It's Trump's trial. What Hillary, or anybody else did doesn't matter.

It has become a Republican mantra that Hillary got away with something so therefore, it is unfair to charge Trump for what he did. I personally disagree that she got away with anything, but either way, trump's case is based on his actions, and anything Hillary did or didn't do does not matter. What Biden did or didn't do with documants doesn't matter. What Mike Pence, Obama, GW Bush, or anybody else did doesn't matter. Trump is charged with breaking laws, and his case will be determined on his actions alone. The Artificial Intellegence site ChatGPT seems to agree with me,

Introducing ChatGPT
As an AI language model, I can provide information on the topic, but it's important to note that I cannot provide real-time legal analysis or information. However, I can give you a general perspective on the matter.

The legal case against former President Donald Trump would typically be based on specific charges or allegations brought against him, and it would be determined by the relevant laws, evidence, and legal procedures. The legal process is typically focused on the specific case at hand and is not directly influenced by unrelated matters or individuals who may or may not have faced legal issues in the past.

Whether Hillary Clinton "got away with something" or not is a separate matter from any legal case involving Donald Trump. Each case is evaluated based on its own merits, evidence, and applicable laws. Previous legal matters or perceptions about other individuals do not automatically impact the outcome of a different case.

In the United States, the legal system operates on the principle of due process, which means that each person is entitled to a fair and impartial legal proceeding that considers the specific facts and circumstances of their case. Legal cases are typically judged on their individual merits and are not influenced by unrelated matters.

It's important to consult legal experts or stay updated on current news from reputable sources for accurate and timely information regarding specific legal cases or ongoing proceedings involving Donald Trump or any other individuals.

It's Trump's trial. What Hillary, or anybody else did doesn't matter​

Actually, you could not be more wrong.

Precedence matters.

Equal enforcement of the law matters.
- Partisan selective seperate enforcement of that sane law mattets.

The DOJ's partisan decision not to prosecute a case similar but worse and to not even pursue another similar case, but again which was more aggregious, matters.

I believe it would be wise for Trump's attorneys to bring up former FBI Director Comey's testimony regarding Hillary Clinton's espionage ...

... and then play the video of his announced decision not to indict Clinton, which was not even his job.

Perhaps they could call Hillary, Comey, and Lynch as 'hostile wirnesses'.

I believe it might be also wise to call US AG Garland and FBI Director Wray to testify about how they knew of Biden's espionage and stolen classified documents but hid the scandal and refused to recover / secure the classified material until AFTER the midterm elections.

It might also be beneficial to call as a witness the National Archives Counsel who revealed US AG Garland engaged in Obstruction of Justice by ordering the Counsel NOT TO coopetate with or answer questions from the House Oversight Committee.

I believe exposing how the DOJ and FBI consider and treat very similar cases differently based in partisal political affiliation matters.

THE US AG and THE Justice Department are responsible for the unbiased, non-partisan equal enforcement of US Law.

Exposing how the US AG's & his DOJ's as well as DBI Director Wray's and his FBI's weaponized partizanship of their agencies have created a 2-tiered justice sytem that is a direct Conflict of (Partisan) Interest in this case might make a HUGE impact.

Making the case how both Garland's DOJ and Wray's FBI have proven they can no longer carry out their duties and responsibilities to ensure a single, EQUAL justice system that applies to all might help Trump's defense as well as get Garland and Wray admonished by the Court.

That would be a definite added bonus.


It's Trump's trial. What Hillary, or anybody else did doesn't matter​

Actually, you could not be more wrong.

Precedence matters.

Equal enforcement of the law matters.
- Partisan selective seperate enforcement of that sane law mattets.

The DOJ's partisan decision not to prosecute a case similar but worse and to not even pursue another similar case, but again which was more aggregious, matters.

I believe it would be wise for Trump's attorneys to bring up former FBI Director Comey's testimony regarding Hillary Clinton's espionage ...

... and then play the video of his announced decision not to indict Clinton, which was not even his job.

Perhaps they could call Hillary, Comey, and Lynch as 'hostile wirnesses'.

I believe it might be also wise to call US AG Garland and FBI Director Wray to testify about how they knew of Biden's espionage and stolen classified documents but hid the scandal and refused to recover / secure the classified material until AFTER the midterm elections.

It might also be beneficial to call as a witness the National Archives Counsel who revealed US AG Garland engaged in Obstruction of Justice by ordering the Counsel NOT TO coopetate with or answer questions from the House Oversight Committee.

I believe exposing how the DOJ and FBI consider and treat very similar cases differently based in partisal political affiliation matters.

THE US AG and THE Justice Department are responsible for the unbiased, non-partisan equal enforcement of US Law.

Exposing how the US AG's & his DOJ's as well as DBI Director Wray's and his FBI's weaponized partizanship of their agencies have created a 2-tiered justice sytem that is a direct Conflict of (Partisan) Interest in this case might make a HUGE impact.

Making the case how both Garland's DOJ and Wray's FBI have proven they can no longer carry out their duties and responsibilities to ensure a single, EQUAL justice system that applies to all might help Trump's defense as well as get Garland and Wray admonished by the Court.

That would be a definite added bonus.

Pure fantasy with no legal merit.
So her access to secret information was very broad.

Why wouldn’t it matter to you and your “analysis?”
Yes, it was. Many people have very broad access to secret information.

Why does it matter?

It's Trump's trial. What Hillary, or anybody else did doesn't matter.​

Must be why just admitted before congress today is that Obumma, Biden, Brennan and others were all in on and complicit with the Hillary fake Russian campaign that wasted 40 million dollars interfering in Trump's administration and they all KNEW it was BULLSHIT. Just as they are now working with Bragg again trying to set up fake charges on Trump to again thwart an election. There is talk right now of dragging all of these buttheads in to testify before Congress.
In the United States, the legal system operates on the principle of due process, which means that each person is entitled to a fair and impartial legal proceeding... the US of A we don't have that anymore. Be honest. Dems and reps all have the laws applied differently depending on the party that controls the D.A., city and state.

Can you be honest, bub??

If what I said was not true...why on earth would it matter if a SCOTUS justice was dem or rep? Be honest for once in your life...bub!

View attachment 797340
Because the last batch of SC justices were chosen specifically because they promised to support MAGA goals. Trump specifcally said he wouldn't nominate them otherwise.

It's Trump's trial. What Hillary, or anybody else did doesn't matter​

Actually, you could not be more wrong.

Precedence matters.

Equal enforcement of the law matters.
- Partisan selective seperate enforcement of that sane law mattets.

The DOJ's partisan decision not to prosecute a case similar but worse and to not even pursue another similar case, but again which was more aggregious, matters.

I believe it would be wise for Trump's attorneys to bring up former FBI Director Comey's testimony regarding Hillary Clinton's espionage ...

... and then play the video of his announced decision not to indict Clinton, which was not even his job.

Perhaps they could call Hillary, Comey, and Lynch as 'hostile wirnesses'.

I believe it might be also wise to call US AG Garland and FBI Director Wray to testify about how they knew of Biden's espionage and stolen classified documents but hid the scandal and refused to recover / secure the classified material until AFTER the midterm elections.

It might also be beneficial to call as a witness the National Archives Counsel who revealed US AG Garland engaged in Obstruction of Justice by ordering the Counsel NOT TO coopetate with or answer questions from the House Oversight Committee.

I believe exposing how the DOJ and FBI consider and treat very similar cases differently based in partisal political affiliation matters.

THE US AG and THE Justice Department are responsible for the unbiased, non-partisan equal enforcement of US Law.

Exposing how the US AG's & his DOJ's as well as DBI Director Wray's and his FBI's weaponized partizanship of their agencies have created a 2-tiered justice sytem that is a direct Conflict of (Partisan) Interest in this case might make a HUGE impact.

Making the case how both Garland's DOJ and Wray's FBI have proven they can no longer carry out their duties and responsibilities to ensure a single, EQUAL justice system that applies to all might help Trump's defense as well as get Garland and Wray admonished by the Court.

That would be a definite added bonus.

Wow. You MAGAs really aren't concerned with reality, are you?
I'm not sure that any connection trump might have with Nazis will be part of this particular trial, but if any is included, Trump's connection will be the only one considered. Our court system Guarantees us a fair trial based in the facts of the case. Unrelated information will be ignored.
If the court system is a fair as you say it will likely throw the Trump cases out.
Must be why just admitted before congress today is that Obumma, Biden, Brennan and others were all in on and complicit with the Hillary fake Russian campaign that wasted 40 million dollars interfering in Trump's administration and they all KNEW it was BULLSHIT. Just as they are now working with Bragg again trying to set up fake charges on Trump to again thwart an election. There is talk right now of dragging all of these buttheads in to testify before Congress.
Seems you havent seen this yet

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