis.
A person may do things that Catholics favor, but it does not make that person a Catholic. My husband does a lot more things that Catholics favor, but he is still an atheist.

As for President Biden: When he says he is Catholic, I shrug because I think of him as clueless. When I hear speaker Pelosi say she is Catholic, I actually shudder because she is not clueless. She is evil. One thing I will say about Hitler is that when he started his regime/reign, he never professed to still being Catholic. Not so Pelosi.
Obviously. My statement that Trump was a better Catholic that Biden obviously meant that he governed more in accordance with Catholic teaching than Biden the alleged Catholic.
As for Pelosi, we can both agree she is evil. She will have much to answer for relatively soon. My hope is that she publicly repents before she dies and renounces her position on abortion. I've never seen any leftwing politician do this, but there is always hope.
Except of course literally nothing about the entire family, much less the man follows Catholic teaching except in what not to do. There isn't a cardinal sin they didn't violate on a monthly basis.
You don't like Trump because he defended human life and worked against the Marxists. We get it. But most who love America, love this guy.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to formally declare America a Christian nation.

If some of the framers intended to separate Church and state (which is not 100% certain), then it’s time to correct that mistake. it’s time for a Constitutional Amendment to declare Christianity the official belief of the United States. Here’s why:

The intent of any such separation was to prevent any single denomination from dominating or punishing members of another through government. The idea was to be religion-neutral. Noble enough. But the framers made a few critical miscalculations: They incorrectly assumed:

1. That “good” laws and “Christian” laws could be separated. They can’t. There is 100% overlap. You can’t have laws that help the people without them being Christian laws.
2. That a belief vacuum is possible in our laws. It isn’t, because the opposite of religion isn’t nothing; it’s atheism.

That’s right. When you attempt to ban Christian laws, you only allow atheist laws.

Forcing Christian groups to pay for abortions and birth control for their employees.
Forcing Christian florists, photographers, and bakers to participate in gay weddings.
Distributing condoms in government schools to teens and preteens, suggesting that sex among these immature and obviously unmarried students is morally acceptable.
Using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions abroad.
Banning the Ten Commandments from government buildings (while flying the rainbow flag).
Banning the Nativity Scenes from government buildings.
Government sanction of Kwanzaa celebrations (a made-up racist ‘holiday’).
Disallowing references to Christmas in the public schools.
Teaching Critical Race Theory (which divides people and promotes hate).
Allowing gay marriage.

This is why the left screeches so loudly about “keeping religion out of government”. It’s because they know their atheism gets free reign if it doesn’t have to compete against Christianity.

The solution is two part: First, BAN atheism and atheistic views from being promoted by all media outlets. We’ve had such decency laws before. Hollywood enacted such standards in 1934 (that have since been repealed, unfortunately). Get rid of all the immoral trash in the movies and TV. Disallow the leftwing media from promoting atheist Marxism and other atheist policies. Then, secondly promote a Constitutional Amendment to make Christianity the official belief of the land. Then we end the abortion debate, the race-baiting issue, and the anti-capitalist pro-socialist issue once and for all. The country would once again be following God’s plan, church attendance would rise again, couples would marry instead of cohabitating, the gay marriage ruling would be repealed, families would stay together and be stronger, children would grow up in two-parent homes, so there would be far less crime. And best of all, ALL Marixst atheist disinformation would be stifled, and our children would stop being poisoned by it.

Let’s do it NOW!!

“It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.”​

I agree….while we’re at it lets really make leftist filth piss and declare it to be a white english speaking nation as well.

What is “white” English Mashmont ?
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to formally declare America a Christian nation.

If some of the framers intended to separate Church and state (which is not 100% certain), then it’s time to correct that mistake. it’s time for a Constitutional Amendment to declare Christianity the official belief of the United States. Here’s why:

The intent of any such separation was to prevent any single denomination from dominating or punishing members of another through government. The idea was to be religion-neutral. Noble enough. But the framers made a few critical miscalculations: They incorrectly assumed:

1. That “good” laws and “Christian” laws could be separated. They can’t. There is 100% overlap. You can’t have laws that help the people without them being Christian laws.
2. That a belief vacuum is possible in our laws. It isn’t, because the opposite of religion isn’t nothing; it’s atheism.

That’s right. When you attempt to ban Christian laws, you only allow atheist laws.

Forcing Christian groups to pay for abortions and birth control for their employees.
Forcing Christian florists, photographers, and bakers to participate in gay weddings.
Distributing condoms in government schools to teens and preteens, suggesting that sex among these immature and obviously unmarried students is morally acceptable.
Using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions abroad.
Banning the Ten Commandments from government buildings (while flying the rainbow flag).
Banning the Nativity Scenes from government buildings.
Government sanction of Kwanzaa celebrations (a made-up racist ‘holiday’).
Disallowing references to Christmas in the public schools.
Teaching Critical Race Theory (which divides people and promotes hate).
Allowing gay marriage.

This is why the left screeches so loudly about “keeping religion out of government”. It’s because they know their atheism gets free reign if it doesn’t have to compete against Christianity.

The solution is two part: First, BAN atheism and atheistic views from being promoted by all media outlets. We’ve had such decency laws before. Hollywood enacted such standards in 1934 (that have since been repealed, unfortunately). Get rid of all the immoral trash in the movies and TV. Disallow the leftwing media from promoting atheist Marxism and other atheist policies. Then, secondly promote a Constitutional Amendment to make Christianity the official belief of the land. Then we end the abortion debate, the race-baiting issue, and the anti-capitalist pro-socialist issue once and for all. The country would once again be following God’s plan, church attendance would rise again, couples would marry instead of cohabitating, the gay marriage ruling would be repealed, families would stay together and be stronger, children would grow up in two-parent homes, so there would be far less crime. And best of all, ALL Marixst atheist disinformation would be stifled, and our children would stop being poisoned by it.

Let’s do it NOW!!
If you're looking for a modern Torquemada I'd like to submit my candidacy. I'm have an affinity for ancient torture machines and I'm a smoker so I can easily light the conflagrations with heretics tied to the stakes.
References provided upon request.
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