It's time we admit the obvious

So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?

Many muslims actually support ISIS.
Many Germans also supported the Nazis... Crazy what people will support when the alternative is death
So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?

Christ did not call for or approve of anything you listed.
Did Muhammad call for or approve of what Isis is doing?

What did he say?

Just one of many.

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah
[disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"
Ugly statement
So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?

are you telling me that there has been a Reformation in Islam? i don't think so....

80% of muslims may prefer to lead ordinary peaceful lives but the other 20% are in war against the infidels (us)....but they are all following the same basic Koran and teachings of Muhammad....which includes the so-called 'extreme' teachings....
Have you read the Old Testament, seems they were a lot like the Muslims also.........

Have you read the New Testament? I suggest that you read it then. The "Old Testament" to Christians was replaced by the "New Testament". Get your act together.

lol, another one throws half the Bible under the bus.

It's time we admit the obvious. Radical Islam isn't radical to this president. It's simply a means to an end. Our end.

The creature in the White House is a stinking traitor.....

We're stuck with this creature for another half year but maybe it's time to institute a Presidential recall to prevent future problems like this.....the American people need a better way to stop the Executive Branch from underhanded traitorous actions...

Articles: Why Not Admit the Obvious: The President Won't Blame Them because He Agrees with Them

Articles: Americans Deserve A Presidential Recall Option

The president has killed thousands of ISIS fighters. How many have you killed?

I guess we can interpret that stunned silence as a 'zero'.

Dumbass - no one is showing anything under the bus - but what else could be expected of someone like you? A secular progressive that wouldn't know the Bible from Moby Dick.
So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?

are you telling me that there has been a Reformation in Islam? i don't think so....

80% of muslims may prefer to lead ordinary peaceful lives but the other 20% are in war against the infidels (us)....but they are all following the same basic Koran and teachings of Muhammad....which includes the so-called 'extreme' teachings....
Have you read the Old Testament, seems they were a lot like the Muslims also.........

Have you read the New Testament? I suggest that you read it then. The "Old Testament" to Christians was replaced by the "New Testament". Get your act together.

lol, another one throws half the Bible under the bus.

It's time we admit the obvious. Radical Islam isn't radical to this president. It's simply a means to an end. Our end.

The creature in the White House is a stinking traitor.....

We're stuck with this creature for another half year but maybe it's time to institute a Presidential recall to prevent future problems like this.....the American people need a better way to stop the Executive Branch from underhanded traitorous actions...

Articles: Why Not Admit the Obvious: The President Won't Blame Them because He Agrees with Them

Articles: Americans Deserve A Presidential Recall Option

The president has killed thousands of ISIS fighters. How many have you killed?

I guess we can interpret that stunned silence as a 'zero'.

Dumbass - no one is showing anything under the bus - but what else could be expected of someone like you? A secular progressive that wouldn't know the Bible from Moby Dick.

I know that Leviticus calls for homosexuals to be killed.
are you telling me that there has been a Reformation in Islam? i don't think so....

80% of muslims may prefer to lead ordinary peaceful lives but the other 20% are in war against the infidels (us)....but they are all following the same basic Koran and teachings of Muhammad....which includes the so-called 'extreme' teachings....
Have you read the Old Testament, seems they were a lot like the Muslims also.........

Have you read the New Testament? I suggest that you read it then. The "Old Testament" to Christians was replaced by the "New Testament". Get your act together.

lol, another one throws half the Bible under the bus.

It's time we admit the obvious. Radical Islam isn't radical to this president. It's simply a means to an end. Our end.

The creature in the White House is a stinking traitor.....

We're stuck with this creature for another half year but maybe it's time to institute a Presidential recall to prevent future problems like this.....the American people need a better way to stop the Executive Branch from underhanded traitorous actions...

Articles: Why Not Admit the Obvious: The President Won't Blame Them because He Agrees with Them

Articles: Americans Deserve A Presidential Recall Option

The president has killed thousands of ISIS fighters. How many have you killed?

I guess we can interpret that stunned silence as a 'zero'.

Dumbass - no one is showing anything under the bus - but what else could be expected of someone like you? A secular progressive that wouldn't know the Bible from Moby Dick.

I know that Leviticus calls for homosexuals to be killed.

And your point is? Check out which book of the Bible Leviticus is in....idiot.
Have you read the Old Testament, seems they were a lot like the Muslims also.........

Have you read the New Testament? I suggest that you read it then. The "Old Testament" to Christians was replaced by the "New Testament". Get your act together.

lol, another one throws half the Bible under the bus.

It's time we admit the obvious. Radical Islam isn't radical to this president. It's simply a means to an end. Our end.

The creature in the White House is a stinking traitor.....

We're stuck with this creature for another half year but maybe it's time to institute a Presidential recall to prevent future problems like this.....the American people need a better way to stop the Executive Branch from underhanded traitorous actions...

Articles: Why Not Admit the Obvious: The President Won't Blame Them because He Agrees with Them

Articles: Americans Deserve A Presidential Recall Option

The president has killed thousands of ISIS fighters. How many have you killed?

I guess we can interpret that stunned silence as a 'zero'.

Dumbass - no one is showing anything under the bus - but what else could be expected of someone like you? A secular progressive that wouldn't know the Bible from Moby Dick.

I know that Leviticus calls for homosexuals to be killed.

And your point is? Check out which book of the Bible Leviticus is in....idiot.

Are you saying Christians can pick and choose what they want to believe from the Bible,

but Muslims can't do the same with the Koran?

That's funny,.
Have you read the New Testament? I suggest that you read it then. The "Old Testament" to Christians was replaced by the "New Testament". Get your act together.

lol, another one throws half the Bible under the bus.

The president has killed thousands of ISIS fighters. How many have you killed?

I guess we can interpret that stunned silence as a 'zero'.

Dumbass - no one is showing anything under the bus - but what else could be expected of someone like you? A secular progressive that wouldn't know the Bible from Moby Dick.

I know that Leviticus calls for homosexuals to be killed.

Have you read the New Testament? I suggest that you read it then. The "Old Testament" to Christians was replaced by the "New Testament". Get your act together.

lol, another one throws half the Bible under the bus.

The president has killed thousands of ISIS fighters. How many have you killed?

I guess we can interpret that stunned silence as a 'zero'.

Dumbass - no one is showing anything under the bus - but what else could be expected of someone like you? A secular progressive that wouldn't know the Bible from Moby Dick.

I know that Leviticus calls for homosexuals to be killed.

And your point is? Check out which book of the Bible Leviticus is in....idiot.

Are you saying Christians can pick and choose what they want to believe from the Bible,

but Muslims can't do the same with the Koran?

That's funny,.

And your point is? Check out which book of the Bible Leviticus is in....idiot.

Are you saying Christians can pick and choose what they want to believe from the Bible,

but Muslims can't do the same with the Koran?

That's funny,.

No - it's you that is funny. You simply can't help yourself. It's like "throwing pearls before swine". Hint: YOU are the swine.
lol, another one throws half the Bible under the bus.

I guess we can interpret that stunned silence as a 'zero'.

Dumbass - no one is showing anything under the bus - but what else could be expected of someone like you? A secular progressive that wouldn't know the Bible from Moby Dick.

I know that Leviticus calls for homosexuals to be killed.

I know that Leviticus calls for homosexuals to be killed.

And your point is? Check out which book of the Bible Leviticus is in....idiot.

Are you saying Christians can pick and choose what they want to believe from the Bible,

but Muslims can't do the same with the Koran?

That's funny,.

And your point is? Check out which book of the Bible Leviticus is in....idiot.

Are you saying Christians can pick and choose what they want to believe from the Bible,

but Muslims can't do the same with the Koran?

That's funny,.

No - it's you that is funny. You simply can't help yourself. It's like "throwing pearls before swine". Hint: YOU are the swine.
That was a legitimate question and you dodged it. Want to try and give a real answer?
Dumbass - no one is showing anything under the bus - but what else could be expected of someone like you? A secular progressive that wouldn't know the Bible from Moby Dick.

I know that Leviticus calls for homosexuals to be killed.

And your point is? Check out which book of the Bible Leviticus is in....idiot.

Are you saying Christians can pick and choose what they want to believe from the Bible,

but Muslims can't do the same with the Koran?

That's funny,.

And your point is? Check out which book of the Bible Leviticus is in....idiot.

Are you saying Christians can pick and choose what they want to believe from the Bible,

but Muslims can't do the same with the Koran?

That's funny,.

No - it's you that is funny. You simply can't help yourself. It's like "throwing pearls before swine". Hint: YOU are the swine.
That was a legitimate question and you dodged it. Want to try and give a real answer?

Sure, I'll play your little game. When Christ came, he gave us (Christians) a new way to live. The Desciples were inspired (by God) to write the New Testament, as the path for Christianity.

The Old Testament is the beginning. The New Testament is the fulfillment of the prophecies of a Savior in the Old Testament - that being Yaweh, or The Christ. The New Testament lays out the Church of the Son of God and His promises to those who believe in him.

That good enough for you? Perhaps you should try a local Church....
Have you read the Old Testament, seems they were a lot like the Muslims also.........

Have you read the New Testament? I suggest that you read it then. The "Old Testament" to Christians was replaced by the "New Testament". Get your act together.
Then what did Christ say about gay men? You noticed that women can do the nasty together, I am sure they were voyeurs then..
how about you go somewhere else and start your own thread about gays......
Ok, this thread is for shaking boots from Islam..

Just telling you that Christians live by the "New Testament" not the Old.
You do realize that whenever the Bible states that Jesus spoke from or of the scriptures, it's referring to the Old Testament, right?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
It's time we admit the obvious. Radical Islam isn't radical to this president. It's simply a means to an end. Our end.

The creature in the White House is a stinking traitor.....

We're stuck with this creature for another half year but maybe it's time to institute a Presidential recall to prevent future problems like this.....the American people need a better way to stop the Executive Branch from underhanded traitorous actions...

Articles: Why Not Admit the Obvious: The President Won't Blame Them because He Agrees with Them

Articles: Americans Deserve A Presidential Recall Option

Man...I'd love to observe you in your natural setting for a few days. I'll bet your life is fascinating.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I know that Leviticus calls for homosexuals to be killed.

Are you saying Christians can pick and choose what they want to believe from the Bible,

but Muslims can't do the same with the Koran?

That's funny,.

And your point is? Check out which book of the Bible Leviticus is in....idiot.

Are you saying Christians can pick and choose what they want to believe from the Bible,

but Muslims can't do the same with the Koran?

That's funny,.

No - it's you that is funny. You simply can't help yourself. It's like "throwing pearls before swine". Hint: YOU are the swine.
That was a legitimate question and you dodged it. Want to try and give a real answer?

Sure, I'll play your little game. When Christ came, he gave us (Christians) a new way to live. The Desciples were inspired (by God) to write the New Testament, as the path for Christianity.

The Old Testament is the beginning. The New Testament is the fulfillment of the prophecies of a Savior in the Old Testament - that being Yaweh, or The Christ. The New Testament lays out the Church of the Son of God and His promises to those who believe in him.

That good enough for you? Perhaps you should try a local Church....
And what of verses like Matthew 15:4?
So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?
Muslims that are not radical (those that do not believe literally in the entire Quran) should not be offended by criticism of those that are radical.

...and yes, Christians (those that believe literally in the entire Old Testament) can be called radical.

So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?

are you telling me that there has been a Reformation in Islam? i don't think so....

80% of muslims may prefer to lead ordinary peaceful lives but the other 20% are in war against the infidels (us)....but they are all following the same basic Koran and teachings of Muhammad....which includes the so-called 'extreme' teachings....
Have you read the Old Testament, seems they were a lot like the Muslims also.........
Christianity is built around the New Testament more so than the Old Testament. Christ came along between them. He taught that many of the instructions listed in the Old Testament should not be applied to Christian living.

Not every Muslim belongs to the Muslim far-right. We really should make the distinction.

Every person on the far-right should be viewed with suspicion, regardless of what absurd fairy tales they use to justify their hatred.

So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?
You need to reread Exodus 21
Jesus taught that love was to replace hate. This is a reversal of many of the instructions in Exodus 21. There is no equivalent reversal in the Quran. Radical Muslims (young males especially) welcome the opportunity to control and subjugate women and to get their 72 virgins in the afterlife....after they become suicide bombers and kill innocent people.

The main difference between radical Muslims and radical Christians is that radical Muslims have been instructed in the Quran (numerous times) to kill all that do not share their beliefs. Radical Christians have no such instructions.

To say that radical Islam is not a part of Islam is patently our idiotic President espouses.

All you have to do is READ THE QURAN...The Holy Book of Islamic Faith!
So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?
Muslims that are not radical (those that do not believe literally in the entire Quran) should not be offended by criticism of those that are radical.

...and yes, Christians (those that believe literally in the entire Old Testament) can be called radical.

So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?

are you telling me that there has been a Reformation in Islam? i don't think so....

80% of muslims may prefer to lead ordinary peaceful lives but the other 20% are in war against the infidels (us)....but they are all following the same basic Koran and teachings of Muhammad....which includes the so-called 'extreme' teachings....
Have you read the Old Testament, seems they were a lot like the Muslims also.........
Christianity is built around the New Testament more so than the Old Testament. Christ came along between them. He taught that many of the instructions listed in the Old Testament should not be applied to Christian living.

Not every Muslim belongs to the Muslim far-right. We really should make the distinction.

Every person on the far-right should be viewed with suspicion, regardless of what absurd fairy tales they use to justify their hatred.

So what war are you trying to fight? iSIS or Islam? You call it radical Islam, he calls it a distortion of Islam. Your way insults Muslims with peaceful views of the religion, his insults those who carry that extreme philosophy.

Similar lessons are in the Bible. If a group started killing in the name of the bible... Chopping off hands for, poking out eyes, stoning to death... Would you call them radical Christians?
You need to reread Exodus 21
Jesus taught that love was to replace hate. This is a reversal of many of the instructions in Exodus 21. There is no equivalent reversal in the Quran. Radical Muslims (young males especially) welcome the opportunity to control and subjugate women and to get their 72 virgins in the afterlife....after they become suicide bombers and kill innocent people.

The main difference between radical Muslims and radical Christians is that radical Muslims have been instructed in the Quran (numerous times) to kill all that do not share their beliefs. Radical Christians have no such instructions.

To say that radical Islam is not a part of Islam is patently our idiotic President espouses.

All you have to do is READ THE QURAN...The Holy Book of Islamic Faith!
What do you make of Mathew 15:4 and verses of the like?
It's time we admit the obvious. Radical Islam isn't radical to this president. It's simply a means to an end. Our end.

The creature in the White House is a stinking traitor.....

We're stuck with this creature for another half year but maybe it's time to institute a Presidential recall to prevent future problems like this.....the American people need a better way to stop the Executive Branch from underhanded traitorous actions...

Articles: Why Not Admit the Obvious: The President Won't Blame Them because He Agrees with Them

Articles: Americans Deserve A Presidential Recall Option

The president has killed thousands of ISIS fighters. How many have you killed?

** drop the mic**

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