It’s very strange that so many liberals want the economy to crash just because they don’t like Trump

Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

It's RWNJs like you who take pleasure in other people's misery.
The op is talking about you.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

You are the sick individual. You don't care about people's health and if they die then that is the price for making Trump look good. The fact is that Trump had a chance to make himself look good with his response to the coronavirus. Yet his response has been a disaster.
No matter what Trump did, you would still cry about it. This is a hoax pulled off because you babies lost an election.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.
The Trumpanzees are getting desperate. People who can read are telling them about the polls and they fear their Impeached messiah will get his ass handed to him by Vice President Joe Biden. They are praying for Putin's help and a last minute bombshell from Comey. Sad. so sad! Bigly!!!
Actually I'm not worried at all. Trump will be YOUR president till 2025!
I don't find it strange at all. That's what partisan politics leads to, party over country; and the hypocrisy runs rampant.
I read 5 pages so that I could know who to call to a meeting with my liberal buddies to discuss the outrageous liberal idea to crash the economy yet 5 pages in I still don’t know who to invite. Who are these liberals wishing the economy to tank? Also, how powerful are liberal wishes? Can they wish me up a winning lotto ticket?
The lockdowns persist strictly for tanking the economy.

They started to flatten the’s fucking flat. Liberals moved the goalposts a few times.

Time for business as usual for EVERYONE.

If you are at risk, with an underlying condition or you are old, then take precautions. Otherwise, this is all bulllshit.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

Give us some "credible" proof about "so many liberals want the economy to crash".

You mean other than the fact that they keep demanding that we keep it shut down?
Nobody is advocating keeping it shut down. They are advocating that reopening be done under CDC guidelines. Such as a decline of cases for 14 days.
Many southern states have their cases still on the way up, (not even leveling off) while reopening. Which is against CDC guidelines.

Bullshit, punkin. Democrat governors extending their lockdowns = advocating keeping it shut down, and no amount of sophistry about "We just want to reopen under the guidelines" is going to hide that from anyone who isn't you and personally vested in not seeing it.
I read 5 pages so that I could know who to call to a meeting with my liberal buddies to discuss the outrageous liberal idea to crash the economy yet 5 pages in I still don’t know who to invite. Who are these liberals wishing the economy to tank? Also, how powerful are liberal wishes? Can they wish me up a winning lotto ticket?

Not only is that a straw man, but it's a really lame one.
wow, another baiting and polarizing Opening Post, and thread title that does not risk the thread either being moved or trashed.
Not sure why you'd be surprised. Nutters are nutters.

Right wingers did everything they could to talk down the recovery when Obama was in office, downplaying every possible bit of good news, focusing on every possible bit of bad news.

Nutters are party-over-country, and it's painfully obvious.

Obama's recovery was slower than the average recovery. But the 2007 recession wasn't your average recession.
Politics has been introduced into everything.
Trump wore a black mask while visiting the Ford plant, but should have been wearing Ford blue.

View attachment 341313

Then Biden wore black for Memorial day, and was ridiculed for wearing black for a funeral.

Oh, spare me your excuses. "Wasn't an average recession" is left-speak for "Obama was a screw-up, but he was our screw-up."
In short, republicans want to get the economy moving so the employment numbers can improve so this low life tub of lard in the white house has a better chance of getting reelected. What about more folks dying if we open up the economy right now? Screw 'em says these right to life republicans.
In short, republicans want to get the economy moving so the employment numbers can improve so this low life tub of lard in the white house has a better chance of getting reelected. What about more folks dying if we open up the economy right now? Screw 'em says these right to life republicans.

No, you socialist fuck. We want the economy to come back so people can work and pay their fucking bills and live their lives, you sick misguided piece of commie shit.
I doubt that it crossed Nixon's mind that in 2020 American democrats, led by a black man, would form an alliance with China to break the back of the American economy.

It never crossed Nixons mind that taping his conversations might get him in trouble. Especially since he was wrong that everything the president does CAN'T be illegal.
Which has nothing to do with absolutely anything at all. It certainly does not excuse the present day Democrat Chinese alliance.
In short, republicans want to get the economy moving so the employment numbers can improve so this low life tub of lard in the white house has a better chance of getting reelected. What about more folks dying if we open up the economy right now? Screw 'em says these right to life republicans.

No, you socialist fuck. We want the economy to come back so people can work and pay their fucking bills and live their lives, you sick misguided piece of commie shit.
Democrats are throwing in with the politics of despair as the way to win elections.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

Give us one respected liberal source, not a looney tunes character, that says the economy should crash to help the liberal agenda and defeat Trump.

Just one!

It is interesting that Trump's followers are so desperate they have to imagine what their opponents say, then they turn around and use what they imagined to criticize their opponents.

It is a desperate measure commonly used by members of Trump's cult while they completely avoid what Trump is doing and saying.

While I recognize that your qualifier of "respected liberal source" means that anyone named will automatically become "not respected" by virtue of your need for denial, here you go:

“The way that Biden talks about the economy is not just tied to the Covid crisis, it’s also about the things that Donald Trump has done to undermine working people since the day he took office,” said Kate Bedingfield, Biden’s deputy campaign manager. “But secondly, it’s also highly likely that under any economic circumstances in the fall, Trump is likely going to be the first modern president to preside over net job loss.”

And that's completely aside from things like AOC practically pissing her frillies with excitement when the oil industry tanked, and Democrat politicians across the country enacting or demanding policies which would have that exact effect - whatever excuses they mouth in the process.

I'm sick to death of this nonsensical demand from leftists that we ignore their actions, pay attention only to what they say, and take it absolutely at face value . . . as if they ever do the same in return, or wouldn't be outraged if we demanded they do so.
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.
The economy has crashed because your skidmark failed to act in a timely manor. I have four bipartisan MOC's that prove that.

Hmmmm, is that right?

What should he have done and on what specific dates?

I thought we were supposed to have 2.2 million dead. There is only 100,000. Seems to be DJT saved 2.1 million lives.

You love the bad economy and you want more people to die, don’t you?
Asked and answered many times.

Do I love the bad economy and want more people to die? I didn't vote for Reagan, Daddy bush/baby bush or your skidmark. So no.

Deflection. See if you can muster the testicular fortitude to answer the question WITHOUT trying to make it about "Your politicians suck, so I must be morally superior for hating them."
Families and businesses destroyed....its desire of many on the left just so it will hurt Trump politically.

If you want people to suffer and businesses to fold because ORANGE MAN BAD, you should really consider therapy, because you are fucked in the head.

You know who you are. Many of you are out there and may of you straight up profess it, like Bill Maher.

It's RWNJs like you who take pleasure in other people's misery.

Based on what? The fact that WE'RE the ones advocating insane policies that destroy the world's economy? Except we aren't.
Yeah, we did.

Could you possibly produce a response that makes some sort of sense in relation to the question? I realize that you're retarded enough to be a leftist in the first place, but basic English communication isn't really that hard.
The lockdowns persist strictly for tanking the economy.

They started to flatten the’s fucking flat. Liberals moved the goalposts a few times.

Time for business as usual for EVERYONE.

If you are at risk, with an underlying condition or you are old, then take precautions. Otherwise, this is all bulllshit.

If you are at risk you have to go to the grocery store. You can't just lock yourself away. It is not time for business as usual. You are bullshit.

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