It's Time White Republicans Stopped Lying to Each Other

White people have been the biggest killers of each other than black people.

You say 800 thousand. I say Jospeh Stalin killed 10 million of his own people in russia

You made the challenge: "Show me a black man who has killed over half a millions Asians" and I answered. Don't make stupid challenges and the truth won't bit you in the ass.

Also Mao is said to have killed close to 50 million of his own people just between 1958 and 1962 and millions more in subsequent years. Mao isn't white.

Whites had 2 World Wars where they were killing each other but the delusions never stop from the racist subculture in the white community.

All Rise!

This mornings lesson


“ From 1894 until the end of World War I, Rwanda, along with Burundi and present-day Tanzania, was part of German East Africa. Belgium claimed it thereafter, becoming the administering authority from 1924 to 1962. During their colonial tenure, the Germans and Belgians ruled Rwanda indirectly through Tutsi monarchs and their chiefs. The colonialists developed the socalled Hamitic hypothesis or myth, which held that the Tutsi and everything humanly superior in Central Africa came from ancient Egypt or Abyssinia. The Europeans regarded Hutu and Twa (about 3% of the population) as inferior to Tutsi. Sixty years of such prejudicial fabrications inflated Tutsi egos inordinately and crushed Hutu feelings, which coalesced into an aggressively resentful inferiority complex.”5​

In America, we were shown the horrors of an attempted genocide that happened in Rwanda. We are told a half story about the Hutus and Tutsi’s that make it look like one side woke up one day and decided to erase the other side. Unless you go to scholars who study Africa or talk to a Rwandan, the America half story is all you know.

Rwanda and Burundi had existed for centuries without European assistance but as a result of the Berlin Conference in 1884, whites decided that Germany could have Rwanda and Burundi. In 1916 Belgian took control of Rwanda and Burundi due to a League of Nations mandate.6 Once Rwanda was colonized by Europeans, the colonizers invented a fake racial hierarchy whereby the Europeans deemed themselves superior, decided that the Tutsis were closer to whites than the Hutus, and in doing so gave Tutsis preference over the Hutus. Under this fake hierarchy Tutsis were deemed more intelligent and were born to rule while Hutu’s were given second class status.

This European construct once put in force limited the employment opportunities and educational attainment of the Hutus. Because the Tutsi were considered by the colonizers as the preferred group, Tutsis were accepted into positions Hutus were not allowed to have. To enforce this system of preference, in 1935 the Belgian colonizers introduced identity cards labeling each individual as Tutsi, Hutu, Twa, or Naturalised. Before that time it had been possible for some Hutus to become “honorary Tutsis”, but the implementation of identity cards eliminated that possibility, thereby cementing Hutu second class status.

All this was based on what is called the Hamidic Hypothesis, which claims that blacks are the cursed descendants of Ham and whites the descendants of Japheth. Using Genesis 9:25 whereby Ham was cursed because he looked upon Noah's nudity, whites have claimed justification for slavery and black second class status. Besides the fact that would have made one of Noahs sons black and the other white, the point is that Europeans created a false history and fake racial superiority between African tribes to control a nation in order to colonize the people living there. Belgium's rule favoring the Tutsi created hatred and animosity. Tensions grew between the groups and in 1959 Rwanda had a revolution whereby the Hutus killed Tutsis, destroyed Tutsi property, and made the Tutsis flee the country. All this was the result of the colonization of Rwanda by Europeans.

To make a long story short, Rwanda was granted independence in 1962. Funny how I say that when they had been independent before the Berlin Conference. Africans are not perfect and that over the centuries before the Berlin Conference there were wars in Africa just like there were everywhere else. However, the 58 years of colonization created periods of strife after Rwanda gained independence. Every once and awhile Tutsis living in surrounding countries would attack and were met with retaliation from Hutus until the 1990 civil war that resulted in the near genocide of the Tutsis. When white Americans start preaching about the ills of Africa as a whataboutism relative to race, it would behoove them mightily to research the history of whatever country they choose to try using to excuse the racism in America.

Paul Magnarella, Explaining Rwanda’s 1994 Genocide, Human Rights and Human Welfare, Volume 2:1 – Winter 2002,

History Of Rwanda, HISTORY OF RWANDA

Troy Riemer, How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide, August 16, 2011, How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

Funny how blacks are never responsible for their actions.

Your justifications aside for the Hutu massacre of 800,000 people, try to remember that Essien made the challenge: "Show me a black man who has killed over half a millions Asians" and I answered. I told him don't make stupid challenges and the truth won't bit you in the ass.

Mao is said to have killed close to 50 million of his own people just between 1958 and 1962 and millions more in subsequent years. Mao isn't white.

You made the challenge: "Show me a black man who has killed over half a millions Asians" and I answered. Don't make stupid challenges and the truth won't bit you in the ass.

Also Mao is said to have killed close to 50 million of his own people just between 1958 and 1962 and millions more in subsequent years. Mao isn't white.

Mao is not black

Find me a black man, like stalin who has killed 10 mill of his own ppl
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Mao is not black

Find me a black man, like stalin who has killed 10 mill of his own ppl

You started with "find me a black man that has killed over 500,000" and you've now bumped it to 10 million. Damn it inflation is a real problem and by what you wrote is obviously affecting everything.

Too fcking funny.
And your point is ?

Gotta say this is funny to me. Black man socks racist white women and her white boyfriend stood by and did nothing lol

My point is Truman avenged the thousands of victims of pearl harbor. Some of them were black. Did you mock a white president for avenging Americans in war? And that racist black man wouldn't have pulled that shit when Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg were mayors he would have known better!
My point is Truman avenged the thousands of victims of pearl harbor. Some of them were black. Did you mock a white president for avenging Americans in war? And that racist black man wouldn't have pulled that shit when Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg were mayors he would have known better!
Trueman killed hald a million Asians in one go. No black man has got to anyway that level when it comes to Asians........and remember I ain't even talked about Nam. You know ? That war the USA got their asses kicked
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Actually the things you say are irrelevant to reality. Where does some dumb ass half white hallf south asian wannabe suffering from internalized racism get off saying anything?

People like you are gettinng beat up by whites and told to go back to your own country.

Most of you are given jobs because of a government program called H1B.

So shut the fuck up. Dinesh D'Souza.

Rik Mehta won the most votes for a Republican in my state's history! And he is Indian American nobody told him to go back to his country! He is a nice guy seems like you are jealous of other minorities! Blacks get hired because of their skin color. You have affirmative action to get ahead.

Rik Mehta won the most votes for a Republican in my state's history! And he is Indian American nobody told him to go back to his country! He is a nice guy seems like you are jealous of other minorities! Blacks get hired because of their skin color. You have affirmative action to get ahead.

He's probably a Juicin type. A white ass kissing - anti blk indian American
Trueman killed hald a million Asians in one go. No black man has got to anyway that level when it comes to Asians........and remember I ain't even talked about Nam. You know ? That war the USA got their asses kicked

Good for Truman! Those people he bombed aligned with the Nazis. My party ended the Vietnam war, And our best two-term president opposed that war. But it's ironic blacks got drafted. You left out that part. How about going to the grave of Presidents Lincoln and LBJ and bringing them flowers? For the civil rights act of 1964! And for ending slavery! You owe my race!

Good for Truman! Those people he bombed aligned with the Nazis. My party ended the Vietnam war, And our best two-term president opposed that war. But it's ironic blacks got drafted. You left out that part. How about going to the grave of Presidents Lincoln and LBJ and bringing them flowers? For the civil rights act of 1964! And for ending slavery! You owe my race!

I’m not here to talk about why. Whites have killed more Asians than blk ppl have n it’s not even close.
Funny how blacks are never responsible for their actions.

Your justifications aside for the Hutu massacre of 800,000 people, try to remember that Essien made the challenge: "Show me a black man who has killed over half a millions Asians" and I answered. I told him don't make stupid challenges and the truth won't bit you in the ass.

Mao is said to have killed close to 50 million of his own people just between 1958 and 1962 and millions more in subsequent years. Mao isn't white.

I don't justify the masscare, no don't get it twisted. What I did was show you the conditions that created the massacre. Because whites such as yourself never want to take responsibility for your actions. Mao was not black. Whites are responsible for over 1 billion dead in India alone. So how about accepting the fact that whites have committed far worse atrocities and those atrocities are worldwide? None of that excuses Idi Amin or Mubutu Sese Seko, but again, we must recognize all the factors instead of ignoring some then boast about how great whites are compared to everybody else.
I’m not here to talk about why. Whites have killed more Asians than blk ppl have n it’s not even close.

You don't get to insult whites. My race fought a war to free your people from slavery. Your race off themselves in record numbers in Chicago. Men, women, and children.
He's probably a Juicin type. A white ass kissing - anti blk indian American

Indians vote 83% democrat, soon they will be higher than blacks because we're bifurcating by education

Unlike African immigrants most Indians feel bad for you.

They don't know you like I do.

Or the African immigrants. Hahahaha

They're anti black too eh?
White Tiktokers are confessing to having slave receipts in their possession. This is their family heirloom that is passed down to new generations. The video shows the receipt of the sale of an 8 year old girl for $530 in 1830s..

He is surprised (which i don't believe) by how many people replied to the initial video because they also have these records in their family as well.

Passing down these receipts like trophies? They probably got some body parts stored away in those attics as mementos as well.

This is not surprsing to me at all.

These are the same people who would kill Black people and pass their body parts around, make oils, cook them, etc...still do.

Those receipts are legally binding contracts...the descendants of those slaves are still the property of the receipt holder. Which is why they're holding on to them.
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530 dollars in 1830/

Jesus christ no wonder slavery collapsed lol. The fuck? We allowed child labor for anyone in 1830 why the fuck would you pay that much for a child?

I'm sure the Nigerians don't keep any records of selling you. Oh wait yes they do

Would still be selling people if the British didn't stop them no doubt. You've got to industrialize before slavery becomes irrational....As you see with this 530 dollar girl. In agrarian societies slavery is a much more appealing thing.
This Kyle Rittenhouse trial is in the news a lot.

But even if Killer Kyle Rittenhouse is found guilty. The white supremacist Judge Schroeder-who pretty much acted as Kyle's defense attorney from day one-will simply toss out any sentencing. So guilty or not guilty, Kyle will be out having a ticker tape parade with white supremacist this weekend


All parties are on CODE ready to celebrate his victory. Giving more privileges for hunting season on Black people. The victims are colletral damages for WS Second Amendment rights.
This Kyle Rittenhouse trial is in the news a lot.

But even if Killer Kyle Rittenhouse is found guilty. The white supremacist Judge Schroeder-who pretty much acted as Kyle's defense attorney from day one-will simply toss out any sentencing. So guilty or not guilty, Kyle will be out having a ticker tape parade with white supremacist this weekend

View attachment 564833#

All parties are on CODE ready to celebrate his victory. Giving more privileges for hunting season on Black people. The victims are colletral damages for WS Second Amendment rights.

It's kenosha wisconsin dude literally everyone involved was white. He may be a white supremacist but he only shot white guys lol so I don't think you can lock him up for that.
This Kyle Rittenhouse trial is in the news a lot.

But even if Killer Kyle Rittenhouse is found guilty. The white supremacist Judge Schroeder-who pretty much acted as Kyle's defense attorney from day one-will simply toss out any sentencing. So guilty or not guilty, Kyle will be out having a ticker tape parade with white supremacist this weekend

View attachment 564833#

All parties are on CODE ready to celebrate his victory. Giving more privileges for hunting season on Black people. The victims are colletral damages for WS Second Amendment rights.
Where did that tripe come from?

1. A white guy shot other white guys. Nothing racial there.
2. Anyone "hunting" black people will face the same consequences after Rittenhouse is set free that they faced before. To believe otherwise is stupid.

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