It's True... I was embarrassed by much of what Trump said..

but what he accomplished and DID I really LIKED!
Attached are some statements and policies that Obama had that :
A) Trump 100% as I did disagreed with and
B) Trump did something about it!
Neither Trump nor millions like me could understand how an environmentally oriented person like Obama would allow 1 million barrel oil tankers to replace the safe 700 barrel per mile Keystone pipeline.
The Kinder Morgan project, named for the Houston pipeline firm that is pushing it, would send 34 tankers a month through international waters of Haro Strait and the Strait of Juan de Fuca Very sensitive waters, these . . . with millions of sockeye salmon bound for the Fraser River, an endangered Orca population surviving on endangered Chinook salmon, and major populations of nesting bald eagles.
Or why Obama would want 1,400 companies to go out of business laying off 450,000 employees and stop paying $100 billion a year in Fed/state/local and property taxes on empty office buildings. Obama preferred that!
Or Obama preferred higher gas prices, skyrocketing utilities and utility companies to go bankrupt.
Trump would never advocate any of the below. Nor would I or millions of Americans.
Sadly we have Biden who advocates these and MORE ways to destroy America.
Folks the facts are hard to argue with. Gas prices are up over 20% in America since Biden banned explorations on government land.
Utility prices are skyrocketing as more wind turbines will be winterized and the subsidies for them will increase.
OH and Obama's record of part-time employees will be resumed as more rigid Obamacare enforcement like this:
If you are a small business with 49 or less employees and you want to hire another full time employee, under Obamacare the employer must now spend a minimum of $14,000/month for healthcare plans for 50 or more employees.
The employer..."hmmm $14,000/month for one more employee? I'll just hire 2 part time employees"!
Watch and see this repeated..
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract By

View attachment 460017
Choice is yours. You want lip service or RESULTS.

Do you wish in one hand and shit gold in another?

You might wanna go easy on the shit references with this OP. We may be forced to point out that he once started a thread on the topic of which hand O'bama wipes his ass with.

Not even slightly making that up.

Which I guess tells us much about Rumpbots.

you need to see a psychiatrist because of your Coprophilia fascination!

Coprophilia is an erotic fascination with feces and general filth and uncleanliness.
When a person experiences some type of sexual pleasure associated with feces, they are called coprophiliacs.

A frank confession. Is that why you created a thread about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with? Because you find it "erotic"?

Weird, dood. :cuckoo:
Surely the Canadians are smart enough to build their own pipeline in their own country and build their own refineries for the sludge they want to pipe to Texass.
Gas at 2 dollars a gallon and less. Not moving up sharply. We will build eco green powerplants to throw your children into at some point. 5 dollars a gallon is coming.
It was .97 cents a gallon last April, what happened?
Surely the Canadians are smart enough to build their own pipeline in their own country and build their own refineries for the sludge they want to pipe to Texass.
Gas at 2 dollars a gallon and less. Not moving up sharply. We will build eco green powerplants to throw your children into at some point. 5 dollars a gallon is coming.

Where is gas at $2.00?

Fact is price is nationally $2.51 /gal NOT $2.00! AVERAGE National price of GAS

FACTS links?
View attachment 460028
Summer time it was one .seventy five or so here. A month before Beijing Biden is sworn in the prices start moving up. A little over 2 bucks to two sixty now. If it drops to 2 bucks I will say something .

That has absolute ZERO to do with "Beijing Biden". Presidents have jack squat to do with gas prices AS YOU KNOW. Don't sit here and peddle bullshit.
I think Trump was the most genuine president in modern history. Almost naively genuine
Exactly! He didn't pretend to be someone he was not, like Biden, Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, etc. He was obviously not a polished politician which was a good thing. Americans have been conditioned to crave pretty lies from Presidents and the Media. What the Left touted as "Trump lies" were exaggerations he used to promote an idea or a policy.
No he's a con man and a grifter. He's so use to telling lies that he starts to believe them himself. The difference is he had a whole delegation of dummies, that deep down know he's a lying fraud. But, he's telling them what they want to hear. So its sweet music to those two things that their mullet or racoon hat covers.
Surely the Canadians are smart enough to build their own pipeline in their own country and build their own refineries for the sludge they want to pipe to Texass.
Gas at 2 dollars a gallon and less. Not moving up sharply. We will build eco green powerplants to throw your children into at some point. 5 dollars a gallon is coming.

Where is gas at $2.00?

Fact is price is nationally $2.51 /gal NOT $2.00! AVERAGE National price of GAS

FACTS links?
View attachment 460028

How is it you have a chart showing prices for 2021, 85% of which hasn't even happened yet?

And why is it not linked?

Is it because you're too busy looking for that link on which hand O'bama wipes his ass with?
Surely the Canadians are smart enough to build their own pipeline in their own country and build their own refineries for the sludge they want to pipe to Texass.
Gas at 2 dollars a gallon and less. Not moving up sharply. We will build eco green powerplants to throw your children into at some point. 5 dollars a gallon is coming.

Where is gas at $2.00?

Fact is price is nationally $2.51 /gal NOT $2.00! AVERAGE National price of GAS

FACTS links?
View attachment 460028

How is it you have a chart showing prices for 2021, 85% of which hasn't even happened yet?

And why is it not linked?

Is it because you're too busy looking for that link on which hand O'bama wipes his ass with?
Hey... I totally have sympathy for a person like you suffering from Coprophilia.
But there is no excuse for you not clicking on the link regarding 2021 gas prices reaching $2.51.

Do you understand when there is generally a line under a text, that's a link? I know you don't do much research on the Internet obviously but helpful hint... when you see something like this in the comment made, just click on the underlined text... and walla! There it is. Now don't click on the image below because that's just an image...not a URL.
Screen Shot 2021-02-21 at 11.25.29 AM.png

Here is the URL ... OK... and be sure to see a psychiatrist for your "coprophiliac" issues!
National Average Gas Price Reaches $2.51
Surely the Canadians are smart enough to build their own pipeline in their own country and build their own refineries for the sludge they want to pipe to Texass.
Gas at 2 dollars a gallon and less. Not moving up sharply. We will build eco green powerplants to throw your children into at some point. 5 dollars a gallon is coming.

Where is gas at $2.00?

Fact is price is nationally $2.51 /gal NOT $2.00! AVERAGE National price of GAS

FACTS links?
View attachment 460028

How is it you have a chart showing prices for 2021, 85% of which hasn't even happened yet?

And why is it not linked?

Is it because you're too busy looking for that link on which hand O'bama wipes his ass with?
Hey... I totally have sympathy for a person like you suffering from Coprophilia.
But there is no excuse for you not clicking on the link regarding 2021 gas prices reaching $2.51.

Do you understand when there is generally a line under a text, that's a link? I know you don't do much research on the Internet obviously but helpful hint... when you see something like this in the comment made, just click on the underlined text... and walla! There it is. Now don't click on the image below because that's just an image...not a URL.
View attachment 460037
Here is the URL ... OK... and be sure to see a psychiatrist for your "coprophiliac" issues!
National Average Gas Price Reaches $2.51

Care to explain how that link somehow "knows" what the price of gas is going to be next August?

It could be lucrative.

Say, can the same site tell us which hand the next president will wipe his ass with? I understand it's like crucial and shit.

All that said, I love the way you named this thread, "It's True... I was embarrassed by much of what Trump said.." and then failed to provide a single example. Even took a snit to ready examples that were fed to you, free of charge.
..nothing to be embarrassed about
1) He told you to inject bleach into your body
2) He said that COVID would disappear like a miracle
3) He said that California forests, if you drop a cigarette the entire forest explodes in a fiery crash because they're so dry
4) He said that Governors have to be nice to him during COVID if they want him to help them
5) When asked about Russian bounties on killing US soldiers he did not respond or say anything.
6) When he lost the election, he said he won and that dead people rose from the grave and voted
7) He said he would have to be dragged out of the White House on January 20th

Just off the top of my head, in the last 6 months of time, there's a lot you have to be embarrassed about. Now, whether you have the human emotion of shame, I don't know.

But you have a lot to be embarrassed about
They got you. A bunch of lies and hyperbole from a desperate media that has to censor people.
That was in the last 6 months alone. I could think of a lot more, like him saying his inaguration crowd was bigger than Obama's on his 1st day in office lmao.

EDIT: The lies started within 60 seconds of his inaguration. It was hilarious.
Know what, you're a far Left kook, rightly to be ignored! Buh bye.
I was embarrassed by much of what Trump said..
but what he accomplished and DID I really LIKED!

No one ever said Trump was a polished politician. Trump had all the polish of a Jeff Spicoli getting a pizza delivered in the middle of class. But he was the all go no show president. He got shit done.

But that wasn't good enough for the Left. They wanted a president who ACTED right. Said all the right stuff. Didn't make people in Montenegro cringe or laugh.

So we got a stuffed shirt now. A pressed suit. A polished career professional politician. All show and no go. He says all the right stuff, SOUNDS good like all the other politicians, but ain't worth a damn. He's got government right back working as it always has--- 99% perfectly great for itself and 1% good for the citizens.

And other countries are still laughing anyway, even harder, not just because the guy's a total ASS, but because America gave up the one thing other nations respected us for to install him.
Surely the Canadians are smart enough to build their own pipeline in their own country and build their own refineries for the sludge they want to pipe to Texass.
Gas at 2 dollars a gallon and less. Not moving up sharply. We will build eco green powerplants to throw your children into at some point. 5 dollars a gallon is coming.

Where is gas at $2.00?

Fact is price is nationally $2.51 /gal NOT $2.00! AVERAGE National price of GAS

FACTS links?
View attachment 460028

How is it you have a chart showing prices for 2021, 85% of which hasn't even happened yet?

And why is it not linked?

Is it because you're too busy looking for that link on which hand O'bama wipes his ass with?
Hey... I totally have sympathy for a person like you suffering from Coprophilia.
But there is no excuse for you not clicking on the link regarding 2021 gas prices reaching $2.51.

Do you understand when there is generally a line under a text, that's a link? I know you don't do much research on the Internet obviously but helpful hint... when you see something like this in the comment made, just click on the underlined text... and walla! There it is. Now don't click on the image below because that's just an image...not a URL.
View attachment 460037
Here is the URL ... OK... and be sure to see a psychiatrist for your "coprophiliac" issues!
National Average Gas Price Reaches $2.51

Care to explain how that link somehow "knows" what the price of gas is going to be next August?

It could be lucrative.

Say, can the same site tell us which hand the next president will wipe his ass with? I understand it's like crucial and shit.

All that said, I love the way you named this thread, "It's True... I was embarrassed by much of what Trump said.." and then failed to provide a single example. Even took a snit to ready examples that were fed to you, free of charge.
Care to explain how come you can't read charts, or maybe your hands are full of feces that you are so sexually charged with?
First of all you don't have to apologize as mentally incompetent people with coprophliac symptoms also have a short attention span.
NOTE there are four years yes... 2018,2019,2020 and 2021.
BUT and here is where your attention issue comes in:
Note there are only 3 lines than span the whole chart!
And to help evidently most people there is a "Flag" at Feb 21 with price $2.51.... but here is the shock...
there is no line for the rest of 2021 because it hasn't occurred.
See you didn't seem to follow ALL 4 lines to their conclusion. Attention to details.
I don't expect an apology for your comments because I totally understand...what you have your hands full of!
Screen Shot 2021-02-21 at 10.58.49 AM.png
I was embarrassed by much of what Trump said..
but what he accomplished and DID I really LIKED!

No one ever said Trump was a polished politician. Trump had all the polish of a Jeff Spicoli getting a pizza delivered in the middle of class. But he was the all go no show president. He got shit done.

But that wasn't good enough for the Left. They wanted a president who ACTED right. Said all the right stuff. Didn't make people in Montenegro cringe or laugh.

So we got a stuffed shirt now. A pressed suit. A polished career professional politician. All show and no go. He says all the right stuff, SOUNDS good like all the other politicians, but ain't worth a damn. He's got government right back working as it always has--- 99% perfectly great for itself and 1% good for the citizens.

And other countries are still laughing anyway, even harder, not just because the guy's a total ASS, but because America gave up the one thing other nations respected us for to install him.
Couldn't agree with you MORE! Trump WAS NOT a polished politician BUT an accomplished businessperson who could get things DONE!
I did a search for the most presidential Peace prize nominations but couldn't find other than Trump's 5 nominations!
So speaking of accomplishments... no wars, 5 peace prizes, I could go on. My point in this OP was while Trump was like many bosses I've had, boisterous, loud, braggarts, HE and they got things done! Trump walked the walk better than any other president!
I was embarrassed by much of what Trump said..
but what he accomplished and DID I really LIKED!

No one ever said Trump was a polished politician. Trump had all the polish of a Jeff Spicoli getting a pizza delivered in the middle of class. But he was the all go no show president. He got shit done.

But that wasn't good enough for the Left. They wanted a president who ACTED right. Said all the right stuff. Didn't make people in Montenegro cringe or laugh.

So we got a stuffed shirt now. A pressed suit. A polished career professional politician. All show and no go. He says all the right stuff, SOUNDS good like all the other politicians, but ain't worth a damn. He's got government right back working as it always has--- 99% perfectly great for itself and 1% good for the citizens.

And other countries are still laughing anyway, even harder, not just because the guy's a total ASS, but because America gave up the one thing other nations respected us for to install him.
Couldn't agree with you MORE! Trump WAS NOT a polished politician BUT an accomplished businessperson who could get things DONE!
I did a search for the most presidential Peace prize nominations but couldn't find other than Trump's 5 nominations!
So speaking of accomplishments... no wars, 5 peace prizes, I could go on. My point in this OP was while Trump was like many bosses I've had, boisterous, loud, braggarts, HE and they got things done! Trump walked the walk better than any other president!
A nomination is not a prize it is a nomination to go into the list of people they will vote on to win. Obama actually won a Nobel Peace Prize Trump did not.
I was embarrassed by much of what Trump said..
but what he accomplished and DID I really LIKED!

No one ever said Trump was a polished politician. Trump had all the polish of a Jeff Spicoli getting a pizza delivered in the middle of class. But he was the all go no show president. He got shit done.

But that wasn't good enough for the Left. They wanted a president who ACTED right. Said all the right stuff. Didn't make people in Montenegro cringe or laugh.

So we got a stuffed shirt now. A pressed suit. A polished career professional politician. All show and no go. He says all the right stuff, SOUNDS good like all the other politicians, but ain't worth a damn. He's got government right back working as it always has--- 99% perfectly great for itself and 1% good for the citizens.

And other countries are still laughing anyway, even harder, not just because the guy's a total ASS, but because America gave up the one thing other nations respected us for to install him.
Couldn't agree with you MORE! Trump WAS NOT a polished politician BUT an accomplished businessperson who could get things DONE!
I did a search for the most presidential Peace prize nominations but couldn't find other than Trump's 5 nominations!
So speaking of accomplishments... no wars, 5 peace prizes, I could go on. My point in this OP was while Trump was like many bosses I've had, boisterous, loud, braggarts, HE and they got things done! Trump walked the walk better than any other president!
A nomination is not a prize it is a nomination to go into the list of people they will vote on to win. Obama actually won a Nobel Peace Prize Trump did not.
obama didnt win it it was given to him under false pretense and lies,,,
Biden/Obama/etc said much more idiotic crap:
..there's NO problem of white supremacy

you don't believe any of that, so w/e. not worth responding to you on it.
here you go:
And here you go. Nobody showed up or cared about Trump lmao.

that's why he WON the election--because no one cared!!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH--you fked up there!!!!!--unwittingly
lost the popular vote. in other words, none of the people cared. just the electoral college

You know, I hate this. Trump did note LOSE the popular vote, this country does NOT HAVE a popular vote. Or more realistically, what this country has is 50 separate popular votes that are then tallied together to determine who becomes president. That's the way this process was intended to work and that's the way the process HAS always worked. That you disagree with that process is meaningless, as is everything else you've posted on this thread.
I was embarrassed by much of what Trump said..
but what he accomplished and DID I really LIKED!

No one ever said Trump was a polished politician. Trump had all the polish of a Jeff Spicoli getting a pizza delivered in the middle of class. But he was the all go no show president. He got shit done.

But that wasn't good enough for the Left. They wanted a president who ACTED right. Said all the right stuff. Didn't make people in Montenegro cringe or laugh.

So we got a stuffed shirt now. A pressed suit. A polished career professional politician. All show and no go. He says all the right stuff, SOUNDS good like all the other politicians, but ain't worth a damn. He's got government right back working as it always has--- 99% perfectly great for itself and 1% good for the citizens.

And other countries are still laughing anyway, even harder, not just because the guy's a total ASS, but because America gave up the one thing other nations respected us for to install him.
Couldn't agree with you MORE! Trump WAS NOT a polished politician BUT an accomplished businessperson who could get things DONE!
I did a search for the most presidential Peace prize nominations but couldn't find other than Trump's 5 nominations!
So speaking of accomplishments... no wars, 5 peace prizes, I could go on. My point in this OP was while Trump was like many bosses I've had, boisterous, loud, braggarts, HE and they got things done! Trump walked the walk better than any other president!
A nomination is not a prize it is a nomination to go into the list of people they will vote on to win. Obama actually won a Nobel Peace Prize Trump did not.
A) We know the difference.
B) Obama had ONLY 1 nomination and it was in his first year! Racial bias at play!
C) The vote hasn't occurred yet! It will be done during the first full week of October, i.e. on 8 October 2021
FACTS with links:2021 Nobel Peace Prize - Wikipedia
I was embarrassed by much of what Trump said..
but what he accomplished and DID I really LIKED!

No one ever said Trump was a polished politician. Trump had all the polish of a Jeff Spicoli getting a pizza delivered in the middle of class. But he was the all go no show president. He got shit done.

But that wasn't good enough for the Left. They wanted a president who ACTED right. Said all the right stuff. Didn't make people in Montenegro cringe or laugh.

So we got a stuffed shirt now. A pressed suit. A polished career professional politician. All show and no go. He says all the right stuff, SOUNDS good like all the other politicians, but ain't worth a damn. He's got government right back working as it always has--- 99% perfectly great for itself and 1% good for the citizens.

And other countries are still laughing anyway, even harder, not just because the guy's a total ASS, but because America gave up the one thing other nations respected us for to install him.
Couldn't agree with you MORE! Trump WAS NOT a polished politician BUT an accomplished businessperson who could get things DONE!
I did a search for the most presidential Peace prize nominations but couldn't find other than Trump's 5 nominations!
So speaking of accomplishments... no wars, 5 peace prizes, I could go on. My point in this OP was while Trump was like many bosses I've had, boisterous, loud, braggarts, HE and they got things done! Trump walked the walk better than any other president!
A nomination is not a prize it is a nomination to go into the list of people they will vote on to win. Obama actually won a Nobel Peace Prize Trump did not.
And the NOBEL committee regretted Obama getting it!
FACTS... with links!!!

In 2015, the ex-secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Geir Lundestad, displayed his regret over the decision. His memoir, Secretary of Peace, expressed, ""No NobelPeace Prize ever elicited more attention than the 2009 prize to Barack Obama." He added, "even many of Obama's supporters believed that the prize was a mistake.
Another interesting is until Trump we weren't taxing internet sales meaning an unfair competitive advantage & free ride, but more than that it was designed knowing it would crush small business a wages.

Anything for China-Joe, Chinese & Amazon right? That's POTUS' Clinton through Obama.

But we're supposed to believe Trump doesn't support the right things, in PROG. For starts PROG is saying one thing doing another.
..nothing to be embarrassed about
1) He told you to inject bleach into your body
2) He said that COVID would disappear like a miracle
3) He said that California forests, if you drop a cigarette the entire forest explodes in a fiery crash because they're so dry
4) He said that Governors have to be nice to him during COVID if they want him to help them
5) When asked about Russian bounties on killing US soldiers he did not respond or say anything.
6) When he lost the election, he said he won and that dead people rose from the grave and voted
7) He said he would have to be dragged out of the White House on January 20th

Just off the top of my head, in the last 6 months of time, there's a lot you have to be embarrassed about. Now, whether you have the human emotion of shame, I don't know.

But you have a lot to be embarrassed about

Quote where he said 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7. It's proven that plenty of dead people voted in the 2020 election, though, once again, Trump didn't say what you said he said in #6.
Biden/Obama/etc said much more idiotic crap:
..there's NO problem of white supremacy

you don't believe any of that, so w/e. not worth responding to you on it.
here you go:
And here you go. Nobody showed up or cared about Trump lmao.

that's why he WON the election--because no one cared!!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH--you fked up there!!!!!--unwittingly
lost the popular vote. in other words, none of the people cared. just the electoral college

You know, I hate this. Trump did note LOSE the popular vote, this country does NOT HAVE a popular vote. Or more realistically, what this country has is 50 separate popular votes that are then tallied together to determine who becomes president. That's the way this process was intended to work and that's the way the process HAS always worked. That you disagree with that process is meaningless, as is everything else you've posted on this thread.

Balderdash. Of course there is a popular vote. It's counted right down to the single unit.

And by that measure Rump lost his two elections by a combined seventeen million. Which is to say, seventeen million (rounded off) voters, given the choice of Rump or somebody else, voted for somebody else.

INCLUDING, it should be noted, the 2016 votes of the states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the "Terrible Three" of the perfect storm. Along with several others including Florida, AridZona and even frickin' UTAH.

There are records of these things.

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