It's time to GET REAL

This question is for anyone with the integrity to be honest. The rest of you will REMAIN on ignore.

How many of you ever went on a date or any other type of social gathering and decided to ASK the person you were attracted to:

Can I kiss you?
Can I hug you?
Can I put my hands on you?
Can I call you honey or babe?

This nonsense has gone overboard to the point that human emotional interactions are being criminalized, even between spouses.
Now I'm not suggesting that forcing yourself on your partner when they say no is acceptable but let's be real here. Liberals seek to damn near criminalize normal human behavior.

I won't lie. I've gone out on dates or "pussy patrol" and I have NEVER asked for permission to lean into an attempted kiss or hug or squeeze. EVER. I did always read the responses be they verbal or physical and respond appropriately.

Human nature is NOT A CRIMINAL OR BAD ACT.

It's one thing to go in for the kiss when you've read the signals correctly, it's another to force yourself on a woman, grab her pussy when she's given zero signs of interest, or even go in for a kiss when she's clearly recoiling.

The point that you seem to be missing is that all of these women find Trump revolting and wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.
YOU presume the women are

A. Telling the truth
B. Weren't willing participants

AKA, he said she said. ZERO proof
Let us remember...Drumpf ADMITS to this kind of behavior.
This question is for anyone with the integrity to be honest. The rest of you will REMAIN on ignore.

How many of you ever went on a date or any other type of social gathering and decided to ASK the person you were attracted to:

Can I kiss you?
Can I hug you?
Can I put my hands on you?
Can I call you honey or babe?

This nonsense has gone overboard to the point that human emotional interactions are being criminalized, even between spouses.
Now I'm not suggesting that forcing yourself on your partner when they say no is acceptable but let's be real here. Liberals seek to damn near criminalize normal human behavior.

I won't lie. I've gone out on dates or "pussy patrol" and I have NEVER asked for permission to lean into an attempted kiss or hug or squeeze. EVER. I did always read the responses be they verbal or physical and respond appropriately.

Human nature is NOT A CRIMINAL OR BAD ACT.

If there is no form, it's a rape...

Welcome to the Regressive States of America.
Remember how much trouble Todd Akin got into with the left supporting media when he made the statement about LEGITIMATE rape?

This was EXACTLY what he was talking about. "Rape" used to be a SERIOUS crime but the Left trivialized it in the very ways this thread mentions. I knew what he was saying, and I'm sure the left knew, but they were only about DESTROYING the political career of their enemies.
Todd Akin was a moron. Thank god I'm not dealing with his luggage here at home.
I remember chasing girls around in 3rd or 4th grade trying to kiss girls during recess. Today that would have me expelled and under psychological care. It's insane.

I would hope they would lock up a man your age chasing 3rd and 4th grade girls to kiss them.
I know you're trying to be clever but those kinds of jokes are ALWAYS out of bounds imo
Let's just take note of this BS from the left wing. Smear is all they got for Hillary to run on.

What we need to focus on is making sure everyone knows the one most important topic for this election. And it isn't Hillary's email nor Trump's alledged foul mouth.

It is the SCOTUS nominations. They can not be given to Hillary. You don't have to defend Trump. You don't have to like Trump. You don't even have to trust Trump. But you do have to vote for Trump, the alternative might actually end up with nuclear war. Even that is still secondary to the SCOTUS nominations.
This question is for anyone with the integrity to be honest. The rest of you will REMAIN on ignore.

How many of you ever went on a date or any other type of social gathering and decided to ASK the person you were attracted to:

Can I kiss you?
Can I hug you?
Can I put my hands on you?
Can I call you honey or babe?

This nonsense has gone overboard to the point that human emotional interactions are being criminalized, even between spouses.
Now I'm not suggesting that forcing yourself on your partner when they say no is acceptable but let's be real here. Liberals seek to damn near criminalize normal human behavior.

I won't lie. I've gone out on dates or "pussy patrol" and I have NEVER asked for permission to lean into an attempted kiss or hug or squeeze. EVER. I did always read the responses be they verbal or physical and respond appropriately.

Human nature is NOT A CRIMINAL OR BAD ACT.

Sure, but that's not Trump claims to do. His own remarks, as well as the women confirming his claimed behavior never said he considered any verbal or physical responses. or even start with small gestures and judge if or when it might be appropriate to take another step. He goes strait to grabbing he genitals. Only an idiot would see those two approaches as the same.
and none of these women went to the police 10 or so years ago? or submitted the story to magazines? and Hillary expects 50 to 55% of all Americans to believe their stories?
Isn't it odd....nobody the 80s and 90's thinking they might get dragged thru the mud and out spent by a famous, RICH man?
Spin a woman old enough to remember those days?
I don't have to be a woman to recognize bullshit when I see it.
when the polls come in on Monday and Trump is ahead in all 57 swing states, how many more {Former Hot Ladies of the 90's} will be paid 50,000 each to tell their stories?
This question is for anyone with the integrity to be honest. The rest of you will REMAIN on ignore.

How many of you ever went on a date or any other type of social gathering and decided to ASK the person you were attracted to:

Can I kiss you?
Can I hug you?
Can I put my hands on you?
Can I call you honey or babe?

This nonsense has gone overboard to the point that human emotional interactions are being criminalized, even between spouses.
Now I'm not suggesting that forcing yourself on your partner when they say no is acceptable but let's be real here. Liberals seek to damn near criminalize normal human behavior.

I won't lie. I've gone out on dates or "pussy patrol" and I have NEVER asked for permission to lean into an attempted kiss or hug or squeeze. EVER. I did always read the responses be they verbal or physical and respond appropriately.

Human nature is NOT A CRIMINAL OR BAD ACT.

It's one thing to go in for the kiss when you've read the signals correctly, it's another to force yourself on a woman, grab her pussy when she's given zero signs of interest, or even go in for a kiss when she's clearly recoiling.

The point that you seem to be missing is that all of these women find Trump revolting and wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

I have a feeling there are more women that would hook up with Trump than there are women that would hook up with you. Call it a hunch.
This question is for anyone with the integrity to be honest. The rest of you will REMAIN on ignore.

How many of you ever went on a date or any other type of social gathering and decided to ASK the person you were attracted to:

Can I kiss you?
Can I hug you?
Can I put my hands on you?
Can I call you honey or babe?

This nonsense has gone overboard to the point that human emotional interactions are being criminalized, even between spouses.
Now I'm not suggesting that forcing yourself on your partner when they say no is acceptable but let's be real here. Liberals seek to damn near criminalize normal human behavior.

I won't lie. I've gone out on dates or "pussy patrol" and I have NEVER asked for permission to lean into an attempted kiss or hug or squeeze. EVER. I did always read the responses be they verbal or physical and respond appropriately.

Human nature is NOT A CRIMINAL OR BAD ACT.

It's one thing to go in for the kiss when you've read the signals correctly, it's another to force yourself on a woman, grab her pussy when she's given zero signs of interest, or even go in for a kiss when she's clearly recoiling.

The point that you seem to be missing is that all of these women find Trump revolting and wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

I have a feeling there are more women that would hook up with Trump than there are women that would hook up with you. Call it a hunch.

The difference between me and Trump is, I don't have to assault them to get them into bed. When you're gifted with words, as I am, you can just talk the panties right off...I'm smart as fuck, funny, fairly good looking and I rock a fat cock.

Any women interested? Not you, Will.
This question is for anyone with the integrity to be honest. The rest of you will REMAIN on ignore.

How many of you ever went on a date or any other type of social gathering and decided to ASK the person you were attracted to:

Can I kiss you?
Can I hug you?
Can I put my hands on you?
Can I call you honey or babe?

This nonsense has gone overboard to the point that human emotional interactions are being criminalized, even between spouses.
Now I'm not suggesting that forcing yourself on your partner when they say no is acceptable but let's be real here. Liberals seek to damn near criminalize normal human behavior.

I won't lie. I've gone out on dates or "pussy patrol" and I have NEVER asked for permission to lean into an attempted kiss or hug or squeeze. EVER. I did always read the responses be they verbal or physical and respond appropriately.

Human nature is NOT A CRIMINAL OR BAD ACT.

It's one thing to go in for the kiss when you've read the signals correctly, it's another to force yourself on a woman, grab her pussy when she's given zero signs of interest, or even go in for a kiss when she's clearly recoiling.

The point that you seem to be missing is that all of these women find Trump revolting and wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.
YOU presume the women are

A. Telling the truth
B. Weren't willing participants

AKA, he said she said. ZERO proof
Let us remember...Drumpf ADMITS to this kind of behavior.
Have you ever boasted with the girls? Or boys? Not sure which suits you lol.

Point being when you feel comfortable around others you're much more likely to boast or try to build yourself up.

I remember telling my guy friends when I was younger that "that girl could suck the chrome off a bumper" in regards to a bar hook up. Did I actually witness her doing such a thing or was it just trying to make my buddies jelly?

Wake up and stop pretending to be such a fucking prude

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