It's Trump's trial. What Hillary, or anybody else did doesn't matter.

Whether Hillary Clinton "got away with something" or not is a separate matter from any legal case involving Donald Trump. Each case is evaluated based on its own merits, evidence, and applicable laws. Previous legal matters or perceptions about other individuals do not automatically impact the outcome of a different case.
MAGA media is in full deflection mode, therefore Trump is in full deflection mode, therefore his obedient cult is in full deflection mode.

They will never hold their cult leader accountable for his actions, no matter how many times they have to desperately change the subject.
I know you want trump to get off, but that's not how the courts work. Perhaps you MAGAs could file more charges against Hillary. Would that make you happy?
I realize that you and your fellow total unjust hacks wish for Trump to be convicted despite the clear lack of any actual criminality, but that’s not how our justice system is supposed to work.

But you go ahead and prop up the undermining of our system. Just keep in mind that you may reap what you sow, someday.
Wrong! The meeting at Trump Tower occurred. That is collusion. The Dossier was started by a Republican and Hillary's PAC picked it up. Carter Page spent 2 years in Russia lobbying for Trump. The FBI had every reason to believe the Russians and Trump were in cahoots!

All debunked.
Horseshit. You are making it up now. In reality, there is no question about what she did.

Educate yourself: FBI Officials Wanted To Charge Hillary Clinton — Turns Out, They Should Have
Your own link disproves your claim:
Baker backed off from seeking prosecution for Clinton after being convinced by higher-ups — like Comey — that they couldn't prove she intended to expose classified documents across her unsecured email server. So therefore, a prosecutor couldn't prove criminal intent.
It has become a Republican mantra that Hillary got away with something so therefore, it is unfair to charge Trump for what he did. I personally disagree that she got away with anything, but either way, trump's case is based on his actions, and anything Hillary did or didn't do does not matter. What Biden did or didn't do with documants doesn't matter. What Mike Pence, Obama, GW Bush, or anybody else did doesn't matter. Trump is charged with breaking laws, and his case will be determined on his actions alone. The Artificial Intellegence site ChatGPT seems to agree with me,

Introducing ChatGPT
As an AI language model, I can provide information on the topic, but it's important to note that I cannot provide real-time legal analysis or information. However, I can give you a general perspective on the matter.

The legal case against former President Donald Trump would typically be based on specific charges or allegations brought against him, and it would be determined by the relevant laws, evidence, and legal procedures. The legal process is typically focused on the specific case at hand and is not directly influenced by unrelated matters or individuals who may or may not have faced legal issues in the past.

Whether Hillary Clinton "got away with something" or not is a separate matter from any legal case involving Donald Trump. Each case is evaluated based on its own merits, evidence, and applicable laws. Previous legal matters or perceptions about other individuals do not automatically impact the outcome of a different case.

In the United States, the legal system operates on the principle of due process, which means that each person is entitled to a fair and impartial legal proceeding that considers the specific facts and circumstances of their case. Legal cases are typically judged on their individual merits and are not influenced by unrelated matters.

It's important to consult legal experts or stay updated on current news from reputable sources for accurate and timely information regarding specific legal cases or ongoing proceedings involving Donald Trump or any other individuals.
Your own link disproves your claim:
Baker backed off from seeking prosecution for Clinton after being convinced by higher-ups — like Comey — that they couldn't prove she intended to expose classified documents across her unsecured email server. So therefore, a prosecutor couldn't prove criminal intent.
False. It goes on to note that the mens rea did not require intent.

Try reading fully and not just selectively.
False. It goes on to note that the mens rea did not require intent.

Try reading fully and not just selectively.
It also fails to note that “gross negligence” has not been charged in civilian criminal court.

To charge Clinton with 18 USC 793f would be an unprecedented use of the law. That’s literally the opposite of the equal application of the law that you claim to want.
They got a hard on for Hillary! They couldn't beat her husband and they didn't beat her! Only because of highly partisan gerrymandering districts were they able to overcome the popular vote that wanted Hillary in the White House.
Your own link disproves your claim:
Baker backed off from seeking prosecution for Clinton after being convinced by higher-ups — like Comey — that they couldn't prove she intended to expose classified documents across her unsecured email server. So therefore, a prosecutor couldn't prove criminal intent.

Comey was absolutely corrupt
That's a given.
of course it matters,,

if others walked on more serious chargers like hilary did then we know for a fact this is a shame trial and election interference on the level only types like stalin, moa and other despots do to their political enemies,,
But we know others didn’t walk on more serious charges as they were never charged. :cuckoo:
And I am making a point about what the "court of public opinion" means to me....which is a large part of this conversation.
I’m not understanding your point.
Court trials are a matter of public record in this country. Every trial can be reported on to the public. That transparency is what makes it trustworthy.
Calling it "whining" isnt going to help your side much once the DOJ is back in our hands. We will see how much you like two-tiered justice systems THEN. Dont go fucking whining about it when it happens.
Yeah, yeah. Heard this dozens of times before. It always ends the same way. With nothing.
Starting over with the “lock her up” promise from 2016 is the perfect example of futility.

“Behghazi” - fizzle
“But her emails”- fizzle
“just wait until Durham is done” -fizzle
“ Hunter’s laptop” - fizzle

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