It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Why do you care what my opinion on this is anyway?

ding wrote: Doesn’t matter if Jefferson was a Christian. - He had Christian values and principles. - Everyone who is raised in America has Christian values and principles 20JAN25-POST#526

. I perceive that you largely
credit the founding of America was primarily based on Christian principles and behavior. I have no problem with that at all. It is problematic for me when professed Christians use that heritage to commit bad behavior. @Mashmont is proposing, regardless how absurd it might be , seeking to pass a law to keep atheists from promoting their belief on public media.

NFBW wrote: According to you it does not matter if I am a practicing Christian for the fact that I am born and raised in America. Therefore I have Christian values and principles when followed. This thread contains a practicing American Christian spewing bad American behavior (that he has every right to do) . When Mashmont uses Jesus Christ to promote an agenda that includes, but is not limited to, stripping Americans, he deems unfit, of their right to express their non/belief in the God of the Bible in public and in the media and not based on behavior but on the idea that they hold such a is wrong.

Americans of good standing from outside the churched realm should not necessarily be the only ones here condemning Mashmont ’s unAmerican behavior. Nor should they be the only one’s defending the rights of minorities such as atheists. And let’s cease with the crap that they are all evil anti/Christs.

I’m also trying to make the far larger point that when non-Christians criticize a Christian’s behavior the argument for the defense should not automatically default (the Correll doctrine) to the critic being anti/Christian if and when political and moral issues like abortion are the topic.

THAT’s all ding / glad we at least agree that the right to be an atheist and are welcomed in a multicultural America to present their views on the ideological market place is well protected. 22FEB02-POST#0643
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ding wrote: Doesn’t matter if Jefferson was a Christian. - He had Christian values and principles. - Everyone who is raised in America has Christian values and principles 20JAN25-POST#526

NFBW wrote: According to you it does not matter if I am a practicing Christian for the fact that I am born and raised in America. Therefore I have Christian values and principles when followed. This thread contains a practicing American Christian spewing bad American behavior (that he has every right to do) . When Mashmont uses Jesus Christ to promote an agenda that includes, but is not limited to, stripping Americans, he deems unfit, of their right to express their non/belief in the God of the Bible in public and in the media and not based on behavior but on the idea that they hold such a is wrong.

Americans of good standing from outside the churched realm should not necessarily be the only ones here condemning Mashmont ’s unAmerican behavior. Nor should they be the only one’s defending the rights of minorities such as atheists. And let’s cease with the crap that they are all evil anti/Christs.

I’m also trying to make the far larger point that when non-Christians criticize a Christian’s behavior the argument for the defense should not automatically default (the Correll doctrine) to the critic being anti/Christian if and when political and moral issues like abortion are the topic.

THAT’s all ding / glad we at least agree that the right to be an atheist and are welcomed in a multicultural America to present their views on the ideological market place is well protected. 22FEB02-POST#0643
You didn't answer the question though. Why do you care what my opinion on this is anyway? What possible bearing can it have?
What possible bearing can it have?
NFBW wrote: It’s a step towards universal peace and harmony in the world. When one practicing Trump gaga Catholic like Mashmont Who believes that the election was stolen by atheists comes forward with an un-American proposal to ban atheism from the media, it is great to know that there’s at least one practicing conservative Catholic who objects and is on my side. It is a beautiful thing plus I respect your opinions. 22FEB02-POST#0645
It’s a step towards universal peace and harmony in the world. When one practicing Trump gaga Catholic like Mashmont Who believes that the election was stolen by atheists comes forward with an un-American proposalIt, it is great to know that there’s at least one practicing conservative Catholic who objects And is on my side. It is a beautiful thing plus I respect your opinions.
I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you. I don't have that much power.
Honesty has a lot of power even in small increments
Error eventually fails. That's its nature. So no argument here. But it's been my observation that people have to come to terms with truth in their own due time. You can't make people think, say or do the right thing.
What I find is there is freedom in following perfect rules,
NDBW wrote: The joke is on you then. The perfect rules are everywhere in the universe, not just in your boxi Have you ever heard of a religion called Unitarian Universalist, The second president was a Unitarian. He believed in God but was kind of never on board with the idea of the Holy Trinity. His religion was called Unitarian. Oh it’s nice to step outside of your box once in a while. There’s a kind of freedom there too. Welcome to my world and you wouldn’t be breaking any of my perfect rules to walk around. You are welcome here. 22FEB02-POST#0649
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With perfect rules, there's no need to think at all!
The thing is, there were times when I didn't understand the Catholic rules, especially those regarding sex. Today, they all make perfect sense.
And a stunning victory it was!

Batshit crazy.
Wow. You're still smarting from that, you keep talking about it. lol.
NFBW wrote: It’s a step towards universal peace and harmony in the world. When one practicing Trump gaga Catholic like Mashmont Who believes that the election was stolen by atheists comes forward with an un-American proposal to ban atheism from the media, it is great to know that there’s at least one practicing conservative Catholic who objects and is on my side. It is a beautiful thing plus I respect your opinions. 22FEB02-POST#0645
Boy, it really irks you that President Trump is a better Catholic than Biden.
The thing is, there were times when I didn't understand the Catholic rules, especially those regarding sex. Today, they all make perfect sense.

Wow. You're still smarting from that, you keep talking about it. lol.
They make no sense at all. Made by people who wanted control. G-d made us sexual beings.
NDBW wrote: The joke is on you then. The perfect rules are everywhere in the universe, not just in your boxi Have you ever heard of a religion called Unitarian Universalist, The second president was a Unitarian. He believed in God but was kind of never on board with the idea of the Holy Trinity. His religion was called Unitarian. Oh it’s nice to step outside of your box once in a while. There’s a kind of freedom there too. Welcome to my world and you wouldn’t be breaking any of my perfect rules to walk around. You are welcome here. 22FEB02-POST#0649
Not really. There is just one set of perfect rules. By definition. Unfortunately, not only was Adams wrong, he was also an anti-Catholic bigot. Unitarians really just make up their own rules, which when you think about it, aren't really rules at all. The real reason people don't follow the true perfect teachings and rules of Jesus is they just think they're too hard. But once you get adjusted to them, they aren't difficult.
They make no sense at all. Made by people who wanted control. G-d made us sexual beings.
Makes perfect sense. Jesus' perfect rules seem tough if you're not used to them and aren't thinking in a Godly way. But once you start doing the right things, the laws are easy to follow.
Boy, it really irks you that President Trump is a better Catholic than Biden.

The opinion that Trump is a better Catholic than Biden coming from someone who believes Trump won the election is as Bogus and absurd as the title of this thread
The opinion that Trump is a better Catholic than Biden coming from someone who believes Trump won the election is as Bogus and absurd as the title of this thread
How is Trump not a better Catholic than Biden? Biden doesn't believe in the most critical teaching of the Catholic Church--protection of human life.
How is Trump not a better Catholic than Biden? Biden doesn't believe in the most critical teaching of the Catholic Church--protection of human life.
Maybe because, and I'm going on a limb here, but because he's not Catholic. He's a CINO.
Maybe because, and I'm going on a limb here, but because he's not Catholic. He's a CINO.
Or that he values being a politician more than he values being a Catholic. People pick and choose their beliefs for any number of reasons. I doubt most Catholics have even read the Catechism and I bet most of those that have don't agree with everything in it. Again... for any number of reasons.

I'm sure Biden sees himself as a good person just as Trump sees himself as a good person. And for that matter most humans. Apparently I am the only person on the planet that does not see himself as a good person.
riddle me this ding you do know 'true christians' do not consider catholics to be christians
First of all I don't know what a true Christian is, Bones. We are all sinners. Secondly, why should I care what others believe about Catholics? They have agency. They have free will. That's on them. That's between them and God. I have never understood or agreed with rival religions attacking each other. It makes no sense at all. It is illogical. I believe we are all called differently.

But yes, I am aware.
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