It's True... I was embarrassed by much of what Trump said..

Surely the Canadians are smart enough to build their own pipeline in their own country and build their own refineries for the sludge they want to pipe to Texass.
Author of the article: Reid Southwick • Calgary Herald
Publishing date: Jun 28, 2017 • June 28, 2017
Refinery cost soars to $9.3 billion, prompting call for auditor general review
An oil refinery under construction in northern Alberta — already dubbed a multi-billion-dollar boondoggle by a former Tory minister — is now even more expensive, triggering calls for an investigation by the province’s auditor general.
A recent report by investment bank AltaCorp Capital estimates the Sturgeon plant near Edmonton, Canada’s first refinery in decades, will cost roughly $9.3 billion, up from the previous estimate of $8.5 billion.
At full capacity, North West Refining’s Sturgeon plant would process 78,000 barrels of diluted bitumen into low-sulphur diesel fuel. With an estimated $9.3-billion price tag, the facility will cost $119,200 per barrel.

But again.. Moonglow is so smart about EVERYTHING so I"m sure she knew this!

That would be 78,000 Barrels per day. At 50$ per barrel, what is your payback ?
..nothing to be embarrassed about
What many people, even conservatives, perceived as embarrassing, I saw as uniquely Trump. He had his own quirkiness and charm, if you were perceptive enough to see below the surface, and yet it was very transparent.
exactly--he was not trying to fool anyone with pandering/etc Biden/etc does
I think Trump was the most genuine president in modern history. Almost naively genuine.
That cockroach piece of shit trump tried to take down our government. He even threw his vice president under the bus. I doubt that you trump bots even graduated 5th grade.
..nothing to be embarrassed about
What many people, even conservatives, perceived as embarrassing, I saw as uniquely Trump. He had his own quirkiness and charm, if you were perceptive enough to see below the surface, and yet it was very transparent.
exactly--he was not trying to fool anyone with pandering/etc Biden/etc does
I think Trump was the most genuine president in modern history. Almost naively genuine.
That cockroach piece of shit trump tried to take down our government. He even threw his vice president under the bus. Hard to believe how some of you trump bots graduated 5th grade.

It's amazing you think that what happend on January 6th could have, in any way, taken down our government.

Simply amazing.
..nothing to be embarrassed about
What many people, even conservatives, perceived as embarrassing, I saw as uniquely Trump. He had his own quirkiness and charm, if you were perceptive enough to see below the surface, and yet it was very transparent.
exactly--he was not trying to fool anyone with pandering/etc Biden/etc does
I think Trump was the most genuine president in modern history. Almost naively genuine.
That cockroach piece of shit trump tried to take down our government. He even threw his vice president under the bus. Hard to believe how some of you trump bots graduated 5th grade.

It's amazing you think that what happened on January 6th could have, in any way, taken down our government.

Simply amazing.

Trump has tapped into something very sick in America.. This is how it begins with demagogues and populists.
but what he accomplished and DID I really LIKED!
Attached are some statements and policies that Obama had that :
A) Trump 100% as I did disagreed with and
B) Trump did something about it!
Neither Trump nor millions like me could understand how an environmentally oriented person like Obama would allow 1 million barrel oil tankers to replace the safe 700 barrel per mile Keystone pipeline.
The Kinder Morgan project, named for the Houston pipeline firm that is pushing it, would send 34 tankers a month through international waters of Haro Strait and the Strait of Juan de Fuca Very sensitive waters, these . . . with millions of sockeye salmon bound for the Fraser River, an endangered Orca population surviving on endangered Chinook salmon, and major populations of nesting bald eagles.
Or why Obama would want 1,400 companies to go out of business laying off 450,000 employees and stop paying $100 billion a year in Fed/state/local and property taxes on empty office buildings. Obama preferred that!
Or Obama preferred higher gas prices, skyrocketing utilities and utility companies to go bankrupt.
Trump would never advocate any of the below. Nor would I or millions of Americans.
Sadly we have Biden who advocates these and MORE ways to destroy America.
Folks the facts are hard to argue with. Gas prices are up over 20% in America since Biden banned explorations on government land.
Utility prices are skyrocketing as more wind turbines will be winterized and the subsidies for them will increase.
OH and Obama's record of part-time employees will be resumed as more rigid Obamacare enforcement like this:
If you are a small business with 49 or less employees and you want to hire another full time employee, under Obamacare the employer must now spend a minimum of $14,000/month for healthcare plans for 50 or more employees.
The employer..."hmmm $14,000/month for one more employee? I'll just hire 2 part time employees"!
Watch and see this repeated..
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract By

View attachment 460017

Have you heard stuttering dementia Joe?
President Trump never embarrassed me nor did I ever have a second thought about supporting him even though I don't participate in the joke of an election process. I wouldn't have bet so much as a fly's fart off of a bald butcher's wig that he would ever get in office. I'll be damned if he didn't pull it off in spite of the deep state's attempts to prevent it. All we got for the four years in office was one stupid witch hunt after another. This man-made bio-weapon where fake mail in ballots and back-doored software that was easily manipulated is the only reason he still isn't in office today. Anyone that believes hidden Biden, the pedophile gaffe machine actually inspired 81 million voters to throw support his way is a fucking moron, a liar or a combination of both.
..nothing to be embarrassed about
What many people, even conservatives, perceived as embarrassing, I saw as uniquely Trump. He had his own quirkiness and charm, if you were perceptive enough to see below the surface, and yet it was very transparent.
exactly--he was not trying to fool anyone with pandering/etc Biden/etc does
I think Trump was the most genuine president in modern history. Almost naively genuine.
That cockroach piece of shit trump tried to take down our government. He even threw his vice president under the bus. Hard to believe how some of you trump bots graduated 5th grade.

It's amazing you think that what happened on January 6th could have, in any way, taken down our government.

Simply amazing.

Trump has tapped into something very sick in America.. This is how it begins with demagogues and populists.
Hate to tell ya this, but not everyone is a marxist piece of shit like you and your ilk are....surprise, surprise. Some of us believe in the sovereignty of this country and that "collectivism" is only craved by lazy fucks that believe the world owes them a giving.
but what he accomplished and DID I really LIKED!
Attached are some statements and policies that Obama had that :
A) Trump 100% as I did disagreed with and
B) Trump did something about it!
Neither Trump nor millions like me could understand how an environmentally oriented person like Obama would allow 1 million barrel oil tankers to replace the safe 700 barrel per mile Keystone pipeline.
The Kinder Morgan project, named for the Houston pipeline firm that is pushing it, would send 34 tankers a month through international waters of Haro Strait and the Strait of Juan de Fuca Very sensitive waters, these . . . with millions of sockeye salmon bound for the Fraser River, an endangered Orca population surviving on endangered Chinook salmon, and major populations of nesting bald eagles.
Or why Obama would want 1,400 companies to go out of business laying off 450,000 employees and stop paying $100 billion a year in Fed/state/local and property taxes on empty office buildings. Obama preferred that!
Or Obama preferred higher gas prices, skyrocketing utilities and utility companies to go bankrupt.
Trump would never advocate any of the below. Nor would I or millions of Americans.
Sadly we have Biden who advocates these and MORE ways to destroy America.
Folks the facts are hard to argue with. Gas prices are up over 20% in America since Biden banned explorations on government land.
Utility prices are skyrocketing as more wind turbines will be winterized and the subsidies for them will increase.
OH and Obama's record of part-time employees will be resumed as more rigid Obamacare enforcement like this:
If you are a small business with 49 or less employees and you want to hire another full time employee, under Obamacare the employer must now spend a minimum of $14,000/month for healthcare plans for 50 or more employees.
The employer..."hmmm $14,000/month for one more employee? I'll just hire 2 part time employees"!
Watch and see this repeated..
Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract By

View attachment 460017

Have you heard stuttering dementia Joe?

Read the whole thing before you yap about "Joe's dementia".

..nothing to be embarrassed about
What many people, even conservatives, perceived as embarrassing, I saw as uniquely Trump. He had his own quirkiness and charm, if you were perceptive enough to see below the surface, and yet it was very transparent.
exactly--he was not trying to fool anyone with pandering/etc Biden/etc does
I think Trump was the most genuine president in modern history. Almost naively genuine.
That cockroach piece of shit trump tried to take down our government. He even threw his vice president under the bus. Hard to believe how some of you trump bots graduated 5th grade.

It's amazing you think that what happened on January 6th could have, in any way, taken down our government.

Simply amazing.

Trump has tapped into something very sick in America.. This is how it begins with demagogues and populists.
Hate to tell ya this, but not everyone is a marxist piece of shit like you and your ilk are....surprise, surprise. Some of us believe in the sovereignty of this country and that "collectivism" is only craved by lazy fucks that believe the world owes them a giving.

You have no clue.. Marxist has failed everywhere. Cut the crap with your asinine claims.. You sound like some demented parrot.
..nothing to be embarrassed about
What many people, even conservatives, perceived as embarrassing, I saw as uniquely Trump. He had his own quirkiness and charm, if you were perceptive enough to see below the surface, and yet it was very transparent.
exactly--he was not trying to fool anyone with pandering/etc Biden/etc does
I think Trump was the most genuine president in modern history. Almost naively genuine.
That cockroach piece of shit trump tried to take down our government. He even threw his vice president under the bus. Hard to believe how some of you trump bots graduated 5th grade.

It's amazing you think that what happened on January 6th could have, in any way, taken down our government.

Simply amazing.

Trump has tapped into something very sick in America.. This is how it begins with demagogues and populists.
Hate to tell ya this, but not everyone is a marxist piece of shit like you and your ilk are....surprise, surprise. Some of us believe in the sovereignty of this country and that "collectivism" is only craved by lazy fucks that believe the world owes them a giving.

You have no clue.. Marxist has failed everywhere. Cut the crap with your asinine claims.. You sound like some demented parrot.
Troll, don't piss on my leg and then try to say with a straight face that it is rain water that has dampened the cuffs of my jeans, you pathetic sack 'o' shit. I know what you are and what you are about. I spit on your kind and you can't do a fucking thing about it.....but I would love for someone of your ilk to try.......watching them suck their meals through a straw would greatly amuse me. It would be like a "Come to Jesus" moment of enlightenment .

..nothing to be embarrassed about
What many people, even conservatives, perceived as embarrassing, I saw as uniquely Trump. He had his own quirkiness and charm, if you were perceptive enough to see below the surface, and yet it was very transparent.
exactly--he was not trying to fool anyone with pandering/etc Biden/etc does
I think Trump was the most genuine president in modern history. Almost naively genuine.
That cockroach piece of shit trump tried to take down our government. He even threw his vice president under the bus. Hard to believe how some of you trump bots graduated 5th grade.

It's amazing you think that what happened on January 6th could have, in any way, taken down our government.

Simply amazing.

Trump has tapped into something very sick in America.. This is how it begins with demagogues and populists.
Hate to tell ya this, but not everyone is a marxist piece of shit like you and your ilk are....surprise, surprise. Some of us believe in the sovereignty of this country and that "collectivism" is only craved by lazy fucks that believe the world owes them a giving.

You have no clue.. Marxist has failed everywhere. Cut the crap with your asinine claims.. You sound like some demented parrot.
Troll, don't piss on my leg and then try to say with a straight face that it is rain water that has dampened the cuffs of my jeans, you pathetic sack 'o' shit. I know what you are and what you are about. I spit on your kind and you can't do a fucking thing about it.....but I would love for someone of your ilk to try.......watching them suck their meals through a straw would greatly amuse me. It would be like a "Come to Jesus" moment of enlightenment .


You're sick.. So violent and you don't vote.

Folie à deux ('madness for two'), also known as shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder (SDD), is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief, and sometimes hallucinations, are transmitted from one individual to another.
..nothing to be embarrassed about
What many people, even conservatives, perceived as embarrassing, I saw as uniquely Trump. He had his own quirkiness and charm, if you were perceptive enough to see below the surface, and yet it was very transparent.
exactly--he was not trying to fool anyone with pandering/etc Biden/etc does
I think Trump was the most genuine president in modern history. Almost naively genuine.
That cockroach piece of shit trump tried to take down our government. He even threw his vice president under the bus. Hard to believe how some of you trump bots graduated 5th grade.

It's amazing you think that what happened on January 6th could have, in any way, taken down our government.

Simply amazing.

Trump has tapped into something very sick in America.. This is how it begins with demagogues and populists.
Hate to tell ya this, but not everyone is a marxist piece of shit like you and your ilk are....surprise, surprise. Some of us believe in the sovereignty of this country and that "collectivism" is only craved by lazy fucks that believe the world owes them a giving.

You have no clue.. Marxist has failed everywhere. Cut the crap with your asinine claims.. You sound like some demented parrot.
Troll, don't piss on my leg and then try to say with a straight face that it is rain water that has dampened the cuffs of my jeans, you pathetic sack 'o' shit. I know what you are and what you are about. I spit on your kind and you can't do a fucking thing about it.....but I would love for someone of your ilk to try.......watching them suck their meals through a straw would greatly amuse me. It would be like a "Come to Jesus" moment of enlightenment .


You're sick.. So violent and you don't vote.

Folie à deux ('madness for two'), also known as shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder (SDD), is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief, and sometimes hallucinations, are transmitted from one individual to another.
HOLY shit, now you claim to be a cigar store shrink to add to your other delusions of grandeur? I am throwing out the gauntlet. I am slapping you in the face with a cyber "dueling glove". I am slapping you in the face sans the glove and to drive that point home? I am slapping you like a little bitch akin to Kurt Russell did to Billy Bob Thornton in the movie "Tombstone" just gonna stand there and bleed or what", pussbag?
Trump never did anything about the 10 flushes you have to use to get his shits down the drain. I’ve yet to receive light injections shined inside my body. He never even tried nuking a Hurricane. Total failure.
Trump never did anything about the 10 flushes you have to use to get his shits down the drain. I’ve yet to receive light injections shined inside my body. He never even tried nuking a Hurricane. Total failure.
Joe Fatfuck, you try waaaaay to hard....
Biden/Obama/etc said much more idiotic crap:
..there's NO problem of white supremacy

you don't believe any of that, so w/e. not worth responding to you on it.
here you go:
And here you go. Nobody showed up or cared about Trump lmao.

Trump's inauguration 2017
View attachment 460027
Ha ha. Nice angle.
Trump never did anything about the 10 flushes you have to use to get his shits down the drain. I’ve yet to receive light injections shined inside my body. He never even tried nuking a Hurricane. Total failure.

Consider Trump's diet. 2400 calories for lunch?? No wonder he has a flushing problem.

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